Analysis of end-to-end delay characteristics among various packet sizes in modern substation communication systems based on IEC 61850


Das, Narottam, Wong, Tze Jia and Islam, Syed. 2015. "Analysis of end-to-end delay characteristics among various packet sizes in modern substation communication systems based on IEC 61850 ." Ali, A. B. M. Shawkat (ed.) Asia-Pacific World Congress on Engineering 2015 (APWCE2015). Plantation Island, Fiji 04 - 05 May 2015 United States.
Paper/Presentation Title

Analysis of end-to-end delay characteristics among various packet sizes in modern substation communication systems based on IEC 61850

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsDas, Narottam (Author), Wong, Tze Jia (Author) and Islam, Syed (Author)
EditorsAli, A. B. M. Shawkat
Place of PublicationUnited States
Conference/EventAsia-Pacific World Congress on Engineering 2015 (APWCE2015)
Event Details
Asia-Pacific World Congress on Engineering 2015 (APWCE2015)
Event Date
04 to end of 05 May 2015
Event Location
Plantation Island, Fiji

Substation plays an important part for electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems, where voltage is stepped up/down or vice versa. The substation serves as a center point of all kind of connection between various power system networks, such as distribution line from electricity generation to household or industrial consumers. Hence, the performance of the substation should be maintained at all times with proper implementation of substation communication systems. A reliable substation communication system relies on the performance of data transmission’s end-to-end delay characteristics in the substation communication systems. In this paper, we modelled, simulated and compared the end-to-end delay characteristics among different data packet sizes as well as different types of substation network topologies using IEC 61850. The simulation results confirmed that the larger packet sizes have higher amount of delays compare to the smaller packet sizes. Besides that, communication network topology with higher number of components obtained the results with a higher amount of end-to-end delays. Therefore, based on the simulated results, it is recommended to reduce the end-to-end delay of substation communication’s data flow for a sustainable and reliable modern power system.

Keywordsend-to-end delay; IEC 61850; IEDs; riverbed modeller; communication topologies; substation automation system
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020400805. Electrical energy transmission, networks and systems
Public Notes

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Byline AffiliationsSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Curtin University
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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