480703. Domestic human rights law

Title480703. Domestic human rights law
Parent4807. Public law

Latest research outputs

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Safe access zone legislation and its compliance with the human rights of anti-abortion protesters in Australia
Braun, Kerstin and Butcher, Sarah. 2024. "Safe access zone legislation and its compliance with the human rights of anti-abortion protesters in Australia." Journal of Law and Medicine. 31 (2), pp. 370-385.


An Annotated Guide to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)
Jones, Nicky and Billings, Peter. 2023. An Annotated Guide to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). Australia. Lexis Nexis.

Authored book

A right to adequate housing: Translating 'political' rhetoric into legislation
Copley, Julie. 2023. "A right to adequate housing: Translating 'political' rhetoric into legislation." Australian Property Law Journal. 31 (2), pp. 71-98.


Queensland is not only trampling the rights of children, it is setting a concerning legal precedent
Jones, Nicky. 2023. "Queensland is not only trampling the rights of children, it is setting a concerning legal precedent." The Conversation.


When ill is not ill enough—timeframe until expected death restrictions in Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying laws and human rights compatibility
Braun, Kerstin. 2022. "When ill is not ill enough—timeframe until expected death restrictions in Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying laws and human rights compatibility." Australian Journal of Human Rights. 28 (1), pp. 21-39. https://doi.org/10.1080/1323238X.2022.2109821


Law and the International Community: Looking Into the (Post-COVID-19) Future
Jones, Nicky. 2021. "Law and the International Community: Looking Into the (Post-COVID-19) Future." Arifin, Ridwan, Muhtada, Dani and Anitasari, Rahayu Fery (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies (ICILS 2020). Semarang, Indonesia 01 Jul 2020 Belgium. https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.1-7-2020.2303676


The Legality of Denial of Service to Same-Sex Partners and Organisations: Developments in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia
Gray, Anthony. 2021. "The Legality of Denial of Service to Same-Sex Partners and Organisations: Developments in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia." Canberra Law Review. 17 (2), pp. 71-88.


The last in line: implied association and literary-artistic expression in the Australian constitution
Wildheart, Yari. 2020. The last in line: implied association and literary-artistic expression in the Australian constitution. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/hjxm-qb35

PhD Thesis
