4703. Language studies
Title | 4703. Language studies |
Parent | 47. Language, Communication and Culture |
Latest research outputs
iTESOL: Analogous practices in the SLA classroom
McDonald, Lisa. 2011. "iTESOL: Analogous practices in the SLA classroom." 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 11). Barcelona, Spain 04 - 06 Jul 2011 Valencia, Spain.Paper
Fukushima and Beyond: Teaching Trauma Survivors
Wilson, Victoria. 2017. "Fukushima and Beyond: Teaching Trauma Survivors." JALT2016 - Transformation in Language Education. Nagoya, Japan 25 - 28 Nov 2016 Japan. Japan Association for Language Teaching.Paper
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Wilson, Victoria. 2017. "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)." The Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017. Townsville, QLD, Australia 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2017 Australia.Presentation
Native English-speaking teachers’ perspectives on Korean university students’ learning of English as a foreign language
Shin, Christian Youngwan. 2014. Native English-speaking teachers’ perspectives on Korean university students’ learning of English as a foreign language . Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
Application of the speech recognition technology in language education
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Nooriafshar, Darius. 2016. "Application of the speech recognition technology in language education." European Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences. 1 (1), pp. 52-57. https://doi.org/10.15405/ejms(2421-8251).2016.1.7Article
EFL teachers professional learning needs: working with multimedia and the cloud
O'Neill, Shirley. 2015. "EFL teachers professional learning needs: working with multimedia and the cloud." Wong, Lap Tuen and Dubey-Jhaveri, Aditi (ed.) English language education in a global world: practices, issues and challenges. New York. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 45-60Edited book (chapter)
Language, Culture and Technology in a Connected World Symposium: abstract book
Nooriafshar, Mehryar (ed.) 2015. Language, Culture and Technology in a Connected World Symposium: abstract book. Toowoomba, Australia. Future Academy.Edited book
Pedagogy of us: a critical research study of the experiences of EAL and international nursing students
Terwijn, Ruth. 2015. Pedagogy of us: a critical research study of the experiences of EAL and international nursing students. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Post-traumatic stress disorder: Pedagogical implications for the English as a second or other language classroom
Wilson, Tori. 2016. "Post-traumatic stress disorder: Pedagogical implications for the English as a second or other language classroom." QATESOL Professional Development Day. Toowoomba, QLD, Australia 06 - 07 May 2016 Australia.Presentation
Designing L2 reading to write tasks in online higher education contexts
Windsor, Angela and Park, Sang-Soon. 2014. "Designing L2 reading to write tasks in online higher education contexts." Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 14, pp. 95-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2014.01.003Article
The effect of computer assisted language learning (CALL) on performance in the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) Listening Module
Van Han, Nguyen and van Rensburg, Henriette. 2014. "The effect of computer assisted language learning (CALL) on performance in the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) Listening Module." English Language Teaching. 7 (2), pp. 30-41. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v7n2p30Article
An investigation of the relationship between Japanese university students' English syntactic awareness and their use of cognitive and meta-cognitive reading stratagies.
Kamita, Hideki. 2015. An investigation of the relationship between Japanese university students' English syntactic awareness and their use of cognitive and meta-cognitive reading stratagies. PhD Thesis Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Teachers’ language ideologies and classroom practices in English bilingual education: an ethnographic case study of a senior high school in central Java, Indonesia
Fitriati, Sri Wuli. 2015. Teachers’ language ideologies and classroom practices in English bilingual education: an ethnographic case study of a senior high school in central Java, Indonesia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Hanging in the balance: when refugee learners’ naturalization depends on their acquisition of cultural knowledge and English language proficiency
Hewagodage, Vineetha. 2015. Hanging in the balance: when refugee learners’ naturalization depends on their acquisition of cultural knowledge and English language proficiency. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
How the business professional can utilise the latest technologies to learn another language
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Kurakake, Hiroko. 2014. "How the business professional can utilise the latest technologies to learn another language." Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education. 3 (3), pp. 1-8.Article
Transnational literacies: second language literacy development in immigrant families of non english-speaking background
Taylor-Leech, Kerry Jane. 2012. "Transnational literacies: second language literacy development in immigrant families of non english-speaking background ." Ponsonnet, Maia, Dao, Loan and Bowler, Margit (ed.) 42nd Australian Linguistics Society Conference (ALS 2011): Applied Linguistics as a Meeting Place. Canberra, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2011 Canberra, Australia.Poster
iTESOL: analogous practices in the SLA classroom
McDonald, Lisa. 2010. "iTESOL: analogous practices in the SLA classroom." Tesol in Context. 20 (2), pp. 42-51.Article
Is speaking fluency strand necessary for the college students to develop in the EFL class?
Yang, Yingjie I. J.. 2014. "Is speaking fluency strand necessary for the college students to develop in the EFL class?" Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 4 (2), pp. 225-231. https://doi.org/10.4304/tpls.4.2.225-231Article
English language in the Malaysian education system: its existence and implications
Darmi, Ramiza and Albion, Peter. 2013. "English language in the Malaysian education system: its existence and implications." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Malaysian graduates: what and why
Darmi, Ramiza and Albion, Peter. 2013. "Malaysian graduates: what and why." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Enriching career experience of international academics through language training and practicing programs
Zhou, Hong, Basnet, Badri and Pigozzo, Robyn. 2013. "Enriching career experience of international academics through language training and practicing programs." Lemckert, Charles, Jenkins, Graham and Lang-Lemckert, Susan (ed.) 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2013). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 11 Dec 2013 Gold Coast, Australia.Paper
Integrating mobile phones in English language classrooms to alleviate language anxiety and enhance oral interaction skills of Malaysian undergraduate learners: a mixed methods study
Darmi, Ramiza. 2014. Integrating mobile phones in English language classrooms to alleviate language anxiety and enhance oral interaction skills of Malaysian undergraduate learners: a mixed methods study. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university
Denman, Christopher. 2014. A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
An examination of EFL learning motivation in Japanese engineering students.
Johnson, Michael Paul. 2014. An examination of EFL learning motivation in Japanese engineering students. PhD Thesis Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2006. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2006. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2007. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2008. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2008. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Goodall, Peter (ed.) 2009. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. Sydney, Australia. Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.Edited journal
The development of a learning community in an e-learning environment
Chang, Heejin. 2012. "The development of a learning community in an e-learning environment." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 7 (2), pp. 154-161. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.2.154Article
Changing traditional reading pedagogy: the importance of classroom interactive talk for year one Malay readers
Tarasat, Hajah Suraya Haji and O'Neill, Shirley. 2012. "Changing traditional reading pedagogy: the importance of classroom interactive talk for year one Malay readers." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 7 (3), pp. 239-261. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.3.239Article
Using Second Life and Skype for facilitating the development of listening comprehension in second language learners.
Levak, Natasha. 2013. Using Second Life and Skype for facilitating the development of listening comprehension in second language learners. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Singlish in the classroom: native-speakerism and native and nonnative speaking teachers of English in Singapore
Tweedie, Maurice Gregory. 2013. Singlish in the classroom: native-speakerism and native and nonnative speaking teachers of English in Singapore. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
The construction of language attitudes, English(es), and identities in written accounts of Japanese youths
Saito, Akihiro. 2013. The construction of language attitudes, English(es), and identities in written accounts of Japanese youths. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Teaching and assessment of persuasive writing: juggling the language features and grasping the metalanguage
O'Neill, Shirley. 2012. "Teaching and assessment of persuasive writing: juggling the language features and grasping the metalanguage." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 7 (1), pp. 84-98. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.1.84Article
Enhancing oral production of second language learners using mobile phones
Darmi, Ramiza. 2012. "Enhancing oral production of second language learners using mobile phones." MELTA 2012: International Conference on Graduate Research in English Language Education . Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 31 Mar 2012Presentation
Enhancing oral production of L2 learners using mobile phones in a Malaysian university
Darmi, Ramiza. 2011. "Enhancing oral production of L2 learners using mobile phones in a Malaysian university." 8th Postgraduate and Early Career Research Symposium: Into the Labyrinth: Myths, Metaphors and Meanings in Research. Springfield, Australia 22 Sep 2011 Springfield, Australia.Presentation
Enhancing oral production skills of second language learners using mobile phones
Darmi, Ramiza. 2011. "Enhancing oral production skills of second language learners using mobile phones." Albion, Peter and Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) University of Southern Queensland's Research Evening: Showcasing USQ Research (2011). Toowoomba, Australia 17 Nov 2011Poster
Reading for riches: a Vygotskyan analysis of English writing by D.E.T. matriculants
Faragher, Lynette Dorothy Pears. 1995. Reading for riches: a Vygotskyan analysis of English writing by D.E.T. matriculants. Masters Thesis Master of Education. University of Stellenbosch.Masters Thesis
470302. Central and Eastern European languages (incl. Russian)
470304. Comparative language studies
470305. Early English languages
470306. English as a second language
470316. Latin and classical Greek languages
470317. Middle Eastern languages
470318. Other Asian languages (excl. South-East Asian)
470319. Other European languages
470320. South-East Asian languages (excl. Indonesian)