440204. Crime and social justice
Title | 440204. Crime and social justice |
Parent | 4402. Criminology |
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"I Know the Degradation, the Humiliation around Being Incarcerated and Ostracized, and Marginalized, and Sexualized"
Phillips, Tania, Clark, Kirsty A., Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Sanders, Tait, Halliwell, Sherree, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Daken, Kirstie, Debattista, Joseph, du Plessis, Carol, Simpson, Paul and Hughto, Jaclyn M.W.. 2025. ""I Know the Degradation, the Humiliation around Being Incarcerated and Ostracized, and Marginalized, and Sexualized"." Maycock, Matthew, O‘Shea, Saoirse and Jenness, Valerie (ed.) Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems: International Perspectives. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 21-45Edited book (chapter)
Motivations for Juvenile Offending
Bryce, India and Schaffer, Krystal. 2024. "Motivations for Juvenile Offending ." Cortes, O. (ed.) Forensic Victimology and Femi(ni)cide A Transdisciplinary Approach on Forensic Evidence and its Contexts (Volume II). Springer.Edited book (chapter)
Child Femicide
Bryce, India and Schaffer, Krystal. 2024. "Child Femicide." Cortes, O. (ed.) Forensic Victimology and Femicide : A Transdisciplinary View of Evidence and its Concepts. Mexico. Ubijus Editorial . pp. 171-200Edited book (chapter)
The politics of accountability
Igreja, Victor. 2023. "The politics of accountability." Mälksoo, M. (ed.) Handbook on the Politics of Memory. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 176-190Handbook (chapter)
Frames and Intersections of Studies of Place, Confict and Communication
Igreja, Victor. 2019. "Frames and Intersections of Studies of Place, Confict and Communication." Collins, Pauline, Igreja, Victor and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) The Nexus among Place, Conflict and Communication in a Globalising World. Singapore. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-16Edited book (chapter)
Operational response: Policing persons with mental illness in Australia
Miles-Johnson, Toby and Morgan, Matthew. 2022. "Operational response: Policing persons with mental illness in Australia." Journal of Criminology. 55 (2), pp. 260-281. https://doi.org/10.1177/26338076221094385Article
“A Conflict Does Not Rot”: State and Civil Society Responses to Civil War Offences in Mozambique
Igreja, Victor and Skaar, Elin. 2013. "“A Conflict Does Not Rot”: State and Civil Society Responses to Civil War Offences in Mozambique ." Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 31 (2), pp. 149-175. https://doi.org/10.18261/ISSN1891-814X-2013-02-04Article
Justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war in Gorongosa, Mozambique Central
Igreja Victor. 2009. "Justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war in Gorongosa, Mozambique Central." Ambos, Kai, Large, Judith and Wierda, Marieke (ed.) Building a Future on Peace and Justice: Studies on Transitional Justice, Peace and Development The Nuremberg Declaration on Peace and Justice. Germany. Springer. pp. 423-437Edited book (chapter)