410404. Environmental management
Title | 410404. Environmental management |
Parent | 4104. Environmental management |
Latest research outputs
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A 12-month field trial to remediate an exposed 'tailings beach' in Tasmania
Fergusson, Lee. 2014. "A 12-month field trial to remediate an exposed 'tailings beach' in Tasmania." Resources and Environment. 4 (5), pp. 238-245. https://doi.org/10.5923/j.re.20140405.05Article
A climate reconstruction of Sydney Cove, New South Wales, using weather journal and documentary data, 1788–1791
Gergis, Joelle, Karoly, David J. and Allan, Robert J.. 2009. "A climate reconstruction of Sydney Cove, New South Wales, using weather journal and documentary data, 1788–1791." Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 53 (2), pp. 83-98.Article
A comparative study of conventional and controlled traffic in irrigated cotton: II. Economic and physiological analysis
Bartimote, Timothy, Quigley, Richard, Bennett, John McL., Hall, Jake, Brodrick, Rose and Tan, Daniel K. Y.. 2017. "A comparative study of conventional and controlled traffic in irrigated cotton: II. Economic and physiological analysis." Soil and Tillage Research. 168, pp. 133-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2016.12.009Article
A comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from inputs into farm enterprises in Southeast Queensland, Australia
Maraseni, Tek N., Cockfield, Geoff and Apan, Armando. 2007. "A comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from inputs into farm enterprises in Southeast Queensland, Australia." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A: Toxic Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 42 (1), pp. 11-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934520601015354Article
A comparison of trends and magnitudes of household carbon emissions between China, Canada and UK
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Qu, Jiansheng and Zeng, Jingjing. 2015. "A comparison of trends and magnitudes of household carbon emissions between China, Canada and UK." Environmental Development. 15, pp. 103-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2015.04.001Article
A critical assessment of employing democratic and deliberative ideals in the environmental planning process in Bangladesh
Roy, Anjan Kumer Dev and Gow, Jeff. 2018. "A critical assessment of employing democratic and deliberative ideals in the environmental planning process in Bangladesh." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 61 (14), pp. 2590-2612. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2017.1406341Article
A critical review of mercury speciation, bioavailability, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant environment: Ecotoxicology and health risk assessment
Tahir, Natasha, Shahid, Muhammad, Khalid, Sana, Bibi, Irshad, Bundschuh, Jochen, Niazi, Nabeel Khan and Dumat, Camille. 2020. "A critical review of mercury speciation, bioavailability, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant environment: Ecotoxicology and health risk assessment." Science of the Total Environment. 711. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134749Article
A detailed proxy rainfall record from Lake Broadwater, Dalby, Southeast Queensland
Cottrill, Andrew, Ribbe, Joachim and Maron, Martine. 2009. "A detailed proxy rainfall record from Lake Broadwater, Dalby, Southeast Queensland." 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 13 Feb 2009 Boston, MA.Poster
A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a modern advancement in liquid chromatography approaches
Herath, Indika, Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, Bundschuh, Jochen, Marchuk, Alla and Rinklebe, Jorg. 2020. "A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a modern advancement in liquid chromatography approaches." Talanta. 208, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120457Article
A field trial to engender micro-concentrations of lead (II) using a novel sorbent in highly acidic industrial wastewater at a smelter site in Derbyshire
Fergusson, Lee. 2015. "A field trial to engender micro-concentrations of lead (II) using a novel sorbent in highly acidic industrial wastewater at a smelter site in Derbyshire." International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. 2 (9), pp. 437-444.Article
A hyperparasite affects the population dynamics of a wild plant pathogen
Tollenaere, C., Pernechele, B., Makinen, H. S., Parratt, S. R., Nemeth, M. Z., Kovacs, G. M., Kiss, L., Tack, A. J. M. and Laine, A.-L.. 2014. "A hyperparasite affects the population dynamics of a wild plant pathogen." Molecular Ecology. 23 (23), pp. 5877-5887. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12908Article
A low cost portable environmental monitoring system for livestock buildings
Clements, M. S., Watt, A. C., Debono, A. P., Aziz, S. M. and Banhazi, T. M.. 2011. "A low cost portable environmental monitoring system for livestock buildings." Banhazi, T., Saunders, C. and Hegarty, R. (ed.) SEAg 2011: Diverse Challenges, Innovative Solutions. Gold Coast, Australia 29 - 30 Sep 2011 Canberra, Australia .Paper
A novel process for enhancing oil production in algae biorefineries through bioconversion of solid by-products
Trzcinski, Antoine P., Hernandez, Ernesto and Webb, Colin. 2012. "A novel process for enhancing oil production in algae biorefineries through bioconversion of solid by-products." Bioresource Technology. 116, pp. 295-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2012.03.078Article
A polyoxometalate-based self-cleaning smart material with oxygenic activity for water remediation with membrane technology
Galiano, Francesco, Mancuso, Raffaella, Carraro, Mauro, Bundschuh, Jochen, Hoinkis, Jan, Bonchio, Marcella, De Luca, Giorgio, Gabriele, Bartolo and Figoli, Alberto. 2021. "A polyoxometalate-based self-cleaning smart material with oxygenic activity for water remediation with membrane technology." Applied Materials Today. 23, pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101002Article
A review of the potential issues associated with using coal seam gas associated water for dust suppression
Bennett, J. McL. and Raine, S. R.. 2012. A review of the potential issues associated with using coal seam gas associated water for dust suppression. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Discussion paper
A spatial analysis of Greater Bilby (Macrotis Lagotis) habitat in south-west Queensland
Dunwoody, Ernest, Liu, Xiaoye and McDougall, Kevin. 2009. "A spatial analysis of Greater Bilby (Macrotis Lagotis) habitat in south-west Queensland." Ostendorf, Bertram, Baldock, Penny, Bruce, David, Burdett, Michael and Corcoran, Paul (ed.) 2009 Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial International Conference (SSC 2009): Spatial Diversity. Adelaide, Australia 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2009 Adelaide, Australia.Paper
A study of underground coal gasification (UCG) wastewater and sludge
Fergusson, L.. 2015. "A study of underground coal gasification (UCG) wastewater and sludge." International Journal of Environmental Research. 9 (3), pp. 777-784. https://doi.org/10.22059/ijer.2015.964Article
A survey of the attitudes of stakeholders in the zoo industry towards the husbandry requirements of captive Great Apes
Fernie, A. C., Tribe, A., Murray, P. J., Lisle, A. and Phillips, C. J. C.. 2012. "A survey of the attitudes of stakeholders in the zoo industry towards the husbandry requirements of captive Great Apes." Animal Welfare. 21 (2), pp. 233-245. https://doi.org/10.7120/09627286.21.2.233Article
A sustainability framework for the beneficial reuse of alumina refinery residue
Fergusson, Lee. 2014. "A sustainability framework for the beneficial reuse of alumina refinery residue." Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. 1 (5), pp. 105-120.Article
A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities
Mittahalli Byrareddy, Vivekananda M, Islam, Md Aminul, Nguyen-Huy, Thong and Slaughter, Geoff. 2023. "A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities ." Heliyon. 9 (9). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19754Article
A technique for improving webcam precision in biological plant measurement
Chong, Albert K. and Brownstein, Gretchen. 2010. "A technique for improving webcam precision in biological plant measurement." The Photogrammetric Record. 25 (130), pp. 180-196. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9730.2010.00578.xArticle
A tribute to Michael R. Raupach for contributions to aeolian fluid dynamics
Shao, Yaping, Nickling, William, Berametti, Gilles, Butler, Harry, Chappell, Adrian, Findlater, Paul, Gillies, John, Ishizuka, Masahide, Klose, Martina, Fok, Jasper F., Leys, John, Lu, Hua, Marticorena, Beatrice, McTainsh, Grant, McKenna-Neumann, Cheryl, Okin, Gregory S., Strong, Craig and Webb, Nicholas. 2015. "A tribute to Michael R. Raupach for contributions to aeolian fluid dynamics." Aeolian Research. 19 (Part A), pp. 37-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeolia.2015.09.004Article
A wavelet-coupled support vector machine model for forecasting global incident solar radiation using limited meteorological dataset
Deo, Ravinesh C., Wen, Xiaohu and Feng, Qi. 2016. "A wavelet-coupled support vector machine model for forecasting global incident solar radiation using limited meteorological dataset." Applied Energy. 168, pp. 568-593. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.01.130Article
A wireless sensor network environment monitoring system based on TinyOS
Gao, Rui, Zhou, Hong and Su, Gang. 2011. "A wireless sensor network environment monitoring system based on TinyOS." Zhixi, Yin (ed.) ICEOE 2011: International Conference on Electronics and Optoelectronics. Dalian, China 29 - 31 Jul 2011 Piscataway, NJ. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEOE.2011.6013153Paper
Acid sulfate soils on the west coast of Sri Lanka: A review
Vithana, Chamindra L., Ulapane, Prashani A. K., Chandrajith, Rohana, Sullivan, Leigh A., Bundschuh, Jochen, Toppler, Nadia, Ward, Nicholas J. and Senaratne, Atula. 2021. "Acid sulfate soils on the west coast of Sri Lanka: A review." Geoderma Regional. 25, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00382Article
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System integrated with solar zenith angle for forecasting sub-tropical photosynthetically active radiation
Deo, Ravinesh C., Downs, Nathan J., Adamowski, Jan F. and Parisi, Alfio V.. 2018. "Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System integrated with solar zenith angle for forecasting sub-tropical photosynthetically active radiation." Food and Energy Security. 8 (1). https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.151Article
An agricultural drainage channel classification system for phosphorus management
Shore, M., Jordan, P., Mellander, P.-E, Kelly-Quinn, M. and Melland, A. R.. 2015. "An agricultural drainage channel classification system for phosphorus management." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 199, pp. 207-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.09.003Article
An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils
Bennett, John McL., Marchuk, Alla and Marchuk, Serhiy. 2016. "An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils." Soil Research. 54 (8), pp. 949-957. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR15281Article
An analysis of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions status of Annex I countries: can they meet Kyoto targets?
Maraseni, Tek N., Maroulis, Jerry and Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2008. "An analysis of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions status of Annex I countries: can they meet Kyoto targets?" Australasian Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences. 3 (2), pp. 3-15.Article
An analysis of Australia's carbon pollution reduction scheme
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Maroulis, Jerry and Cockfield, Geoff. 2009. "An analysis of Australia's carbon pollution reduction scheme." International Journal of Environmental Studies. 66 (5), pp. 591-603. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207230902916190Article
An analysis of magnitudes and trends of household carbon emissions in China between 1995 and 2011
Maraseni, T. N., Qu, J., Zeng, J. and Liu, L.. 2016. "An analysis of magnitudes and trends of household carbon emissions in China between 1995 and 2011." International Journal of Environmental Research. 10 (1), pp. 179-192.Article
An analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture as a climate change mitigation activity in Australian dryland grain production
Rochecouste, Jean-Francois, Dargusch, Paul, Cameron, Donald and Smith, Carl. 2015. "An analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture as a climate change mitigation activity in Australian dryland grain production." Agricultural Systems. 135, pp. 20-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2014.12.002Article
An assessment of direct on-farm energy use for high value grain crops grown under different farming practices in Australia
Maraseni, Tek, Chen, Guangnan, Banhazi, Thomas, Bundschuh, Jochen and Yusaf, Talal. 2015. "An assessment of direct on-farm energy use for high value grain crops grown under different farming practices in Australia." Energies. 8 (11), pp. 13033-13046. https://doi.org/10.3390/en81112353Article
An assessment of the accuracy and precision of water quality parameters retrieved with the matrix inversion method
Campbell, Glenn and Phinn, Stuart R.. 2010. "An assessment of the accuracy and precision of water quality parameters retrieved with the matrix inversion method." Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 8, pp. 16-29. https://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2010.8.16Article
An assessment of the policies and practices of selective logging and timber utilisation: A case study from natural forests of Tarai Nepal and Queensland Australia
Poudyal, Bishnu Hari, Maraseni, Tek and Cockfield, Geoff. 2020. "An assessment of the policies and practices of selective logging and timber utilisation: A case study from natural forests of Tarai Nepal and Queensland Australia." Land Use Policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use. 91, pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104422Article
An examination of social and environmental disclosures in Nigerian oil companies
Odera, Odhiambo. 2014. An examination of social and environmental disclosures in Nigerian oil companies. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
An extreme learning machine model for the simulation of monthly mean streamflow water level in eastern Queensland
Deo, Ravinesh C. and Sahin, Mehmet. 2016. "An extreme learning machine model for the simulation of monthly mean streamflow water level in eastern Queensland." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188 (90). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5094-9Article
An impact assessment framework for harvesting technologies in cotton: management considerations for the John Deere 7760
Bennett, J. McL., Jensen, T. A., Antille, D. L. and Baillie, C.. 2016. An impact assessment framework for harvesting technologies in cotton: management considerations for the John Deere 7760. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Technical report
An innovative systematic approach to internalize external costs of salinization in major irrigated systems
Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Bundschuh, Jochen. 2016. "An innovative systematic approach to internalize external costs of salinization in major irrigated systems." Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 2-3, pp. 16-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2016.05.002Article
An integrated model to examine the effects of sustainable diversion limits: a case study in the Lower Campaspe catchment
El Sawah, S., Kelly, R. A., Beverly, C., Stott, K., Patrick, M. J., Kath, J., Croke, B. F. W., Qureshi, M. E., Courtney-Barrer, B., Asher, M. J., Roberts, A. and Jakeman, A. J.. 2013. "An integrated model to examine the effects of sustainable diversion limits: a case study in the Lower Campaspe catchment." Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R. S. and Boland, J. (ed.) 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013). Adelaide, Australia 01 - 06 Dec 2013 Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand . https://doi.org/10.36334/modsim.2013.K3.elsawahPaper