Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries


Douglas, Lorna, Senior, Graeme and Olm, Tammie. 2006. "Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.
Paper/Presentation Title

Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsDouglas, Lorna (Author), Senior, Graeme (Author) and Olm, Tammie (Author)
EditorsKatsikitis, Mary
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 2006 Joint Conference of the Australian Psychological Society and the New Zealand Psychological Society
Place of PublicationMelbourne, Australia
Conference/EventPsychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006
Event Details
Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006
Event Date
26 to end of 30 Sep 2006
Event Location
Auckland, New Zealand

This paper will review and critically evaluate the diversity of methods currently available to clinicians when employing the third editions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and Wechsler Memory Scale as well as the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading. Emphasis will be placed on recent developments such as methods for estimating premorbid levels of functioning, reducing the number of tests administered, the importance of discrepancy analysis, detecting meaningful change, assessment of cognitive effort, estimation of reading levels, and the utility of the general ability index. Each method will be demonstrated with illustrative case examples.

Keywordsintelligence tests; reading ability; memory; cognitive functions
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020520406. Sensory processes, perception and performance
520499. Cognitive and computational psychology not elsewhere classified
520105. Psychological methodology, design and analysis
Public Notes

Abstract published.

Byline AffiliationsLearning and Teaching Support Unit
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Education
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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