Prof Andrew Wandel

NameProf Andrew Wandel
Job TitleProfessor (Mechanical Engineering)
QualificationsBEng(Hons) Qld, PhD Qld
DepartmentSchool of Engineering
AffiliationsInstitute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences
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Associate ProfessorUniversity of Southern Queensland2009
Research AssociateImperial College London20072008
Research AssociateThe University of Queensland20072007
Research AssociateCambridge University20062006


MEC5100 Computational Fluid Dynamics

MEC5105 Combustion

Fields of Research

  • 390109. Mathematics and numeracy curriculum and pedagogy
  • 390113. Science, technology and engineering curriculum and pedagogy
  • 390405. Educational technology and computing
  • 400201. Automotive combustion and fuel engineering
  • 401204. Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics)
  • 401703. Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical)
  • 490399. Numerical and computational mathematics not elsewhere classified

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Combustion Institute - Australia and New Zealand Section
Engineers Australia - Chartered Engineer

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Industrial Waste Heat Recovery and UtilisationPrincipal SupervisorMasters2023
CFD of Gas TurbinePrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2023
Advanced computational simulation of stochastic multiple mapping conditioning model for combustionPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2013

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
A study on the performance of a portable single-duct propane air conditioner and ways of reducing the amount of refrigerantAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Active control of flow separation using compressed air egress and ingress for small wind turbine blades operates in low-speed wind regimesAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Improving the efficiency of the desiccant wheel powered by renewable energy under different environmental conditionsAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
The use of butanol-acetone mixture in diesel engines: Blend preparation, spray visualisation and engine performancePrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2020
Optical and thermal optimisation of parabolic trough solar collectors for heating applications via a novel receiver tubePrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2019
Development of lean strategies selection methodology and the weighted leanness assessment model in the modular manufacturing companiesAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2018

A numerically-stable method for enforcing numerical conservation in transported probability density function models: Application to MMC-IEM with one reference variable

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2024. "A numerically-stable method for enforcing numerical conservation in transported probability density function models: Application to MMC-IEM with one reference variable." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 40.

Influence of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Properties on Internal Combustion Engine Performance, Combustion, and Emissions: A Review

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Saleh, Khalid, Wandel, Andrew P, Fattah, Islam Md Rizwanul, Yusaf, Talal and Alrazen, Hayder A.. 2024. "Influence of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Properties on Internal Combustion Engine Performance, Combustion, and Emissions: A Review." Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy. 632.

MMC-IEM with varying particle weights: A numericallyconservative method for a single reference variable

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "MMC-IEM with varying particle weights: A numericallyconservative method for a single reference variable." Dlugogorski, Bogdan Z. and Masri, Assaad R. (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2023 (ACS 2023). Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2023 Australia.

Gaussian particle selection pairing for the generalised binomial Langevin multiple mapping conditioning model

du Preez, Matthew and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "Gaussian particle selection pairing for the generalised binomial Langevin multiple mapping conditioning model." Dlugogorski, Bogdan Z. and Masri, Assaad R. (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2023 (ACS 2023). Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Nov 2023 Australia.

Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions." Physics of Fluids. 35 (4).

Sugarcane Biomass as a Source of Biofuel for Internal Combustion Engines (Ethanol and Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol): A Review of Economic Challenges

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Yusaf, Talal, Hamza, Naseer H., Wandel, Andrew P., Fattah, I. M. Rizwanul, Laimon, Mohamd and Rahman, S. M. Ashrafur. 2022. "Sugarcane Biomass as a Source of Biofuel for Internal Combustion Engines (Ethanol and Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol): A Review of Economic Challenges." Energies. 15 (22), pp. 1-17.

Performance and emission levels of butanol, acetone-butanol-ethanol, butanol-acetone/diesel blends in a diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2022. "Performance and emission levels of butanol, acetone-butanol-ethanol, butanol-acetone/diesel blends in a diesel engine." Biofuels. 13 (4), pp. 449-459.

Experimental investigation of iso-butanol-acetone (BA) and diesel blend as an alternative fuel for CI engines

Algayyim, S. J. M. and Wandel, A. P.. 2021. "Experimental investigation of iso-butanol-acetone (BA) and diesel blend as an alternative fuel for CI engines." Klimenko, Alexander Y., Wandel, Andrew P., Lu, Yuanshen, Jacobs, Carolyn, Jahn, Ingo, Knibbe, Ruth, Rudolph, Victor, Shukla, Pradeep, Veeraragavan, Anand and Wheatley, Vincent (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2021. Toowoomba, Australia 21 - 24 Nov 2021 Australia.

A Method for Solving Two-Stream Mixing using the Generalised Binomial-Langevin Multiple Mapping Conditioning Model

du Preez, Matthew, Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2021. "A Method for Solving Two-Stream Mixing using the Generalised Binomial-Langevin Multiple Mapping Conditioning Model." Klimekno, Alexander Y., Wandel, Andrew P., Lu, Yuanshen, Jacobs, Carolyn, Jahn, Ingo, Knibbe, Ruth, Rudolph, Victor, Shukla, Pradeep, Veeraragavan, Anand and Wheatley, Vincent (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2021. Toowoomba, Australia 21 - 24 Nov 2021 Toowoomba, Australia.

Spray simulation of diesel fuel under different ambient pressures and temperatures

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Al-Manea, Ahmed Razzaq Hasan. 2021. "Spray simulation of diesel fuel under different ambient pressures and temperatures." Al-Manea, Ahmed Razzaq Hasan (ed.) 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Science (ICES2021). Al-Samawa, Iraq 26 - 27 May 2021 United States. AIP Publishing.

Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of biofuel spray (biodiesel and alcohols) in CI engines: A review

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2021. "Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of biofuel spray (biodiesel and alcohols) in CI engines: A review." Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy. 292, pp. 1-14.

Parametric sensitivities of the generalized binomial Langevin–multiple mapping conditioning model

du Preez, Matthew, Wandel, Andrew P., Bontch-Osmolovskaia, D. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2021. "Parametric sensitivities of the generalized binomial Langevin–multiple mapping conditioning model." Physics of Fluids. 33 (4).

Mixtures of n-butanol and iso-butanol blended with diesel: experimental investigation of combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission levels in a compression ignition engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2021. "Mixtures of n-butanol and iso-butanol blended with diesel: experimental investigation of combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission levels in a compression ignition engine." Biofuels. 12 (4), pp. 439-448.

Comparative assessment of spray behavior, combustion and engine performance of ABE-biodiesel/diesel as fuel in DI diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2020. "Comparative assessment of spray behavior, combustion and engine performance of ABE-biodiesel/diesel as fuel in DI diesel engine." Energies. 13 (24), pp. 1-12.

Student perceptions of mathematics readiness from a university preparatory program to undergraduate studies

Robinson, Clare, Galligan, Linda, Hussain, Zanubia, Abdulla, Shahab, Frederiks, Anita and Wandel, Andrew. 2019. "Student perceptions of mathematics readiness from a university preparatory program to undergraduate studies." Adults Learning Mathematics: An International Journal. 14 (2), pp. 6-22.

Development of a weighted leanness measurement method in modular construction companies

Shams Bidhendi, Saba, Goh, Steven and Wandel, Andrew. 2019. "Development of a weighted leanness measurement method in modular construction companies." Journal of Industrial Engineering International. 15 (4), pp. 603-625.

Re-examining the flocculating power of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium for a broad range of soils

Zhu, Yingcan, Ali, Aram, Dang, Aaditi, Wandel, Andrew P. and Bennett, John McLean. 2019. "Re-examining the flocculating power of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium for a broad range of soils." Geoderma. 352, pp. 422-428.

Effect of inlet manifold water injection on diesel engine performance and emissions

Kafle, Sujit, Wandel, Andrew P. and Al-Lwayzy, Saddam. 2019. "Effect of inlet manifold water injection on diesel engine performance and emissions." Medwell, Paul, Alwahabi, Zeyad, Evans, Michael, Chan, Shaun, Chinnici, Alfonso, Tian, Zhao and Dally, Bassam (ed.) 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. Adelaide, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2019 Sydney, Australia.

A Physical Understanding of how Multiple Mapping Conditioning Works

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2019. "A Physical Understanding of how Multiple Mapping Conditioning Works." Medwell, Paul, Alwahabi, Zeyad, Evans, Michael, Chan, Shaun, Chinnici, Alfonso, Tian, Zhao and Dally, Bassam (ed.) 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. Adelaide, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2019 Sydney, Australia.

Comparative study of spray characteristics of butanol, acetonebutanol-ethanol, butanol-acetone/diesel blends

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2019. "Comparative study of spray characteristics of butanol, acetonebutanol-ethanol, butanol-acetone/diesel blends." Medwell, Paul, Alwahabi, Zeyad, Evans, Michael, Chan, Shaun, Chinnici, Alfonso, Tian, Zhao and Dally, Bassam (ed.) 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. Adelaide, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2019

A mixture-fraction-based hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning model

Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2019. "A mixture-fraction-based hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning model." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 37 (2), pp. 2151-2158.

Butanol-acetone mixture blended with cottonseed biodiesel: spray characteristics evolution, combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P., Yusaf, Talal and Al-lwayzy, Saddam. 2019. "Butanol-acetone mixture blended with cottonseed biodiesel: spray characteristics evolution, combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 37 (4), pp. 4729-4739.

Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2018. "Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining." Combustion and Flame. 198, pp. 342-355.

A Multi-Objective Methodology for Selecting Lean Initiatives in Modular Construction Companies

Shams Bidhendi, Saba, Goh, Steven and Wandel, Andrew. 2018. "A Multi-Objective Methodology for Selecting Lean Initiatives in Modular Construction Companies." World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering). 12 (9), pp. 1254-1266.

Experimental investigation of hydrated butanol-acetone (BA) and diesel blend as alternative fuel for CI engines

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2018. "Experimental investigation of hydrated butanol-acetone (BA) and diesel blend as alternative fuel for CI engines." 37th International Symposium on Combustion. Dublin, Ireland 29 Jul - 03 Aug 2018 Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

The impact of injector hole diameter on spray behaviour for butanol-diesel blends

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2018. "The impact of injector hole diameter on spray behaviour for butanol-diesel blends." Energies. 11 (5), pp. 1298-1310.

Impact of butanol-acetone mixture as a fuel additive on diesel engine performance and emissions

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P., Yusaf, Talal, Al-Lwayzy, Saddam and Hamawand, Ihsan. 2018. "Impact of butanol-acetone mixture as a fuel additive on diesel engine performance and emissions." Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy. 227, pp. 118-126.

Production and application of ABE as a biofuel

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P., Yusaf, Talal and Hamawand, Ihsan. 2018. "Production and application of ABE as a biofuel." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 82, pp. 1195-1214.

Mixture-fraction based hybrid binomial-langevin–MMC modelling applied to auto-ignition in vitiated flow

Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2017. "Mixture-fraction based hybrid binomial-langevin–MMC modelling applied to auto-ignition in vitiated flow." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.

Experimental and numerical investigation of spray characteristics of butanol-diesel blends

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2017. "Experimental and numerical investigation of spray characteristics of butanol-diesel blends." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.

Experimental study of spray characteristics, engine performance and emission levels of acetone-butanol-ethanol mixture-diesel blends in a diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew, Yusaf, Talal, Hamawand, Ihsan and Al-lwayzy, Saddam. 2017. "Experimental study of spray characteristics, engine performance and emission levels of acetone-butanol-ethanol mixture-diesel blends in a diesel engine." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.

The effect of butanol-acetone mixture-cottonseed biodiesel blend on spray characteristics, engine performance and emissions in diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2017. "The effect of butanol-acetone mixture-cottonseed biodiesel blend on spray characteristics, engine performance and emissions in diesel engine." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.

The experimental investigation of butanol-diesel blend on engine performance and emission levels in DI diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar, Wandel, Andrew P., Yusaf, Talal, Hamawand, Ihsan and Al-lwayzy, Saddam. 2017. "The experimental investigation of butanol-diesel blend on engine performance and emission levels in DI diesel engine." 1st MoHESR and HCED Iraq Scholars Conference in Australasia 2017 (ISCA 2017). Melbourne, Australia 05 - 06 Dec 2017 Melbourne, Australia.

Numerical investigation into natural gas–diesel dual-fuel engine configuration

Jing, Baocong and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2017. "Numerical investigation into natural gas–diesel dual-fuel engine configuration." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.

The impact of n-butanol and iso-butanol as components of butanol-acetone (BA) mixture-diesel blend on spray, combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission in direct injection diesel engine

Algayyim, Sattar Jabbar Murad, Wandel, Andrew P., Yusaf, Talal and Hamawand, Ihsan. 2017. "The impact of n-butanol and iso-butanol as components of butanol-acetone (BA) mixture-diesel blend on spray, combustion characteristics, engine performance and emission in direct injection diesel engine." Energy. 140, pp. 1074-1086.

Spreading rate and dispersion behavior of evaporation-suppressant monolayer on open water surfaces: part 2 – under wind stress

Wandel, Andrew P., Brink, Gavin N., Hancock, Nigel H. and Pather, Selvan. 2017. "Spreading rate and dispersion behavior of evaporation-suppressant monolayer on open water surfaces: part 2 – under wind stress." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 87, pp. 171-181.

Spreading rate and dispersion behavior of evaporation-suppressant monolayer on open water surfaces: part 1 – at zero wind stress

Brink, Gavin N., Wandel, Andrew P., Hancock, Nigel H. and Pather, Selvan. 2017. "Spreading rate and dispersion behavior of evaporation-suppressant monolayer on open water surfaces: part 1 – at zero wind stress." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 87, pp. 182-190.

Single-zone zero-dimensional model study for diesel-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines using Cantera

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2016. "Single-zone zero-dimensional model study for diesel-fuelled homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines using Cantera." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 13 (2), pp. 3309-3328.

Impact of butanol-acetone mixture as an oxygenated fuel additive to diesel fuel on diesel engine performance and emissions

Algayyim, Sattar, Wandel, Andrew, Yusaf, Talal, Hamawand, Ihsan and Al-lwayzy, Saddam. 2016. "Impact of butanol-acetone mixture as an oxygenated fuel additive to diesel fuel on diesel engine performance and emissions." 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Seoul, Korea 31 Jul - 05 Aug 2016

Identification of burning and extinguishing behaviour in spray flames with spark ignition

Baayens, Jocelyn and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2015. "Identification of burning and extinguishing behaviour in spray flames with spark ignition." Yang, Yi and Smith, Nigel (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium 2015. Melbourne, Australia 07 - 09 Dec 2015 Australia.

Students' mathematical preparation: differences in staff and student perceptions

Wandel, Andrew P., Robinson, Clare, Abdulla, Shahab, Dalby, Tim, Frederiks, Anita and Galligan, Linda. 2015. "Students' mathematical preparation: differences in staff and student perceptions." International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education. 23 (1), pp. 82-93.

An introduction to a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine

Hairuddin, A. A., Wandel, A. P. and Yusaf, T.. 2014. "An introduction to a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine." Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences. 7, pp. 1042-1052.

How do university engineering graduates influence high school students through mentoring programs

Gow, Ingrid and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "How do university engineering graduates influence high school students through mentoring programs." Bainbridge-Smith, Andrew, Qi, Ziming Tom and Gupta, Gourab Sen (ed.) 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2014). Wellington, New Zealand 07 - 10 Dec 2014 Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Effecting teamwork outcomes in online courses

Wandel, Andrew P. and Jolly, Hannah. 2014. "Effecting teamwork outcomes in online courses." Bainbridge-Smith, Andrew, Qi, Ziming Tom and Gupta, Gourab Sen (ed.) 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2014). Wellington, New Zealand 07 - 10 Dec 2014 Palmerston North, New Zealand.

The effect of the width and number of gaps on the characteristics of swirl flow induced naturally inside split channel using hot air inlet

Al Atresh, Safia R., Sharifian, Ahmad S. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "The effect of the width and number of gaps on the characteristics of swirl flow induced naturally inside split channel using hot air inlet." International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing. 2 (4), pp. 339-344.

Influence of scalar dissipation on flame success in turbulent sprays with spark ignition

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "Influence of scalar dissipation on flame success in turbulent sprays with spark ignition." Combustion and Flame. 161 (10), pp. 2579-2600.

Air fuel ratio study for mixture of biogas and hydrogen on mild combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2014. "Air fuel ratio study for mixture of biogas and hydrogen on mild combustion." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 10 (1), pp. 2144-2154.

Effect of air-fuel ratio on temperature distribution and pollutants for biogas MILD combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2014. "Effect of air-fuel ratio on temperature distribution and pollutants for biogas MILD combustion." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 10 (1), pp. 1980-1992.

The simulation of biogas combustion in a MILD burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2014. "The simulation of biogas combustion in a MILD burner." Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences. 6 (1), pp. 995-1013.

A review of hydrogen and natural gas addition in diesel HCCI engines

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "A review of hydrogen and natural gas addition in diesel HCCI engines." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 32, pp. 739-761.

MILD combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion technology

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2014. "MILD combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion technology." International Review of Mechanical Engineering. 8 (1), pp. 251-257.

Effect of different heat transfer models on a diesel homogeneous charge compression ignition engine

Hairuddin, Abdul Aziz, Yusaf, Talal and Wandel, Andrew. 2013. "Effect of different heat transfer models on a diesel homogeneous charge compression ignition engine." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 8 (1), pp. 1292-1304.

Caring and sharing computer files with configuration management

Wandel, Andrew P., Jokic, Michael D. and Kist, Alexander A.. 2013. "Caring and sharing computer files with configuration management." Lemckert, Charles, Jenkins, Graham and Lang-Lemckert, Susan (ed.) 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2013). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 11 Dec 2013 Brisbane, Australia.

Design and development of mild combustion burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Design and development of mild combustion burner." Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences. 5, pp. 662-676.

Students' mathematical preparation Part A: lecturers' perceptions

Galligan, Linda, Wandel, Andrew, Pigozzo, Robyn, Frederiks, Anita, Robinson, Clare, Abdulla, Shahab and Dalby, Tim. 2013. "Students' mathematical preparation Part A: lecturers' perceptions." Deborah, King, Birgit, Loch and Leanne, Rylands (ed.) 9th Delta Conference of Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics 2013: Shining Through the Fog. Kiama, Australia 24 - 29 Nov 2013 Sydney, Australia.

Students' mathematical preparation Part B: students' perceptions

Dalby, Tim, Robinson, Clare, Abdulla, Shahab, Galligan, Linda, Frederiks, Anita, Pigozzo, Robyn and Wandel, Andrew. 2013. "Students' mathematical preparation Part B: students' perceptions." King, Deborah, Loch, Birgit and Rylands, Leanne (ed.) 9th Delta Conference of Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics 2013: Shining Through the Fog. Kiama, Australia 24 - 29 Nov 2013 Sydney, Australia.

Numerical study of oxygen dilution and temperature distribution of biogas combustion in Bluff-body MILD burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Numerical study of oxygen dilution and temperature distribution of biogas combustion in Bluff-body MILD burner." Masri, Assaad (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Perth, Australia.

Implementation of CMC in a 0-D single-zone model of a diesel HCCI engine

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Implementation of CMC in a 0-D single-zone model of a diesel HCCI engine." Zhu, Mingming, Yu, Yun, Vuthaluru, Hari, Zhang, Zhezi and Zhang, Dongke (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Sydney, Australia.

Direct numerical simulations of passive scalars: effect of initial mixture fraction distribution on timescales

du Preez, M. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Direct numerical simulations of passive scalars: effect of initial mixture fraction distribution on timescales." Zhang, Dongke (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Perth, Australia.

Mixture fraction probability density functions in sparse spray flames with spark ignition

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Mixture fraction probability density functions in sparse spray flames with spark ignition." Zhu, Mingming, Ma, Yu, Yu, Yun, Vuthaluru, Hari, Zhang, Zhezi and Zhang, Dongke (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Perth, Australia.

The air fuel ratio study for the mixture of biogas and hydrogen on mild combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The air fuel ratio study for the mixture of biogas and hydrogen on mild combustion." 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.

Discretization of three dimensional non-uniform grid: conditional moment closure elliptic equation using finite difference method

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Discretization of three dimensional non-uniform grid: conditional moment closure elliptic equation using finite difference method." 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.

A homogeneous charge compression ignition engine: an introduction

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "A homogeneous charge compression ignition engine: an introduction." 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.

Conditional dissipation of scalars in homogeneous turbulence: closure for MMC modelling

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Conditional dissipation of scalars in homogeneous turbulence: closure for MMC modelling." Combustion Theory and Modelling. 17 (4), pp. 707-748.

Analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 8 (1), pp. 1176-1186.

The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.

Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.

Mild combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion

Yusaf, Talal, Noor, M. M. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Mild combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.

The analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.

Extinction predictors in turbulent sprays

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Extinction predictors in turbulent sprays." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 34 (1), pp. 1625-1632.

Hybrid multiple mapping conditioning modeling of local extinction

Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2013. "Hybrid multiple mapping conditioning modeling of local extinction." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 34 (1), pp. 1365-1372.

Student perceptions of teammates' performance: influence of team formation method

Wandel, Andrew P. and Willey, Keith. 2012. "Student perceptions of teammates' performance: influence of team formation method." Mann, Llewellyn and Daniel, Scott (ed.) 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2012). Melbourne, Australia 03 - 05 Dec 2012 Melbourne, Australia.

A review of mild combustion and open furnace design consideration

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2012. "A review of mild combustion and open furnace design consideration." International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 6 (1), pp. 730-754.

Modelling of non-premixed turbulent combustion of hydrogen using conditional moment closure method

Noor, M. M., Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "Modelling of non-premixed turbulent combustion of hydrogen using conditional moment closure method." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 36 (1), pp. 1-17.

HCCI engine: numerical and experimental approach

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal F. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2012. "HCCI engine: numerical and experimental approach." Noor, M. M., Baker, Paul and Yusaf, Talal F. (ed.) USQ Combustion Meeting 2012 (26th September). Toowoomba, Australia 26 Sep 2012 Toowoomba, Australia.

The study of air fuel ratio for open furnace MILD combustion of biogas on bluff-body burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "The study of air fuel ratio for open furnace MILD combustion of biogas on bluff-body burner." 2012 Southern Regional Engineering Conference (SREC 2012). Toowoomba, Australia 01 Sep 2012 Canberra, Australia.

Numerical investigation of influence of air and fuel dilution for open furnace MILD combustion burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "Numerical investigation of influence of air and fuel dilution for open furnace MILD combustion burner." 2012 Southern Regional Engineering Conference (SREC 2012). Toowoomba, Australia 01 Sep 2012 Canberra, Australia.

Investigation of Biogas Moderate or Intense Low Oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion on open furnace bluff-body burner

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "Investigation of Biogas Moderate or Intense Low Oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion on open furnace bluff-body burner." Noor, M. M., Baker, Paul and Yusaf, Talal F. (ed.) USQ Combustion Meeting 2012 (29th August). Toowoomba, Australia 29 Aug 2012 Toowoomba, Australia.

The modelling of the effect of air fuel ratio on unburned hydrocarbons for MILD combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "The modelling of the effect of air fuel ratio on unburned hydrocarbons for MILD combustion." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 2nd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2012). Gold Coast, Australia 07 - 09 Jul 2012 Sydney, Australia.

A preliminary study of control parameters for open furnace mild combustion using CFD

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "A preliminary study of control parameters for open furnace mild combustion using CFD." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 2nd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2012). Gold Coast, Australia 07 - 09 Jul 2012 Sydney, Australia.

Mild combustion: a technical review towards open furnace combustion

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2012. "Mild combustion: a technical review towards open furnace combustion." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 2nd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2012). Gold Coast, Australia 07 - 09 Jul 2012 Sydney, Australia.

Implementation of conditional moment closure using the Taylor expansion and finite differences

Noor, M. M., Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2011. "Implementation of conditional moment closure using the Taylor expansion and finite differences." 1st International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2011). Kuantan, Malaysia 05 - 07 Dec 2011 Kuantan, Malaysia. IOP Publishing.

Peer review of teamwork for encouraging equal commitment to the group effort

Wandel, Andrew P. and Willey, Keith. 2011. "Peer review of teamwork for encouraging equal commitment to the group effort." Al-Abdeli, Yasir M. and Lindsay, Euan (ed.) 22nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2011). Fremantle, Australia 05 - 07 Dec 2011 Wembley, Western Australia.

A hybrid EMST-modified Curl's model for turbulent combustion modelling

Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, T. F.. 2011. "A hybrid EMST-modified Curl's model for turbulent combustion modelling." University of Southern Queensland's Research Evening: Showcasing USQ Research (2011). Toowoomba, Australia 17 Nov 2011

Predicting the combustion behaviour of a diesel HCCI engine using a zero-dimensional single-zone model

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Yusaf, Talal F. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "Predicting the combustion behaviour of a diesel HCCI engine using a zero-dimensional single-zone model." Kennedy, Eric, Dlugogorski, Bogdan, Moghtaderi, Behdad and Masri, Assaad (ed.) 11th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2011). Newcastle, Australia 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011 Sydney, Australia.

A stochastic micromixing model based on the turbulent diffusion length scale

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "A stochastic micromixing model based on the turbulent diffusion length scale." Kennedy, Eric, Moghtaderi, Bogdan, Dlugogorski, Behdad and Masri, Assaad (ed.) 11th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2011). Newcastle, Australia 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011 Sydney, Australia.

Study of random particle interactions for analysis of diffusion lengths in turbulent combustion modelling

Noor, M. M., Yusaf, T. F. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "Study of random particle interactions for analysis of diffusion lengths in turbulent combustion modelling." Kennedy, Eric, Dlugogorski, Bogdan, Moghtaderi, Behdad and Masri, Assaad (ed.) 11th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2011). Newcastle, Australia 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011 Sydney, Australia.

Work in progress – performance evaluation of online learning tools

Kist, Alexander A. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "Work in progress – performance evaluation of online learning tools." 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2011): Celebrating 41 Years of Monumental Innovations from around the World. Rapid City, United States 12 - 15 Oct 2011 United States.

Team formation by region to improve outcomes for distance-education students in a PBL course

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "Team formation by region to improve outcomes for distance-education students in a PBL course." 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2011): Celebrating 41 Years of Monumental Innovations from around the World. Rapid City, United States 12 - 15 Oct 2011 Piscataway, NJ. United States.

Optimising the design, installation and operation of a monolayer application system on a farm dam via a 'Universal Design Framework'

Brink, Gavin, Wandel, Andrew, Pittaway, Pam, Hancock, Nigel and Schmidt, Erik. 2011. "Optimising the design, installation and operation of a monolayer application system on a farm dam via a 'Universal Design Framework'." Thompson, Chris (ed.) Irrigation 2011: New Horizons, Fresh Ideas Regional Conference and Exhibition. Launceston, Australia 22 - 25 Aug 2011 Sydney, Australia.

Analysis of data to develop models for spray combustion

Clarke, Jason, Wandel, Andrew P. and Mastorakos, E.. 2010. "Analysis of data to develop models for spray combustion." Goh, Steven C. and Wang, Hao (ed.) 2010 Southern Region Engineering Conference (SREC 2010). Toowoomba, Australia 11 - 12 Nov 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.

Which version art thou? Configuration management in engineering education

Jokic, Michael D., Wandel, Andrew P. and Kist, Alexander A.. 2010. "Which version art thou? Configuration management in engineering education." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.

Experimental and modeling investigation of the performance characteristics on diesel HCCI with hydrogen additive - a review

Supeni, E. E., Yusaf, Talal, Wandel, Andrew P., Buttsworth, David R. and Noor, M. M.. 2010. "Experimental and modeling investigation of the performance characteristics on diesel HCCI with hydrogen additive - a review." 2nd National Conference in Mechanical Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies. Kuantan, Malaysia 03 - 04 Dec 2010 Malaysia.

Student usage of videos containing worked solutions

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2010. "Student usage of videos containing worked solutions." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.

Hydrogen and natural gas comparison in diesel HCCI engines -a review

Hairuddin, A. Aziz, Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2010. "Hydrogen and natural gas comparison in diesel HCCI engines -a review." Goh, Steven C. and Wang, Hao (ed.) 2010 Southern Region Engineering Conference (SREC 2010). Toowoomba, Australia 11 - 12 Nov 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.

Determining operational requirements to optimise monolayer performance on a farm dam via a 'Universal Design Framework'

Brink, Gavin, Wandel, Andrew P., Pittaway, Pam, Hancock, Nigel and Pather, Selvan. 2010. "Determining operational requirements to optimise monolayer performance on a farm dam via a 'Universal Design Framework'." Montagu, Kelvin (ed.) Australian Irrigation Conference and Exibition 2010: One Water Many Futures. Sydney, Australia 08 - 10 Jun 2010 Sydney, Australia.

Linkages between courses: a holistic approach to programmes

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2010. "Linkages between courses: a holistic approach to programmes." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.

Scaffolding distance learning in mathematics for engineering: identifying key troublesome knowledge

Galligan, Linda, Wandel, Andrew P. and Hartle, R. Todd. 2010. "Scaffolding distance learning in mathematics for engineering: identifying key troublesome knowledge." Hudson, Peter, Chandra, Vinesh, King, Donna and Lee, Kar-Tin (ed.) 1st Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education Conference (STEM 2010). Brisbane, Australia 26 - 27 Nov 2010 Brisbane, Australia.

A ‘universal design framework’ for installation planning and operational management of evaporation-suppressing films on agricultural reservoirs

Brink, Gavin, Wandel, Andrew P., Pittaway, Pam, Hancock, Nigel and Pather, Selvan. 2010. "A ‘universal design framework’ for installation planning and operational management of evaporation-suppressing films on agricultural reservoirs." Genet, Roger (ed.) International Conference on Agricultural Engineering: Towards Environmental Technologies (2010). Clermont-Ferrand, France 06 - 08 Sep 2010

Hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning modeling of a reacting mixing layer

Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2009. "Hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning modeling of a reacting mixing layer." Physics of Fluids. 21 (1).

Utilising tablet PCs in tutorials to aid external students

Wandel, Andrew P.. 2009. "Utilising tablet PCs in tutorials to aid external students." Kestell, Colin, Grainger, Steven and Cheung, John (ed.) 20th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2009). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 09 Dec 2009 Adelaide, Australia.

Application of hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning method to reacting jet flow

Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2009. "Application of hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning method to reacting jet flow." Klimenko, Alexander Y., Cleary, Matthew J., Feng, Bo, Rudolph, Victor, Boyce, Russell R., Wandel, Andrew P. and Clements, Rose (ed.) Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2009). Brisbane, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2009 Brisbane, Australia.

Direct numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent two-phase flows

Schroll, Peter, Wandel, Andrew P., Cant, R. Stewart and Mastorakos, E.. 2009. "Direct numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent two-phase flows." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 32 (2), pp. 2275-2282.

Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flame expansion in fine sprays

Wandel, Andrew P., Chakraborty, Nilanjan and Mastorakos, E.. 2009. "Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flame expansion in fine sprays." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 32 (2), pp. 2283-2290.

Towards adaptive operational requirements for optimal application of evaporation-suppressing monolayer to reservoirs via a 'universal design framework'

Brink, Gavin, Wandel, Andrew P., Hancock, Nigel and Pather, Selvan. 2009. "Towards adaptive operational requirements for optimal application of evaporation-suppressing monolayer to reservoirs via a 'universal design framework'." IWER 2009: International Workshop on Evaporation from Reservoirs. Gold Coast, Australia 09 - 11 Dec 2009 Gold Coast, Australia.

Testing multiple mapping conditioning mixing for Monte Carlo probability density function simulations

Wandel, Andrew P. and Klimenko, Alexander Y.. 2005. "Testing multiple mapping conditioning mixing for Monte Carlo probability density function simulations." Physics of Fluids. 17 (12).