31. Biological Sciences

Title31. Biological Sciences
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Fermentation of sorghum with Aspergillus strains: A promising and sustainable pathway to enzyme production- comprehensive review
Somadder, Pratul Dipta, Trzcinski, Antoine, Chen, Guangnan, Chow, Yvonne and Manan, Musaalbakri Abdul. 2025. "Fermentation of sorghum with Aspergillus strains: A promising and sustainable pathway to enzyme production- comprehensive review ." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2025.115456


Environmental DNA Reveals Habitat Variables Driving Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) Distribution Across an Urbanised Landscape
Brunt, Tamielle, Cecil, Matt, Griffiths, Josh, Adams-Hosking, Christine, Murray, Peter J. and Smith, Annabel L.. 2025. "Environmental DNA Reveals Habitat Variables Driving Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) Distribution Across an Urbanised Landscape ." Ecology and Evolution. 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.70783


Place-Based Thoughtfulness and Decision-Making in Gene Editing and Genetic Selection
Crowden, Andrew and Gildersleeve, Matthew. 2024. "Place-Based Thoughtfulness and Decision-Making in Gene Editing and Genetic Selection." The American Journal of Bioethics. 24 (8), pp. 53-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2024.2361877

Notes or commentaries

Red pandas on the move: weather and disturbance effects on habitat specialists
Bista, Damber, Baxter, Greg S., Hudson, Nicholas J., Lama, Sonam Tashi, Weerman, Janno and Murray, Peter J.. 2024. "Red pandas on the move: weather and disturbance effects on habitat specialists." Wildlife Biology. https://doi.org/10.1002/wlb3.01384


Immediate impacts of fire on koala movement in a fragmented landscape
Bista, Damber, Allen, Benjamin, Baxter, Greg, Booth, Rosemary, Reardon-Smith, Kathryn, Gorecki, Vanessa and Murray, Peter. 2024. "Immediate impacts of fire on koala movement in a fragmented landscape." Global Ecology and Conservation. 56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03274


A horizon scan of future priorities to support the sustainability of plant-soil ecosystems in Australia
Birnbaum, Christina, Egidi, Eleonora, Powell, Jeff and Hopkins, Anna. 2024. "A horizon scan of future priorities to support the sustainability of plant-soil ecosystems in Australia." Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2024). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Dec 2024 Australia.


Elevated CO2 concentrations play a major role in influencing the functionality of AM fungal communities in agroecosystems
Heuck, Meike Katharina, Powell, Jeff, Kath, Jarrod, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Elevated CO2 concentrations play a major role in influencing the functionality of AM fungal communities in agroecosystems." Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2024). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Dec 2024 Australia.


Lantana camara L. soil legacy effects on native plant growth and symbiotic soil biota
Ryan, Juanita, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Lantana camara L. soil legacy effects on native plant growth and symbiotic soil biota." 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference. Brisbane, Australia 25 - 29 Aug 2024 Australia.


Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture
Heuck, Meike Katharina, Powell, Jeff R., Kath, Jarrod, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture." 12th International Conference on Mycorrhizae. Manchester, United Kingdom 04 - 09 Aug 2024


Environmental and host plant effects on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of root fungal endophytes
Farrer, E.C., Kulick, N.K., Birnbaum, C., Halbrook, S.R., Bumby, C.R. and Willis, C.. 2024. "Environmental and host plant effects on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of root fungal endophytes." 2024 Conference of the Ecological Society of America (ESA 2024). Long Beach, United States 04 - 09 Aug 2024


Temporal trends in Phragmites australis invasion in the Gulf Coast are highly site-dependent
Pham, T., Birnbaum, C., Brady, M.V., Bumby, C.R., Deogracias, A.J., Dixon, J.I., Ellis, D., Fronabarger, K.H., Halbrook, S.R., Jacobs, N., Kulick, N.K., Lange, K.M., Lee, S.F., Ogoma, C.A., Schroeder, C.S., Shribman, Z.I., Smith, M., Sun, K., Valentine, K.L., ..., Farrer, E.C.. 2024. "Temporal trends in Phragmites australis invasion in the Gulf Coast are highly site-dependent." 2024 Conference of the Ecological Society of America (ESA 2024). Long Beach, United States 04 - 09 Aug 2024


Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture
Heuck, Meike Katharina, Powell, Jeff R., Kath, Jarrod, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture." Functional Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14732


Evaluating the Usefulness of the C-S-R Framework for Understanding AM Fungal Responses to Climate Change in Agroecosystems
Heuck, Meike Katharina, Powell, Jeff R., Kath, Jarrod, Birnbaum, Christina and Frew, Adam. 2024. "Evaluating the Usefulness of the C-S-R Framework for Understanding AM Fungal Responses to Climate Change in Agroecosystems." Global Change Biology. 30 (11). https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17566


Evaluating sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in deceased predatory birds of South-East Queensland, Australia
Low, Zachary, Murray, Peter J., Naseem, Noman, McGilp, Daniel, Doneley, Bob, Beale, David J., Biggs, Leo and Gonzalez-Astudillo, Viviana. 2024. "Evaluating sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in deceased predatory birds of South-East Queensland, Australia ." Discover Toxicology. 1 (13). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44339-024-00016-4


Siamese Network-Based Lightweight Framework for Tomato Leaf Disease Recognition
Thuseethan, Selvarajah, Vigneshwaran, Palanisamy, Joseph, Charles and Wimalasooriya, Chathrie. 2024. "Siamese Network-Based Lightweight Framework for Tomato Leaf Disease Recognition." Computers. 13 (12). https://doi.org/10.3390/computers13120323


Water Deprivation and Sowing Times Alter Plant–Pollination Interactions and Seed Yield in Sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae)
Ali, Qasim, Ali, Mudssar, Khan, Fawad Zafar Ahmad, Noureldeen, Ahmed, Alghamdi, Akram, Darwis, Hadeer, Fatim, Akash, Jalali, Ahmad Ibrahim, Prendergast, Kit and Saeed, Shafqat. 2024. "Water Deprivation and Sowing Times Alter Plant–Pollination Interactions and Seed Yield in Sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae)." Plants. 13 (22). https://doi.org/10.3390/plants13223194


Population-level whole-genome sequencing of Ascochyta rabiei identifies genomic loci associated with isolate aggressiveness
Vaghefi, Niloofar, Bar, Ido, Lawley, Jonathan Wanderley, Sambasivam, Prabhakaran Thanjavur, Christie, Melody and Ford, Rebecca. 2024. "Population-level whole-genome sequencing of Ascochyta rabiei identifies genomic loci associated with isolate aggressiveness." Microbial Genomics. 10 (11). https://doi.org/10.1099/mgen.0.001326


Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups
Benson, John F., Keiter, David A., Mahoney, Peter J., Allen, Benjamin L., Allen, Lee, Alvares, Francisco, Anderson, Morgan L., Barber-Meyer, Barber-Meyer, Barocas, Adi, Beasley, James C., Behrendorff, Linda, Belant, Jerrold L., Beyer Jr, Dean E., Boitani, Luigi, Borg, Bridget L., Boutin, Stan, Boydston, Erin E., Brown, Justin L., Bump, Joseph K., ..., Patterson, Brent R.. 2024. "Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups." Ecology. 106 (1). https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4492


Insights into the spatial ecology of the world's most ancient dog: High-altitude movements of New Guinea dingoes
Allen, Benjamin L., Miller, Chloe, Wolf, Lisa, Maury, Hendra K., Numberi, Leonardo A., Surbakti, Suriani, Silaban, Berna Natalia Br, Kusuma, Kukuh Indra and McIntyre, James K.. 2024. "Insights into the spatial ecology of the world's most ancient dog: High-altitude movements of New Guinea dingoes." Global Ecology and Conservation. 56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03264


Increasing Phylogenetic Clustering of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities in Roots Explains Enhanced Plant Growth and Phosphorus Uptake
Frew, Adam and Aguilar-Trigueros, Carlos A.. 2024. "Increasing Phylogenetic Clustering of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities in Roots Explains Enhanced Plant Growth and Phosphorus Uptake." Microbial Ecology: an international journal. 87 (1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-024-02457-1


Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia
Proboste, Tatiana, Bista, Damber, Clark, Nicholas J., Arora, Sahil, Devine, Gregor, Darbro, Jonathan M., Malloy, Deena S., Francis, Daniel and Soares Magalhaes, Ricardo J.. 2024. "Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia." Journal of Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiae578


Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780
Crous, P.W., Wingfield, M.J., Jurjevic, Z., Balashov, S., Osieck, E.R., Marin-Felix, Y., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Mejí, L.C., Cappelli, A., Parra, L.A., Lucchini, G., Chen, J., Moreno, G., Faraoni, M., Zhao, R.L., Weholt, Ø., Borovička, J., Jansen, G.M., Shivas, R.G., ..., Groenewald, J.Z.. 2024. "Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780." Fungal Systematics and Evolution. 14, pp. 325-577. https://doi.org/10.3114/fuse.2024.14.19


A narrative review exploring the attitudes of nursing and complementary medicine students and practitioners toward biosciences curricula
Yeeles, J., Whiteside, E., Haeusler, C., Donovan, J. and Myer, S.. 2024. "A narrative review exploring the attitudes of nursing and complementary medicine students and practitioners toward biosciences curricula." Journal of Further and Higher Education. 48 (9-10), pp. 817-830. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2024.2410972


Exercise to combat cancer focusing on the ends
Denham, Joshua, Bliss, Edward S., Bryan, Tracy M., O'Brien, Brendan J. and Mills, Dean. 2024. "Exercise to combat cancer focusing on the ends." Physiological Genomics. 56 (12), pp. 869-875. https://doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00075.2024


Untangling horsehair fungi in Australia: Marasmius crinis-equi (Marasmiaceae) and related taxa
Guard, F.E., Dearnaley, J., May, T.W. and Lebel, T.. 2024. "Untangling horsehair fungi in Australia: Marasmius crinis-equi (Marasmiaceae) and related taxa ." Mycological Progress: international journal of fungal sciences. 23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-024-01995-9


Diversity of Kordyana species (Brachybasidaceae) on Commelinaceae in Australia
Zeil-Rolfe, Isabel, Gooden, Ben, Hunter, Gavin C., Linde, Celeste C. and Shivas, Roger G.. 2024. "Diversity of Kordyana species (Brachybasidaceae) on Commelinaceae in Australia." Mycological Progress: international journal of fungal sciences. 23 (1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-024-01981-1


Maize Downy Mildew (Peronosclerospora neglecta) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Thailand
Sudsanguan, Manorat, Shivas, Roger G., Tan, Yu Pei, Doungsa-ard, Chanintorn, Chittarath, Khonesavane, Heng, Chhun Hy and Nalumpang, Sarunya. 2024. " Maize Downy Mildew (Peronosclerospora neglecta) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Thailand." Chiang Mai Journal of Science. 51 (4). https://doi.org/10.12982/CMJS.2024.062


Diversity and pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolated from cultivated sorghum stems and roots in eastern Australia
Gunasinghe, Niroshini, Vaghefi, Niloofar, Shivas, Roger G., Tan, Yu Pei, Jordan, David, Mace, Emma and Martin, Anke. 2024. "Diversity and pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolated from cultivated sorghum stems and roots in eastern Australia." Plant Pathology. 73 (9), pp. 2563-2573. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppa.13985


Soil solarisation delivers near zero levels of Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal crown rot reference sites
Bottomley, Prue, Sutherland, Mark, Wilson, Bree, Rognoni, Bethany, Kelly, Alison and Percy, Cassandra D.. 2024. "Soil solarisation delivers near zero levels of Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal crown rot reference sites." Crop Protection. 185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106887


Near-infrared spectroscopy and deep neural networks for early common root rot detection in wheat from multi-season trials
Xiong, Yiyi, McCarthy, Cheryl, Humpal, Jacob and Percy, Cassandra. 2024. "Near-infrared spectroscopy and deep neural networks for early common root rot detection in wheat from multi-season trials ." Agronomy Journal. 116 (5), pp. 2370-2390. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.21648


Unveiling Genetic Resistance to Crown Rot in Watkins Wheat Landrace Diversity Panel
Garg, Bharat, Rubayet, Md. Tanbir, Muthusamy, Karthikeyan, Subramaniam, Geethanjali, McDonald, Stephen, Balotf, Sadegh, Gardiner, Donald, Percy, Cassy and Periyannan, Sambasivam. 2024. "Unveiling Genetic Resistance to Crown Rot in Watkins Wheat Landrace Diversity Panel." 12th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium (ASDS 2024). Kingscliff, Australia 26 - 30 Aug 2024 Australia.


Pathogenicity of Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates on wheat and barley genotypes for common root rot
Dendi, Akhila, Percy, Cassandra, Martin, Anke and McDonald, Stephen. 2024. "Pathogenicity of Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates on wheat and barley genotypes for common root rot." 12th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium (ASDS 2024). Kingscliff, Australia 26 - 30 Aug 2024 Australia.


Impact of common root rot in Queensland winter cereals
Percy, Cassandra and McDonald, Stephen. 2024. "Impact of common root rot in Queensland winter cereals." 12th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium (ASDS 2024). Kingscliff, Australia 26 - 30 Aug 2024 Australia.


Fungal Planet description sheets: Marasmius pseudoelegans
Guard, F. E, Lebel, T. and Dearnaley, J.. 2024. "Fungal Planet description sheets: Marasmius pseudoelegans." Fungal Systematics and Evolution. 13 (1), pp. 290-292. https://doi.org/10.3114/fuse.2024.13.11

Notes or commentaries

Vibration as a New Survey Method for Spiders
Harris, Rachael, Raven, Robert, Maxwell, Andrew and Murray, Peter J.. 2024. "Vibration as a New Survey Method for Spiders." Animals. 14 (16). https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14162307


Air pollution disproportionately impairs beneficial invertebrates: a meta-analysis
Ryalls, James M. W, Bishop, Jacob, Mofikoya, Adedayo O., Bromfield, Lisa M., Nakagawa, Shinichi and Girling, Robbie D.. 2024. "Air pollution disproportionately impairs beneficial invertebrates: a meta-analysis." Nature Communications. 15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49729-5


Peatland carbon chemistry, amino acids and protein preservation in biogeochemically distinct ecohydrologic layers
Yusuf, Anne Yalien, Silvester, Ewen, Brkljac, Robert, Birnbaum, Christina, Chapman, James and Grover, Samantha. 2024. "Peatland carbon chemistry, amino acids and protein preservation in biogeochemically distinct ecohydrologic layers." European Journal of Soil Science. 75 (3). https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13518


Community assembly of root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: beyond carbon and into defence?
Frew, Adam, Weinberger, Natascha, Powell, Jeff R., Watts-Williams, Stephanie J. and Aguilar-Trigueros, Carlos A.. 2024. "Community assembly of root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: beyond carbon and into defence?" The ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology. 18 (1). https://doi.org/10.1093/ismejo/wrae007


Evaluation of trial reintroductions of two extinct in the wild reptile species on Christmas Island
Emery, J-P., Hollanders, M., Valentine, L., Tiernan, B., Retallick, K., Cogger, H., Woinarski, J. C. Z. and Mitchell, N. J.. 2024. "Evaluation of trial reintroductions of two extinct in the wild reptile species on Christmas Island." Animal Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12940


Geministatins: new depside antibiotics from the fungus Austroacremonium gemini
Crombie, Andrew, Kalaitzis, John A., Chen, Rachel, Vuong, Daniel, Lacey, Alastair E., Lacey, Ernest, Shivas, Roger G., Tan, Yu Pei, Sbaraini, Nicolau, Chooi, Yit-Heng and Piggott, Andrew M.. 2024. "Geministatins: new depside antibiotics from the fungus Austroacremonium gemini." The Journal of Antibiotics. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41429-024-00755-x
