480299. Environmental and resources law not elsewhere classified

Title480299. Environmental and resources law not elsewhere classified
Parent4802. Environmental and resources law

Latest research outputs

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A Dual Approach to Ocean Governance: The Cases of Zonal and Integrated Management in the International Law of the Sea by Yoshifumi Tanaka
Baird, Rachel. 2009. "A Dual Approach to Ocean Governance: The Cases of Zonal and Integrated Management in the International Law of the Sea by Yoshifumi Tanaka." Melbourne Journal of International Law. 10 (1).

Book review

A question of confidence: an appraisal of the operation of the Gene Technology Act 2000
Tranter, Mark. 2003. "A question of confidence: an appraisal of the operation of the Gene Technology Act 2000 ." Environmental and Planning Law Journal. 20 (4), pp. 245-259.


Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and Country Inc & Ors [2015] QLC 48
McNamara, Noeleen and Zhao, Xiaobo. 2016. "Adani Mining Pty Ltd v Land Services of Coast and Country Inc & Ors [2015] QLC 48." Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal. 35 (1), pp. 6-12.


Analysis on the exception clauses of CERCLA: with referential experience for China's legislation
Zhao, Xiaobo and Lin, Yougang. 2007. "Analysis on the exception clauses of CERCLA: with referential experience for China's legislation." Humanities & Social Sciences Journal of Hainan University. 25 (4), pp. 393-398.


Arresting climate change through incremental steps: Massachusetts v Environmental Protection Agency
Baird, Rachel. 2007. "Arresting climate change through incremental steps: Massachusetts v Environmental Protection Agency." Environmental and Planning Law Journal. 24 (4), pp. 245-249.


Arrests in a cold climate (Part 2) - shaping hot pursuit through state practice
Baird, Rachel. 2009. "Arrests in a cold climate (Part 2) - shaping hot pursuit through state practice." Antarctic and Southern Ocean Law and Policy Occasional Papers. 13, pp. 1-21.


Arrests in a cold climate - a tale of hot pursuit and other adventures on the Southern Ocean
Baird, Rachel. 2007. "Arrests in a cold climate - a tale of hot pursuit and other adventures on the Southern Ocean." Antarctic and Southern Ocean Law and Policy Occasional Papers. Paper 11 (Special edition), pp. 1-37.


Aspects of illegal, unreported and regulated fishing in the Southern Ocean
Baird, Rachel. 2006. Aspects of illegal, unreported and regulated fishing in the Southern Ocean. Dordrecht . Springer.

Authored book

Australia's response to illegal foreign fishing: a case of winning the battle but losing the law
Baird, Rachel. 2008. "Australia's response to illegal foreign fishing: a case of winning the battle but losing the law." International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 23 (1), pp. 95-124. https://doi.org/10.1163/092735208X272292


Australian Aboriginal land management: constraints or opportunities?
McNamara, Noeleen. 2017. "Australian Aboriginal land management: constraints or opportunities?" James Cook University Law Review. 21 (2014-2015), pp. 25-40.


Climate justice and its impact on Bangladesh
Alam, Aparajita. 2019. Climate justice and its impact on Bangladesh. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z0f2-8m39

PhD Thesis

Coastal state fisheries management: a review of Australian enforcement action in the Heard and McDonald Islands Australian Fishing Zone
Baird, Rachel. 2004. "Coastal state fisheries management: a review of Australian enforcement action in the Heard and McDonald Islands Australian Fishing Zone ." Deakin Law Review. 9 (1), pp. 91-118.


Comparative Study of Environmental Public Interest Litigation (EPIL) in Australia and China
Zhao, Bob. 2022. "Comparative Study of Environmental Public Interest Litigation (EPIL) in Australia and China ." Research Showcase with Former High Court Judge Justice Kirby. Ipswich, QniSQ, Australia 01 - 01 Apr 2022 Australia.


Connecting with political power: social movement activism and environmental law
Hutton, Drew and Connors, Libby. 1999. "Connecting with political power: social movement activism and environmental law." Griffith Law Review. 8 (2), pp. 227-234.


Contaminated land law of China: a possible way to achieve food safety?
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2016. "Contaminated land law of China: a possible way to achieve food safety?" Kennedy, Amanda and Liljeblad, Jonathan (ed.) Food systems governance: challenges for justice, equality and human rights. Milton Park, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 163-185

Edited book (chapter)

Contaminated land legislation in China: status quo and challenges
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2011. "Contaminated land legislation in China: status quo and challenges." Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. 2 (2), pp. 268-275.


Corporate criminals and their involvement in IUU fishing: an Australian perspective
Baird, Rachel. 2005. "Corporate criminals and their involvement in IUU fishing: an Australian perspective." International Fisheries Law and Policy Review. 1 (3), pp. 170-187.


Corporate social responsibility and compliance: transnational mining corporations in Tanzania
McNamara, Noeleen. 2013. "Corporate social responsibility and compliance: transnational mining corporations in Tanzania." Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law. 9 (2), pp. 1-17.


Developing a national contaminated land liability scheme in China: the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act revisited
Jeffery, Michael I. and Zhao, Xiaobo. 2012. "Developing a national contaminated land liability scheme in China: the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act revisited." Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. 30 (4), pp. 423-465. https://doi.org/10.1080/02646811.2012.11435305


Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China: lessons learned from the US and UK
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2019. Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China: lessons learned from the US and UK. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany. Springer.

Authored book

Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China: lessons learned from the US and UK
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2013. Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China: lessons learned from the US and UK. Springer.

Authored book

Ecologically sustainable forest management: Part V - regulation of private plantation forestry in Victoria: a case study of Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Ltd
Martin, Rhett. 2019. "Ecologically sustainable forest management: Part V - regulation of private plantation forestry in Victoria: a case study of Hancock Victorian Plantations Pty Ltd." Environmental and Planning Law Journal. 36 (2), pp. 127-141.


Environmental dispute settlement in China
Zhao, Xiaobo and Zhang, Jianwei. 2015. "Environmental dispute settlement in China." Qin, Tianbao (ed.) Research handbook on Chinese environmental law. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 342-367

Edited book (chapter)

Environmental Law in Qld: An Introduction
Zhao, Xiaobo (Bob). 2021. "Environmental Law in Qld: An Introduction ." Comparative Enrivonmental Law Forum at the Shanghai Normal University. Shanghai, China 18 - 18 Oct 2021 Australia.


Environmental liability
Zhao, Xiaobo and Zhang, Jianwei. 2015. "Environmental liability." Qin, Tianbao (ed.) Research handbook on Chinese environmental law. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 320

Edited book (chapter)

Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: An Overview
Zhao, Xiaobo and McNamara, Noeleen. 2023. "Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: An Overview." Wang, Xi, Zhao, Xiaobo and McNamara, Noeleen (ed.) Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China . Switzerland. Springer. pp. 3-19

Edited book (chapter)

Evaluating nutrient source regulations at different scales in five agricultural catchments
Wall, D. P., Murphy, P. N. C., Melland, A. R., Mechan, S., Shine, O., Buckley, C., Mellander, P. -E., Shortle, G. and Jordan, P.. 2012. "Evaluating nutrient source regulations at different scales in five agricultural catchments." Environmental Science and Policy. 24, pp. 34-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2012.06.007


Foreign Environmental Law
Zhao, Xiaobo, Wang, Binhu, Wu, Chunxiao, Zhang, Yang, Gill, Gitanjali Nain, Pozzo, Barbara, Liu, Mingquan, Han, Chengxun, Li, Xuanyu, Xu, Jianyu, Benassi, Mohammed, Hajba, Mahagoub, Liu, Jing, Liu, Haiou, Wang, Shuyi, Zhang, Xiaohu, Fogelman, Valerie, Qiu, Qiu and Tu, Gang. 2023. Foreign Environmental Law. China. China Social Sciences Press.

Authored book

Frontier issues of overseas Environmental Law
Qin, Tianbao and Zhao, Xiaobo. 2010. "Frontier issues of overseas Environmental Law." Annual report of overseas humanities and social sciences, 2009. Hubei, China. Wuhan University Press. pp. 430-464

Edited book (chapter)

Governing the forests: an institutional analysis of REDD+ and community forest management in Asia
de Oliveira, Jose Puppim, Cadman, Tim, Ma, Hwan Ok, Maraseni, Tek, Koli, Anar, Jadhav, Yogesh D. and Prabowo, Dede. 2013. Governing the forests: an institutional analysis of REDD+ and community forest management in Asia. Yokohama, Japan. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) / United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan.

Project report

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: an analysis of the legal, economic and historical factors relevant to its development and persistence
Baird, Rachel. 2004. "Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: an analysis of the legal, economic and historical factors relevant to its development and persistence." Melbourne Journal of International Law. 5 (2), pp. 299-334.


International institutional arrangements influencing Australian integrated coastal management
Fearon, Rob, Wulf, Peter and Baird, Rachel. 2006. "International institutional arrangements influencing Australian integrated coastal management." Lazarow, Neil, Souter, Regina, Fearon, Rob and Dovers, Steve (ed.) Coastal management in Australia: key institutional and governance Issues for coastal natural resource management and planning . Indooroopilly, Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (Coastal CRC). pp. 19-29

Edited book (chapter)

Is sustainability classified as law in Australia?
Martin, Rhett. 2021. "Is sustainability classified as law in Australia?" Precedent.


Land contamination legislation in China: the emerging challenges
Zhao, Xiaobo. 2017. "Land contamination legislation in China: the emerging challenges." Hideki, Kitagawa (ed.) Environmental policy and governance in China. Japan. Springer. pp. 47-67

Edited book (chapter)

Legal regimes of radioactive waste treatment in Japan after Fukushima: an interpretive analysis based on Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution’/日本灾后放射性废弃物处置法律制度研究:以《放射性物质污染应对特别措施法》为核心 (in Chinese)
Zhao, Xiaobo(Bob). 2015. "Legal regimes of radioactive waste treatment in Japan after Fukushima: an interpretive analysis based on Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Radioactive Pollution’/日本灾后放射性废弃物处置法律制度研究:以《放射性物质污染应对特别措施法》为核心 (in Chinese)." Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science & Law. 30 (1), pp. 73-82.


Myanmar’s Nascent Environmental Governance System: challenges and opportunities
Schulte, William J. and Baird, Matthew H.. 2018. "Myanmar’s Nascent Environmental Governance System: challenges and opportunities." Natural Resources & Environment. 33 (2), pp. 21-26.


Natural capital risk management: regulating the main externalities of business
Martin, Rhett. 2015. "Natural capital risk management: regulating the main externalities of business." Environmental and Planning Law Journal. 32 (6), pp. 505-533.


Ocean acidification: a litmus test for international law
Baird, Rachel, Stephens, Tim and Simons, Meredith. 2009. "Ocean acidification: a litmus test for international law." Climate and Carbon Law Review.


On contaminated land legislation in Japan
Zhao, Xiaobo (Bob). 2018. On contaminated land legislation in Japan . China. Law Press China.

Authored book

One fish, two fish, IUU and no fish: unreported fishing worldwide
Metuzals, Kaija, Baird, Rachel, Pitcher, Tony, Sumaila, U. Rashid and Ganapathiraju, Pramod. 2010. "One fish, two fish, IUU and no fish: unreported fishing worldwide." Grafton, R. Quentin, Hilborn, Ray, Squires, Dale, Tait, Maree and Williams, Meryl J. (ed.) Handbook of marine fisheries conservation and management. Oxford, United Kingdom. Oxford University Press. pp. 165-181

Edited book (chapter)
