Dr Jochen Eberhard

Dr Jochen Eberhard
NameDr Jochen Eberhard
Email Addressjochen.eberhard@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleResearch Scientist/Engineer
QualificationsDipl-Ing agr Hohenheim, DrAgr TUMunich
DepartmentCentre for Agricultural Engineering (Operations)
Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Research)
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Dipl-Ing agr

Smarter Irrigation for Profit 2 RRDP2002 Precise real-time automated cotton and dairy irrigation for improved water productivity

Foley, J., Gillies, M., McCarthy, A., Kelderman, S., Eberhard, J. and Shippam, R.. 2022. Smarter Irrigation for Profit 2 RRDP2002 Precise real-time automated cotton and dairy irrigation for improved water productivity. Narrabri, Australia.. Cotton Research and Development Corporation.

Simple ETo-Based Rules for Irrigation Scheduling by Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in Laos and Cambodia

McPhee, John, Eberhard, Jochen, Melland, Alice, Uddin, Jasim, Dunn, Lucinda, Hin, Sarith, Lim, Vanndy, Touch, Veasna, Sisouvanh, Phimmasone, Somphou, Inthong, Vilayphone, Tounglien, Mounsena, Phaythoune and Ives, Stephen. 2022. "Simple ETo-Based Rules for Irrigation Scheduling by Smallholder Vegetable Farmers in Laos and Cambodia." Water: an open access journal. 14 (13). https://doi.org/10.3390/w14132010

Efficient water management and irrigation on farms

Reardon-Smith, K., Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Scobie, M., Eberhard, J. and Maraseni, T. N.. 2022. "Efficient water management and irrigation on farms." Sims, Ralph E. H. (ed.) Energy-smart farming: efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability. United Kingdom. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited. pp. 102-134

Rehabilitating open-cut coal mine spoil for a pasture system in south east Queensland, Australia: abiotic soil properties compared with unmined land through time

Bennett, J. McL., Melland, A. R., Eberhard, J., Paton, C., Clewett, J. F., Newsome, T. and Baillie, C.. 2021. "Rehabilitating open-cut coal mine spoil for a pasture system in south east Queensland, Australia: abiotic soil properties compared with unmined land through time." Geoderma Regional. 25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00364

Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 3. Pasture rundown, climate and grazing pressure effects

Clewett, Jeffrey F., Newsome, Tom, Paton, Colin J., Melland, Alice R., Eberhard, Jochen E., Bennett, John McL and Baillie, Craig P.. 2021. "Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 3. Pasture rundown, climate and grazing pressure effects." Animal Production Science. 61 (12), pp. 1280-1302. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20134

Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 2. Acland Grazing Trial pasture and cattle performance

Melland, Alice R., Newsome, Tom, Paton, Colin J., Clewett, Jeffrey F., Bennett, John McL, Eberhard, Jochen and Baillie, Craig P.. 2021. "Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 2. Acland Grazing Trial pasture and cattle performance." Animal Production Science. 61 (12), pp. 1262-1279. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20137

Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 1. Sown pasture growth and carrying capacity

Paton, Colin J., Clewett, Jeffrey F., Melland, Alice R., Newsome, Tom, Eberhard, Jochen, Bennett, John McL and Baillie, Craig P.. 2021. "Sustainability of beef production from brigalow lands after cultivation and mining. 1. Sown pasture growth and carrying capacity." Animal Production Science. 61 (12), pp. 1246-1261. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20135

NCEA Research Project Archive

Eberhard, Jochen. NCEA Research Project Archive. Toowoomba. https://doi.org/10.26192/8qmg-5q96

Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane

Tullberg, Jeff, Antille, Diogenes L., Bluett, Chris, Eberhard, Jochen and Scheer, Clemens. 2018. "Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane." Soil and Tillage Research. 176, pp. 18-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2017.09.014

Waste management in the meat processing industry: conversion of paunch and DAF sludge into solid fuel

Hamawand, Ihsan, Pittaway, Pam, Lewis, Larry, Chakrabarty, Sayan, Caldwell, Justin, Eberhard, Jochen and Chakraborty, Arpita. 2017. "Waste management in the meat processing industry: conversion of paunch and DAF sludge into solid fuel." Waste Management. 60, pp. 340-350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2016.11.034

The effects of coal seam gas infrastructure development on arable land in southern Queensland, Australia: field investigations and modeling

Antille, D. L., Huth, N. I., Eberhard, J., Marinoni, O., Cocks, B., Poulton, P. L., Macdonald, B. C. T. and Schmidt, E. J.. 2016. "The effects of coal seam gas infrastructure development on arable land in southern Queensland, Australia: field investigations and modeling." Transactions of the ASABE. 59 (4), pp. 879-901. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.59.11547

The potential for a rehabilitated coal mine soil to support livestock grazing in south-east Queensland

Melland, Alice R., Eberhard, Jochen, Paton, Col, Baillie, Craig and Bennett, John McL.. 2014. "The potential for a rehabilitated coal mine soil to support livestock grazing in south-east Queensland." Patti, Antonio, Tang, Caixan and Wong, Vanessa (ed.) 2014 National Soil Science Conference. Melbourne, Australia 23 - 27 Nov 2014 Melbourne, Australia.

A comparison of rehabilitated coal mine soil and unmined soil supporting grazed pastures in south-east Queensland

Melland, Alice R., Eberhard, Jochen, Paton, Col, Baillie, Craig and Bennett, John McL.. 2014. "A comparison of rehabilitated coal mine soil and unmined soil supporting grazed pastures in south-east Queensland." Patti, Antonio, Tang, Caixan and Wong, Vanessa (ed.) 2014 National Soil Science Conference. Melbourne, Australia 23 - 27 Nov 2014 Melbourne, Australia.

Quantifying the impacts of coal seam gas (CSG) activities on the soil resource of agricultural lands in Queensland, Australia

Vacher, C. A., White, S., Eberhard, J., Schmidt, E., Huth, N. I. and Antille, D. L.. 2014. "Quantifying the impacts of coal seam gas (CSG) activities on the soil resource of agricultural lands in Queensland, Australia." 2014 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting (ASABE 2014). Montreal, Canada 13 - 16 Jul 2014 St. Joseph, MI. United States.

Assessing soil properties of rehabilitated grazing pastures for sustainable and economically viable beef cattle operations: progress report

Bennett, J. McL., Melland, A. R. and Eberhard, J. E.. 2014. Assessing soil properties of rehabilitated grazing pastures for sustainable and economically viable beef cattle operations: progress report. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Improving irrigation efficiency through precision irrigation in South East Queensland

Eberhard, J., McHugh, A., Scobie, M., Schmidt, E., McCarthy, A., Uddin, Md J., McKeering, L. and Poulter, R.. 2013. Improving irrigation efficiency through precision irrigation in South East Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

South-east Queensland irrigation futures research and development support: progress report

McHugh, A. D. and Eberhard, J.. 2011. South-east Queensland irrigation futures research and development support: progress report. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Irrigation and sprinkling

Sourell, H. and Eberhard, Jochen. 2009. "Irrigation and sprinkling." Harms, Hans-Heinrich and Meier, Friedhelm (ed.) 2009 Yearbook agricultural engineering. Frankfurt, Germany. DLG-Verlag. pp. 119-125

Optimizing overhead irrigation systems

Foley, Joseph P., Wigginton, David and Eberhard, Jochen. 2006. "Optimizing overhead irrigation systems." 13th Australian Cotton Conference: Product, Production, Profit - Progressing our National Advantage (2006). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 10 Aug 2006 Narrabri, NSW.

Characterisation of soil profiles on four AFLQ Premier League sporting fields

Raine, Steven R. and Eberhard, Jochen. 2004. Characterisation of soil profiles on four AFLQ Premier League sporting fields. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.