380105. Environment and resource economics

Title380105. Environment and resource economics
Parent3801. Applied economics

Latest research outputs

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On-farm options for managing stream salinity in irrigation areas: an example from the Murray Darling Basin, Australia
Khan, Shahbaz, Asghar, Muhammad Nadeem, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Ahmad, Aftab. 2008. "On-farm options for managing stream salinity in irrigation areas: an example from the Murray Darling Basin, Australia." Hydrology Research: an international journal. 39 (2), pp. 157-170. https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2008.036


Impact of crude oil price volatility on economic activities: an empirical investigation in the Thai economy
Rafiq, Shuddhasattwa, Salim, Ruhul A. and Bloch, Harry. 2009. "Impact of crude oil price volatility on economic activities: an empirical investigation in the Thai economy." Resources Policy. 34 (3), pp. 121-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2008.09.001


Regional partnerships to assist public-private investments in irrigation systems
Khan, Shahbaz and Mushtaq, Shahbaz. 2009. "Regional partnerships to assist public-private investments in irrigation systems." Agricultural Water Management. 96 (5), pp. 839 -846. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2008.11.007


Embedding sustainability in capstone engineering design projects
Hasna, Abdallah M.. 2010. "Embedding sustainability in capstone engineering design projects." Castro, Manuel, Tovar, Edmundo and Auer, Michael (ed.) EDUCON 2010: The Future of Global Learning in Engineering Education. Madrid, Spain 14 - 16 Apr 2010 Wien, Austria. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON.2010.5493062


Economics of solar energy for diurnal electrical demand in South-East Queensland
Kamel, Fouad. 2009. "Economics of solar energy for diurnal electrical demand in South-East Queensland." AUPEC 2009: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems. Adelaide, Australia 27 - 30 Sep 2009 Adelaide, Australia.


Using choice modelling to establish the supply of riparian services (Establishing the Potential for Offset Trading in the Lower Fitzroy River, Research Report No. 5)
Windle, Jill, Rolfe, John, Whitten, Stuart and Alam, Khorshed. 2005. Using choice modelling to establish the supply of riparian services (Establishing the Potential for Offset Trading in the Lower Fitzroy River, Research Report No. 5). Rockhampton, Australia. Central Queensland University.

Project report

Policy needs in harvesting and marketing of non-timber forest products in Nepal
Maraseni, Tek Narayan and Shivakoti, Ganesh P.. 2009. "Policy needs in harvesting and marketing of non-timber forest products in Nepal." Shaanker, R. Uma, Hiremath, Ankila J., Joseph, Gladwin C. and Rai, Nitin D. (ed.) Non-timber forest products: conservation, management and policy in the tropics. Bangalore, India. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE). pp. 241-252

Edited book (chapter)

Assessing risks of returning mined land to grazing in the Bowen Basin of central Queensland, Australia
Maczkowiack, R. I., Smith, C. S., Slaughter, G. J., Mulligan, D. R. and Cameron, D. C.. 2009. "Assessing risks of returning mined land to grazing in the Bowen Basin of central Queensland, Australia." Fourie, A. B. and Tibbett, M. (ed.) 4th International Conference on Mine Closure (MC 2009): Mine Closure. Perth, Australia 09 - 11 Sep 2009 Nedlands, Australia.


Examining economies of scale and cost-benefit of small multi-purpose storage ponds in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Khan, Shahbaz and Hafeez, Mohsin. 2009. "Examining economies of scale and cost-benefit of small multi-purpose storage ponds in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China." Irrigation and Drainage. 58 (2), pp. 131-146. https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.394


Managing trade-offs in landscape restoration and revegetation projects
Maron, Martine and Cockfield, Geoff. 2008. "Managing trade-offs in landscape restoration and revegetation projects." Ecological Applications. 18 (8), pp. 2041-2049. https://doi.org/10.1890/07-1328.1


Harvesting techniques and market analysis of selected NTFPs in Nepal
Maraseni, Tek Narayan. 2009. Harvesting techniques and market analysis of selected NTFPs in Nepal. Koln, Germany. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Authored book

Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: a selective international assessment
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Maroulis, Jerry and Hafeez, Mohsin. 2009. "Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: a selective international assessment." Energy Policy. 37 (9), pp. 3635-3644. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2009.04.030


Accounting approaches for valuing forest non-market carbon, soil and medicinal outputs changes in developing countries
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Cockfield, Geoff and Apan, Armando. 2009. "Accounting approaches for valuing forest non-market carbon, soil and medicinal outputs changes in developing countries." Austrian Journal of Forest Science. 126 (1-2), pp. 77-99.


Evaluating the impact of tax-for-fee reform (fei gai shui) on water resources and agriculture production in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Khan, Shahbaz, Dawe, David, Hanjra, Munir A., Hafeez, Mohsin and Asghar, Muhammad Nadeem. 2008. "Evaluating the impact of tax-for-fee reform (fei gai shui) on water resources and agriculture production in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China." Food Policy. 33 (6), pp. 576-586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.04.004


Estimating the economic value of river restoration
Alam, M. Khorshed and Marinova, Dora. 2008. "Estimating the economic value of river restoration." Transformations. 16 (Special issue), pp. 183-203.


An economic analysis of the public-private-community partnership: the case of solid waste management
Alam, Khorshed. 2008. "An economic analysis of the public-private-community partnership: the case of solid waste management." 37th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2008 Brisbane, Australia.


Cost-benefit analysis of restoring the Buriganga River, Bangladesh
Alam, Khorshed. 2008. "Cost-benefit analysis of restoring the Buriganga River, Bangladesh." International Journal of Water Resources Development. 24 (4), pp. 593-607. https://doi.org/10.1080/07900620802224486


Solar Australia: Australia at the crossroads: a report on a project for the Foundation for Australian Resources evaluating Australia's solar energy policy alternatives
Mula, J. M., Ward, R. A., Thornton, B. S. and Malanos, C.. 1977. Solar Australia: Australia at the crossroads: a report on a project for the Foundation for Australian Resources evaluating Australia's solar energy policy alternatives. Sydney, Australia. Foundation for Australian Resources.

Project report

A design factor for photovoltaic power stations
Kamel, Fouad. 1989. "A design factor for photovoltaic power stations." Palz, W., Wrixon, G. T. and Helm, P. (ed.) 9th European Communities Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference. Freiburg, Germany 25 - 29 Sep 1989 Freiburg, Germany.


Cost of kWh produced and payback time of a pv-solar-thermal-combined rooftop collector at different locations in New Zealand
Kamel, Fouad and Wilson, Paul. 2002. "Cost of kWh produced and payback time of a pv-solar-thermal-combined rooftop collector at different locations in New Zealand ." EEA Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition 2002: Meeting the Challenges of Growth. Christchurch, New Zealand 21 - 22 Jun 2002 Christchurch, New Zealand.


Are floods in part a form of land use externality?
Dorner, W., Porter, M. and Metzka, R.. 2008. "Are floods in part a form of land use externality?" Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 8 (3), pp. 523-532.


An estimation of willingness to pay for asparagus (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) collectors in Makawanpur District, Nepal
Maraseni, T. N., Maroulis, J. and Cockfield, G.. 2008. "An estimation of willingness to pay for asparagus (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) collectors in Makawanpur District, Nepal." Journal of Forest Science: Prague. 54 (3), pp. 131-137.


World-Australia modelling: a basis for Australian resources and environmental assessment
MacRae, Don. 1977. "World-Australia modelling: a basis for Australian resources and environmental assessment." 48th ANZAAS Congress 1977. Melbourne, Australia 29 Aug - 02 Sep 1977 Canberra, Australia.


Aspects of a world model for Australian resources and environmental assessment
MacRae, Don and Mula, Joseph M.. 1978. "Aspects of a world model for Australian resources and environmental assessment." A Survey of Recent Developments in Economics 1978. Canberra, Australia 15 Feb 1978 Canberra, Australia.


A bibliographical survey of books, journals and bibliographies on world modelling and future studies
Phung Tran, K. and Mula, Joseph M.. 1979. A bibliographical survey of books, journals and bibliographies on world modelling and future studies. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.

Project report

A survey of world and Australian models
Mula, Joseph M.. 1979. A survey of world and Australian models. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.

Project report

A preliminary account of Australian agriculture in a global economic context
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "A preliminary account of Australian agriculture in a global economic context." 1979 Australian Agricultural Economics Society Conference. Canberra, Australia 16 Aug 1979 Canberra, Australia.


Environmental health, productivity and business sustainability through good green management: the case for used oil
Eddington, Ian. 1999. "Environmental health, productivity and business sustainability through good green management: the case for used oil." Sheumack, Michele D. (ed.) Used Oil Management Conference, 1999. Surfers Paradise, Australia Brisbane.


The environment and policy-making in Bangladesh
Alam, Khorshed. 2005. "The environment and policy-making in Bangladesh." Journal of Bangladesh Studies. 7 (1), pp. 1-12.


Sustainable resource management of engineering technologies - towards an assessment framework
Hasna, A. M. and Thorpe, D.. 2005. "Sustainable resource management of engineering technologies - towards an assessment framework." Lekkas, T. (ed.) CEST 2005: 9th International Conference of Environmental Science and Technology. Rhodes Island, Greece 01 - 03 Sep 2005 Rhodes, Greece.


An economic analysis of improved water quality
Alam, Khorshed, Rolfe, John and Donaghy, Peter. 2006. "An economic analysis of improved water quality." 50th Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARE 2006). Sydney, Australia 08 - 10 Feb 2006 Australia.


Sustainability and river restoration
Alam, Khorshed and Marinova, Dora. 2006. "Sustainability and river restoration." MacDonald, Garry (ed.) 35th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2006). Perth, Australia 25 - 27 Sep 2006 Perth, Western Australia.


Measuring total value of a river cleanup
Alam, Khorshed and Marinova, Dora. 2003. "Measuring total value of a river cleanup." Water Science and Technology. 48 (7), pp. 149-156.


Economics of plant disease outbreaks
Alam, Khorshed and Rolfe, John. 2006. "Economics of plant disease outbreaks." Agenda: a journal of policy analysis and reform. 13 (2), pp. 133-146.


Economic and social impact assessment of water quality improvement
Alam, Khorshed, Rolfe, John and Donaghy, Peter. 2006. "Economic and social impact assessment of water quality improvement." Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 12 (1), pp. 85-102.


The environment and policy-making in Bangladesh
Alam, Khorshed. 2007. "The environment and policy-making in Bangladesh." Islam, M. Faizul and Andaleeb, Syed Saad (ed.) Development issues of Bangladesh-III: human development and quality of life. Dhaka, Bangladesh. The University Press Limited. pp. 313-332

Edited book (chapter)

Issues in the economic evaluation of improved water quality objectives
Alam, Khorshed, Rolfe, John and Donaghy, Peter. 2006. "Issues in the economic evaluation of improved water quality objectives." Sustaining Regions. 5 (3), pp. 48-58.


On the sustainable development of small island developing nations in the Pacific region
Eddington, Ian. 2006. "On the sustainable development of small island developing nations in the Pacific region." Ogunmokun, Gabriel, Gabbay, Rony and Rose, Janelle (ed.) 2nd Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development: Business Across Borders in the 21st Century. Paris, France 10 - 13 Jul 2006 Paris, France.


Nepalese non-timber forest products: an analysis of the equitability of profit distribution across a supply chain to India
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Shivakoti, Ganesh P., Cockfield, Geoff and Apan, Armando. 2006. "Nepalese non-timber forest products: an analysis of the equitability of profit distribution across a supply chain to India." Small-Scale Forestry. 5 (2), pp. 191-206.


An exploratory analysis into measuring business contributions to sustainable development in Australia
Peach, Neil. 2005. An exploratory analysis into measuring business contributions to sustainable development in Australia . Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administration. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD