4799. Other language, communication and culture

Title4799. Other language, communication and culture
Parent47. Language, Communication and Culture

Latest research outputs

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Developing interpersonal capabilities for health professionals
Martyn, Julie and Kiernan, Eleanor. 2015. "Developing interpersonal capabilities for health professionals." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-154

Textbook (chapter)

Regional identity and digital space: Connecting the arts, place and community engagement
Anderson, Esther. 2015. "Regional identity and digital space: Connecting the arts, place and community engagement." Queensland Review. 22 (2), pp. 179-190. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2015.24


Domestic violence and the welfare state
Hopkins, Susan and Ostini, Jenny. 2015. "Domestic violence and the welfare state." Overland.


Mobilising the global significance of multidisciplinary discourses of performativity: lessons from an Australian major league baseballer in the United States and Australian circus performers
Wilson-Gahan, Susan, Mason, Robert and Danaher, P. A.. 2014. "Mobilising the global significance of multidisciplinary discourses of performativity: lessons from an Australian major league baseballer in the United States and Australian circus performers." Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD2014). Budapest, Hungary 01 - 03 Sep 2014


An active citizen: a personal female response
Collins, P. T.. 2010. "An active citizen: a personal female response." Language and Culture Symposium 2010. Toowoomba, Australia 22 Sep 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.


Language learning and cross-cultural attitudes: an international study of the attitudes of Japanese students of English
O'Neill, Shirley, Ingram, David E., Kono, Minoru and Sasaki, S.. 2008. Language learning and cross-cultural attitudes: an international study of the attitudes of Japanese students of English. Akita, Japan. Akita University.

Project report

A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university
Denman, Christopher. 2014. A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

Raising literacy levels in Mozambique: The challenges of bilingualeducation in a multilingual post-colonial society
Mataruca, Carlos Quenesse. 2014. Raising literacy levels in Mozambique: The challenges of bilingualeducation in a multilingual post-colonial society. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

The halls of angst: culture and materialism
Dew, Mark Russell. 2013. The halls of angst: culture and materialism. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The critical aesthetic: living a critical ethnography of the everyday
Hickey, Andrew. 2012. "The critical aesthetic: living a critical ethnography of the everyday." Steinberg, Shirley, R. and Cannella, Gaile, S. (ed.) Critical qualitative research reader. New York, United States. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 166-181

Edited book (chapter)

A case study of isolated NESB adult migrant women's experience learning english: a sociocultural approach to decoding household texts
O'Neill, Shirley and Hewagodage, Vineetha. 2010. "A case study of isolated NESB adult migrant women's experience learning english: a sociocultural approach to decoding household texts." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (1), pp. 23-40.


The role of technology in internationalising the language of education
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2004. "The role of technology in internationalising the language of education." Athiyaman, Adee (ed.) 7th American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences International Conference (ASBBS 2004). Cairns, Australia 06 - 08 Aug 2004


Two models for facilitating cross-cultural communication and engagement
Lawrence, Jill. 2007. "Two models for facilitating cross-cultural communication and engagement." International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 6 (6), pp. 73-82.


Harnessing a nation's linguistic competence: identifying and addressing foreign language needs in the tourism and hospitality industry
O'Neill, Shirley and Hatoss, Aniko. 2003. "Harnessing a nation's linguistic competence: identifying and addressing foreign language needs in the tourism and hospitality industry." Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 26 (2), pp. 31-45.


Creating new stories for praxis: navigations, narrations, neonarratives
Stewart, Robyn. 2007. "Creating new stories for praxis: navigations, narrations, neonarratives ." Barrett, Estelle and Bolt, Barbara (ed.) Practice as research: approaches to creative arts enquiry. Andover, UK. I.B.Tauris Publishers. pp. 123-133

Edited book (chapter)

David Williamson in the dock: paranoia, propaganda and 'the people'
Musgrove, Brian. 2006. "David Williamson in the dock: paranoia, propaganda and 'the people'." Overland. 182, pp. 13-19.


Speculations on the emergence of a cultural practice
Johnson, Laurie. 2007. "Speculations on the emergence of a cultural practice." Mead, David and Frelik, Pawel (ed.) Playing the universe: games and gaming in science fiction. Lublin. Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press. pp. 177-193

Edited book (chapter)

Section one section introduction [to Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research]
Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2004. "Section one section introduction [to Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research]." Coombes, Phyllida, Danaher, Mike and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research. Flaxton, Qld. Post Pressed. pp. 9-10

Edited book (chapter)

Diggerspeak: the language of Australians at war
Laugesen, Amanda. 2005. Diggerspeak: the language of Australians at war. South Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press.

Authored book