Dr Aram Ali

Dr Aram Ali
NameDr Aram Ali
Email Addressaram.ali@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleCasual Employment
QualificationsBSoil&Water Salahaddin, MEngSc USQ, PhD USQ
DepartmentInstitute for Life Sciences and the Environment (Operations)
Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment (Research)
  • 2018
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Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Uncertainty in Predicting Soil Water and Plant Available Water at High-Resolution ScalesAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021

Selection of a stress-based soil compaction test to determine potential impact of machine wheel loads

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McLean, Roberton, Stirling, Krwanji, Diman, Zhu, YingCan and West, David. 2024. "Selection of a stress-based soil compaction test to determine potential impact of machine wheel loads." European Journal of Soil Science. 75 (3). https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13501

Cover cropping impacts on soil water and carbon in dryland cropping system

Zhang, Hanlu, Ghahramani, Afshin, Ali, Aram and Erbacher, Andrew. 2023. "Cover cropping impacts on soil water and carbon in dryland cropping system." PLoS One. 18. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286748

Targeting Subsoil Constraints in Southern Queensland: Concept Proof of Spraying Polyacrylamide for Subsoil Stabilisation during Tillage

Zhu, Yingcan, Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McLean, Guppy, Chris and McKenzie, David. 2022. "Targeting Subsoil Constraints in Southern Queensland: Concept Proof of Spraying Polyacrylamide for Subsoil Stabilisation during Tillage ." Sustainability. 14 (20), pp. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142013147

Do regenerative grazing management practices improve vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary insights from a space-for-time study in the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Australia

Bartley, Rebecca, Abbott, Brett N., Ghahramani, Afshin, Ali, Aram, Kerr, Rod, Roth, Christian H. and Kinsey-Henderson, Anne. 2023. "Do regenerative grazing management practices improve vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary insights from a space-for-time study in the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Australia." The Rangeland Journal. 44 (4), pp. 221-246. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ22047

Incorporating solution alkalinity into a hydraulic reduction model to account for disaggregation and dispersion

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL., Biggs, Andrew J. W. and Marchuk, Alla. 2022. "Incorporating solution alkalinity into a hydraulic reduction model to account for disaggregation and dispersion." Geoderma. 413, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115742

Assessing the hydraulic reduction performance of HYDRUS-1D for application of alkaline irrigation in variably-saturated soils: Validation of pH driven hydraulic reduction scaling factors

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL, Biggs, Andrew A. J., Marchuk, Alla and Ghahramani, Afshin. 2021. "Assessing the hydraulic reduction performance of HYDRUS-1D for application of alkaline irrigation in variably-saturated soils: Validation of pH driven hydraulic reduction scaling factors." Agricultural Water Management. 256, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107101

A risk-based approach to mine-site rehabilitation: use of Bayesian Belief Network Modelling to manage dispersive soil and spoil

Ghahramani, Afshin, Bennett, John McLean, Ali, Aram, Reardon-Smith, Kathryn, Dale, Glenn, Roberton, Stirling D. and Raine, Steven. 2021. "A risk-based approach to mine-site rehabilitation: use of Bayesian Belief Network Modelling to manage dispersive soil and spoil." Sustainability. 13 (20), pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011267

Development of a soil specific function for scaling hydraulic conductivity reduction using alkaline irrigation water in HYDRUS model

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL, Biggs, Andrew J. W. and Simunek, Jirka. 2021. "Development of a soil specific function for scaling hydraulic conductivity reduction using alkaline irrigation water in HYDRUS model." 2021 Joint Australia and New Zealand Soil Science Conference. Cairns, Australia 27 Jun - 02 Jul 2021

Strategic use of alkaline irrigation water: soil structural constraints and predictive amendment management

Ali, Aram. 2021. Strategic use of alkaline irrigation water: soil structural constraints and predictive amendment management. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/e7sc-gy67

A pH-based pedotransfer function for scaling saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction: improved estimation of hydraulic dynamics in HYDRUS

Ali, Aram, Biggs, Andrew J. W., Simunek, Jirka and Bennett, John McL.. 2019. "A pH-based pedotransfer function for scaling saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction: improved estimation of hydraulic dynamics in HYDRUS." Vadose Zone Journal. 18 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2019.07.0072

Effect of irrigation water pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and electrokinetic properties of acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils

Ali, Aram, Biggs, Andrew J. W., Marchuk, Alla and Bennett, John McL.. 2019. "Effect of irrigation water pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and electrokinetic properties of acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils." Soil Science Society of America Journal. 83 (6), pp. 1672-1682. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2019.04.0123

Re-examining the flocculating power of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium for a broad range of soils

Zhu, Yingcan, Ali, Aram, Dang, Aaditi, Wandel, Andrew P. and Bennett, John McLean. 2019. "Re-examining the flocculating power of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium for a broad range of soils." Geoderma. 352, pp. 422-428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.05.041

Impact of irrigation wastewater pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity of acidic, neutral, and alkaline Kaolinitic soils

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL, Marchuk, Alla and Biggs, Andrew. 2018. "Impact of irrigation wastewater pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity of acidic, neutral, and alkaline Kaolinitic soils." Hulugalle, Nilantha, Biswas, Tapas, Greene, Richard and Bacon, Peter (ed.) 2018 National Soil Science Conference. Canberra, Australia 18 - 23 Nov 2018 Bridgewater, SA, Australia.

Laboratory evaluation of soil amendments to limit structural degradation under a sequential irrigation with coal seam gas and rain water

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John mcLean, Marchuk, Alla and Watson, Caitlin. 2018. "Laboratory evaluation of soil amendments to limit structural degradation under a sequential irrigation with coal seam gas and rain water." Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82 (1), pp. 214-222. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2017.07.0217

Land amendment for irrigation with coal seam gas water and subsequent rainfall

Ali, Aram and Bennett, John McL.. 2016. "Land amendment for irrigation with coal seam gas water and subsequent rainfall." 2016 Joint Australian and New Zealand Soils Conference. Queenstown, New Zealand 12 - 16 Dec 2016