Recognitive justice: renewed commitment to socially just schooling

Edited book (chapter)

Mills, Carmen and Gale, Trevor. 2001. "Recognitive justice: renewed commitment to socially just schooling." Knight, Bruce Allen and Rowan, Leonie (ed.) Researching in contemporary educational environments. Flaxton, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 64-83
Chapter Title

Recognitive justice: renewed commitment to socially just schooling

Book Chapter CategoryEdited book (chapter)
ERA Publisher ID2978
Book TitleResearching in contemporary educational environments
AuthorsMills, Carmen (Author) and Gale, Trevor (Author)
EditorsKnight, Bruce Allen and Rowan, Leonie
Page Range64-83
Chapter Number4
Number of Pages20
PublisherPost Pressed
Place of PublicationFlaxton, Australia

The contribution of schools to the production and maintenance of educational inequalities is no secret, yet the continued support for the promotion of differential educational outcomes on the basis of the social groups to which students belong is clearly unjust. This paper discusses the 'ideal' arrangements to promote success in schooling for all students while also critiquing arrangements that are less-than-ideal. In rethinking these matters, the paper draws on the notion of 'recognitive justice': a process model of social justice that includes a positive regard for social difference and the centrality of socially democratic processes. Issues that emerge for teachers and schools include: fostering self-respect and facilitating students' positive self-identities; promoting the development of students' abilities and encouraging expressions of their experiences; and establishing meaningful involvement in schooling premised on self-determination.

ANZSRC Field of Research 2020440699. Human geography not elsewhere classified
440712. Social policy
390403. Educational administration, management and leadership
Byline AffiliationsFaculty of Education
Central Queensland University
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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