440801. Australian government and politics
Title | 440801. Australian government and politics |
Parent | 4408. Political science |
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Squatters and separation: a synoptic overview
French, Maurice. 2010. "Squatters and separation: a synoptic overview." Queensland History Journal. 20 (13), pp. 804-819.Article
Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2014. "Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©." Research Seminar 2014: School of Arts and Communication, University of Southern Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia 12 Nov 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
States of emergency: on politics, language and aesthetics
Musgrove, Brian. 2008. "States of emergency: on politics, language and aesthetics." Overland. 191, pp. 64-68.Article
Structural reform of local government in Australia: a sustainable amalgamation model for country councils
Dollery, Brian, Goode, Stephen and Grant, Bligh. 2010. "Structural reform of local government in Australia: a sustainable amalgamation model for country councils ." Space and Polity. 14 (3), pp. 289-304. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562576.2010.532979Article
The 2004 federal election: impacts for regions
Cockfield, Geoff and Prasser, Scott. 2005. "The 2004 federal election: impacts for regions." Public Administration Today.Article
The constitutionality of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax 2012 (Cth)
Gray, Anthony. 2012. "The constitutionality of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax 2012 (Cth)." Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal. 31 (2), pp. 154-162.Article
The creation of income inequality: the impact of government policies in Australia and other OECD economies
Griffiths, Phil. 2011. "The creation of income inequality: the impact of government policies in Australia and other OECD economies." International Conference on Income Distribution Theory and Policy (2011). Wuhan, China 15 - 16 Oct 2011 Wuhan, China.Paper
The electronic side-step: candidates' communication strategies in a local election
Jones, D.. 2011. "The electronic side-step: candidates' communication strategies in a local election." 2011 Journalism Education Association of Australia Conference (JEAA 2011) . Adelaide, Australia 28 - 30 Nov 2011 South Australia.Presentation
The formation of the Queensland Liberal National Party: origins, prospects and implications for Australian political systems
Cockfield, Geoff. 2020. "The formation of the Queensland Liberal National Party: origins, prospects and implications for Australian political systems." Australian Journal of Politics and History. 66 (1), pp. 78-93. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajph.12636Article
The heroic/shameful role of labour: mythology in the making of White Australia
Griffiths, Phil. 2009. "The heroic/shameful role of labour: mythology in the making of White Australia." Legacies 09 Conference. Toowoomba, Australia 13 - 14 Feb 2009 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
The historical context of Australia's federation
Cole, John. 2014. The historical context of Australia's federation. Melbourne, Australia. Committee for Economic Development of Australia.Working paper
The National Party: prospects for the great survivors
Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff (ed.) 2009. The National Party: prospects for the great survivors . Crows Nest, NSW, Australia. Allen & Unwin.Edited book
The strategic fears of the ruling class: the construction of Queensland's Chinese Immigrants Regulation Act of 1877
Griffiths, Phil. 2012. "The strategic fears of the ruling class: the construction of Queensland's Chinese Immigrants Regulation Act of 1877." Australian Journal of Politics and History. 58 (1), pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8497.2012.01620.xArticle
This is a British colony: the ruling-class politics of the seafarers' strike, 1878-79
Griffiths, Phil. 2013. "This is a British colony: the ruling-class politics of the seafarers' strike, 1878-79." Labour History: a journal of labour and social history. 105 (1), pp. 131-151. https://doi.org/10.5263/labourhistory.105.0131Article
To give and to receive: the Australian government's proposed electoral finance reforms
Gray, Anthony and Jones, Nicky. 2010. "To give and to receive: the Australian government's proposed electoral finance reforms." University of Tasmania Law Review. 28 (2), pp. 182-209.Article
Towards sanctuary: securing refugees and forced migrants in multicultural Australia
Mason, Robert and Hayes, Anna. 2012. "Towards sanctuary: securing refugees and forced migrants in multicultural Australia." Hayes, Anna and Mason, Robert (ed.) Cultures in refuge: seeking sanctuary in modern Australia. Farnham, United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 1-11Edited book (chapter)
Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections
Jones, Dianne and Feldman, Alison. 2006. "Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections." Local Government Association of Queensland Incorporated 110th Annual Conference: Closest to the People. Toowoomba, Australia 28 - 31 Aug 2006 http://lgaq.asn.au/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=c51d174379753aaf2f2260e7182fef07&groupId=10136.Keynote
What were they thinking? The politics of ideas in Australia by James Walter with Todd Moore
Griffiths, Phil. 2011. "What were they thinking? The politics of ideas in Australia by James Walter with Todd Moore ." Journal of Australian Studies. 35 (2), pp. 268-269.Book review
Who owns Brisbane's radical past?
Connors, Libby and Hutton, Drew. 2005. "Who owns Brisbane's radical past?" Queensland Review. 12 (1), pp. 91-100.Article