Dr Uwe Grewer

NameDr Uwe Grewer
Email Addressuwe.grewer@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleResearch Fellow (Bio-Economic Modelling)
QualificationsBSociology Mannheim, MRuralDev Ghent, PhD Qld
DepartmentCentre for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (Research)
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I am a researcher in agricultural development economics and bio-physical modelling of farming systems. My core research interests focus on the economics of drought as well as the interlinkages between environmental sustainability and socio-economic outcomes of farming systems.

My current research analyses if selected crop rotations prove to be generally more drought-resilient than others and provide farmers with a higher and more stable farm income. I also investigate which decision thresholds are suitable for deciding when to engage in opportunistic intensification in wet periods and fallowing in dry periods.

My ongoing research in sub-Saharan Africa investigates how the effectiveness of agricultural intensification and of climate adaptation measures varies across spatial gradients. My research aims to inform agricultural extension policies at the sub-national level.

As core methodologies, I am utilising crop modelling, econometrics, mathematical programming, and data science.


AGR8002 Emerging Technologies in Agriculture

Fields of Research

  • 300206. Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling
  • 300207. Agricultural systems analysis and modelling
  • 380101. Agricultural economics

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES)

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Yield gap analysis at the cropping system levelAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2022

Too much, too soon? Early-maturing maize varieties as drought escape strategy in Malawi

Grewer, Uwe, Kim, Dong-Hyuk and Waha, Katharina. 2024. "Too much, too soon? Early-maturing maize varieties as drought escape strategy in Malawi." Food Policy. 129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2024.102766

Evaluating the impact of weather forecasts on productivity and environmental footprint of irrigated maize production systems

Collins, Brian, Lai, Yunru, Grewer, Uwe G, Attard, Steve, Sexton, Justin and Pembleton, Keith G.. 2024. "Evaluating the impact of weather forecasts on productivity and environmental footprint of irrigated maize production systems." Science of the Total Environment. 954. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176368