Prof Md Saiful Karim

Prof Md Saiful Karim
NameProf Md Saiful Karim
Job TitleProfessor (Law)
QualificationsLLB Chittagong, LLM Chittagong, LLM NUSingapore, PhD Macquarie
DepartmentSchool of Law and Justice
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Dr Saiful Karim is a Professor in the School of Law and Justice at the University of Southern Queensland. He was the McDougall Visiting Professor in International Law at West Virginia University, where he taught a course on international climate change law and delivered the Annual McDougall Lecture. He also taught a postgraduate course on Asia–Pacific environmental law as a visiting faculty member at Sydney University. He was a consultant at the University of the South Pacific where he taught courses on marine law and comparative environmental law. He was a visiting research fellow at the National University of Singapore, and he practised at a Singapore law firm. He was a lawyer in the Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association.

Dr Karim teaches and researches in various areas of human rights, ocean and environmental law. He has published extensively in the fields of ocean and environmental law and has presented research papers at several conferences and workshops in Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania. He is the author of Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels: The Potential and Limits of the International Maritime Organisation (Springer, 2015), Maritime Terrorism and the Role of Judicial Institutions in the International Legal Order (Brill-Nijhoff, 2017) and Shipbreaking in Developing Countries: A Requiem for Environmental Justice from the Perspective of Bangladesh (Routledge, 2018).

The Australian Government nominated Dr Karim in several important global expert bodies. He is a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC). He is also a lead author of the first Global Assessment and the first Asia Pacific Regional Assessment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). He was an advisor to the Australian government delegation in various meetings of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). He received the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law 2018 Scholarship Award for his outstanding contribution to interdisciplinary research of environmental law. He has travelled to North and South America, Oceania, Europe, Asia and Africa for research, academic and professional activities.


Sole-authored Books

• Md Saiful Karim, Shipbreaking in Developing Countries: A Requiem for Environmental Justice from the Perspective of Bangladesh (Routledge, London, 2018).

• Md Saiful Karim, Maritime Terrorism and the Role of Judicial Institutions in the International Legal Order (Brill -Nijhoff, Boston, 2017).

• Md Saiful Karim, Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels: The Potential and Limits of the International Maritime Organisation (Springer, Hidelberg, 2015).

Edited Books

• Natalie Klein, Douglas Guilfoyle, Md Saiful Karim, Rob McLaughlin (eds.) Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives (Routledge, London, 2025).

• Daud Hassan and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), International Marine Environmental Law and Policy (Routledge, London, 2019).

• Steve Harrison and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry to Replace Unproductive Land use in Fiji and Vanuatu (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, 2016).

Journal Articles

• Md Saiful Karim & William W. L. Cheung, ‘The new UN high seas marine biodiversity Agreement may also facilitate climate action: a cautiously optimistic view’ 8 (2024) 3 npj Climate Action, Article number 8.

• Md Saiful Karim et al., ‘Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in the Law Curriculum: Legal Education for “People, Planet, and Prosperity”’ (2024) 12 Belmont Law Review 196.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes’ (2023) 148 Marine Policy, article number 105434.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Maritime cybersecurity and the IMO legal instruments: Sluggish response to an escalating threat?’ (2022) 143 Marine Policy, article number 105138.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific Maritime Security in a Changing Climate’ (2022) Australian Naval Review 51.

• Sandya Nishanthi Gunasekara & Md Saiful Karim, ‘Australia’s interaction with Asian countries in the negotiation for an international agreement for the marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. (2022) 22 International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 49.

• Abdullah Al Arif and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Marine Fisheries Act 2020 of Bangladesh: A Missed Opportunity for Sustainability and Collaborative Governance’ (2022) 37 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 337.

• Sandya Nishanthi Gunasekara and Md Saiful Karim, ‘The role of ASEAN and its members in promoting the norm of responsible governance of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction’ (2021) 29 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 128.

• Ingrid J. Visseren-Hamakers et al., ‘Transformative Governance of Biodiversity: Insights for Sustainable Development’ (2021) 53 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 20.

• Md Saiful Karim, Australia’s engagement in the International Maritime Organisation for Indo-Pacific Maritime Security, (2020) 185 Ocean and Coastal Management 1.

• Natalie Klein, Douglas Guilfoyle, Md Saiful Karim and Rob McLaughlin, Maritime Autonomous Vehicles: New Frontiers in the Law of the Sea, (2020) 69 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 719.

• Md Saiful Karim, Erika Techera, Abdullah Al Arif, Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management and the Precautionary Approach in the Indian Ocean Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, (2020) 159 Marine Pollution Bulletin 111438.

• Md Mahatab Uddin and Md Saiful Karim, International Law and South-South Cooperation for Innovation and Transfer of Green Technologies, (2020) 52 George Washington International Law Review 355.

• Felicity Deane, Anna Huggins, and Md Saiful Karim “Measuring, monitoring, reporting and verification of shipping emissions: Evaluating transparency and answerability” (2019) 28 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law 258.

• Md Saiful Karim and Md Mahatab Uddin, ‘Swatch-of-no-ground marine protected area for sharks, dolphins, porpoises and whales: Legal and institutional challenges’ (2019) 139 Marine Pollution Bulletin 275.

• Anna Huggins and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Shifting Traction: Differential Treatment and Substantive and Procedural Regard in the International Climate Change Regime’ (2016) 5 Transnational Environmental Law 427.

• Md Saiful Karim and Felicity Deane, ‘Proposed MBMs for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping and the WTO Rules’ (2014) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 370.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Prosecution of Maritime Pirates: The National Court is Dead—Long Live the National Court?’ (2014) 32 Wisconsin International Law Journal 37.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘The Rise and Fall of the International Law of Maritime Terrorism: The Ghost of Piracy is Still Hunting!’ (2014) 26 New Zealand Universities Law Review 82.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Flag State Responsibility for Maritime Terrorism’ (2013) 33 Johns Hopkins University SAIS Review of International Affairs 127.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Proposed REDD+ Project for the Sundarbans: Legal and Institutional Issues’ (2013) International Journal of Rural Law and Policy 1.

• Md. Saiful Karim et al., ‘Legal Activism for Ensuring Environmental Justice’ (2012) 7 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 346.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Is there an International Obligation to Prosecute Pirates?’ (2011) 58 Netherlands International Law Review 387.

• Md. Saiful Karim and Shawkat Alam, ‘Climate Change and Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Ships: An Appraisal’ (2011) 1 Asian Journal of International Law 131. (This journal is the successor of the Singapore Yearbook of International Law).

• Shawkat Alam and Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Linkages of Development and Environment: In Search of an Integrated Approach through Sustainable Development.’ (2011) 23 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 345.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Conflicts over Protection of Marine Living Resources: The ‘Volga Case’ Revisited’ (2011) 3 Goettingen Journal of International Law 101.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘IMO Mandatory Energy Efficiency Measures for International Shipping: The First Mandatory Global Greenhouse Gas Reduction Instrument for an International Industry’ (2011) 7 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 111.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Implementation of the MARPOL Convention in Developing Countries’, (2010) 79 Nordic Journal of International Law 303.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Environmental Pollution from Shipbreaking Industry: International Law and National Legal Response’ (2010) 22 Georgetown International Environmental Law Review 185.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘US Led Informal Multilateral Political Arrangements: Whither International Law and Institutions?’ (2010) 49 Indian Journal of International Law 521.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Violation of Labour Rights in the Ship-breaking Yards of Bangladesh: Legal Norms and Reality’ (2009) 25 The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 379.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Implementation of the MARPOL Convention in Bangladesh’ (2009) 5 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 51.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Future of the Haze Agreement– Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?’ (2008) 38 Environmental Policy and Law 328.

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘UNCLOS and Regional Action for Protection of the Marine Environment: Perspectives of the South Asian Seas Region’, (2008) 29 Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies Journal 415.

Book Chapters

• Md Saiful Karim and Alexander Proelss, ‘Maritime Law Enforcement in the Era of Autonomous Ships: Use of Force and Safeguards’ in Natalie Klein, Douglas Guilfoyle, Md Saiful Karim, Rob McLaughlin (eds.) Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives (Routledge, London, 2025) 183.

• Md Saiful Karim and Douglas Guilfoyle, ‘Piracy and Maritime Terrorism Involving Autonomous Ships’ in Natalie Klein, Douglas Guilfoyle, Md Saiful Karim, Rob McLaughlin (eds.) Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives (Routledge, London, 2025) 205.

• Md Saiful Karim and Md Mahatab Uddin, ‘Impacts of Climate Change on Bangladesh: International Legal Discourses and National Legal Responses’ in Md Mahatab Uddin (ed.) International Law, Climate Change and Bangladesh (Springer, Cham, 2024) 3.

• Md Mahatab Uddin and Md Saiful Karim, ‘SDG 14, Ocean Sustainability and Transfer of Marine Technology: The Role of UNCLOS and International Intellectual Property Law’ in Bita Amani, Caroline B. Ncube & Matthew Rimmer (eds.), Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and The Sustainable Development Goals (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024) 438.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Ocean Governance, Blue Economy and the Constitution of Bangladesh: Emerging Rights of the People and Nature’ in M Rafiqul Islam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque (eds.) The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary (Springer, 2023) 299.

• Nathaniel L. Bindoff et al., ‘Changing Ocean, Marine Ecosystems, and Dependent Communities’ in Hans-Otto Pörtner et al. (eds.) IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (Cambridge University Press, 2022) 447.

• Koh Kheng Lian and Md Saiful Karim, ‘South-east Asian Regional Environmental Legal Governance and ASEAN’ in Erika Techera et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law (2nd ed., Routledge, London, 2021) 293.

• Sandya Nishanti and Md Saiful Karim ‘Contemporary Issues in the Protection and Conservation of the Marine Environment’ in Daud Hassan and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), International Marine Environmental Law and Policy (Routledge, London, 2019) 1.

• Abul Hasanat and Md Saiful Karim ‘Ocean Governance and Marine Environmental Conservation: Concepts, Principles and Institutions.’ in Daud Hassan and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), International Marine Environmental Law and Policy (Routledge, London, 2019) 16.

• Mahtab Uddin and Md Saiful Karim ‘Prevention, Reduction and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships’ in Daud Hassan and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), International Marine Environmental Law and Policy (Routledge, London, 2019) 60.

• Koh Kheng-Lian and Md. Saiful Karim ‘The Role of ASEAN in Shaping Regional Environmental Protection’ in Philip Hirsch (ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Environment in South East Asia (London: Routledge, 2017).

• Md Saiful Karim, The Biodiversity Act, 2017: A Concise Overview. In M J A Chowdhury & A Al Faruque, (eds.) New Dimensions of Law: Analysis of Selected Laws of Bangladesh (Chittagong University 2017) 95.

• Abdullah Al Faruque and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Environmental Law of Bangladesh’ in Nicholas A. Robinson, Elizabeth Burleson, and Lin-Heng Lye (eds), Comparative Environmental Law & Regulation (Thomson Reuters, 2016) 7A:1.

• Md Saiful Karim et al., ‘Policy and legal framework for promoting sustainable agroforestry in Fiji: an overview’ in Steve Harrison and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry to Replace Unproductive Land use in Fiji and Vanuatu (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, 2016).

• Md Saiful Karim, Alexander Button-Sloan, and Mohammad Alauddin ‘Policies and laws for promoting sustainable agroforestry in Vanuatu’ in Steve Harrison and Md Saiful Karim (eds.), Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry to Replace Unproductive Land use in Fiji and Vanuatu (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, 2016).

• Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Litigating Law of the Sea Disputes Using the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System’ in Natalie Klein (ed.), Litigating International Law Disputes: Weighing the Options (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014) 260.

• Natalia Szablewska and Md. Saiful Karim, ‘Protection, Prevention and International Cooperation: Refuge Perspective’ in Rafiqul Islam and Jahid Hossain Bhuyan (eds.), An Introduction to International Refugee Law (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 2013) 189.

• Koh Kheng-Lian and Md. Saiful Karim ‘South East Asian Environmental Legal Governance’ in Shawkat Alam et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law (London: Routledge, 2012) 461.

• Md. Saiful Karim and Ridwanul Hoque, ‘Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Sustainable Development of Coastal Area: A Short Overview of International Legal Framework’, in Erlend Moksness et al (eds.), Integrated Coastal Zone Management, (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) 170.

Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

• Md Saiful Karim, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Ships and Marine Robotics: Impactions for the Law of the Sea, Seminar, Centre on National Security, Georgetown University Law Centre, Georgetown University, 19 September 2024, Washington DC, United States.

• Md Saiful Karim, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Ships and Marine Robotics: Impactions for the Law of the Sea, Seminar, WVU Robotics, West Virginia University, 13 September 2024, Morgantown, United States.

• Md Saiful Karim, Legal Architecture for Maritime Cybersecurity: International and Australian Perspectives, International Seminar on Maritime Cybersecurity, 23 April 2024, University of Malaya, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim et al., Integration of sustainable development goals awareness in law curriculum, Australasian Law Academics Association (ALAA) Conference 2023: Legal Pluralism in 2033, 06 – 07 July 2023, Christchurch, New Zealand.

• Md Saiful Karim, Climate Change to Maritime Cybersecurity: The Law of the Sea’s (lack of) Response to the Emerging Challenges and Opportunities? ANZSIL 30th Annual Conference: Is International Law Resilient? 29 June to 01 July 2023, Wellington, New Zealand.

• Md Saiful Karim, Robotics and the Future of the Ocean: The Law of the Sea Encounters Artificial Intelligence, seminar presented at the QUT Centre for Robotics, Brisbane, Australia, 06 June 2023 (Invited Speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Ocean and Climate Change: The Role of Regional Seas Programmes in the Asia-Pacific Region,’ New Horizons: The Future of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Conference, 9-10 December 2022, The Australian National University (ANU) ANU College of Law Centre for International and Public Law (CIPL) and the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (ANZSIL).

• Md Saiful Karim, Climate Change and South Asian Ocean Regionalism, Asia Pacific Ocean Law Institutions Alliance (APOLIA) Conference, UNCLOS In Asia Pacific:40 Years and Onwards, 19-20 May 2022.

• Md Saiful Karim, William Cheung, Erika Techera, Anastasia M. Telesetsky, and Seokwoo Lee, Split Plenary Session Panel on Climate Change and Marine Biodiversity: Outlining International Legal Responses to A Changing Ocean, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium 2022, 12 July 2022- 15 July 2022.

• Margaret Materna, Saiful Karim, Pia Benosa, Joel Coito, Mike Smitsky, Panel on “Uncharted Waters: Legal Considerations Involving Unmanned Vessels and Autonomy at Sea”, 116th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (ASIL), 6-9 April 2022, Washington, DC (Invited Speaker).

• Abdullah Al Arif and Md Saiful Karim, Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction in the Bay of Bengal: International Law and Regional Cooperation, AsianSIL Regional Conference 2022 “Power and the Development of International Law: Asian Perspectives” 30 July 2022.

• Tina Cockburn, Sam Boyle and Md Saiful Karim, Teaching and Researching in Health Law in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Australia in Teaching and Researching in Health Law in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic, 31 March 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Invited Speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, Comparative Legal Research: Environmental and Climate Change Law, South Asian Research Colloquium on Environment and Climate Change Law, 25- 28 June 2021, co-hosted by the South Asian University, Gujarat National Law University and Jawaharlal Nehru University with support from the Asian Development Bank. (Invited speaker).

• Natalie Klein, Saiful Karim, Rob Mclaughlin, Douglas Guilfoyle, Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and the Intersections of the Law of the Sea with Law of Armed Conflict, Human Rights and Transnational Criminal Law, Asian Society of International Law, 8th Biennial Conference, 24 -28 May 2021.

• Md Saiful Karim, Maritime Cybersecurity and International Law, International Association of Maritime Economists Annual Conference – Industry Session Forum on Risk Management and Maritime Cybersecurity for Sustainable Development of Shipping and Trade, 12 June 2020. (Invited speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, International Law and Maritime Cybersecurity, McDougall Faculty Colloquium, West Virginia University, Morgantown, United States, 12 March 2020.

• Md Saiful Karim, The Global Waste Trade: A Requiem for Environmental Justice, Annual McDougall Lecture, Lugar Courtroom, West Virginia University, United States, 10 March 2020.

• Md Saiful Karim, Erika Techera, Abdullah Al Arif, Indian Ocean Fisheries and Changing Ocean: The Role of Precautionary and Ecosystem-based Management Principles, Frontiers in Environmental Law Colloquium, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 13 to 14 February 2020

• Robert Hallberg et al., Observed and Projected Physical Oceanic Changes Related to Climate Change as Assessed in SROCC, poster presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, California. United States.

• Javier Aristegui et al., Time of Emergence of Key Climate Change Variables and Exposure to Climate Hazards in the Ocean, poster presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, California. United States.

• William W.L. Cheung et al., Observed Impacts and Projected Risks of Climate Change on Marine Ecosystems, poster presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, California. United States.

• Nathalie Hilmi et al., Climate Change Impacts on the Ocean Threaten Human Well-Being and Sustainable Development, poster presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, California. United States.

• Nathaniel L. Bindoff et al., Can We Use the Ocean to Mitigate Climate Change? Insights from the IPCC SROCC report, poster presented at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020, San Diego, California. United States.

• Md Saiful Karim, IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) from a Legal and Policy Perspective, Roundtable on Sea-level Rise and the Law of the Sea, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore in collaboration with the United Nations International Law Commission’s Study Group on Sea-Level Rise and International Law, Singapore, 14-15 November 2019. (Invited speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, The State of the Environment in Southeast Asia, Environmental reporting workshop for journalists and media workers from South-East Asia, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 9 October 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. (Invited speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim and Erika Techera, Matsyanyaya in the Oceans: Environmental Justice in a Changing Climate, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5 to 9 August 2019.

• Erika Techera and Md Saiful Karim, Fisheries governance in the Indo-Pacific: Achieving the SDGs, Environmental Justice and Food Security, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5 August 2019 to 9 August 2019.

• Md Saiful Karim, Indian Ocean Fisheries and Changing Ocean: The Role of Precautionary and Ecosystem-based Management Principles, seminar prestation at the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre, UWA Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 12 June 2019.

• Md Saiful Karim and Madhav Karki, Policy Options and opportunities: IPBES Regional Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific, Science-Policy Dialogue on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment for Oceania and the Pacific, Canberra, 4-5 April 2019. (Invited speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘International Maritime Organization's Initial Greenhouse Gas Emissions Strategy: Challenges for Future Legally Binding Instrument,’ Faculty Research Seminar, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 November 2018.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Legal Framework for Combating Maritime Cyberterrorism’ Seminar, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, 1 November 2018,

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Ocean Acidification and SDG 14: Legal Issues’, Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development Symposium, QUT, Brisbane, 6 September 2018.

• Mahatab Uddin and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Innovation and transfer of environmentally sound technologies and the Paris Agreement’, 2018 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 4-6 July 2018

• Evan Hamman and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Governing Marine Biodiversity in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef’’, Paper prepared for Brazil-Australia Mega Biodiversity Workshop Coffs Harbour 10-11 November 2017.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Environmental review of tourism and residential development in Suva and Nadi: Legal and Institutional Framework’. In UN Habitat Global Experts Group Meeting on Environmental Decision Making in Urban Development, 30 August 30 - 1 September 2017, Oslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research (CIENS) Oslo, Norway. (Invited speaker).

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Paris Agreement and IMO Regulation for Reduction of Emissions from Ships’, World Conference on Environment, organised by the National Green Tribunal, in association with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Asian Development Bank, the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change and Ministry of Water Resources, 25 - 26 March 2017, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India. (Invited speaker).

• Felicity Deane and Md Saiful Karim, ‘Voluntary Actions for Reduction of GHG Emissions from International Shipping: Probable Ways for Ensuring Transparency,’ Conference on Maritime Actors and Climate Change: Incentives and Strategies for Voluntary Action, 20-21 June 2016, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Marine Pollution in the Bay of Bengal: In Search of a Legal Response’, Seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong, 30 March 2016, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Implementation of 2030 Development Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources’, International Conference on Rule of Law for Supporting the 2030 Development Agenda/Sustainable Development Goals, organised by the National Green Tribunal, in association with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change and Ministry of Water Resources, 4 – 6 March 2016, Vigyan Bhawan and Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi, India. (Invited distinguished guest).

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gas from Ships and CBDR Principle’, Seminar, Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, 8 March, New Delhi, India.

• Md Saiful Karim, ‘International legal framework for controlling movement of pandemic vectors and communicable diseases through Ships’, Conference on Biosecurity in a Globalised World: The Adoption of the Revised International Health Regulations – 10 Years On, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, 27-28 July 2015, Brisbane Australia

• Md Saiful Karim, Impact of Ship Breaking on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity: A Requiem for Environmental Justice, 2015 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Annual Colloquium, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 7-12, 2015.

• Md Saiful Karim, Seminar on Contemporary Global Environmental Legal Governance and the International Maritime Organisation: A Tale of Two Principles, 18 November 2014, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.

• Md Saiful Karim, Are Sea Shepherd Crew Members ‘Common Enemies of Humankind’?, paper presented at the International Criminal Law Workshop, Faculty of Law, The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia, 25 -26 September 2014.

• Md Saiful Karim, Marked-based Measures for Reduction of GHG Emissions from International Shipping, 2014 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Annual Colloquium, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, 30 June – 5 July 2014.

• Md Saiful Karim, Legal Implications of Forest Carbon Investment: Land Tenure, Benefit Sharing and Corruption, Financing of Forestry, Agriculture and Climate Adaptation, Multi-Disciplinary Workshop, 22 November 2013, hosted by the Environmental and Natural Resources Research Program, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology.

• Md Saiful Karim, State Responsibility for Maritime Terrorism, Inaugural Australian International Criminal Law Workshop, 12-13 September 2013, Melbourne Law School, Melbourne, Australia.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Prosecution of Maritime Terrorists: The Role of National Courts in Ensuring Accountability, the 21st Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, Australian National University, Canberra, 4-6 July 2013.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Climate Change and IMO Technical and Operational Measures for Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gas from Ships, 2013 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Annual Colloquium, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 24 – 28 June 2013.

• Md. Saiful Karim, REDD+ and Mangroves: A Study on Sundarbans, Workshop on REDD+ and Legal Regimes of Mangroves, Peatlands and Other Wetlands: ASEAN and the World, 15–16 November 2012, Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Ships: Challenges and Opportunities for Asian Countries, Seminar organised by Asian Law Institute, 9 November 2012, Lee Sheridan Room, Eu Tong Sen Building, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Litigating Law of the Sea Disputes Using the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System, Litigating International Law Disputes, Centre for Legal Governance, Macquarie Law School, 23 September 2011, The Mint, Macquarie Street, Sydney, Australia.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Prosecution of Somali Pirates, CIL Workshop on International Maritime Crimes: Legal Issues and Prospects for Cooperation in ASEAN, Centre for International Law, National University Singapore, Singapore, 17-18 January 2011.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Climate Change and Reduction of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Ships: An Appraisal’ Climate Futures Forum, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 1 December 2010.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Conflicts over Protection of Maritime Living Resources, International Conference on Resources of Conflict – Conflicts over Resources, Institute of International and European Law, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, 7- 9 October 2010.

• Md. Saiful Karim and Okechukwu Benjamin Vincents, Legal Activism for Ensuring Environmental Justice in Bangladesh, Conference on Public Interest Law Opportunities and Obstacles: The 2010 Conference of the Civil Justice Research Group Melbourne Law School, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, 27- 28 September 2010.

• Saiful Karim, Settlement of Maritime Security Disputes: Some Limitations of the UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System, Workshop on Resolving International Law Disputes: Strategies, Options and Outcomes, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 17 September 2010.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Litigation as A Strategy for Settlement of Maritime Security Disputes: The ‘Volga Case’ Revisited, Interdisciplinary Conference on Time and Law, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada, 5-6 May 2010.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Litigation as A Strategy for Settlement of Maritime Security Disputes: The ‘Volga Case’ Revisited, Conference on Law and Crisis, Sydney Law School, University of Sydney, Australia, 31 0ctober 2009.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Health Security and Maritime Transportation: An Analysis of International Legal Framework, poster submitted for display at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Health Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland,15-16 October 2009.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Violation of Labour Rights in the Shipbreaking Yards of Bangladesh: Legal Norms and Reality, Asian Regional Conference on Labour Law and Labour Market in the 21st Century, jointly organised by International Labour Organisation and Faculty of Law, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 – 16 November 2008.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Sustainable Development of Coastal Area: A Short Overview of International Legal Framework, International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Institute of Marine Research (IMR) Flødevigen, Arendal, Norway, 11-12 June 2007.

• Md. Saiful Karim, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Marine Environment: Perspectives of the South Asian Seas Region, Conference on International Law in Asia – Past, Present and Future, Inaugural Conference of The Asian Society of International Law, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 7 – 9 April 2007.

• Md. Saiful Karim, Implementation of Vessel-Source Marine Pollution Prevention Conventions in Developing Countries: A Study from the Context of Bangladesh, Post Graduate Workshop of the 15th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, 27 June 2007.


Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives

Klein, Natalie, Guilfoyle, Douglas, Karim, Md Saiful and McLaughlin, Rob. Klein, Natalie, Guilfoyle, Douglas, Karim, Md Saiful and McLaughlin, Rob (ed.) 2025. Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives. United Kingdom. Routledge.

Maritime Law Enforcement in the Era of Autonomous Ships: Use of Force and Safeguards

Karim, Md Saiful and Proelss, Alexander. 2025. "Maritime Law Enforcement in the Era of Autonomous Ships: Use of Force and Safeguards." Klein, Natalie, Guilfoyle, Douglas, Karim, Md Saiful and McLaughlin, Rob (ed.) Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives . United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 183-204

Piracy and Maritime Terrorism Involving Autonomous Ships

Karim, Md Saiful and Guilfoyle, Douglas. 2025. "Piracy and Maritime Terrorism Involving Autonomous Ships." Klein, Natalie, Guilfoyle, Douglas, Karim, Md Saiful and McLaughlin, Rob (ed.) Maritime Autonomous Vehicles and International Law: Maritime Security Perspectives . United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 205-224

The new UN high seas marine biodiversity Agreement may also facilitate climate action: a cautiously optimistic view

Karim, Md Saiful and Cheung, William W. L.. 2024. "The new UN high seas marine biodiversity Agreement may also facilitate climate action: a cautiously optimistic view." Npj Climate Action. 3.

Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in the Law Curriculum: Legal Education for "People, Planet and Prosperity"

Karim, Md Saiful, Deane, Felicity, Arif, Abdullah Al, Garwood-Gowers, Andrew, Humphries, Fran, Uddin, Md Mahatab, Akhtar-Khavari, Afshin, Maguire, Rowena, Lewis, Bridget, Cradduck, Lucy, Robb, Lachlan, Cockburn, Tina, Purser, Kelly, Boyle, Sam, Matthew, Anne, Wang, Brydon and Deagon, Alex. 2024. "Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in the Law Curriculum: Legal Education for "People, Planet and Prosperity"." Belmont Law Review. 12 (1), pp. 196-231.

SDG 14, ocean sustainability and transfer of marine technology: the role of UNCLOS and international intellectual property law

Uddin, Md Mahatab and Karim, Md Saiful. 2024. "SDG 14, ocean sustainability and transfer of marine technology: the role of UNCLOS and international intellectual property law." Rimmer, Matthew, Amani, Bita and Ncube, Caroline B. (ed.) Elgar Companion to Intellectual Property and The Sustainable Development Goals . United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 438-457

Impacts of Climate Change on Bangladesh: International Legal Discourses and National Legal Responses

Karim, Md Saiful and Uddin, Md. Mahatab. 2024. "Impacts of Climate Change on Bangladesh: International Legal Discourses and National Legal Responses." Uddin, Md. Mahatab (ed.) International Law, Climate Change and Bangladesh . Switzerland. Springer. pp. 3 - 21

Ocean Governance, Blue Economy and the Constitution of Bangladesh: Emerging Rights of the People and Nature

Karim, Md Saiful. 2023. "Ocean Governance, Blue Economy and the Constitution of Bangladesh: Emerging Rights of the People and Nature." Islam, M Saiful and Haque, Muhammad Ekramul (ed.) The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary . Singapore . Springer. pp. 299-316

Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes

Karim, Md Saiful. 2023. "Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes." Marine Policy. 148.

Maritime cybersecurity and the IMO legal instruments: Sluggish response to an escalating threat?

Karim, Md Saiful. 2022. "Maritime cybersecurity and the IMO legal instruments: Sluggish response to an escalating threat?" Marine Policy. 143.

Australia’s interaction with Asian countries in the negotiation for an international agreement for the marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

Gunasekara, Sandya Nishanthi and Karim, Md Saiful. 2022. "Australia’s interaction with Asian countries in the negotiation for an international agreement for the marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction." International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. 22 (1), pp. 49-65.

Marine Fisheries Act 2020 of Bangladesh: A Missed Opportunity for Sustainability and Collaborative Governance

Arif, Abdullah Al and Karim, Md Saiful. 2022. "Marine Fisheries Act 2020 of Bangladesh: A Missed Opportunity for Sustainability and Collaborative Governance." International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 22 (2), pp. 337-349.

AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific Maritime Security in a Changing Climate

Karim, Saiful. 2022. "AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific Maritime Security in a Changing Climate." Australian Naval Review. 2022 (1), pp. 51-57.

Changing Ocean, Marine Ecosystems, and Dependent Communities

Bindoff, Nathaniel L., Cheung, William W. L., Kairo, James G., Arístegui, Javier, Guinder, Valeria A., Hallberg, Robert, Hilmi, Nathalie, Jiao, Nianzhi, Karim, Md saiful, Levin, Lisa, O’Donoghue, Sean, Purca, Sara R., Rinkevich, Baruch, Suga, Toshio, Tagliabue, Alessandro and Williamson, Phillip. 2022. "Changing Ocean, Marine Ecosystems, and Dependent Communities." Pörtner, Hans-Otto, Roberts, Debra C., Masson-Delmotte, Valérie, Zhai, Panmao, Tignor, Melinda, Poloczanska, Elvira, Mintenbeck, Katja, Alegría, Andrés, Nicolai, Maike, Okem, Andrew, Petzold, Jan, Rama, Bardhyl and Weyer, Nora M. (ed.) The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press. pp. 447-587