519999. Other physical sciences not elsewhere classified

Title519999. Other physical sciences not elsewhere classified
Parent5199. Other physical sciences

Latest research outputs

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Take-home physics experiment kit for on-campus and off-campus students
Turner, Joanna and Parisi, Alfio. 2008. "Take-home physics experiment kit for on-campus and off-campus students." Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association. 54 (2), pp. 20-23.


The photospheric magnetic field and coronal structure of HD171488
Marsden, S. C., Jardine, M., Donati, J.-F., Petit, P., Semel, M. and Carter, B. D.. 2007. "The photospheric magnetic field and coronal structure of HD171488." Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana. 78, pp. 307-310.


Better characterisation of the underwater solar UV environment using a high exposure dosimeter
Schouten, Peter and Parisi, Alfio. 2006. "Better characterisation of the underwater solar UV environment using a high exposure dosimeter." Showcasing Toowoomba Area Health Research 2006. Toowoomba, Australia 25 Aug 2006


Global mapping of iron and titanium oxides in the lunar megaregolith and subsurface
Jackson, Noel William and Carter, B. D.. 2007. "Global mapping of iron and titanium oxides in the lunar megaregolith and subsurface." Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 54 (6), pp. 851-859. https://doi.org/10.1080/08120090701392713


Improved ground based sky camera for studies of enhanced spectral UV irradiance
Sabburg, J. and Long, C. N.. 2004. "Improved ground based sky camera for studies of enhanced spectral UV irradiance." EGU 1: 1st European GeoSciences Union Genral Assembly. Nice, France 25 - 30 Apr 2004 Germany.


Validation of improved sky camera algorithm for measurement of cloud around the Sun
Sabburg, Jeff and Wong, Joe. 1999. "Validation of improved sky camera algorithm for measurement of cloud around the Sun." Wong, Joe and Parisi, Alfio (ed.) 2nd Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology: Protection Against the Hazards of UVR 1999. 18 Jan - 05 Feb 1999


Development of a Sun centred sky camera for use in UV measurements
Sabburg, J. and Wong, J.. 1997. "Development of a Sun centred sky camera for use in UV measurements." Pan, Heping, Brooks, Mike, McMichael, Daniel and Newsam, Garry (ed.) International Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion (IAIF 1997). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 1997 Australia.


Ultraviolet radiation
Parisi, Alfio. 2005. "Ultraviolet radiation." Beale, John (ed.) Young tall poppy science heroes. Sydney, Australia. Australia Institute of Political Science. pp. 45-48

Edited book (chapter)

Short wavelength cut-offs and maximum spectral irradiance wavelengths comparisons of the spectra for erythema and pre-vitamin D3 synthesis
Parisi, Alfio, Turnbull, David J. and Turner, Joanna. 2007. "Short wavelength cut-offs and maximum spectral irradiance wavelengths comparisons of the spectra for erythema and pre-vitamin D3 synthesis." Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos / World Radiation Center: A Conference Celebrating One Century of UV Radiation Research. Davos, Switzerland 18 - 20 Sep 2007 Davos, Switzerland.


Improved sky imaging for studies of enhanced UV irradiance
Sabburg, J. M. and Long, C. N.. 2004. "Improved sky imaging for studies of enhanced UV irradiance." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 4 (11-12), pp. 2543-2552.


Evaluation of a high exposure solar UV dosimeter for underwater use
Schouten, Peter W., Parisi, Alfio V. and Turnbull, David J.. 2007. "Evaluation of a high exposure solar UV dosimeter for underwater use." Photochemistry and Photobiology. 83 (4), pp. 931-937. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.2007.00085.x


Three dimensional visualisation of human facial exposure to solar ultraviolet
Downs, Nathan and Parisi, Alfio. 2007. "Three dimensional visualisation of human facial exposure to solar ultraviolet." Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 6 (1), pp. 90-98. https://doi.org/10.1039/b607553c


Development of a high exposure underwater solar UV dosimeter
Schouten, Peter, Parisi, Alfio and Turnbull, David J.. 2006. "Development of a high exposure underwater solar UV dosimeter." Sang, Robert and Dobson, John (ed.) 17th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics. Brisbane, Australia 03 - 08 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Australia.


The active young solar-type star HR 1817 (=HD 35850)
Mengel, Matthew Wayne. 2005. The active young solar-type star HR 1817 (=HD 35850). Masters Thesis Master of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Increasing the protection offered by shade structures
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2006. "Increasing the protection offered by shade structures." 6th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland. Brisbane, Queensland 23 - 24 Nov 2006 Brisbane, Queensland.


Determination of the solar ultraviolet radiation in tree shade
Parisi, Alfio and Kimlin, Michael G.. 1999. "Determination of the solar ultraviolet radiation in tree shade." Australian Science Teachers' Journal. 45 (2), pp. 55-57.


Plant canopy shape and the influences on UV exposures to the canopy
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 1996. "Plant canopy shape and the influences on UV exposures to the canopy." Photochemistry and Photobiology. 64 (1), pp. 143-148. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.1996.tb02434.x


Human exposure to filtered solar ultraviolet radiation
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 1997. "Human exposure to filtered solar ultraviolet radiation." 1st Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology 1997. 17 Nov - 19 Dec 1997


A dosimetric technique for the measurement of ultraviolet radiation exposure to plants
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, C. F.. 1994. "A dosimetric technique for the measurement of ultraviolet radiation exposure to plants." Photochemistry and Photobiology. 60 (5), pp. 470-474. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.1994.tb05136.x


Testing the solar ultraviolet transmission of clothing and shade materials
Parisi, Alfio and Kimlin, Michael G.. 1999. "Testing the solar ultraviolet transmission of clothing and shade materials." Australian Science Teachers' Journal. 45 (1), pp. 51-53.


Assessment of the exposure to biologically effective UV radiation using a dosimetric technique to evaluate the solar spectrum
Parisi, A. V., Wong, J. C. F. and Moore, G. I.. 1997. "Assessment of the exposure to biologically effective UV radiation using a dosimetric technique to evaluate the solar spectrum." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 42 (1), pp. 77-88. https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/42/1/005


Erythemal irradiances of filtered ultraviolet radiation
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 1997. "Erythemal irradiances of filtered ultraviolet radiation." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 42 (7), pp. 1263-1275. https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/42/7/003


Optical properties of poly (2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide) film and its potential for a long-term solar ultraviolet dosimeter
Lester, Rick A., Parisi, Alfio, Kimlin, Michael G. and Sabburg, Jeff. 2003. "Optical properties of poly (2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Oxide) film and its potential for a long-term solar ultraviolet dosimeter." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 48, pp. 3685-3698.


Measured and modelled contributions to UV exposures by the albedo of surfaces in an urban environment
Parisi, Alfio, Sabburg, Jeff, Kimlin, Michael G. and Downs, Nathan. 2003. "Measured and modelled contributions to UV exposures by the albedo of surfaces in an urban environment." Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 76 (3-4), pp. 181-188. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-003-0012-9


Lifetime ultraviolet exposure estimates for selected population groups in south east Queensland
Parisi, A. V., Meldrum, L. R., Wong, J. C. F., Aitken, J. and Fleming, R. A.. 1999. "Lifetime ultraviolet exposure estimates for selected population groups in south east Queensland." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 44 (12), pp. 2947-2953. https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/44/12/307


Horizontal and sun normal spectral biologically effective ultraviolet irradiances
Parisi, Alfio and Kimlin, Michael G.. 1999. "Horizontal and sun normal spectral biologically effective ultraviolet irradiances." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology. 53 (1-3), pp. 70-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1011-1344(99)00128-1


Field measurements on protection by stockings from solar erythemal ultraviolet radiation
Parisi, A. V., Kimlin, M. G., Meldrum, L. R. and Relf, C. M.. 1999. "Field measurements on protection by stockings from solar erythemal ultraviolet radiation." Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 86 (1), pp. 69-72.


The erythemal ultraviolet exposure for humans in greenhouses
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 1997. "The erythemal ultraviolet exposure for humans in greenhouses." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 42 (12), pp. 2331-2339. https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/42/12/002


Simultaneous assessment of photosynthetically active and ultraviolet solar radiation
Parisi, A. V., Wong, J. C. F. and Randall, C.. 1998. "Simultaneous assessment of photosynthetically active and ultraviolet solar radiation." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 92 (2), pp. 97-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-1923(98)00094-X


Biologically damaging UV in the shade
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2002. "Biologically damaging UV in the shade." 2002 Physical Sciences and Engineering in Medicine Local Symposium. Brisbane, Australia 28 Jun 2002


Shade and melanoma inducing wavelengths
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2002. "Shade and melanoma inducing wavelengths." 2002 Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting. Brisbane, Australia 04 - 05 Dec 2002


UV protection and shade structures
Turnbull, David J., Parisi, Alfio and Sabburg, Jeff. 2003. "UV protection and shade structures." 10th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology. Vienna, Austria 06 - 11 Sep 2003


UV protection provided by public shade structures during winter
Turnbull, David J., Parisi, Alfio and Sabburg, Jeff. 2003. "UV protection provided by public shade structures during winter." 2003 Annual Queensland Health and Medical Scientific Meeting. Brisbane, Australia 25 - 26 Nov 2003


The protective nature of public shade structures in Australia
Turnbull, David J., Parisi, Alfio and Sabburg, Jeff. 2003. "The protective nature of public shade structures in Australia." 2003 Australian Institute of Physics Postgraduate Night. Brisbane, Australia 21 Oct 2003


Improving the protective efficiency of shade structures
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2004. "Improving the protective efficiency of shade structures." 14th International Congress on Photobiology. Jeju, South Korea 10 - 15 Jun 2004


Actinic ultraviolet exposures to humans assessed with a dosimetric technique
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 1999. "Actinic ultraviolet exposures to humans assessed with a dosimetric technique." International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 9 (4), pp. 277-284. https://doi.org/10.1080/09603129973074


Quantifying the effects of simple measures to reduce the occupational solar ultraviolet exposure of outdoor workers
Parisi, Alfio and Kimlin, Michael G.. 1999. "Quantifying the effects of simple measures to reduce the occupational solar ultraviolet exposure of outdoor workers." Journal of Occupational Health and Safety: Australia and New Zealand. 15 (3), pp. 267-272.


Comparison of the spectral biologically effective solar ultraviolet in adjacent tree shade and sun
Parisi, Alfio and Kimlin, Michael G.. 1999. "Comparison of the spectral biologically effective solar ultraviolet in adjacent tree shade and sun." Physics in Medicine and Biology. 44 (8), pp. 2071-2080.


Variations in solar erythemal ultraviolet occupational exposure due to daylight saving time in Australia
Parisi, Alfio, Kimlin, M. G. and Mainstone, J. S.. 1999. "Variations in solar erythemal ultraviolet occupational exposure due to daylight saving time in Australia." Radiation Protection in Australasia. 16 (3), pp. 13-20.


An estimation of biological hazards due to solar radiation
Parisi, A. V. and Wong, J. C. F.. 2000. "An estimation of biological hazards due to solar radiation." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology. 54 (2-3), pp. 126-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1011-1344(00)00006-3
