A/Pr Joseph Foley

A/Pr Joseph Foley
NameA/Pr Joseph Foley
Email Addressjoseph.foley@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleAssociate Professor (Water Engineering and Irrigation)
QualificationsBEng USQ, MEng UniSA, PhD USQ
DepartmentCentre for Agricultural Engineering (Operations)
Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Research)
AffiliationsSchool of Engineering
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Experienced Engineer (Agricultural) specialising in Irrigation Engineering, Civil Engineering Hydraulics, and Agricultural Hydrology


Deputy Director and Irrigation & Water Management LeadCentre for Agricultural Engineering20222024


Precision Irrigation hydrology

Broad-acre irrigation automation technology

Wind affected Sprinkler droplet ballistics

Irrigation Machinery performance & optimisation


ENV4106 Irrigation Science

AGR3903 Soil and Water Engineering Practice

ENV2902 Hydraulics Practice

ENV2103 Hydraulics 1

Fields of Research

  • 300201. Agricultural hydrology
  • 400513. Water resources engineering
  • 409901. Agricultural engineering

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Member Institute of Engineers Australia, MIEAust
Engineers Australia Technical Society for Engineering in Agriculture

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
New technologies in the monitoring and control of airborne pests for extensive beef productionAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2023
Using X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) in spatially mapping the effect of soil constraints on sub-paddock scale infiltration and run-offPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2020

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Hydraulic performance characterisation of variable rate irrigation technologyPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2021
A modified STIC model for estimating crop evapotranspirationPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2021
Development of an evaluation technique in near zero slope furrowed border systems with common water supplyAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2020
Improving design practices for drip irrigation systems installed in the Punjab province, PakistanPrincipal SupervisorMasters2019
Irrigation performance of centre pivot end-guns operating in windy conditionsPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2018
Project titleDetailsYear
Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation in the Australian Cotton Industry2015

Smarter Irrigation for Profit 2 RRDP2002 Precise real-time automated cotton and dairy irrigation for improved water productivity

Foley, J., Gillies, M., McCarthy, A., Kelderman, S., Eberhard, J. and Shippam, R.. 2022. Smarter Irrigation for Profit 2 RRDP2002 Precise real-time automated cotton and dairy irrigation for improved water productivity. Narrabri, Australia.. Cotton Research and Development Corporation.

Variable-rate irrigation: hardware and software tools for improved infield irrigation

McCarthy, Alison and Foley, Joseph. 2023. "Variable-rate irrigation: hardware and software tools for improved infield irrigation." GRDC Grains Research Update: Irrigation efficiency. 30 - 30 May 2023 Australia.

Field evaluation of automated site-specific irrigation for cotton and perennial ryegrass using soil-water sensors and Model Predictive Control

McCarthy, Alison, Foley, Joseph, Raedts, Pieter and Hills, James. 2023. "Field evaluation of automated site-specific irrigation for cotton and perennial ryegrass using soil-water sensors and Model Predictive Control." Agricultural Water Management. 277, pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.108098

Machine vision tools for Smarter Irrigation of dairy pasture and cotton

McCarthy, Alison, Foley, Joseph, Jamali, Hizbullah, Raedts, Pieter and Hills, James. 2022. "Machine vision tools for Smarter Irrigation of dairy pasture and cotton." 2022 Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition. Adelaide, Australia 05 - 07 Oct 2022 Australia.

Improving pasture growth assessment using machine vision

McCarthy, Alison, Raedts, Pieter, Foley, Joseph and Hills, James. 2022. "Improving pasture growth assessment using machine vision." Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2022 (ADSS 2022). Twin Waters, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2022

Advancing automation in the agricultural working environment

Brett, P, McCarthy, A, Long, D, Gillies, M, Foley, J and Baillie, C. 2019. "Advancing automation in the agricultural working environment." Allsopp, P. (ed.) 41st Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2019). Toowoomba, Australia 30 Apr - 03 May 2019 Australia.

Hydraulic implications of variable-rate irrigation

Msibi, Trevor, Foley, Joseph and Gillies, Malcolm. 2019. "Hydraulic implications of variable-rate irrigation." 41st Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2019). Toowoomba, Australia 30 Apr - 03 May 2019 Australia.

Cost-benefit analysis of automated furrow irrigation in the Burdekin

Gillies, Malcolm, Attard, Steven, Foley, Joseph and Davis, Marian. 2019. "Cost-benefit analysis of automated furrow irrigation in the Burdekin." Allsopp, P. (ed.) 41st Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2019). Toowoomba, Australia 30 Apr - 03 May 2019 Australia.

Advanced data-driven irrigation

Hills, James, McLaren, David, Foley, Joseph and McCarthy, Alison. 2018. "Advanced data-driven irrigation." Where the Waters Meet 2018 - Australian Water Association, Tasmanian State Conference. Hobart, Australia 16 Aug 2018

Aerial imagery for yield prediction

McCarthy, Alison and Foley, Joseph. 2018. "Aerial imagery for yield prediction." 2018 Australian Cotton Conference. Gold Coast, Australia 07 - 09 Aug 2018

Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation (Smarter Irrigation for Profit RRDP1603)

Foley, J.P., Gillies, M.H. and McCarthy, A.C.. 2018. Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation (Smarter Irrigation for Profit RRDP1603). Australia. Cotton Research and Development Corporation.

Improving surface irrigation

Gillies, Malcolm H., Foley, Joseph P. and McCarthy, Alison C.. 2018. "Improving surface irrigation." Chen, Guangnan (ed.) Advances in agricultural machinery and technologies. United States. CRC Press. pp. 225-262

Smarter Irrigation for Profit - Taggle IrriMATE Irrigation Advance Sensor & SMS notifier

Gillies, Malcolm, Foley, Joseph and Kelderman, Simon. 2018. Smarter Irrigation for Profit - Taggle IrriMATE Irrigation Advance Sensor & SMS notifier. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Automated cloud-based irrigation for centre pivot irrigated cotton and dairy pasture

McCarthy, Alison, Foley, Joseph, Hills, James, Shippam, Ralph and McLaren, David. 2018. "Automated cloud-based irrigation for centre pivot irrigated cotton and dairy pasture." 2018 Irrigation Australia International Conference and Exhibition. Sydney, Australia 13 - 15 Jun 2018

Modernisation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry: final report 2014/079

Gillies, M., Attard, S. and Foley, J.. 2017. Modernisation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry: final report 2014/079. Brisbane, Australia. Sugar Research Australia.

Smart automation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry

Gillies, Malcolm, Attard, Steven, Jaramillo, Andres, Davis, Marian and Foley, Joseph. 2017. "Smart automation of furrow irrigation in the sugar industry." 39th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT 2017). Cairns, Australia 03 - 05 May 2017 Mackay, Australia.

Smarter irrigation for profit - increasing farm profit through efficient use of irrigation input to dairy pastures

Hills, James, McCarthy, Alison, Foley, Joseph and McLaren, David. 2016. "Smarter irrigation for profit - increasing farm profit through efficient use of irrigation input to dairy pastures." 7th Australian Dairy Science Symposium (2016). Sydney, Australia 16 - 18 Nov 2016 Australia.

Knowledge management, sensing and control tools for irrigated broadacre cropping

McCarthy, Alison, Scobie, Michael, Gillies, Malcolm, Agustina, Lidya and Foley, Joseph. 2016. "Knowledge management, sensing and control tools for irrigated broadacre cropping." 19th Symposium on Precision Agriculture in Australasia. Toowoomba, Australia 12 - 13 Sep 2016

A new approach to estimate canopy evaporation and canopy interception capacity from evapotranspiration and sap flow measurements during and following wetting

Uddin, J., Foley, J. P., Smith, R. J. and Hancock, N. H.. 2016. "A new approach to estimate canopy evaporation and canopy interception capacity from evapotranspiration and sap flow measurements during and following wetting." Hydrological Processes. 30 (11), pp. 1757-1767. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10739

Estimation of wet canopy bulk stomatal resistance from energy flux measurements during sprinkler irrigation

Uddin, Jasim M., Smith, Rod J., Hancock, Nigel H. and Foley, Joseph P.. 2016. "Estimation of wet canopy bulk stomatal resistance from energy flux measurements during sprinkler irrigation." Biosystems Engineering. 143, pp. 61-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2015.12.017

Micrometeorology of sprinkler irrigation

Hancock, N. H., Uddin, J. M., Smith, R. J. and Foley, J. P.. 2015. "Micrometeorology of sprinkler irrigation." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 200, pp. 293-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.10.010

Are evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation high?

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Are evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation high?" 17th Australian Cotton Conference (ACC 2014): Our Fibre, Our Focus, Our Future. Gold Coast, Australia 05 - 07 Aug 2014 Narrabri, Australia.

Estimation of canopy interception under sprinkler irrigation: a new approach

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Estimation of canopy interception under sprinkler irrigation: a new approach." Irrigation Australia Conference 2014: Water for Life, Future for All. Gold Coast, Australia 02 - 06 Jun 2014 Sydney, Australia.

Can advected energy affect the water use efficiency in sprinkler irrigation?

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Can advected energy affect the water use efficiency in sprinkler irrigation? " Irrigation Australia Conference 2014: Water for Life, Future for All. Gold Coast, Australia 02 - 06 Jun 2014 Sydney, Australia.

Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during canopy wetting and drying

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during canopy wetting and drying." Journal of Agricultural Studies. 2 (2), pp. 105-119. https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v2i2.6134

Evaporation and sapflow dynamics during sprinkler irrigation of cotton

Uddin, J., Smith, R. J., Hancock, N. H. and Foley, J. P.. 2013. "Evaporation and sapflow dynamics during sprinkler irrigation of cotton." Agricultural Water Management. 125, pp. 35-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2013.04.001

Measurement of evapotranspiration during sprinkler irrigation using a precision energy budget (Bowen ratio, eddy covariance) methodology

Uddin, J., Hancock, N. H., Smith, R. J. and Foley, J. P.. 2013. "Measurement of evapotranspiration during sprinkler irrigation using a precision energy budget (Bowen ratio, eddy covariance) methodology." Agricultural Water Management. 116, pp. 89-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2012.10.008

New approach to estimate the additional water requirements in sprinkler irrigation: a predictive model

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2012. "New approach to estimate the additional water requirements in sprinkler irrigation: a predictive model." Currey, Anne (ed.) ICID & Irrigation Australia 2012 Conference and Trade Show. Adelaide, Australia 24 - 29 Jun 2012 Sydney, Australia.

A novel technique to measure the total evaporation and its components during sprinkler irrigation

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2012. "A novel technique to measure the total evaporation and its components during sprinkler irrigation ." Currey, Anne (ed.) ICID & Irrigation Australia 2012 Conference and Trade Show. Adelaide, Australia 24 - 29 Jun 2012 Sydney, Australia.

Review of centre pivot and lateral move installations in the Queensland Murray Darling basin

Wigginton, David, Foley, Joseph, Schultz, Justin and Van Niekerk, Rory. 2011. Review of centre pivot and lateral move installations in the Queensland Murray Darling basin. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Eddy covariance measurements of the total evaporation during sprinkler irrigation - preliminary results

Uddin, J., Smith, R. J., Hancock, N. H. and Foley, J.. 2011. "Eddy covariance measurements of the total evaporation during sprinkler irrigation - preliminary results." Banhazi, T., Saunders, C. and Hegarty, R. (ed.) SEAg 2011: Diverse Challenges, Innovative Solutions. Gold Coast, Australia 29 - 30 Sep 2011 Canberra, Australia.

Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during sprinkler irrigation

Uddin, J., Smith, R. J., Hancock, N. H. and Foley, J.. 2011. "Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during sprinkler irrigation." Banhazi, T., Saunders, C. and Hegarty, R. (ed.) SEAg 2011: Diverse Challenges, Innovative Solutions. Gold Coast, Australia 29 - 30 Sep 2011 Canberra, Australia.

Droplet evaporation losses during sprinkler irrigation: an overview

Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph P.. 2010. "Droplet evaporation losses during sprinkler irrigation: an overview." Montagu, Kelvin (ed.) Australian Irrigation Conference and Exibition 2010: One Water Many Futures. Sydney, Australia 08 - 10 Jun 2010 Sydney, Australia.

A decision support model for travelling gun irrigation machines

Smith, Rod, Gillies, Malcolm H., Newell, Geoffrey and Foley, Joseph P.. 2008. "A decision support model for travelling gun irrigation machines." Biosystems Engineering. 100 (1), pp. 126-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2008.01.004

Centre pivot and lateral move machines

Foley, Joseph P.. 2008. "Centre pivot and lateral move machines." Smith, Peter and Madden, Elizabeth (ed.) WATERpak: a guide for irrigation management in cotton. Narrabri, Australia. Cotton Research and Development Corporation. pp. 195-220

Evaporation, seepage and water quality management in storage dams: a review of research methods

Craig, Ian, Aravinthan, Vasantha, Baillie, Craig Peter, Beswick, Alan, Barnes, Geoff, Bradbury, Ron, Connell, Luke, Cooper, Paul, Fellows, Christopher, Fitzmaurice, Li, Foley, Joseph P., Hancock, Nigel, Lamb, David, Morrison, Pippa, Mossad, Ruth, Misra, R. K., Pittaway, Pam, Prime, Emma, Rees, Steve, ..., Turnbull, David. 2007. "Evaporation, seepage and water quality management in storage dams: a review of research methods." Environmental Health. 7 (3), pp. 84-97.

A decision support model for travelling gun irrigation machines

Smith, Rod, Gillies, Malcolm H., Newell, Geoffrey and Foley, Joseph P.. 2007. "A decision support model for travelling gun irrigation machines." CIGR 2006: Agricultural Engineering for a Better World. Bonn, Germany 03 - 07 Sep 2006

Farming practices under centre pivots and lateral move machines

Wigginton, David and Foley, Joseph. 2006. "Farming practices under centre pivots and lateral move machines." The Australian Cottongrower. 27 (3), pp. 47-48.

Optimizing overhead irrigation systems

Foley, Joseph P., Wigginton, David and Eberhard, Jochen. 2006. "Optimizing overhead irrigation systems." 13th Australian Cotton Conference: Product, Production, Profit - Progressing our National Advantage (2006). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 10 Aug 2006 Narrabri, NSW.

Planning for successful centre pivot and lateral move purchase

Wigginton, David and Foley, Joseph P.. 2005. "Planning for successful centre pivot and lateral move purchase." Irrigation Australia 2005: Irrigation Association of Australia National Conference and Exhibition: Restoring the Balance. Townsville, Australia 17 - 19 May 2005 Hornsby, NSW, Australia.

Centre pivot and lateral move machines, 1st ed.

Foley, Joseph P.. 2004. "Centre pivot and lateral move machines, 1st ed." Dugdale, Helen, Harris, Graham, Neilsen, James, Richards, Dirk, Roth, Guy and Williams, David (ed.) WATERpak - A guide for irrigation management in cotton. Narrabri, NSW, Australia. Cotton Research and Development Corporation. pp. 195-220