510109. Stellar astronomy and planetary systems

Title510109. Stellar astronomy and planetary systems
Parent5101. Astronomical sciences

Latest research outputs

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Extra-solar planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691
Jones, Hugh R. A., Butler, R. Paul, Marcy, Geoffery W., Tinney, Chris G., Penny, Alan J., McCarthy, Christopher N. and Carter, Brad D.. 2002. "Extra-solar planets around HD 196050, HD 216437 and HD 160691." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 337 (4), pp. 1170-1178. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-8711.2002.05787.x


Two extrasolar planets from the Anglo-Australian planet search
Tinney, C. G., Butler, R. Paul, Marcy, Geoffrey W., Jones, Hugh R. A., Penny, Alan J., McCarthy, Chris and Carter, Brad D.. 2002. "Two extrasolar planets from the Anglo-Australian planet search." The Astronomical Journal. 571 (1), pp. 528-531. https://doi.org/10.1086/339916


On the double-planet system around HD 83443
Carter, Brad D., Butler, R. Paul, Marcy, Geoffrey W., Vogt, Steven S., Tinney, C. G., Jones, Hugh R. A., McCarthy, Chris, Penny, Alan J. and Apps, Kevin. 2002. "On the double-planet system around HD 83443." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 578 (11), pp. 565-572. https://doi.org/10.1086/342471


Surface differential rotation and prominences of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423
Donati, J.-F., Mengel, M., Carter, B. D., Marsden, S., Collier Cameron, A. and Wichmann, R.. 2000. "Surface differential rotation and prominences of the Lupus post T Tauri star RX J1508.6-4423." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 316 (3), pp. 699-715. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03570.x
