480308. International trade and investment law
Title | 480308. International trade and investment law |
Parent | 4803. International and comparative law |
Latest research outputs
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China's WTO participation in anti-dumping disputes (2001-2011)
He, Ling Ling. 2012. "China's WTO participation in anti-dumping disputes (2001-2011)." Frontiers of Law in China. 7 (4), pp. 616-643. https://doi.org/10.3868/s050-001-012-0029-2Article
Cross-border insolvency law: where private international law and insolvency law meet
Mason, Rosalind. 2008. "Cross-border insolvency law: where private international law and insolvency law meet." Omar, Paul J. (ed.) International insolvency law: themes and perspectives. Aldershot, United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 27-60Edited book (chapter)
Cross-border insolvency: adoption of CLERP 8 as an evolution of Australian insolvency law
Mason, Rosalind. 2003. "Cross-border insolvency: adoption of CLERP 8 as an evolution of Australian insolvency law." Insolvency Law Journal. 11 (2), pp. 62-90.Article
Dispute resolution in investment treaties: balancing the rights of investors and host states
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2015. "Dispute resolution in investment treaties: balancing the rights of investors and host states." Journal of World Trade. 49 (1), pp. 85-116.Article
Dispute settlement under free trade agreements: the proposed Australia-China free trade agreement
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2011. "Dispute settlement under free trade agreements: the proposed Australia-China free trade agreement." Journal of World Investment and Trade. 12 (4), pp. 581-602.Article
Dumping and anti-dumping measures
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2013. "Dumping and anti-dumping measures." Carr, Indira, Alam, Shawkat and Hossain Bhuiyan, Md Jahid (ed.) International trade law and the WTO. Sydney, Australia. Federation Press. pp. 166-206Edited book (chapter)
Duty free forum shopping: disputing venue in the Pacific
Mortensen, Reid. 2001. "Duty free forum shopping: disputing venue in the Pacific." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. 32 (3), pp. 673-704.Article
European chocolate makes the trade go round (in a most delightful way)
Taylor, Des. 2004. "European chocolate makes the trade go round (in a most delightful way)." CESAA Review. 31, pp. 23-30.Article
Flexibility in conflict of laws multistate tort cases: the way forward in Australia
Gray, Anthony. 2004. "Flexibility in conflict of laws multistate tort cases: the way forward in Australia." University of Queensland Law Journal. 23 (2), pp. 435-463.Article
Foreign fisheries enforcement: do not pass go, proceed slowly to jail - is Australia playing by the rules?
Baird, Rachel. 2007. "Foreign fisheries enforcement: do not pass go, proceed slowly to jail - is Australia playing by the rules?" University of New South Wales Law Journal. 30 (1), pp. 1-11.Article
Free trade agreements and the US-China-Australia relationship in the Asia-Pacific region
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2013. "Free trade agreements and the US-China-Australia relationship in the Asia-Pacific region." Asia Pacific Law Review. 21 (1), pp. 55-76.Article
Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives." 4th Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association Conference 1979 . Albury-Wodonga, Australia 02 - 05 Dec 1979 Canberra, Australia.Paper
Globalisation of bankruptcy practice: an Australian perspective
Mason, Rosalind. 1997. "Globalisation of bankruptcy practice: an Australian perspective." Insolvency Law Journal. 5 (1), pp. 12-23.Article
Implications of the UNCITRAL model law for Australian cross-border insolvencies
Mason, Rosalind. 1999. "Implications of the UNCITRAL model law for Australian cross-border insolvencies." International Insolvency Review: journal of the international association of insolvency professionals. 8 (2), pp. 83-108. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1107(199922)8:2<83::AID-IIR53>3.0.CO;2-0Article
In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions
He, Ling Ling. 2010. "In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions." 2nd Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL 2010). Barcelona, Spain 08 - 10 Jul 2010 London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1632471Paper
Inconsistency between cross-border corporate insolvencies
Mason, Rosalind. 1998. "Inconsistency between cross-border corporate insolvencies." Insolvency Law Journal. 6 (4), pp. 169-170.Letter
International regulation of investment by state-owned enterprises: a comparative perspective
He, Ling Ling. 2018. "International regulation of investment by state-owned enterprises: a comparative perspective." Journal of Comparative Law. 13 (2), pp. 189-216.Article
International trade and economic law and the European Union by Sara Dillon
Watanabe, Taiji. 2005. "International trade and economic law and the European Union by Sara Dillon ." International Trade and Business Law Review.Book review
International trade law and common mistake: has there really been a satisfactory clarification of what fundamental legal principles apply?
Taylor, Des. 2006. "International trade law and common mistake: has there really been a satisfactory clarification of what fundamental legal principles apply?" International Trade and Business Law Review. 10, pp. 49-67.Article
Investor-state arbitration : the changing landscape
He, Ling Ling. 2012. "Investor-state arbitration : the changing landscape." 2012 Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law and Asian Society of International Law Joint Conference on International law and Justice. Sydney, Australia 25 - 26 Oct 2012 Canberra, Australia.Paper
Investor-state arbitration under bilateral trade and investment agreements: finding rhythm in inconsistent drumbeats
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2013. "Investor-state arbitration under bilateral trade and investment agreements: finding rhythm in inconsistent drumbeats." Journal of World Trade. 47 (1), pp. 215-242.Article
Investor-state arbitration: the roadmap from the multilateral agreement on investment to the trans-Pacific partnership agreement
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2012. "Investor-state arbitration: the roadmap from the multilateral agreement on investment to the trans-Pacific partnership agreement." Federal Law Review. 40 (2), pp. 207-227.Article
Mapping anti-dumping disputes from 1995 to 2011: the changing pattern
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2012. "Mapping anti-dumping disputes from 1995 to 2011: the changing pattern." Journal of World Investment and Trade. 13 (1), pp. 125-143. https://doi.org/10.1163/221190012X621562Article
Not as straightforward as it might appear: an analysis of the problems associated with Article 35 of the UCP 600
Taylor, Des and Tam, Kevin. 2014. "Not as straightforward as it might appear: an analysis of the problems associated with Article 35 of the UCP 600." International Trade and Business Law Review. XVII, pp. 370-391.Article
On eliminating non-tariff barriers in a time of worldwide economic crisis: China's role
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2010. "On eliminating non-tariff barriers in a time of worldwide economic crisis: China's role." Macquarie Journal of Business Law. 7, pp. 32-52.Article
On re-invigorating the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process
He, Ling Ling. 2013. "On re-invigorating the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process." Journal of World Investment and Trade. 14 (4), pp. 672-696. https://doi.org/10.1163/22119000-01404004Article
Overseas trade law: observations on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2010. "Overseas trade law: observations on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process." Australian Business Law Review. 38 (4), pp. 257-264.Article
Reassessing the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process
He, Ling Ling. 2015. "Reassessing the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process." Frontiers of Law in China. 10 (4), pp. 714-731. https://doi.org/10.3868/s050-004-015-0039-1Article
Reflections on a critical aspect of CISG-governed international sale of goods transactions: the impact of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements on forum selection
Taylor, Des. 2012. "Reflections on a critical aspect of CISG-governed international sale of goods transactions: the impact of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements on forum selection." International Trade and Business Law Review. 15, pp. 42-59.Article
Reflections on China's WTO accession commitments and their observance
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2009. "Reflections on China's WTO accession commitments and their observance." Journal of World Trade. 43 (4), pp. 847-871.Article
Remedy issues in multinational tort claims: substance and procedure and choice of law
Gray, Anthony. 2007. "Remedy issues in multinational tort claims: substance and procedure and choice of law." University of Queensland Law Journal. 26 (1), pp. 1-26.Article
Some reflections on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process
He, Ling Ling. 2012. "Some reflections on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process." Bell, Felicity, McKay, Carolyn, Orchiston, Tashina, Sapienza, Amanda, Steele, Linda and Walsh, Greg (ed.) Sydney Law School 2012 Postgraduate Conference: Crossing Boundaries. Sydney, Austalia 01 - 02 Nov 2012 Sydney, Australia.Paper
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's environmental and social policies: a critical discourse analysis
Radavoi, Ciprian N. and Bian, Yongmin. 2018. "The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's environmental and social policies: a critical discourse analysis." Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 34, pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/21699763.2017.1372301Article
The European Union's approach to legal non-retrospectivity: are there problems for international businesses?
Taylor, Des. 2003. "The European Union's approach to legal non-retrospectivity: are there problems for international businesses?" International Trade and Business Law Annual. 8, pp. 275-299.Article
Why China Should Regulate Its Overseas Investors’ Environmental Behavior
Radavoi, Ciprian N. and Bian, Yongmin. 2014. "Why China Should Regulate Its Overseas Investors’ Environmental Behavior." Beijing Law Review. 5 (1), pp. 22-33. https://doi.org/10.4236/blr.2014.51003Article