3108. Plant biology

Title3108. Plant biology
Parent31. Biological Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Johnalcornia gen. et. comb. nov., and nine new combinations in Curvularia based on molecular phylogenetic analysis
Tan, Yu Pei, Madrid, Hugo, Crous, Pedro W. and Shivas, Roger G.. 2014. "Johnalcornia gen. et. comb. nov., and nine new combinations in Curvularia based on molecular phylogenetic analysis." Australasian Plant Pathology. 43 (6), pp. 589-603. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-014-0315-6


Ravenelia acaciae-arabicae and Ravenelia evansii are distinct species on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica in India
Shivas, R. G., Balu, A., Singh, S., Ahmed, S. I. and Dhileepan, K.. 2013. "Ravenelia acaciae-arabicae and Ravenelia evansii are distinct species on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica in India." Australasian Mycologist. 31, pp. 31-37.


The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature
Hawksworth, David L., Crous, Pedro W., Redhead, Scott A., Reynolds, Don R., Samson, Robert A., Seifert, Keith A., Taylor, John W., Wingfield, Michael J., Abaci, Ozlem, Aime, Catherine, Asan, Ahmet, Bai, Feng-Yan, de Beer, Z. Wilhelm, Begerow, Dominik, Berikten, Derya, Boekhout, Teun, Buchanan, Peter K., Burgess, Treena, Buzina, Walter, ..., Zhang, Ning. 2011. "The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature." IMA Fungus: the global mycological journal. 2 (1), pp. 105-112. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2011.02.01.14


Survey of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with grapevine decline in the Hunter Valley and Mudgee grape growing regions of New South Wales
Qiu, Y., Steel, C. C., Ash, G. J. and Savocchia, S.. 2011. "Survey of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with grapevine decline in the Hunter Valley and Mudgee grape growing regions of New South Wales." Australasian Plant Pathology. 40 (1), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-010-0007-9


Black scab of jojoba (simmondsia chinensis) in Australia caused by a putative new pathotype of elsinoë Australis
Ash, G. J., Stodart, B. and Hyun, J. W.. 2012. "Black scab of jojoba (simmondsia chinensis) in Australia caused by a putative new pathotype of elsinoë Australis." Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 96 (5), pp. 629-634. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-11-0465


Evaluation of resistance to Phomopsis stem blight (caused by Diaporthe toxica) in Lupinus albus
Cowley, Raymond B., Ash, Gavin J., Harper, John D. I. and Luckett, David J.. 2012. "Evaluation of resistance to Phomopsis stem blight (caused by Diaporthe toxica) in Lupinus albus." European Journal of Plant Pathology. 133 (3), pp. 631-644. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-012-9942-3


Development of a reliable and rapid detached leaf assay to detect resistance to the fungal disease phomopsis leaf blight, caused by Diaporthe toxica, in Lupinus albus
Cowley, Raymond B., Luckett, David J., Harper, John D. I. and Ash, Gavin J.. 2012. "Development of a reliable and rapid detached leaf assay to detect resistance to the fungal disease phomopsis leaf blight, caused by Diaporthe toxica, in Lupinus albus." Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 34 (3), pp. 401-409. https://doi.org/10.1080/07060661.2012.705327


Application of multi-phase experiments in plant pathology to identify genetic resistance to Diaporthe toxica in Lupinus albus
Cowley, R. B., Ash, G. J., Harper, J. D I, Smith, A. B., Cullis, B. R. and Luckett, D. J.. 2012. "Application of multi-phase experiments in plant pathology to identify genetic resistance to Diaporthe toxica in Lupinus albus." Euphytica: international journal on plant breeding. 186 (3), pp. 655-669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-011-0529-4


Fungal planet description sheets: 69-91
Crous, P. W., Groenewald, J. Z., Shivas, R. G., Edwards, J., Seifert, K. A., Alfenas, A. C., Alfenas, R. F., Burgess, T. I., Carnegie, A. J., Hardy, G. E. St J., Quaedvlieg, W., Young, A. J., McTaggart, A. R., Pascoe, I. G., Porter, I. J., Louis-Seize, G., Pereira, O. L., Hüberli, D., Jung, T., ..., White, G. P.. 2011. "Fungal planet description sheets: 69-91." Persoonia. 26, pp. 108-156. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158511X581723


Endophytic and pathogenic Phyllosticta species, with reference to those associated with Citrus Black spot
Glienke, C., Pereira, O. L., Stringari, D., Fabris, J., Kava-Cordeiro, V., Galli-Terasawa, L., Cunnington, J., Shivas, R. G., Groenewald, J. Z. and Crous, P. W.. 2011. "Endophytic and pathogenic Phyllosticta species, with reference to those associated with Citrus Black spot." Persoonia. 26, pp. 47-56. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158511X569169


Fungal planet description sheets: 107-127
Crous, P. W., Summerell, B. A., Shivas, R. G., Burgess, T. I., Lombard, L., Groenewald, J. Z., Liew, E. C Y, McTaggart, A. R., Hardy, G. E S J, Huberli, D., De cock, C. A., Dreyer, L. L., Granke, L. L., Hausbeck, M. K., Guest, D. I., Shuttleworth, L. A., Jung, T., Koukol, O., Lennox, C. L., ..., Windstam, S. T.. 2012. "Fungal planet description sheets: 107-127." Persoonia. 28, pp. 138-182. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158512X652633


Fungal planet description sheets: 320–370
Crous, P. W., Wingfield, M. J., Guarro, J., Hernandez-Restrep, M., Sutton, D. A., Acharya, K., Barber, P. A., Boekhout, T., Dimitrov, R. A., Duenas, M., Dutta, A. K., Gene, J., Gouliamova, D. E., Groenewald, M., Lombard, L., Morozova, O. V., Sarkar, J., Smith, M. Th., Stchigel, A. M., ..., Groenewald, J. Z.. 2015. "Fungal planet description sheets: 320–370." Persoonia. 34, pp. 167-266. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158515X688433


Novel species of Cercospora and Pseudocercospora (Capnodiales, Mycosphaerellaceae) from Australia
Shivas, Roger Graham, Marney, Thomas Stephen, Tan, Yu Pei and McTaggart, Alistair Ross. 2015. "Novel species of Cercospora and Pseudocercospora (Capnodiales, Mycosphaerellaceae) from Australia." Fungal Biology. 119 (5), pp. 362-369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2014.09.004


Wongia gen. nov. (Papulosaceae, Sordariomycetes), a new generic name for two root-infecting fungi from Australia
Khemmuk, Wanporn, Geering, Andrew D. W. and Shivas, Roger G.. 2016. "Wongia gen. nov. (Papulosaceae, Sordariomycetes), a new generic name for two root-infecting fungi from Australia." IMA Fungus: the global mycological journal. 7 (2), pp. 247-252. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.02.04


A phylogenetic and taxonomic re-evaluation of the Bipolaris - Cochliobolus - Curvularia Complex
Manamgoda, Dimuthu S., Cai, Lei, McKenzie, Eric H. C., Crous, Pedro W., Madrid, Hugo, Chukeatirote, Ekachai, Shivas, Roger G., Tan, Yu Pei and Hyde, Kevin D.. 2012. "A phylogenetic and taxonomic re-evaluation of the Bipolaris - Cochliobolus - Curvularia Complex." Fungal Diversity. 56 (1), pp. 131-144. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-012-0189-2


Molecular phylogenetic analysis reveals six new species of Diaporthe from Australia
Tan, Y. P., Edwards, J., Grice, K. R E and Shivas, R. G.. 2013. "Molecular phylogenetic analysis reveals six new species of Diaporthe from Australia." Fungal Diversity. 61 (1), pp. 251-260. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-013-0242-9


Online identification guides for Australian smut fungi (Ustilaginomycotina) and rust fungi (Pucciniales)
Shivas, Roger G., Beasley, Dean R. and McTaggart, Alistair R.. 2014. "Online identification guides for Australian smut fungi (Ustilaginomycotina) and rust fungi (Pucciniales)." IMA Fungus: the global mycological journal. 5 (2), pp. 195-202. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2014.05.02.03


Baobabopsis, a new genus of graminicolous downy mildews from tropical Australia, with an updated key to the genera of downy mildews
Thines, Marco, Telle, Sabine, Choi, Young Joon, Tan, Yu Pei and Shivas, Roger G.. 2015. "Baobabopsis, a new genus of graminicolous downy mildews from tropical Australia, with an updated key to the genera of downy mildews." IMA Fungus: the global mycological journal. 6 (2), pp. 483-491. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2015.06.02.12


Novel Pathotypes of Elsinoë australis Associated with Citrus australasica and Simmondsia chinensis in Australia
Miles, Andrew K., Tan, Yu Pei, Shivas, Roger G. and Drenth, André. 2015. "Novel Pathotypes of Elsinoë australis Associated with Citrus australasica and Simmondsia chinensis in Australia." Tropical Plant Pathology. 40 (1), pp. 26-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40858-015-0005-0


Mycosarcoma (Ustilaginaceae), a resurrected generic name for corn smut (Ustilago maydis) and its close relatives with hypertrophied, tubular sori
McTaggart, Alistair R., Shivas, Roger G., Boekhout, Teun, Oberwinkler, Franz, Vanky, Kalman, Pennycook, Shaun R. and Begerow, Dominik. 2016. "Mycosarcoma (Ustilaginaceae), a resurrected generic name for corn smut (Ustilago maydis) and its close relatives with hypertrophied, tubular sori." IMA Fungus: the global mycological journal. 7 (2), pp. 309-315. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.02.10


Eight novel Bipolaris species identified from John L. Alcorn’s collections at the Queensland Plant Pathology Herbarium (BRIP)
Tan, Yu Pei, Shivas, Roger G. and Crous, Pedro W.. 2016. "Eight novel Bipolaris species identified from John L. Alcorn’s collections at the Queensland Plant Pathology Herbarium (BRIP)." Mycological Progress: international journal of fungal sciences. 15 (10-11), pp. 1203-1214. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1240-6


Phyllosticta species on orchids (Orchidaceae), introducing Phyllosticta speewahensis sp. nov. (Phyllostictaceae, Ascomycota) from northern Australia
Shivas, Roger Graham, Tan, Yu Pei and Grice, Kathy R. E.. 2013. "Phyllosticta species on orchids (Orchidaceae), introducing Phyllosticta speewahensis sp. nov. (Phyllostictaceae, Ascomycota) from northern Australia." Sydowia: an international journal of mycology. 65 (1), pp. 139-146.


Dry flower disease of Macadamia in Australia caused by Neopestalotiopsis macadamiae sp. nov. and Pestalotiopsis macadamiae sp. nov
Akinsanmi, Olufemi A., Nisa, Shaheen, Jeff-Ego, Olumdie S., Shivas, Roger G. and Drenth, Andre. 2017. "Dry flower disease of Macadamia in Australia caused by Neopestalotiopsis macadamiae sp. nov. and Pestalotiopsis macadamiae sp. nov." Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 101 (1), pp. 45-53. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-16-0630-RE


Genome sequences of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from cereal crops
Gardiner, Donald M., Stiller, Jiri, Covarelli, Lorenzo, Lindeberg, Magdalen, Shivas, Roger G. and Manners, John M.. 2013. "Genome sequences of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from cereal crops." Genome Announcements. 1 (3), pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00209-13


Global genotype flow in Cercospora beticola populations confirmed through genotyping-by-sequencing
Vaghefi, Niloofar, Kikkert, Julie R., Bolton, Melvin D., Hanson, Linda E., Secor, Gary A., Nelson, Scot C. and Pethybridge, Sarah J.. 2017. "Global genotype flow in Cercospora beticola populations confirmed through genotyping-by-sequencing." PLoS One. 12 (10). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186488


Abscisic acid activates pathogenesis-related defense gene signaling in lentils
Ford, Rebecca, Tan, David, Vaghefi, Niloofar and Mustafa, Barkat. 2017. "Abscisic acid activates pathogenesis-related defense gene signaling in lentils." Pandey, Girdhar K. (ed.) Mechanism of plant hormone signaling under stress. United States. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 243-270

Edited book (chapter)

Genetic structure of Cercospora beticola populations on Beta vulgaris in New York and Hawaii
Vaghefi, Niloofar, Nelson, Scot C., Kikkert, Julie R. and Pethybridge, Sarah J.. 2017. "Genetic structure of Cercospora beticola populations on Beta vulgaris in New York and Hawaii." Scientific Reports. 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-01929-4


De novo genome assembly of Cercospora beticola for microsatellite marker development and validation
Vaghefi, Niloofar, Kikkert, Julie R., Bolton, Melvin D., Hanson, Linda E., Secor, Gary A. and Pethybridge, Sarah J.. 2017. "De novo genome assembly of Cercospora beticola for microsatellite marker development and validation." Fungal Ecology. 26, pp. 125-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2017.01.006


Management of cercospora leaf spot in conventional and organic table beet production
Pethybridge, Sarah J., Vaghefi, Niloofar and Kikkert, Julie R.. 2017. "Management of cercospora leaf spot in conventional and organic table beet production." Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 101 (9), pp. 1642-1651. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-17-0528-RE


Two new species of Moreaua (Ustilaginomycetes), on Actinoschoenus and Chrysitrix, from Western Australia
Shivas, Roger G., Barrett, Matthew D., Barrett, Russell L. and Vanky, Kalman. 2011. "Two new species of Moreaua (Ustilaginomycetes), on Actinoschoenus and Chrysitrix, from Western Australia." Mycologia Balcanica. 8, pp. 137-140.


Structure of Cercospora beticola populations in organic and conventional table beet production in New York and implications for disease management
Vaghefi, N., Kikkert, J. and Pethybridge, S.. 2016. "Structure of Cercospora beticola populations in organic and conventional table beet production in New York and implications for disease management." 76th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Division: The American Phytopathological Society. Ithaca, United States 19 - 21 Oct 2016 United States. American Phytopathological Society. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-107-2-S2.5


Occurrence of grey mould on Bucida buceras, a tree of subtropical origin, under indoor conditions - a disease note
Richweisz, A., Nemeth, M. Z., Kiss, L. and Ersek, T.. 2015. "Occurrence of grey mould on Bucida buceras, a tree of subtropical origin, under indoor conditions - a disease note." Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 50 (1). https://doi.org/10.1556/038.50.2015.1.1


Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of Stagonosporopsis tanaceti, the cause of ray blight of pyrethrum in Australia
Vaghefi, N., Hay, F. S., Ades, P. K., Pethybridge, S. J., Ford, R. and Taylor, P. W. J.. 2014. "Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of Stagonosporopsis tanaceti, the cause of ray blight of pyrethrum in Australia." 10th International Mycological Congress (IMC10 2014). Bangkok, Thailand 03 - 08 Aug 2014


Taxonomic reassessment of the ray blight pathogen of pyrethrum in Australia
Vaghefi, N., Pethybridge, S. J., Ford, R., Nicolas, M. E., Crous, P. W. and Taylor, P. W.. 2012. "Taxonomic reassessment of the ray blight pathogen of pyrethrum in Australia." 2012 American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting (APS 2012). Rhode Island, United States of America 04 - 08 Aug 2012 United States. American Phytopathological Society.


Foreword: special issue on fungal grapevine diseases
Kiss, Levente, Holb, Imre J., Rossi, Vittorio, Cadle-Davidson, Lance and Jeger, Michael J.. 2016. "Foreword: special issue on fungal grapevine diseases." European Journal of Plant Pathology. 144 (4), pp. 693-694. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-015-0844-z


Cryptic diversity in Tranzscheliella spp. (Ustilaginales) is driven by host switches
Li, Ying-Ming, Shivas, Roger G. and Cai, Lei. 2017. "Cryptic diversity in Tranzscheliella spp. (Ustilaginales) is driven by host switches." Scientific Reports. 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep43549


Novel species of Gliocladiopsis (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) from avocado roots (Persea americana) in Australia
Parkinson, Louisamarie E., Shivas, Roger G. and Dann, Elizabeth K.. 2017. "Novel species of Gliocladiopsis (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) from avocado roots (Persea americana) in Australia." Mycoscience. 58 (2), pp. 95-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.myc.2016.10.004


Incidence and pathogenicity of Didymella americana on table beet in new york
Vaghefi, Niloofar, Kikkert, Julie R. and Pethybridge, Sarah J.. 2016. "Incidence and pathogenicity of Didymella americana on table beet in new york." Plant Health Progress. 17, pp. 270-272. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-BR-16-0064


Crop health and its global impacts on the components of food security
Savary, S., Bregaglio, S., Willocquet, L., Gustafson, D., Mason D'Croz, D., Sparks, A., Castilla, N., Djurle, A., Allinne, C., Sharma, Mamta, Rossi, V., Amorim, L., Bergamin, A., Yuen, J., Esker, P., McRoberts, Neil, Avelino, J., Duveiller, E., Koo, J. and Garrett, K.. 2017. "Crop health and its global impacts on the components of food security." Food Security: the science, sociology and economics of food production and access to food. 9 (2), pp. 311-327. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-017-0659-1


Topsoil Stockpiling in Restoration: Impact of Storage Time on Plant Growth and Symbiotic Soil Biota
Birnbaum, Christina, Bradshaw, Laura Elizabeth, Ruthrof, Katinka Xoliswa and Fontaine, Joseph Benjamin. 2017. "Topsoil Stockpiling in Restoration: Impact of Storage Time on Plant Growth and Symbiotic Soil Biota ." Ecological Restoration. 35 (3), pp. 237-245. https://doi.org/10.3368/er.35.3.237
