480799. Public law not elsewhere classified

Title480799. Public law not elsewhere classified
Parent4807. Public law

Latest research outputs

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Breda, Vito. 2024. "Patriotism." Sardoc, Mitja (ed.) Encyclopedia of Diversity. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 1-9

Edited book (chapter)

Non-Disclosure of Relevant Material and Chapter III: The Tantalising Promise of Due Process Rights Protection by the Australian Constitution in the Gageler High Court Using Separation of Powers Principles
Gray, Anthony and Collins, Pauline. 2024. "Non-Disclosure of Relevant Material and Chapter III: The Tantalising Promise of Due Process Rights Protection by the Australian Constitution in the Gageler High Court Using Separation of Powers Principles." Australian Journal of Administrative Law. 31 (2), pp. 93-122.


Criminal Procedure in Australia
Hemming, Andrew, Feld, Francine and Anthony, Thalia. 2024. Criminal Procedure in Australia. Australia. Lexis Nexis.


Sustainability Constitutionalism: A New Constitutional Path
Martin, Rhett. 2024. "Sustainability Constitutionalism: A New Constitutional Path." 12th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability . Aveiro, Portugal 24 - 26 Jan 2024


Collins, Pauline and Hall, Rosalie Arcala. 2022. "Preface." Collins, Pauline and Hall, Rosalie Arcala (ed.) Military Operation and Engagement in the Domestic Jurisdiction: Comparative Call-out Laws. Netherlands. Brill. pp. xiii-xxxvi

Edited book (chapter)

Could existing anticruelty laws ban whip use in horse racing?
Timoshanko, Aaron. 2022. "Could existing anticruelty laws ban whip use in horse racing?" Adelaide Law Review. 43 (1), pp. 439-477.


A snapshot of the Family Law Pathways Network Program: working at the local community level
Collins, Pauline, Bryce, India and Nugent, Timothy. 2021. "A snapshot of the Family Law Pathways Network Program: working at the local community level." Australian Journal of Family Law. 34 (2), pp. 97-128.


Workplace Safety, Deadly Jellyfish And Tourists: A Novel Approach To An Emergent Problem
Crowley-Cyr, Lynda. 2020. "Workplace Safety, Deadly Jellyfish And Tourists: A Novel Approach To An Emergent Problem." University of Queensland Law Journal. 39 (3), pp. 549-567.


Preface [to La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione]
Breda, Vito and Frau, Matteo. 2020. "Preface [to La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione]." Breda, Vito and Frau, Matteo (ed.) La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione. Naples, Italy. Editoriale Scientifica. pp. 7-9

Edited book (chapter)

Home Countries and Transnational Bribery: China’s Changing Approach
Radavoi, Ciprian and Bian, Yongmin. 2016. "Home Countries and Transnational Bribery: China’s Changing Approach." China and WTO Review. 2 (1), pp. 7-32. https://doi.org/10.14330/cwr.2016.2.1.01
