510109. Stellar astronomy and planetary systems

Title510109. Stellar astronomy and planetary systems
Parent5101. Astronomical sciences

Latest research outputs

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Transit timing observations from Kepler- III. Confirmation of four multiple planet systems by a Fourier-domain study of anticorrelated transit timing variations
Steffen, Jason H., Fabrycky, Daniel C., Ford, Eric B., Carter, Joshua A., Desert, Jean Michel, Fressin, Francois, Holman, Matthew J., Lissauer, Jack J., Moorhead, Althea V., Rowe, Jason F., Ragozzine, Darin, Welsh, William F., Batalha, Natalie M., Borucki, William J., Buchhave, Lars A., Bryson, Steve, Caldwell, Douglas A., Charbonneau, David, Ciardi, David R., ..., Van Cleve, Jeffery. 2012. "Transit timing observations from Kepler- III. Confirmation of four multiple planet systems by a Fourier-domain study of anticorrelated transit timing variations." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 421 (3), pp. 2342-2354. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20467.x


Kepler-20: a sun-like star with three sub-neptune exoplanets and two earth-size candidates
Gautier, Thomas N., Charbonneau, David, Rowe, Jason F., Marcy, Geoffrey W., Isaacson, Howard, Torres, Guillermo, Fressin, Francois, Rogers, Leslie A., Desert, Jean Michel, Buchhave, Lars A., Latham, David W., Quinn, Samuel N., Ciardi, David R., Fabrycky, Daniel C., Ford, Eric B., Gilliland, Ronald L., Walkowicz, Lucianne M., Bryson, Stephen T., Cochran, William D., ..., Van Cleve, Jeffrey. 2012. "Kepler-20: a sun-like star with three sub-neptune exoplanets and two earth-size candidates." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 749 (1), pp. 15-33. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/749/1/15


Transit timing observations from Kepler. IV. Confirmation of four multiple-planet systems by simple physical models
Fabrycky, Daniel C., Ford, Eric B., Steffen, Jason H., Rowe, Jason F., Carter, Joshua A., Moorhead, Althea V., Batalha, Natalie M., Borucki, William J., Bryson, Steve, Buchhave, Lars A., Christiansen, Jessie L., Ciardi, David R., Cochran, William D., Endl, Michael, Fanelli, Michael N., Fischer, Debra, Fressin, Francois, Geary, John, Haas, Michael R., ..., Shporer, Avi. 2012. "Transit timing observations from Kepler. IV. Confirmation of four multiple-planet systems by simple physical models." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 750 (2), pp. 114-130. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/750/2/114


The GJ436 system: directly determined astrophysical parameters of an M dwarf and implications for the transiting hot Neptune
von Braun, Kaspar, Boyajian, Tabetha S., Kane, Stephen R., Hebb, Leslie, van Belle, Gerard T., Farrington, Chris, Ciardi, David R., Knutson, Heather A., ten Brummelaar, Theo A., Lopez-Morales, Mercedes, McAlister, Harold A., Schaefer, Gail, Ridgway, Stephen, Cameron, Andrew Collier, Goldfinger, P. J., Turner, Nils H., Sturmann, Laszlo and Sturmann, Judit. 2012. "The GJ436 system: directly determined astrophysical parameters of an M dwarf and implications for the transiting hot Neptune." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 753 (2), pp. 171-179. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/753/2/171


The HD 192263 system: planetary orbital period and stellar variability disentangled
Dragomir, Diana, Kane, Stephen R., Henry, Gregory W., Ciardi, David R., Fischer, Debra A., Howard, Andrew W., Jensen, Eric L N, Laughlin, Gregory, Mahadevan, Suvrath, Matthews, Jaymie M., Pilyavsky, Genady, von Braun, Kaspar, Wang, Sharon X. and Wright, Jason T.. 2012. "The HD 192263 system: planetary orbital period and stellar variability disentangled." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 754 (1), pp. 37-45. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/754/1/37


Planet occurrence within 0.25AU of solar-type stars from Kepler
Howard, Andrew W., Marcy, Geoffrey W., Bryson, Stephen T., Jenkins, Jon M., Rowe, Jason F., Batalha, Natalie M., Borucki, William J., Koch, David G., Dunham, Edward W., Gautier, Thomas N., Van Cleve, Jeffrey, Cochran, William D., Latham, David W., Lissauer, Jack J., Torres, Guillermo, Brown, Timothy M., Gilliland, Ronald L., Buchhave, Lars A., Caldwell, Douglas A., ..., MacQueen, Phillip J.. 2012. "Planet occurrence within 0.25AU of solar-type stars from Kepler." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 201 (2), pp. 15-34. https://doi.org/10.1088/0067-0049/201/2/15


Adaptive optics images of Kepler objects of interest
Adams, E. R., Ciardi, D. R., Dupree, A. K., Gautier, T. N., Kulesa, C. and McCarthy, D.. 2012. "Adaptive optics images of Kepler objects of interest." The Astronomical Journal. 144 (2), pp. 42-49. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/144/2/42


THE PTF orion project: a possible planet transiting a T-Tauri star
van Eyken, Julian C., Ciardi, David R., von Braun, Kaspar, Kane, Stephen R., Plavchan, Peter, Bender, Chad F., Brown, Timothy M., Crepp, Justin R., Fulton, Benjamin J., Howard, Andrew W., Howell, Steve B., Mahadevan, Suvrath, Marcy, Geoffrey W., Shporer, Avi, Szkody, Paula, Akeson, Rachel L., Beichman, Charles A., Boden, Andrew F., Gelino, Dawn M., ..., Surace, Jason A.. 2012. "THE PTF orion project: a possible planet transiting a T-Tauri star." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 755 (1), pp. 42-55. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/755/1/42


The exoplanet eccentricity distribution from Kepler planet candidates
Kane, Stephen R., Ciardi, David R., Gelino, Dawn M. and von Braun, Kaspar. 2012. "The exoplanet eccentricity distribution from Kepler planet candidates." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 425 (1), pp. 757-762. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.21627.x


Transit timing observations from Kepler. VI. Potentially interesting candidate systems from fourier-based statistical tests
Steffen, Jason H., Ford, Eric B., Rowe, Jason F., Fabrycky, Daniel C., Holman, Matthew J., Welsh, William F., Batalha, Natalie M., Borucki, William J., Bryson, Steve, Caldwell, Douglas A., Ciardi, David R., Jenkins, Jon M., Kjeldsen, Hans, Koch, David G., Prsa, Andrej, Sanderfer, Dwight T., Seader, Shawn and Twicken, Joseph D.. 2012. "Transit timing observations from Kepler. VI. Potentially interesting candidate systems from fourier-based statistical tests." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 756 (2), pp. 186-190. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/756/2/186


Stellar diameters and temperatures. II. Main-sequence K- and M-stars
Boyajian, Tabetha S., von Braun, Kaspar, van Belle, Gerard, McAlister, Harold A., ten Brummelaar, Theo A., Kane, Stephen R., Muirhead, Philip S., Jones, Jeremy, White, Russel, Schaefer, Gail, Ciardi, David, Henry, Todd, Lopez-Morales, Mercedes, Ridgway, Stephen, Gies, Douglas, Jao, Wei Chun, Rojas-Ayala, Barbara, Parks, J. Robert, Sturmann, Laszlo, ..., Berger, David H.. 2012. "Stellar diameters and temperatures. II. Main-sequence K- and M-stars." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 757 (2), pp. 112-142. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/757/2/112


Observations of binary stars with the differential speckle survey instrument. IV. Observations of Kepler, CoRoT, and Hipparcos stars from the Gemini North Telescope
Horch, Elliott P., Howell, Steve B., Everett, Mark E. and Ciardi, David R.. 2012. "Observations of binary stars with the differential speckle survey instrument. IV. Observations of Kepler, CoRoT, and Hipparcos stars from the Gemini North Telescope." The Astronomical Journal. 144 (6), pp. 165-174. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/144/6/165


On the relative sizes of planets within kepler multiple-candidate systems
Ciardi, David R., Fabrycky, Daniel C., Ford, Eric B., Gautier, T. N., Howell, Steve B., Lissauer, Jack J., Ragozzine, Darin and Rowe, Jason F.. 2013. "On the relative sizes of planets within kepler multiple-candidate systems." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 763 (1), pp. 41-52. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/763/1/41


A sub-Mercury-sized exoplanet
Barclay, Thomas, Rowe, Jason F., Lissauer, Jack J., Huber, Daniel, Fressin, Francois, Howell, Steve B., Bryson, Stephen T., Chaplin, William J., Desert, Jean Michel, Lopez, Eric D., Marcy, Geoffrey W., Mullally, Fergal, Ragozzine, Darin, Torres, Guillermo, Adams, Elisabeth R., Agol, Eric, Barrado, David, Basu, Sarbani, Bedding, Timothy R., ..., Thompson, Susan E.. 2013. "A sub-Mercury-sized exoplanet." Nature. 494 (7438), pp. 452-454. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature11914


Confirmation of hot jupiter Kepler-41B via phase curve analysis
Quintana, Elisa V., Rowe, Jason F., Barclay, Thomas, Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Demory, Brice Olivier, Caldwell, Douglas A., Borucki, William J., Christiansen, Jessie L., Jenkins, Jon M., Klaus, Todd C., Fulton, Benjamin J., Morris, Robert L., Sanderfer, Dwight T., Shporer, Avi, Smith, Jeffrey C., Still, Martin and Thompson, Susan E.. 2013. "Confirmation of hot jupiter Kepler-41B via phase curve analysis." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 767 (2), pp. 137-145. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/767/2/137


A super-earth-sized planet orbiting in or near the habitable zone around a sun-like star
Barclay, Thomas, Burke, Christopher J., Howell, Steve B., Rowe, Jason F., Huber, Daniel, Isaacson, Howard, Jenkins, Jon M., Kolbl, Rea, Marcy, Geoffrey W., Quintana, Elisa V., Still, Martin, Twicken, Joseph D., Bryson, Stephen T., Borucki, William J., Caldwell, Douglas A., Ciardi, David, Clarke, Bruce D., Christiansen, Jessie L., Coughlin, Jeffrey L., ..., Thompson, Susan E.. 2013. "A super-earth-sized planet orbiting in or near the habitable zone around a sun-like star." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 768 (2), pp. 101-108. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/768/2/101


Host star properties and transit exclusion for the HD 38529 planetary system
Henry, Gregory W., Kane, Stephen R., Wang, Sharon X., Wright, Jason T., Boyajian, Tabetha S., von Braun, Kaspar, Ciardi, David R., Dragomir, Diana, Farrington, Chris, Fischer, Debra A., Hinkel, Natalie R., Howard, Andrew W., Jensen, Eric, Laughlin, Gregory, Mahadevan, Suvrath and Pilyavsky, Genady. 2013. "Host star properties and transit exclusion for the HD 38529 planetary system." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 768 (2), pp. 155-163. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/768/2/155


Exoplanet characterization by proxy: a transiting 2.15 R⊕ planet near the habitable zone of the late K dwarf Kepler-61
Ballard, Sarah, Charbonneau, David, Fressin, Francois, Torres, Guillermo, Irwin, Jonathan, Desert, Jean Michel, Newton, Elisabeth, Mann, Andrew W., Ciardi, David R., Crepp, Justin R., Henze, Christopher E., Bryson, Stephen T., Howell, Steven B., Horch, Elliott P., Everett, Mark E. and Shporer, Avi. 2013. "Exoplanet characterization by proxy: a transiting 2.15 R⊕ planet near the habitable zone of the late K dwarf Kepler-61." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 773 (2), pp. 98-125. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/773/2/98


Measurement of spin-orbit misalignment and nodal precession for the planet around pre-main-sequence star PTFO 8-8695 from gravity darkening
Barnes, Jason W., van Eyken, Julian C., Jackson, Brian K., Ciardi, David R. and Fortney, Jonathan J.. 2013. "Measurement of spin-orbit misalignment and nodal precession for the planet around pre-main-sequence star PTFO 8-8695 from gravity darkening." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 774 (1), pp. 53-67. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/774/1/53


Masses, radii, and orbits of small Kepler planets: the transition from gaseous to rocky planets
Marcy, Geoffrey W., Isaacson, Howard, Howard, Andrew W., Rowe, Jason F., Jenkins, Jon M., Bryson, Stephen T., Latham, David W., Howell, Steve B., Gautier, Thomas N., Batalha, Natalie M., Rogers, Leslie, Ciardi, David, Fischer, Debra A., Gilliland, Ronald L., Kjeldsen, Hans, Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen, Huber, Daniel, Chaplin, William J., Basu, Sarbani, ..., Barrado, David. 2014. "Masses, radii, and orbits of small Kepler planets: the transition from gaseous to rocky planets." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 210 (2), pp. 20-89. https://doi.org/10.1088/0067-0049/210/2/20


Planetary candidates observed by Kepler IV: Planet sample from Q1-Q8 (22 months)
Burke, Christopher J., Bryson, Stephen T., Mullally, F., Rowe, Jason F., Christiansen, Jessie L., Thompson, Susan E., Coughlin, Jeffrey L., Haas, Michael R., Batalha, Natalie M., Caldwell, Douglas A., Jenkins, Jon M., Still, Martin, Barclay, Thomas, Borucki, William J., Chaplin, William J., Ciardi, David R., Clarke, Bruce D., Cochran, William D., Demory, Brice Olivier, ..., Wolfgang, Angie. 2014. "Planetary candidates observed by Kepler IV: Planet sample from Q1-Q8 (22 months)." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 210 (2), pp. 19-30. https://doi.org/10.1088/0067-0049/210/2/19


Stellar diameters and temperatures - V. 11. Newly characterized exoplanet host stars
von Braun, Kaspar, Boyajian, Tabetha S., van Belle, Gerard T., Kane, Stephen R., Jones, Jeremy, Farrington, Chris, Schaefer, Gail, Vargas, Norm, Scott, Nic, ten Brummelaar, Theo A., Kephart, Miranda, Gies, Douglas R., Ciardi, David R., Lopez-Morales, Mercedes, Mazingue, Cassidy, McAlister, Harold A., Ridgway, Stephen, Goldfinger, P. J., Turner, Nils H. and Sturmann, Laszlo. 2014. "Stellar diameters and temperatures - V. 11. Newly characterized exoplanet host stars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 438 (3), pp. 2413-2425. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stt2360


Limits on stellar companions to exoplanet host stars with eccentric planets
Kane, Stephen R., Howell, Steve B., Horch, Elliott P., Feng, Ying, Hinkel, Natalie R., Ciardi, David R., Everett, Mark E., Howard, Andrew W. and Wright, Jason T.. 2014. "Limits on stellar companions to exoplanet host stars with eccentric planets." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 785 (2), pp. 93-102. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/785/2/93


Influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation. II. Planets are less common in multiple-star systems with separations smaller than 1500 AU
Wang, Ji, Fischer, Debra A., Xie, Ji Wei and Ciardi, David R.. 2014. "Influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation. II. Planets are less common in multiple-star systems with separations smaller than 1500 AU." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 791 (2), pp. 111-126. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/791/2/111


Most sub-arcsecond companions of Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars are gravitationally bound
Horch, Elliott P., Howell, Steve B., Everett, Mark E. and Ciardi, David R.. 2014. "Most sub-arcsecond companions of Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars are gravitationally bound." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 795 (1), pp. 60-69. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/795/1/60


Kepler-424 b: a 'lonely' hot Jupiter that found a companion
Endl, Michael, Caldwell, Douglas A., Barclay, Thomas, Huber, Daniel, Isaacson, Howard, Buchhave, Lars A., Brugamyer, Erik, Robertson, Paul, Cochran, William D., MacQueen, Phillip J., Havel, Mathieu, Lucas, Phillip, Howell, Steve B., Fischer, Debra, Quintana, Elisa and Ciardi, David R.. 2014. "Kepler-424 b: a 'lonely' hot Jupiter that found a companion." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 795 (2), pp. 151-163. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/795/2/151


Stellar diameters and temperatures. VI. High angular resolution measurements of the transiting exoplanet host stars HD 189733 and HD 209458 and implications for models of cool dwarfs
Boyajian, Tabetha, von Braun, Kaspar, Feiden, Gregory A., Huber, Daniel, Basu, Sarbani, Demarque, Pierre, Fischer, Debra A., Schaefer, Gail, Mann, Andrew W., White, Timothy R., Maestro, Vicente, Brewer, John, Lamell, C. Brooke, Spada, Federico, Lopez-Morales, Mercedes, Ireland, Michael, Farrington, Chris, van Belle, Gerard T., Kane, Stephen R., ..., Sturmann, Laszlo. 2015. "Stellar diameters and temperatures. VI. High angular resolution measurements of the transiting exoplanet host stars HD 189733 and HD 209458 and implications for models of cool dwarfs." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 447 (1), pp. 846-857. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stu2502


Validation of 12 small Kepler transiting planets in the habitable zone
Torres, Guillermo, Kipping, David M., Fressin, Francois, Caldwell, Douglas A., Twicken, Joseph D., Ballard, Sarah, Batalha, Natalie M., Bryson, Stephen T., Ciardi, David R., Henze, Christopher E., Howell, Steve B., Isaacson, Howard T., Jenkins, Jon M., Muirhead, Philip S., Newton, Elisabeth R., Petigura, Erik A., Barclay, Thomas, Borucki, William J., Crepp, Justin R., ..., Quintana, Elisa V.. 2015. "Validation of 12 small Kepler transiting planets in the habitable zone." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 800 (2), pp. 99-122. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/800/2/99


Kepler-432: a red giant interacting with one of its two long-period giant planets
Quinn, Samuel N., White, Timothy R., Latham, David W., Chaplin, William J., Handberg, Rasmus, Huber, Daniel, Kipping, David M., Payne, Matthew J., Jiang, Chen, Aguirre, Victor Silva, Stello, Dennis, Sliski, David H., Ciardi, David R., Buchhave, Lars A., Bedding, Timothy R., Davies, Guy R., Hekker, Saskia, Kjeldsen, Hans, Kuszlewicz, James S., ..., Berlind, Perry. 2015. "Kepler-432: a red giant interacting with one of its two long-period giant planets." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 803 (2), pp. 49-69. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/803/2/49


A nearby M star with three transiting super-earths discovered by K2
Crossfield, Ian J. M., Petigura, Erik, Schlieder, Joshua E., Howard, Andrew W., Fulton, B. J., Aller, Kimberly M., Ciardi, David R., Lepine, Sebastien, Barclay, Thomas, de Pater, Imke, de Kleer, Katherine, Quintana, Elisa V., Schlafly, Eddie, Christiansen, Jessie L., Kaltenegger, Lisa, Crepp, Justin R., Henning, Thomas, Obermeier, Christian, Deacon, Niall, ..., Mordasini, Christoph. 2015. "A nearby M star with three transiting super-earths discovered by K2." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 804 (1), pp. 10-17. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/804/1/10


Observations of binary stars with the differential speckle survey instrument. V. Toward an empirical metal-poor mass-luminosity relation
Horch, Elliott P., Van Altena, William F., Demarque, Pierre, Howell, Steve B., Everett, Mark E., Ciardi, David R., Teske, Johanna K., Henry, Todd J. and Winters, Jennifer G.. 2015. "Observations of binary stars with the differential speckle survey instrument. V. Toward an empirical metal-poor mass-luminosity relation." The Astronomical Journal. 149 (5), pp. 151-164. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/149/5/151


Revision of earth-sized Kepler planet candidate properties with high-resolution imaging by the Hubble space telescope
Cartier, Kimberly M. S., Gilliland, Ronald L., Wright, Jason T. and Ciardi, David R.. 2015. "Revision of earth-sized Kepler planet candidate properties with high-resolution imaging by the Hubble space telescope." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 804 (2), pp. 97-112. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/804/2/97


Follow-up observations of PTFO 8-8695: a 3 MYR old T Tauri star hosting a Jupiter-mass planetary candidate
Ciardi, David R., van Eyken, Julian C., Barnes, Jason W., Beichman, Charles A., Carey, Sean J., Crockett, Christopher J., Eastman, Jason, Johns-Krull, Christopher M., Howell, Steve B., Kane, Stephen R., McLane, Jacob N., Plavchan, Peter, Prato, L., Stauffer, John, van Belle, Gerard T. and von Braun, Kaspar. 2015. "Follow-up observations of PTFO 8-8695: a 3 MYR old T Tauri star hosting a Jupiter-mass planetary candidate." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 809 (1), pp. 42-52. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/809/1/42


The five planets in the Kepler-296 binary system all orbit the primary: a statistical and analytical analysis
Barclay, Thomas, Quintana, Elisa V., Adams, Fred C., Ciardi, David R., Huber, Daniel, Foreman-Mackey, Daniel, Montet, Benjamin T. and Caldwell, Douglas. 2015. "The five planets in the Kepler-296 binary system all orbit the primary: a statistical and analytical analysis." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 809 (1), pp. 7-16. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/809/1/7


KIC 9533489: A genuine γ Doradus - δ Scuti Kepler hybrid pulsator with transit events
Bognar, Zs., Lampens, P., Fremat, Y., Southworth, J., Sodor, A., De Cat, P., Isaacson, H. T., Marcy, G. W., Ciardi, D. R., Gilliland, R. L. and Martin-Fernandez, P.. 2015. "KIC 9533489: A genuine γ Doradus - δ Scuti Kepler hybrid pulsator with transit events." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 581, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201526154


A seismic and gravitationally bound double star observed by Kepler: implication for the presence of a convective core
Appourchaux, T., Antia, H. M., Ball, W., Creevey, O., Lebreton, Y., Verma, K., Vorontsov, S., Campante, T. L., Davies, G. R., Gaulme, P., Regulo, C., Horch, E., Howell, S., Everett, M., Ciardi, D., Fossati, L., Miglio, A., Montalban, J., Chaplin, W. J., ..., Gizon, L.. 2015. "A seismic and gravitationally bound double star observed by Kepler: implication for the presence of a convective core." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 582, pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201526610


Two transiting earth-size planets near resonance orbiting a nearby cool star
Petigura, Erik A., Schlieder, Joshua E., Crossfield, Ian J M, Howard, Andrew W., Deck, Katherine M., Ciardi, David R., Sinukoff, Evan, Allers, Katelyn N., Best, William M. J., Liu, Michael C., Beichman, Charles A., Isaacson, Howard, Hansen, Brad M. S. and Lepine, Sebastien. 2015. "Two transiting earth-size planets near resonance orbiting a nearby cool star." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 811 (2), pp. 102-110. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/811/2/102


A comparison of spectroscopic versus imaging techniques for detecting close companions to Kepler objects of interest
Teske, Johanna K., Everett, Mark E., Hirsch, Lea, Furlan, Elise, Horch, Elliott P., Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Gonzales, Erica and Crepp, Justin R.. 2015. "A comparison of spectroscopic versus imaging techniques for detecting close companions to Kepler objects of interest." The Astronomical Journal. 150 (5), pp. 144-164. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/150/5/144


Influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation. IV. Adaptive optics imaging of Kepler stars with multiple transiting planet candidates
Wang, Ji, Fischer, Debra A., Xie, Ji Wei and Ciardi, David R.. 2015. "Influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation. IV. Adaptive optics imaging of Kepler stars with multiple transiting planet candidates." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 813 (2), pp. 130-144. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/813/2/130


Variability of Kepler solar-like stars harboring small exoplanets
Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David R., Giampapa, Mark S., Everett, Mark E., Silva, David R. and Szkody, Paula. 2016. "Variability of Kepler solar-like stars harboring small exoplanets." The Astronomical Journal. 151 (2), pp. 43-53. https://doi.org/10.3847/0004-6256/151/2/43
