4903. Numerical and computational mathematics

Title4903. Numerical and computational mathematics
Parent49. Mathematical Sciences

Latest research outputs

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General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modeling
Roberts, A. J. and Kevrekidis, I. G.. 2007. "General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modeling." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 29 (4), pp. 1495-1510. https://doi.org/10.1137/060654554


A source-based model for describing dust concentrations during wind erosion events: an initial study
Butler, H. J., Hogarth, W. L. and McTainsh, G. H.. 1996. "A source-based model for describing dust concentrations during wind erosion events: an initial study." Environmental Modelling and Software. 11 (1-3), pp. 45-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0266-9838(96)00036-6


SIP message overflow routing scheme (SMORS)
Kist, Alexander A. and Harris, Richard J.. 2003. "SIP message overflow routing scheme (SMORS)." Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2003). Melbourne, Australia 08 - 10 Dec 2003 Australia.


Solving high order ordinary differential equations with radial basis function networks
Mai-Duy, Nam. 2005. "Solving high order ordinary differential equations with radial basis function networks." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 62 (6), pp. 824-852. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.1220


Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations using multiquadric radial basis function networks
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2001. "Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations using multiquadric radial basis function networks." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 37 (1), pp. 65-86. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.165


A domain-type boundary-integral-equation method for two-dimensional biharmonic Dirichlet problem
Mai-Duy, N., Tran-Cong, T. and Tanner, R. I.. 2006. "A domain-type boundary-integral-equation method for two-dimensional biharmonic Dirichlet problem." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 30 (10), pp. 809-817. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2006.06.002


A Petrov-Galerkin method for flows in cavities: enclosure of aspect ratio 8
Suslov, Sergey A. and Paolucci, Samuel. 2002. "A Petrov-Galerkin method for flows in cavities: enclosure of aspect ratio 8." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 40 (8), pp. 999-1007. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.386


Accurately model the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky dynamics with holistic discretisation
MacKenzie, T. and Roberts, A. J.. 2006. "Accurately model the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky dynamics with holistic discretisation." SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 5 (3), pp. 365-402. https://doi.org/10.1137/050627733


Meshfree direct and indirect local radial basis function collocation formulations for transport phenomena
Sarler, Bozidar, Tran-Cong, Thanh and Chen, Ching S.. 2005. "Meshfree direct and indirect local radial basis function collocation formulations for transport phenomena." Kassab, Alain J., Brebbia, Carlos Alberto, Divo, E. and Poljak, Dragan (ed.) 27th World Conference on Boundary Elements and Other Mesh reduction Methods Incorporating Engineering and Electromagnetics (BEM XXVII). Orlando, United States 15 - 18 Mar 2005 Southampton, United Kingdom.


Using invariant translation to denoise electroencephalogram signals
Walters-Williams, Janett and Li, Yan. 2011. "Using invariant translation to denoise electroencephalogram signals." American Journal of Applied Sciences. 8 (11), pp. 1122-1130. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2011.1122.1130


Numerical prediction of air flow in a sharp 90 degree elbow
Mossad, Ruth, Yang, William and Schwarz, M. Philip. 2009. "Numerical prediction of air flow in a sharp 90 degree elbow ." Witt, P. J. and Schwarz, M. P. (ed.) 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries (CFD 2009). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 11 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


A robust ensemble classification method analysis
Zhang, Zhongwei, Li, Jiuyong, Hu, Hong and Zhou, Hong. 2010. "A robust ensemble classification method analysis." Arabnia, Hamid R. (ed.) Advances in computational biology. New York, NY. United States. Springer. pp. 149-155

Edited book (chapter)

Compact local integrated-RBF approximations for second-order elliptic differential problems
Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2011. "Compact local integrated-RBF approximations for second-order elliptic differential problems." Journal of Computational Physics. 230 (12), pp. 4772-4794. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2011.03.002


Element-free simulation of dilute polymeric flows using Brownian configuration fields
Tran, Canh-Dung and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2004. "Element-free simulation of dilute polymeric flows using Brownian configuration fields." Korea-Australia Rheology Journal. 16 (1), pp. 1-15.


A simple and effective preconditioner for integrated-RBF-based Cartesian-grid schemes
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "A simple and effective preconditioner for integrated-RBF-based Cartesian-grid schemes." Pepper, D. W. and Atluri, Satya N. (ed.) 2010 International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences 2010. Las Vegas, United States of America 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2010 USA. https://doi.org/10.3970/icces.2010.014.051


Computation of viscoelastic flow using neural networks and stochastic simulation
Tran, Canh-Dung and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2002. "Computation of viscoelastic flow using neural networks and stochastic simulation." Korea-Australia Rheology Journal. 14 (4), pp. 161-174.


BEM-NN computation of generalised Newtonian flows
Tran, Canh-D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2002. "BEM-NN computation of generalised Newtonian flows." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 26 (1), pp. 15-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0955-7997(01)00085-6


Predicting torque of worsted singles yarn using an efficient radial basis function network-based method
Tran, Canh-Dung and Phillips, David G.. 2007. "Predicting torque of worsted singles yarn using an efficient radial basis function network-based method." Journal of the Textile Institute. 98 (5), pp. 387-396. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000701475650


Towards an analysis of shear suspension flows using radial basis functions
Le-Cao, K., Mai-Duy, N., Tran, C.-D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2010. "Towards an analysis of shear suspension flows using radial basis functions." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 67 (3), pp. 265-294. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2010.067.265


Stationary solution of the ring-spinning balloon in zero air drag using a RBFN based mesh-free method
Tran, Canh-Dung, Phillips, David G. and Fraser, W. Barrie. 2010. "Stationary solution of the ring-spinning balloon in zero air drag using a RBFN based mesh-free method." Journal of the Textile Institute. 101 (2), pp. 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405000802273632


Problem-based learning's impact on the understanding of place value
Martin, David A. and Jamieson-Proctor, Romina. 2010. "Problem-based learning's impact on the understanding of place value." CETL 2010: Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education. Pok Fu Lam, China 02 - 03 Dec 2010 Hong Kong.


A long-period planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star
Jones, Hugh R. A., Butler, R. Paul, Tinney, C. G., O'Toole, Simon, Wittenmyer, Rob, Henry, Gregory W., Meschiari, Stefano, Vogt, Steve, Rivera, Eugenio, Laughlin, Greg, Carter, Brad D., Bailey, Jeremy and Jenkins, James S.. 2010. "A long-period planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 403 (4), pp. 1703-1713. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.16232.x


A new integrated-RBF-based domain-embedding scheme for solving fluid-flow problems
Le-Cao, K., Mai-Duy, N., Tran, C.-D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2010. "A new integrated-RBF-based domain-embedding scheme for solving fluid-flow problems." Khalili, N., Valliappan, S., Li, Q. and Russell, A. (ed.) 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM/APCOM 2010). Sydney, Australia 19 - 23 Jul 2010 United Kingdom. Informa UK(IOP Books). https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012021


Shape optimization of metallic yielding devices for passive mitigation of seismic energy
Ghabraie, Kazem, Chan, Ricky, Huang, Xiaodong and Xie, Yi Min. 2010. "Shape optimization of metallic yielding devices for passive mitigation of seismic energy." Engineering Structures. 32 (8), pp. 2258-2267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.03.028


Galerkin/collocation methods based on 1D-integrated-RBFNs for viscoelastic flows
Ho-Minh, D., Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "Galerkin/collocation methods based on 1D-integrated-RBFNs for viscoelastic flows." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 70 (3), pp. 217-251. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2010.070.217


A Cartesian-grid integrated-RBF Galerkin technique
Ho-Minh, D., Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2010. "A Cartesian-grid integrated-RBF Galerkin technique." Sarler, Bozidar and Atluri, Satya N. (ed.) Recent studies in meshless and other novel computational methods. Duluth, GA. USA. Tech Science Press. pp. 87-102

Edited book (chapter)

A numerical study of 2D integrated RBFNs incorporating Cartesian grids for solving 2D elliptic differential problems
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "A numerical study of 2D integrated RBFNs incorporating Cartesian grids for solving 2D elliptic differential problems." Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 26 (6), pp. 1443-1462. https://doi.org/10.1002/num.20502


A moving IRBFN-based integration-free meshless method
Le, Phong B. H., Rabczuk, Timon, Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "A moving IRBFN-based integration-free meshless method." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 61 (1), pp. 63-109. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2010.061.063


A moving IRBFN-based Galerkin meshless method
Le, Phong B. H., Rabczuk, Timon, Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "A moving IRBFN-based Galerkin meshless method." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 66 (1), pp. 25-52. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2010.066.025


A control volume technique based on integrated RBFNs for the convection-diffusion equation
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "A control volume technique based on integrated RBFNs for the convection-diffusion equation." Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 26 (2), pp. 426 -447. https://doi.org/10.1002/num.20444


A cartesian-grid collocation technique with integrated radial basis functions for mixed boundary value problems
Le, Phong B. H., Mai-Duy, Nam, Tran-Cong, Thanh and Baker, Graham. 2010. "A cartesian-grid collocation technique with integrated radial basis functions for mixed boundary value problems." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 82 (4), pp. 435-463. https://doi.org/10.1002/nme.2771


Shape and reinforcement optimization of underground tunnels
Ghabraie, Kazem, Xie, Yi Min, Huang, Xiaodong and Ren, Gang. 2010. "Shape and reinforcement optimization of underground tunnels." Journal of Computational Science and Technology. 4 (1), pp. 51-63. https://doi.org/10.1299/jcst.4.51


M-test for intercept after pre-testing on slope
Yunus, Rossita M. and Khan, Shahjahan. 2010. "M-test for intercept after pre-testing on slope." Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics. 1 (1), pp. 45-57.


Simulation of fluid flows at high Reynolds/Rayleigh numbers using integrated radial basis functions
Ho-Minh, D., Le-Cao, K., Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2010. "Simulation of fluid flows at high Reynolds/Rayleigh numbers using integrated radial basis functions." Mallinson, G. D. and Cater, J. E. (ed.) 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2010). Auckland, New Zealand 05 - 09 Dec 2010 Auckland, New Zealand.


Point-wise integrated-RBF-based discretisation of differential equations
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2010. "Point-wise integrated-RBF-based discretisation of differential equations." Lu, Jane Wei-Zhen, Leung, Andrew Y. T., Lu, Vai Pan and Mok, Kai Meng (ed.) 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM II) in conjunction with EPMESC 2009. Hong Kong, China 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2009 College Park, MD. United States. AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3452151


A Cartesian-grid discretisation scheme based on local integrated RBFNs for two-dimensional elliptic problems
Mai-Duy, Nam and Tran-Cong, Thanh. 2009. "A Cartesian-grid discretisation scheme based on local integrated RBFNs for two-dimensional elliptic problems." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 51 (3), pp. 213-238. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2009.051.213


Characteristics of solutions in softening plasticity and path criterion
Chen, G. and Baker, Graham. 2003. "Characteristics of solutions in softening plasticity and path criterion." Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 16 (2), pp. 141-152.


Modelling nonlinear dynamics of shape-memory-alloys with approximate models of coupled thermoelasticity
Melnik, Roderick V. N. and Roberts, A. J.. 2003. "Modelling nonlinear dynamics of shape-memory-alloys with approximate models of coupled thermoelasticity." Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM). 83 (2), pp. 93-104. https://doi.org/10.1002/zamm.200310009


ECOOSE: an echo cancellation object oriented simulation environment
Braithwaite, Stephen and Addie, Ron. 2009. "ECOOSE: an echo cancellation object oriented simulation environment." 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems and Workshops. Rome, Italy 02 - 06 Mar 2009 Brussels, Belgium. https://doi.org/10.4108/ICST.SIMUTOOLS2009.5775


An effective spectral collocation method for the direct solution of high-order ODEs
Mai-Duy, Nam. 2006. "An effective spectral collocation method for the direct solution of high-order ODEs." Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. 22 (6), pp. 627-642. https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.841
