330308. Fire safety design

Title330308. Fire safety design
Parent3303. Design

Latest research outputs

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Structure–fire-retardant property correlations in biodegradable polymers
Xue, Yijiao, Zhang, Meng, Feng, Jiabing, Zhang, Yan, Chevali, Venkata, Song, Fei, Pan, Zheng, Peng, Hong, Zhou, Yonghong and Song, Pingan. 2024. "Structure–fire-retardant property correlations in biodegradable polymers." Applied Physics Reviews. 11 (3). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0210839


Quantifying the Effectiveness of a Mesh in Mitigating Burning Capabilities of Firebrand Shower
Sharifian, Ahmad and Du Preez, Matthew. 2022. "Quantifying the Effectiveness of a Mesh in Mitigating Burning Capabilities of Firebrand Shower." Fire. 5 (5), pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire5050150


Diverse Impact of Sensitive Sub-Categories of Demographic Variables on Safety Climate of High-Rise Building Projects
Zahoor, Hafiz, Khan, Rashid Mehmood, Ali, Babar, Maqsoom, Ahsen, Mazher, Khwaja Mateen and Ullah, Fahim. 2021. "Diverse Impact of Sensitive Sub-Categories of Demographic Variables on Safety Climate of High-Rise Building Projects." The Journal of Architecture. 2 (1), pp. 175-195. https://doi.org/10.3390/architecture2010010

