401213. Turbulent flows
Title | 401213. Turbulent flows |
Parent | 4012. Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering |
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Model predictive control of the high-pressure side of simple supercritical CO2cycle
Bone, Viv, Kearney, Michael and Jahn, Ingo. 2023. "Model predictive control of the high-pressure side of simple supercritical CO2cycle." 2023 American Control Conference (ACC). San Diego, CA, USA 31 May - 02 Jun 2023 United States. https://doi.org/10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10156234Paper
Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization
Al-Rbaihat, Raed, Saleh, Khalid, Malpress, Ray, Buttsworth, David, Alahmer, Hussein and Alahmer, Ali. 2023. "Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization." International Journal of Thermofluids. 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijft.2023.100487Article
Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2023. "Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions." Physics of Fluids. 35 (4). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0142876Article
A Physical Understanding of how Multiple Mapping Conditioning Works
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2019. "A Physical Understanding of how Multiple Mapping Conditioning Works." Medwell, Paul, Alwahabi, Zeyad, Evans, Michael, Chan, Shaun, Chinnici, Alfonso, Tian, Zhao and Dally, Bassam (ed.) 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. Adelaide, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2019 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Mixture-fraction based hybrid binomial-langevin–MMC modelling applied to auto-ignition in vitiated flow
Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2017. "Mixture-fraction based hybrid binomial-langevin–MMC modelling applied to auto-ignition in vitiated flow." Masri, A. R., Cleary, M., Dunn, M., Kourmatzis, A., Hawkes, E., Kook, S. and Chan, Q. N. (ed.) 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion. Sydney, Australia 10 - 14 Dec 2017 Australia.Paper
The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup
Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The development of MILD combustion open burner experimental setup." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.Paper
Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner
Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.Paper
CFD study of the hydraulic performance of large-diameter gated fluming
Koech, Richard, Mossad, Ruth, Smith, Rod and Gillies, Malcolm. 2015. "CFD study of the hydraulic performance of large-diameter gated fluming." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 141 (2), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000795Article
Ejector primary nozzle steam condensation: area ratio effects and mixing layer development
Ariafar, Kavous, Buttsworth, David, Sharifi, Navid and Malpress, Ray. 2014. "Ejector primary nozzle steam condensation: area ratio effects and mixing layer development ." Applied Thermal Engineering. 71 (1), pp. 519-527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.06.038Article
Hot-wall reentry testing in hypersonic impulse facilities
Zander, F., Morgan, R. G., Sheikh, U., Buttsworth, D. R. and Teakle, P. R.. 2013. "Hot-wall reentry testing in hypersonic impulse facilities." AIAA Journal: devoted to aerospace research and development. 51 (2), pp. 476-484. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J051867Article
Asymptotics of averaged turbulent transfer in canopy flows
Mohammed, F. J., Strunin, D. V., Ngo-Cong, D. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2015. "Asymptotics of averaged turbulent transfer in canopy flows." Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 91 (1), pp. 81-104. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10665-014-9737-yArticle
Instantaneous heat flux simulation of a motored reciprocating engine: unsteady thermal boundary layer with variable turbulent thermal conductivity
Agrira, Abdalla, Buttsworth, David R. and Said, Mior A.. 2014. "Instantaneous heat flux simulation of a motored reciprocating engine: unsteady thermal boundary layer with variable turbulent thermal conductivity." Journal of Heat Transfer: Transactions of the ASME. 136 (3), pp. 031703 1-031703 9. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4025639Article
A meshless numerical approach based on integrated radial basis functions and level set method for interfacial flows
Mai-Cao, L. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2014. "A meshless numerical approach based on integrated radial basis functions and level set method for interfacial flows ." Applied Mathematical Modelling: simulation and computation for engineering and environmental systems. 38 (23), pp. 5743-5766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.06.018Article
Influence of scalar dissipation on flame success in turbulent sprays with spark ignition
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2014. "Influence of scalar dissipation on flame success in turbulent sprays with spark ignition." Combustion and Flame. 161 (10), pp. 2579-2600. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.04.006Article
Performance evaluation of a model thermocompressor using computational fluid dynamics
Ariafar, Kavous. 2012. "Performance evaluation of a model thermocompressor using computational fluid dynamics." International Journal of Mechanics. 6 (1), pp. 35-42.Article
Influence of sidewalls on the centerline small-scale turbulence of a turbulent high-aspect-ratio rectangular jet
Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Deo, R., Mi, J., Nathan, G. J. and Zhu, R.. 2014. "Influence of sidewalls on the centerline small-scale turbulence of a turbulent high-aspect-ratio rectangular jet." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 58, pp. 139-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.06.021Article
Hydraulics of large diameter gated flexible fluming
Koech, Richard, Smith, Rod and Gillies, Malcolm. 2013. "Hydraulics of large diameter gated flexible fluming." Biosystems Engineering. 114 (2), pp. 170-177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2012.12.005Article
Modelling dispersion in laminar and turbulent flows in an open channel based on centre manifolds using 1D-IRBFN method
Mohammed, F. J., Ngo-Cong, D., Strunin, D. V., Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2014. "Modelling dispersion in laminar and turbulent flows in an open channel based on centre manifolds using 1D-IRBFN method." Applied Mathematical Modelling: simulation and computation for engineering and environmental systems. 38 (14), pp. 3672-3691. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2013.12.007Article
Hot wall testing methodology for impulse facilities
Zander, F., Morgan, R. G., Sheikh, U. A., Buttsworth, D. R. and Teakle, P. R.. 2013. "Hot wall testing methodology for impulse facilities." Stallings, David (ed.) 18th AIAA/3AF International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference (AIAA 2012). Tours, France 24 - 28 Sep 2012 Reston, VA. United States. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2012-5953Paper
Dissipative particle dynamics modeling of low Reynolds number incompressible flows
Mai-Duy, N., Pan, D., Phan-Thien, N. and Khoo, B. C.. 2013. "Dissipative particle dynamics modeling of low Reynolds number incompressible flows." Journal of Rheology. 57 (2), pp. 585-604. https://doi.org/10.1122/1.4789444Article
Experimental study of microorganism disruption using shear stress
Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "Experimental study of microorganism disruption using shear stress." Biochemical Engineering Journal. 79, pp. 7-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2013.07.001Article
The analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion
Noor, M. M., Wandel, Andrew P. and Yusaf, Talal. 2013. "The analysis of recirculation zone and ignition position of non-premixed bluff-body for biogas mild combustion." Ishak, Mahadzir and Rahman, Md. Mustafizur (ed.) 2nd International Conference of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Pahang, Malaysia 01 - 03 Jul 2013 Pahang, Malaysia.Paper
Modelling dispersion in turbulent boundary layers using centre manifold technique
Mohammed, Fadhel Jasim. 2014. Modelling dispersion in turbulent boundary layers using centre manifold technique. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Direct numerical simulations of passive scalars: effect of initial mixture fraction distribution on timescales
du Preez, M. and Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Direct numerical simulations of passive scalars: effect of initial mixture fraction distribution on timescales." Zhang, Dongke (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Perth, Australia.Paper
Mixture fraction probability density functions in sparse spray flames with spark ignition
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Mixture fraction probability density functions in sparse spray flames with spark ignition." Zhu, Mingming, Ma, Yu, Yu, Yun, Vuthaluru, Hari, Zhang, Zhezi and Zhang, Dongke (ed.) 7th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2013). Perth, Australia 06 - 08 Nov 2013 Perth, Australia.Paper
Similarity analysis of the momentum field of a subsonic, plane air jet with varying jet-exit and local Reynolds numbers
Deo, Ravinesh C., Nathan, Graham J. and Mi, Jianchun. 2013. "Similarity analysis of the momentum field of a subsonic, plane air jet with varying jet-exit and local Reynolds numbers." Physics of Fluids. 25 (1). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4776782Article
Conditional dissipation of scalars in homogeneous turbulence: closure for MMC modelling
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Conditional dissipation of scalars in homogeneous turbulence: closure for MMC modelling." Combustion Theory and Modelling. 17 (4), pp. 707-748. https://doi.org/10.1080/13647830.2013.794391Article
Optically addressed pressure sensors for transient gas dynamics: calibration of a preliminary design
Sharifian, S. A. and Buttsworth, D. R.. 2001. "Optically addressed pressure sensors for transient gas dynamics: calibration of a preliminary design." Dally, B. B. (ed.) 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2001) . Adelaide, South Australia 09 - 14 Dec 2001 Adelaide, South Australia.Paper
Extinction predictors in turbulent sprays
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2013. "Extinction predictors in turbulent sprays." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 34 (1), pp. 1625-1632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.037Article
Hybrid multiple mapping conditioning modeling of local extinction
Wandel, Andrew P. and Lindstedt, R. Peter. 2013. "Hybrid multiple mapping conditioning modeling of local extinction." Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 34 (1), pp. 1365-1372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.073Article
A new IRBFN scheme for the numerical simulation of interfacial flows
Mai-Cao, L. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2012. "A new IRBFN scheme for the numerical simulation of interfacial flows." Gu, Y. T. and Saha, Suvash C. (ed.) 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2012). Gold Coast, Australia 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Development of parallel algorithm for boundary value problems using compact local integrated RBFN and domain decomposition
Pham-Sy, N., Hoang-Trieu, T.-T., Tran, C.-D., Mai-Duy, N. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2012. "Development of parallel algorithm for boundary value problems using compact local integrated RBFN and domain decomposition." Gu, Y. T. and Saha, Suvash C. (ed.) 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2012). Gold Coast, Australia 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Local Moving Least Square - One-Dimensional IRBFN Technique: Part II- Unsteady Incompressible Viscous Flows
Ngo-Cong, D., Mai-Duy, N., Karunasena, W. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2012. "Local Moving Least Square - One-Dimensional IRBFN Technique: Part II- Unsteady Incompressible Viscous Flows ." CMES Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences. 83 (3), pp. 311-351. https://doi.org/10.3970/cmes.2012.083.311Article
Numerical analysis of an averaged model of turbulent transport near a roughness layer
Strunin, D. V. and Mohammed, F. J.. 2012. "Numerical analysis of an averaged model of turbulent transport near a roughness layer." Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) Journal. 53 (S), pp. C142-C154.Article
Local moving least square-one-dimensional integrated radial basis function networks technique for incompressible viscous flows
Ngo-Cong, D., Mai-Duy, N., Karunasena, W. and Tran-Cong, T.. 2012. "Local moving least square-one-dimensional integrated radial basis function networks technique for incompressible viscous flows." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 70 (11), pp. 1443-1474. https://doi.org/10.1002/fld.3640Article
Simulation of instantaneous heat transfer in spark ignition internal combustion engines: unsteady thermal boundary layer modeling
Buttsworth, David R., Agrira, Abdalla, Malpress, Ray and Yusaf, Talal. 2011. "Simulation of instantaneous heat transfer in spark ignition internal combustion engines: unsteady thermal boundary layer modeling." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power: Transactions of the ASME. 133 (2), pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4001080Article
A stochastic micromixing model based on the turbulent diffusion length scale
Wandel, Andrew P.. 2011. "A stochastic micromixing model based on the turbulent diffusion length scale." Kennedy, Eric, Moghtaderi, Bogdan, Dlugogorski, Behdad and Masri, Assaad (ed.) 11th Australian Combustion Symposium (ACS 2011). Newcastle, Australia 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2011 Sydney, Australia.Paper
The influence of Reynolds number on a plane jet
Deo, Ravinesh C., Mi, Jianchun and Nathan, Graham J.. 2008. "The influence of Reynolds number on a plane jet." Physics of Fluids. 20 (7). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2959171Article
Characterization of turbulent jets from high-aspect-ratio rectangular nozzles
Mi, J., Deo, R. C. and Nathan, G. J.. 2005. "Characterization of turbulent jets from high-aspect-ratio rectangular nozzles." Physics of Fluids. 17 (6). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1928667Article
Internal combustion engine heat transfer-transient thermal analysis
Agrira, Abdalla Ibrahim Abuniran. 2012. Internal combustion engine heat transfer-transient thermal analysis. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis