480310. Public international law

Title480310. Public international law
Parent4803. International and comparative law

Latest research outputs

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Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes
Karim, Md Saiful. 2023. "Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes." Marine Policy. 148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105434

Notes or commentaries

Rural Communities in International Law: Non-State Actors?
Radavoi, Ciprian N.. 2023. "Rural Communities in International Law: Non-State Actors?" Texas International Law Journal. 58 (1), pp. 1-19.


Effective multilateralism for an intergenerational covenant: Via universal rights or national interests?
Radavoi, Ciprian N. and Rayman-Bacchus, Lez. 2023. "Effective multilateralism for an intergenerational covenant: Via universal rights or national interests?" Futures. 151. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2023.103192


Rural and Remote Communities as Non-State Actors: A Legal and Moral Argument
Radavoi, Ciprian Nicolae and Price, David. 2023. Rural and Remote Communities as Non-State Actors: A Legal and Moral Argument. United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

Military Operation and Engagement in the Domestic Jurisdiction: Comparative Call-out Laws
Collins, Pauline Therese and Hall, Rosalie Arcala. Collins, Pauline and Hall, Arcala Hall (ed.) 2022. Military Operation and Engagement in the Domestic Jurisdiction: Comparative Call-out Laws. Netherlands. Brill.

Edited book

The Protege effect: learning from the experience of graduates in an online community of practice
van Galen-Dickie, Marianne. 2020. The Protege effect: learning from the experience of graduates in an online community of practice. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Professional Studies. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/fvpp-3627

Doctorate other than PhD

Indirect Responsibility in Development Lending: Do Multilateral Banks Have an Obligation to Monitor Project Loans?
Radavoi, Ciprian N.. 2018. "Indirect Responsibility in Development Lending: Do Multilateral Banks Have an Obligation to Monitor Project Loans?" Texas International Law Journal. 53 (1), pp. 1-21.


Thoughts on the U.N. 2017 Population Prospects: Procreation-Related Internationally Wrongful Acts, and Overpopulation as Global Risk
Radavoi, Ciprian N.. 2017. "Thoughts on the U.N. 2017 Population Prospects: Procreation-Related Internationally Wrongful Acts, and Overpopulation as Global Risk." Pace International Law Review. 30 (1), pp. 119-145.


Law provides for settlement of the invasion arguments
Jones, Nicky. 2016. "Law provides for settlement of the invasion arguments." Courier Mail.
