370901. Geomorphology and earth surface processes
Title | 370901. Geomorphology and earth surface processes |
Parent | 3709. Physical geography and environmental geoscience |
Latest research outputs
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A conceptual connectivity framework for understanding geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems
Poeppl, Ronald E., Keesstra, Saskia D. and Maroulis, Jerry. 2017. "A conceptual connectivity framework for understanding geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems." Geomorphology. 277, pp. 237-250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.07.033Article
A pyramid approach to lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models
Scarmana, Gabriel and McDougall, Kevin. 2014. "A pyramid approach to lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models." IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014 (IGARSS 2014): Energy and our Changing Planet. Quebec City, Canada 13 - 18 Jul 2014 Piscataway, NJ. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6946981Paper
A sub-catchment based approach for modelling nutrient dynamics and transport at a river basin scale
Alam, Md Jahangir and Dutta, Dushmanta. 2016. "A sub-catchment based approach for modelling nutrient dynamics and transport at a river basin scale." Water Resources Management. 30 (14), pp. 5455-5478. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-016-1500-xArticle
A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for flood inundation simulation: a case study in the lower Mekong river basin
Dutta, Dushmanta, Alam, Jahangir, Umeda, Kazuo, Hayashi, Masayoshi and Hironaka, Sadayuki. 2007. "A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for flood inundation simulation: a case study in the lower Mekong river basin." Hydrological Processes. 21 (9), pp. 1223-1237. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.6682Article
An extreme learning machine model for the simulation of monthly mean streamflow water level in eastern Queensland
Deo, Ravinesh C. and Sahin, Mehmet. 2016. "An extreme learning machine model for the simulation of monthly mean streamflow water level in eastern Queensland." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188 (90). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5094-9Article
Anastomosing river sedimentation in the Channel Country of central Australia
Gibling, Martin R., Nanson, Gerald C. and Maroulis, Jerry C.. 1998. "Anastomosing river sedimentation in the Channel Country of central Australia." Sedimentology. 45 (3), pp. 595-619. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-3091.1998.00163.xArticle
Arsenate immobilization associated with microbial oxidation of ferrous ion in complex acid sulfate water
Ma, Yingqun and Lin, Chuxia. 2012. "Arsenate immobilization associated with microbial oxidation of ferrous ion in complex acid sulfate water ." Journal of Hazardous Materials. 217-218, pp. 238-245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2012.03.021Article
Controlled traffic farming restores soil structure
McHugh, A. D., Tullberg, J. N. and Freebairn, D. M.. 2009. "Controlled traffic farming restores soil structure." Soil and Tillage Research. 104 (1), pp. 164-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2008.10.010Article
Controlled traffic farming with no tillage for improved fallow water storage and crop yield on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Wang, Qingjie, Chen, Hao, Li, Hongwen, Li, Wenying, Wang, Xiaoyan, McHugh, A. D., He, Jin and Gao, Huanwen. 2009. "Controlled traffic farming with no tillage for improved fallow water storage and crop yield on the Chinese Loess Plateau." Soil and Tillage Research. 104 (1), pp. 192-197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2008.10.012Article
Dairy farm impacts of fencing riparian land: pasture production and farm productivity
Aarons, Sharon R., Melland, Alice R. and Dorling, Lianne. 2013. "Dairy farm impacts of fencing riparian land: pasture production and farm productivity." Journal of Environmental Management. 130, pp. 255-266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.08.060Article
Delineating Groundwater Recharge Potential through Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
Maqsoom, Ahsen, Aslam, Bilal, Khalid, Nauman, Ullah, Fahim, Anysz, Hubert, Almaliki, Abdulrazak H., Almaliki, Abdulrhman A. and Hussein, Enas E.. 2022. "Delineating Groundwater Recharge Potential through Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems." Water: an open access journal. 14 (11), pp. 1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14111824Article
Development and testing of a micro wind tunnel for on-site wind erosion simulations
Strong, Craig L., Leys, John F., Raupach, Mike R., Bullard, Joanna E., Aubault, Helene A., Butler, Harry J. and McTainsh, Grant H.. 2016. "Development and testing of a micro wind tunnel for on-site wind erosion simulations." Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 16 (5), pp. 1065-1083. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-016-9478-8Article
Distinguishing the impacts of human activities and climate variability on runoff and sediment load change based on paired periods with similar weather conditions: a case in the Yan River, China
Wang, Fei, Hessel, Rudi, Mu, Xingmin, Maroulis, Jerry, Zhao, Guangju, Geissen, Violette and Ritsema, Coen. 2015. "Distinguishing the impacts of human activities and climate variability on runoff and sediment load change based on paired periods with similar weather conditions: a case in the Yan River, China." Journal of Hydrology. 527, pp. 884-893. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.05.037Article
Downslope soil detachment–transport on steep slopes via rain splash
Ghahramani, Afshin, Ishikawa, Yoshiharu, Gomi, Takashi and Miyata, Shusuke. 2011. "Downslope soil detachment–transport on steep slopes via rain splash." Hydrological Processes. 25 (15), pp. 2471-2480. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.8086Article
Drought forecasting in eastern Australia using multivariate adaptive regression spline, least square support vector machine and M5Tree model
Deo, Ravinesh C., Kisi, Ogzur and Singh, Vijay P.. 2017. "Drought forecasting in eastern Australia using multivariate adaptive regression spline, least square support vector machine and M5Tree model." Atmospheric Research. 184, pp. 149-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.10.004Article
Effect of ground cover on splash and sheetwash erosion over a steep forested hillslope: a plot-scale study
Ghahramani, Afshin, Ishikawa, Yoshiharu, Gomi, Takashi, Shiraki, Katsushige and Miyata, Shusuke. 2011. "Effect of ground cover on splash and sheetwash erosion over a steep forested hillslope: a plot-scale study." Catena. 85 (1), pp. 34-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2010.11.005Article
Exploring the application of some common raster scanning paths on lossless compression of elevation images
Scarmana, Gabriel and McDougall, Kevin. 2015. "Exploring the application of some common raster scanning paths on lossless compression of elevation images." IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015 (IGARSS 2015): Remote Sensing: Understanding the Earth for a Safer World. Milan, Italy 26 - 31 Jul 2015 Milan, Italy.Paper
Factors affecting the nature and rate of dust production from natural dune sands
Bullard, Joanna E., McTainsh, Grant H. and Pudmenzky, Christa. 2007. "Factors affecting the nature and rate of dust production from natural dune sands." Sedimentology. 54 (1), pp. 169-182. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3091.2006.00827.xArticle
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: a PNG image format evaluation
Scarmana, G.. 2014. "Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: a PNG image format evaluation." ISPRS Technical Commission V Symposium. Close-range imaging, ranging and applications . Riva del Garda, Italy 23 - 25 Jun 2014 Copernicus GmbH. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsannals-II-5-313-2014Paper
On the effect of counterface materials on tribo-behavior of steel wire sliding under dry contact condition
Chee, Su Be, Al Shalabi, Ammar and Yousif, B. F.. 2008. "On the effect of counterface materials on tribo-behavior of steel wire sliding under dry contact condition." Surface Review and Letters. 15 (4), pp. 355-360. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X08011482Article
On the effect of woven glass fabric orientations on wear and friction properties of polyester composite
Yousif, B. F. and El-Tayeb, N. S. M.. 2007. "On the effect of woven glass fabric orientations on wear and friction properties of polyester composite." Surface Review and Letters. 14 (3), pp. 489-497. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X07009487Article
Retrieving land surface aerodynamic properties using MODIS Albedo
Chappell, A., Guerschman, J. P., Leys, J., Handcock, R., Thomas, D., Mata, G., Butler, H. and Webb, N. P.. 2014. "Retrieving land surface aerodynamic properties using MODIS Albedo." Dong, Zhibao (ed.) 8th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR 2014). Lanzhou, China 21 - 25 Jul 2014 Lubbock, TX. United States.Paper
Sensitivity of aeolian modelling to soil particle size data
Shao, Yaping, Klose, Martina, McTainsh, Grant, Strong, Craig and Butler, Harry. 2014. "Sensitivity of aeolian modelling to soil particle size data." Dong, Zhibao (ed.) 8th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR 2014). Lanzhou, China 21 - 25 Jul 2014 Lubbock, TX. United States.Poster
Simulations of spatial variability in particle-size emissions during wind erosion events
Butler, Harry J., McTainsh, Grant H. and Hogarth, William L.. 2012. "Simulations of spatial variability in particle-size emissions during wind erosion events." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 37 (13), pp. 1362-1375. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3245Article
Stream-flow forecasting using extreme learning machines: a case study in a semi-arid region in Iraq
Yaseen, Zaher Mundher, Jaafar, Othman, Deo, Ravinesh C., Kisi, Ozgur, Adamowski, Jan, Quilty, John and El-Shafie, Ahmed. 2016. "Stream-flow forecasting using extreme learning machines: a case study in a semi-arid region in Iraq." Journal of Hydrology. 542, pp. 603-614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.09.035Article
The effect of oil palm fibers as reinforcement on tribological performance of polyester composite
Yousif, B. F. and El-Tayeb, N. S. M.. 2007. "The effect of oil palm fibers as reinforcement on tribological performance of polyester composite." Surface Review and Letters. 14 (6), pp. 1095-1102. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218625X07010561Article