39. Education

Title39. Education
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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"I've accepted the diagnosis. I just need to embrace the diagnosis." A reflexive thematic analysis of autistic mothers' perspective on autistic identity,parenthood, and adulthood.
Connolly, Lisa. 2024. "I've accepted the diagnosis. I just need to embrace the diagnosis." A reflexive thematic analysis of autistic mothers' perspective on autistic identity,parenthood, and adulthood. Masters Thesis Master of Research. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z7y04

Masters Thesis

"Teachers are Rock Stars!" Rethinking Teaching and Teacher Education in a Post-Pandemic World: Innovative Disruption and Silver Linings.
Pendergast, Donna and O'Brien, Mia. 2023. ""Teachers are Rock Stars!" Rethinking Teaching and Teacher Education in a Post-Pandemic World: Innovative Disruption and Silver Linings." Education Sciences. 13 (7), p. 685. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13070685


"The Layout Helps" - Community Orchestra Performance Spaces and Relational Audience Engagement
Nicholls, Claire D.. 2024. ""The Layout Helps" - Community Orchestra Performance Spaces and Relational Audience Engagement." International Journal of Arts Management. 27 (1), pp. 40-51.


'Any portal in a storm?' Aligning online engagement patterns with the needs of transition students
Nelson, Karen, Kift, Sally and Harper, Wendy. 2005. "'Any portal in a storm?' Aligning online engagement patterns with the needs of transition students." Brown, Allison (ed.) OLT-2005 Conference: Beyond Delivery. Brisbane, Australia 27 Sep 2005 Brisbane, Queensland.


'Authentic' arts teaching and learning: an investigation into the practices of Australian home educators
Burke, Katie and Cleaver, David. 2018. "'Authentic' arts teaching and learning: an investigation into the practices of Australian home educators." Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives. 7 (1), pp. 18-42.


'Biggest Loser' policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains
Riddle, Stewart. 2014. "'Biggest Loser' policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains." The Conversation. 2 July 2014, pp. 1-3.


'C' for craftsmanship not 'C' for complexity
Whitty, S. Jonathan. 2008. "'C' for craftsmanship not 'C' for complexity." Kardon, J. (ed.) PMI 2008: PMI Global Congress Asia Pacific. Sydney, Australia 03 - 05 Mar 2008 Newtown Square, PA, USA.


'Create a better online you': designing online learning resources to develop undergraduate social media skills
Pozzi, Megan. 2015. "'Create a better online you': designing online learning resources to develop undergraduate social media skills." International Journal Of Social Media And Interactive Learning Environments. 3 (4), pp. 305-321. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSMILE.2015.074011


'E-tivities from the front line': a community of inquiry case study analysis of educators’ blog posts on the topic of designing and delivering online learning
Wright, Phemie. 2014. "'E-tivities from the front line': a community of inquiry case study analysis of educators’ blog posts on the topic of designing and delivering online learning." Education Sciences. 4, pp. 172-192. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci4020172


'First portal in a storm': A virtual space for transition students
Nelson, Karen, Kift, Sally and Harper, Wendy. 2005. "'First portal in a storm': A virtual space for transition students." Goss, Halima (ed.) 22nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2005). Brisbane, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 2005 Australia. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE).


'Getting the Tip of the Pen on the Paper': How the Spectrum of Teaching Styles Narrows the Gap Between the Hope and the Happening
SueSee, Brendan, Pill, Shane, Davies, Michael and Williams, John. 2021. "'Getting the Tip of the Pen on the Paper': How the Spectrum of Teaching Styles Narrows the Gap Between the Hope and the Happening." Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 41 (4), pp. 640-649. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0164


'How can the creative arts possibly be taught online?' Perspectives and experiences of online educators in Australian higher education
Burke, Katie. 2020. "'How can the creative arts possibly be taught online?' Perspectives and experiences of online educators in Australian higher education." Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 49 (3), pp. 347-361. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359866X.2020.1777531


'I do not think I actually do it well': a discourse analysis of Australian senior secondary teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards implementation of differentiated instruction
Porta, Tom, Todd, Nicole and Gaunt, Lorraine. 2022. "'I do not think I actually do it well': a discourse analysis of Australian senior secondary teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards implementation of differentiated instruction." The Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 22 (3), pp. 297-305. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12568


'I got a badge!' Using badges to promote student engagement
Fanshawe, Melissa and Burke, Katie. 2022. "'I got a badge!' Using badges to promote student engagement." ASCILITE TELall Blog.


'I'm excited!' Student expectations prior to starting their first year at university
Kahu, Ella R., Nelson, Karen and Picton, Catherine. 2016. "'I'm excited!' Student expectations prior to starting their first year at university." 2nd Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success Conference (STARS 2016). Perth, Australia 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2016 Australia.


'It broke my heart': An investigation of ableist microaggressions towards mothers of Australian dyslexic children in primary school
Leslie, Rachel. 2025. "'It broke my heart': An investigation of ableist microaggressions towards mothers of Australian dyslexic children in primary school." Disability and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2025.2450533


'Let the work speak for itself': Augustine Dall'Ava, Australian sculptor
Baguley, Margaret, Kerby, Martin and Bywaters, Malcom. 2019. "'Let the work speak for itself': Augustine Dall'Ava, Australian sculptor." Australian Art Education. 40 (2), pp. 246-261.


'Not-So-Invisible Mending': Developing Editing Skills in Large Online Classes through Visible Labour
Wise, Beck, Van Luyn, Ariella and Cantrell, Kate. 2020. "'Not-So-Invisible Mending': Developing Editing Skills in Large Online Classes through Visible Labour." Research in Online Literacy Education. 3 (1).


'Oh, what does dyslexia do?’: A qualitative investigation of ableist microaggressions towards Australian dyslexic children in primary school
Leslie, Rachel. 2025. "'Oh, what does dyslexia do?’: A qualitative investigation of ableist microaggressions towards Australian dyslexic children in primary school." Disability and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2025.2455556


'Talk to Me!': Empowering students with a vision impairment through audio e-assessment feedback
Cain, Melissa and Fanshawe, Melissa. 2020. "'Talk to Me!': Empowering students with a vision impairment through audio e-assessment feedback." Dann, Christopher Ewart and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Technology-enhanced formative assessment practices in higher education. United States. IGI Global. pp. 1-19

Edited book (chapter)

'This email thing won't take off': a critique of the Australian government's digital education revolution (DER) funding on a secondary school
Kerby, Martin C., Johnston, David, Scott, Michael and O'Brien, Sean. 2015. "'This email thing won't take off': a critique of the Australian government's digital education revolution (DER) funding on a secondary school." Baguley, Margaret M., Findlay, Yvonne S. and Kerby, Martin C. (ed.) Meanings and motivation in education research. New York. Routledge. pp. 137 -147

Edited book (chapter)

'This is our campus!' - student perspectives of their 1st year experience at a new university campus
Todd, Nick and Ballantyne, Julie. 2007. "'This is our campus!' - student perspectives of their 1st year experience at a new university campus." Kift, Sally (ed.) 10th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference (FYHE 2007). Brisbane, Australia 04 - 06 Jul 2007 Brisbane, Australia.


'Time to find a new freedom': TOMNET and Men’s Sheds - meeting older men’s contributive needs in regions within South East and South West Queensland, Australia?
Mulligan, Deborah L.. 2018. 'Time to find a new freedom': TOMNET and Men’s Sheds - meeting older men’s contributive needs in regions within South East and South West Queensland, Australia? PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/5f69803cdccda

PhD Thesis

'Warning! Graphic content ahead': advocating for graphic video in the teaching of animal law
Timoshanko, Aaron C.. 2016. "'Warning! Graphic content ahead': advocating for graphic video in the teaching of animal law." Legal Education Review. 26 (1), pp. 115-136. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2984085


'We speak with our ears': the assessment of children’s capacity to pronounce isolated phonemes and their capacity to read or say words aloud in the english language: implications for learning to read
Tyrer, Patricia Anne Mongard Collette. 2012. 'We speak with our ears': the assessment of children’s capacity to pronounce isolated phonemes and their capacity to read or say words aloud in the english language: implications for learning to read. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

'What about us?' Wellbeing of higher education librarians
Carter, Susan, Andersen, Cecily, Turner, Michelle and Gaunt, Lorraine. 2023. "'What about us?' Wellbeing of higher education librarians." The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 49 (1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102619


'You can be good enough… you can be great!' Defining the needs of CALD students in an Accelerated Entry Pathway Program
Palfery, Tatra, Chang, Heejin and Crane, Daniel. 2018. "'You can be good enough… you can be great!' Defining the needs of CALD students in an Accelerated Entry Pathway Program." 2018 Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference (FABENZ). Wellington, New Zealand


'You’re not a leader because you stand above everyone. You’re a leader because you're willing to… walk with everyone': A study of student leadership in a peer-assisted learning program at an Australian university
Kimmins, Rosalind R.. 2021. 'You’re not a leader because you stand above everyone. You’re a leader because you're willing to… walk with everyone': A study of student leadership in a peer-assisted learning program at an Australian university. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7q4y

PhD Thesis

(De)valuing partnerships in contemporary teacher education: lessons from four Australian universities
Parry, Lindsay, Yi, Ren, Harreveld, R. E. (Bobby) and Danaher, P. A.. 2011. "(De)valuing partnerships in contemporary teacher education: lessons from four Australian universities." Eckersley, Bill, White, Simone and Apsland, Tania (ed.) 2011 Australian Teacher Education Association Conference (2011 ATEA). Melbourne, Australia 03 - 06 Jul 2011 Melbourne, Australia. Australian Teacher Education Association.


(Inter)national bilingual networking: maximising the educational potential of the Australian NBN
Singh, Michael, Harreveld, R. E. (Bobby) and Danaher, Patrick. 2014. "(Inter)national bilingual networking: maximising the educational potential of the Australian NBN." Bekirogullari, Zafer (ed.) 4th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY 2013). Antalya, Turkey 02 - 05 Oct 2013 Amsterdam, Netherlands.


(Re)envisioning online arts education content delivery in initial teacher preparation through collective a/r/tographic inquiry
Burke, Katie, Chapman, Sian, Chapman, Susan, Cook, Peter J., Hotko, Katie, Ludecke, Michelle and Mortimer, Amy. 2024. "(Re)envisioning online arts education content delivery in initial teacher preparation through collective a/r/tographic inquiry." International Journal of Education and the Arts. 25 (22). https://doi.org/10.26209/ijea25n22


(Re)focusing the lens beyond deficit: making diversity and difference in schools visible
Henderson, Robyn and Woods, Annette. 2019. "(Re)focusing the lens beyond deficit: making diversity and difference in schools visible." Henderson, Robyn (ed.) Teaching literacies: pedagogies and diversity. Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press. pp. 231-248

Textbook (chapter)

(Re)navigating the classroom as a teacher educator
Fitzgerald, Ange. 2018. "(Re)navigating the classroom as a teacher educator ." Fitzgerald, Ange, Parr, Graham and Williams, Judy (ed.) Re-imagining professional experience in initial teacher education: narratives of learning. Singapore. Springer. pp. 199-213

Edited book (chapter)

(Re)presenting education: students, teachers, schools and the public imagination
Hickey, Andrew and Austin, Jon. 2006. (Re)presenting education: students, teachers, schools and the public imagination. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

(Un)doing old boy: performativity at the intersection of elitism, masculinity, and privilege
Meiklejohn, Cameron A. M.. 2022. (Un)doing old boy: performativity at the intersection of elitism, masculinity, and privilege. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7q68

PhD Thesis

(Un)Queering the Intersex Body in Elite Sports
Brömdal, Annette C.G.. 2011. "(Un)Queering the Intersex Body in Elite Sports ." Ramello, Stefano (ed.) Fascination of Queer. United Kingdom. Brill. pp. 23-34

Edited book (chapter)

13 Moons: A Story of Ashes, Blood, Light
Jones, Janice, Jones, Janice and Jones, Janice. 2016. "13 Moons: A Story of Ashes, Blood, Light ." 7th International Metabody Forum (2016). London, United Kingdom 04 - 09 Apr 2016 Australia.


20 Years of Teachers' Work - Looking Back and Looking Forward (Part 1)
Teschers, Christoph, Devine, Nesta and Couch, Daniel. 2023. "20 Years of Teachers' Work - Looking Back and Looking Forward (Part 1)." New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work. 20 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.24135/teacherswork.v20i1.436


20 Years Teachers’ Work – looking back and looking forward (Part 2)
Devine, Nesta, Couch, Daniel, Jones, Kay-Lee, Cook, Helena and Teschers, Christoph. 2023. "20 Years Teachers’ Work – looking back and looking forward (Part 2) ." New Zealand Journal of Teachers' Work. 20 (2), pp. 166-169. https://doi.org/10.24135/teacherswork.v20i2.606


2005 pedagogical orientation program in the School of Architecture and Built Environment: a case study
Alderman, Lyn. 2005. "2005 pedagogical orientation program in the School of Architecture and Built Environment: a case study." 2005 Enhancing Student Success Conference. Newcastle, Australia 11 Apr 2005 Australia.



Dr Saidat Adeniji

Prof Peter Albion

Prof Lyn Alderman

Dr Abdurazaq Amar

Prof Margaret Baguley

Dr Cristy Bartlett

Prof Georgina Barton

Dr Prabal Barua

A/Pr Beata Batorowicz

Prof Gavin Beccaria

Dr Alison Bedford

Prof Toni Brackin

A/Pr Annette Bromdal

A/Pr Alice Brown

Dr Nicole Brownlie

Dr India Bryce

Dr Katie Burke

Prof Lorelle Burton

Mr Rob Cantle

Dr Katie Cawte

Ms Tonia Chalk

Dr Tracey Chamlin

Dr Heejin Chang

Mrs Vicki Christopher

A/Pr Peter Cook

Dr Daniel Couch

Dr Russell Crank

Ms Vanessa Crouch

Dr Elizabeth Curtis

Dr Katrina Cutcliffe

Prof Patrick Danaher

A/Pr Ann Dashwood

Ms Charmaine Davis

Ms Nicole Delaney

A/Pr Renee Desmarchelier

Dr Darren Dickson

Dr Tony Dowden

Dr Douglas Eacersall

Dr Mark Emmerson

A/Pr Melissa Fanshawe

Dr Vicki Farwell

Prof Jo-Anne Ferreira

Miss Anita Frederiks

Dr Helmut Geiblinger

A/Pr Seyum Getenet

Dr Karen Glasby

A/Pr Jonathan Green

Dr Nicole Green

Dr Carole Haeusler

A/Pr Abdul Hafeez-Baig

Prof Marcus Harmes

Dr Benjamin Harris

Prof Andrew Hickey

Dr Zahirul Hoque

A/Pr Lisa Jacka

A/Pr Tarryn Kille

Mrs Helena King

Dr Ellen Larsen

Prof Jill Lawrence

Dr Tania Leach

Dr Rachel Leslie

Dr Julie Lindsay

Dr David Long

Ms Bernadette Lynch

Dr Neil Martin

Prof Bernice Mathisen

A/Pr Andrew Maxwell

Prof Peter McIlveen

Dr Brad McLennan

Dr Angela Murphy

Prof Peter Murray

Dr Sarah Myer

Dr Claire Nicholls

A/Pr Mia O'Brien

Mr Mark Oliver

Dr Karen Peel

Mr Dom Pensiero

A/Pr Cheryl Perrin

Dr Yosheen Pillay

Dr Trisha Poole

Dr Louise Puslednik

Dr Fabiane Ramos

Prof Petrea Redmond

Prof Stewart Riddle

Dr Dave Robinson

Ms Bethany Rognoni

Dr Rian Roux

Dr Lisa Ryan

Dr Raquel Salmeron

Dr Yvonne Salton

Ms Celeste Sherwood

Dr Niharika Singh

Prof Jeong-Bae Son

Dr Dianne Stratton-Maher

Dr Brendan SueSee

A/Pr Melissa Taylor

Dr Aaron Teo

Dr Eddie Thangavelu

A/Pr Eseta Tualaulelei

Dr Joanna Turner

Dr Michelle Turner

Prof Andrew Wandel

Dr Marthy Watson

Dr Anita Wheeldon

Prof Eliza Whiteside

A/Pr Oleksiy Yevdokimov

Dr Chris Zehntner

Mr Emerson Zerafa-Payne