470107. Media studies

Title470107. Media studies
Parent4701. Communication and media studies

Latest research outputs

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Investigating the relationship between three religious organisations' media relations outputs and news media reports through two propaganda model filters
Nelson, Bruce. 2024. Investigating the relationship between three religious organisations' media relations outputs and news media reports through two propaganda model filters. Masters Thesis Master Of Professional Studies (Research). University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins
Hopkins, Susan, Balloo, Kieran, Ramos, Fabiane, Salmeron, Raquel, Singh, Niharika and Wilson, Victoria E.. 2024. "True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins ." Culture and Organization. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2024.2394461


The Strange and the Sacred: Depictions of Catholic Nuns in Supernatural Horror Stories
Hopkins, Susan. 2024. "The Strange and the Sacred: Depictions of Catholic Nuns in Supernatural Horror Stories." Harmes, Marcus K. and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Nuns in Popular Culture: Critical Essays. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 111-127

Edited book (chapter)

The Paris Olympics horse-whipping scandal shows the dangers of 'Disneyfication' in horse sports
Hopkins, Susan. 2024. "The Paris Olympics horse-whipping scandal shows the dangers of 'Disneyfication' in horse sports." The Conversation.


Larrimah-inspired series Population: 11 is a charming watch – if a tad heavy on the Aussie cliches
McWilliam, Kelly. 2024. "Larrimah-inspired series Population: 11 is a charming watch – if a tad heavy on the Aussie cliches." The Conversation.


Spare the rod and spoil the pervert: Corporal punishment and the nineteenth century in popular culture
Harmes, Marcus. 2023. "Spare the rod and spoil the pervert: Corporal punishment and the nineteenth century in popular culture ." The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture. 12 (2), pp. 169-186. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajpc_00077_1


Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Meredith A. and Harmes, Barbara. 2023. "Conclusion." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Watching the Cops Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 275-278

Edited book (chapter)

More Than Colleagues, Less Than Human: Implications of Anthropomorphic Policing
Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Meredith A. and Harmes, Barbara. 2023. "More Than Colleagues, Less Than Human: Implications of Anthropomorphic Policing." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 236-250

Edited book (chapter)

“Scotland Yard will never catch him”: Victorian Detectives on Television
Harmes, Barbara, Harmes, Marcus K. and Harmes, Meredith A.. 2023. "“Scotland Yard will never catch him”: Victorian Detectives on Television." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 11-25

Edited book (chapter)

Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television
Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) 2023. Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television . United States. McFarland & Company, Inc..

Edited book

Introduction: Past and Future Visions of Policing
Harmes, Meredith A., Harmes, Marcus K. and Harmes, Barbara. 2023. "Introduction: Past and Future Visions of Policing." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television. United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 1-10

Edited book (chapter)

Old Guard meets the Avant-Garde: What 200 years of technology in one experimental film tells us about the next 200 years
Sparkes, Daryl. 2023. "Old Guard meets the Avant-Garde: What 200 years of technology in one experimental film tells us about the next 200 years." Mason, A. (ed.) 13th Australian Media Traditions Conference 2023. Toowoomba, Australia 20 - 21 Sep 2023 Australia.


From Shark Bait to final girl in filmic horror: Young women, killer sharks, and the Monstrous-Masculine
Hopkins, Susan. 2023. "From Shark Bait to final girl in filmic horror: Young women, killer sharks, and the Monstrous-Masculine." Journal of Popular Culture. 56 (5-6), pp. 885-896. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpcu.13288


Patterns in Making Victims’ Gender Visible or Invisible in News Media Reporting of Boko Haram’s Massacres and Kidnappings
Beel, Nathan and Jonathan, Kate. 2023. "Patterns in Making Victims’ Gender Visible or Invisible in News Media Reporting of Boko Haram’s Massacres and Kidnappings." International Journal of Communication. 17, p. 5708–5735.


Gods and Monsters in the Ruined University: Filmic Teachers and Their Moral Pedagogies from The Faculty to Higher Learning
Hopkins, Susan. 2023. "Gods and Monsters in the Ruined University: Filmic Teachers and Their Moral Pedagogies from The Faculty to Higher Learning." Harmes, Marcus K. and Scully, Richard (ed.) Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture . Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 131-151

Edited book (chapter)

Talking Queensland
Jones, Ashley P. 2019. Talking Queensland. Springfield, Australia.

Audio/visual recording

Beyond Digital Literacy in Australian Prisons: Theorizing 'Network Literacy,' Intersectionality, and Female Incarcerated Students
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "Beyond Digital Literacy in Australian Prisons: Theorizing 'Network Literacy,' Intersectionality, and Female Incarcerated Students." Media and Communication. 10 (4), pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v10i4.5734


From Total Recall to Last Action Hero(ine): Sex, Violence and Sharon Stone in the 1990s
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "From Total Recall to Last Action Hero(ine): Sex, Violence and Sharon Stone in the 1990s." Gerrard, Steven and Middlemost, Renee (ed.) Gender and Action Films 1980-2000: Beauty in Motion. Bingley, United Kingdom. Emerald. pp. 9-23

Edited book (chapter)

Rihanna’s empire of pain: sexualised violence and the black Madonna
Hopkins, Susan. 2024. "Rihanna’s empire of pain: sexualised violence and the black Madonna." Celebrity Studies. 15 (1), pp. 111-114. https://doi.org/10.1080/19392397.2022.2115706


(Not) Very Important People: Millennial Fantasies of Mobility in the Age of Excess
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "(Not) Very Important People: Millennial Fantasies of Mobility in the Age of Excess ." Media and Communication. 10 (1), pp. 297-300. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v10i1.4778

Book review

Screening women’s history in the film Suffragette (2015): between intersectional feminist activism and historical memory
Stevenson, Ana. 2022. "Screening women’s history in the film Suffragette (2015): between intersectional feminist activism and historical memory." Women's History Review. 31 (6), pp. 1002-1027. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2022.2090712


Life-course theory and romance
Humby, Lauren. 2020. "Life-course theory and romance." Daly, Sarah E. (ed.) Theories of crime through popular culture. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 159-171

Edited book (chapter)

Gillard of Thrones: Using Popular Culture to Resist Misogyny
Stevenson, Ana. 2020. "Gillard of Thrones: Using Popular Culture to Resist Misogyny." Firestone, Amanda and Clarke, Leisa A. (ed.) Resist and Persist: Essays on Social Revolution in 21st Century Narratives. Jefferson, United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 162-174

Edited book (chapter)

'Sitting in Cages': Imagining Victorian Women in Neo-Victorian Film Musicals
Stevenson, Ana. 2015. "'Sitting in Cages': Imagining Victorian Women in Neo-Victorian Film Musicals." Falchi, Simonetta, Perletti, Greta and Ruiz, Maria Isabel Romero (ed.) Victorianomania: Reimagining, Refashioning, and Rewriting Victorian Literature and Culture. Milan, Italy. Franco Angeli. pp. 73-86

Edited book (chapter)

From Tiger King to Joe vs Carole: Postmodern Murder Media in the True Crime Carnivalesque
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "From Tiger King to Joe vs Carole: Postmodern Murder Media in the True Crime Carnivalesque." Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture. 22 (1), pp. 56-70.


Of monsters, mothers and murders: fear, loathing and 'Aussie true crime' in tabloid women’s magazines
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "Of monsters, mothers and murders: fear, loathing and 'Aussie true crime' in tabloid women’s magazines." Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture. 22 (2), pp. 64-76.


Making Gender Divisive: ‘Post-Feminism’, Sexism and Media Representations of Julia Gillard
Stevenson, Ana. 2013. "Making Gender Divisive: ‘Post-Feminism’, Sexism and Media Representations of Julia Gillard." Burgmann Journal. 1 (2), pp. 53-63.


From Page to Meme: The Print and Digital Revolutions against Gender Violence
Stevenson, Ana and Lewis, Brigitte. 2019. "From Page to Meme: The Print and Digital Revolutions against Gender Violence." Piper, Alana and Stevenson, Ana (ed.) Gender Violence in Australia: Historical Perspectives. Clayton, Australia. Monash University Publishing. pp. 177-191

Edited book (chapter)

Free Britney, b**ch!: femininity, fandom and #FreeBritney activism
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "Free Britney, b**ch!: femininity, fandom and #FreeBritney activism." Celebrity Studies. 13 (3), pp. 475-478. https://doi.org/10.1080/19392397.2022.2037354


Concluding remarks: science in twenties Doctor Who
Orthia, Lindy A. and Harmes, Marcus K.. 2021. "Concluding remarks: science in twenties Doctor Who." Harmes, Marcus K. and Orthia, Lindy A. (ed.) Doctor Who and science: essays on ideas, identities and ideologies in the series. Jefferson, North Carolina. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 221-225

Edited book (chapter)

One Hundred Years of Campaign Imagery: From Woman Suffrage Postcards to Hillary Clinton Memes
Stevenson, Ana. 2018. "One Hundred Years of Campaign Imagery: From Woman Suffrage Postcards to Hillary Clinton Memes." Kray, Christine A., Carroll, Tamar W. and Mandel, Hinda (ed.) Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 US Presidential Election. United States. University of Rochester Press. pp. 152-169

Edited book (chapter)

In flag-rante: Julia Gillard and the infamous ‘flag scene’ in ABC’s At Home with Julia
Stevenson, Ana. 2018. "In flag-rante: Julia Gillard and the infamous ‘flag scene’ in ABC’s At Home with Julia." Journal of Popular Television. 6 (3), pp. 381-403. https://doi.org/10.1386/jptv.6.3.381_1


'Cast off the shackles of yesterday': women's suffrage in Walt Disney's Mary Poppins
Stevenson, Ana. 2018. "'Cast off the shackles of yesterday': women's suffrage in Walt Disney's Mary Poppins." Camera Obscura: a journal of feminism and film theory. 33 (2 (98)), pp. 69-103. https://doi.org/10.1215/02705346-6923118


‘You’re a Real Man After All’: Fashioning the Male Physique in Twentieth-Century Boxing and Wrestling Magazines
Stevenson, Ana and Patrick, David. 2022. "‘You’re a Real Man After All’: Fashioning the Male Physique in Twentieth-Century Boxing and Wrestling Magazines." Dexl, Carmen and Gerlsbeck, Silvia (ed.) The Male Body in Representation: Returning to Matter. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 53-74

Edited book (chapter)

M*A*S*H*e*d and Harassed? Nurse Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan as Gendered Hate Object
Hopkins, Susan. 2021. "M*A*S*H*e*d and Harassed? Nurse Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan as Gendered Hate Object." Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A. (ed.) The Nurse in Popular Media: Critical Essays. Jefferson, United States. McFarland & Company, Inc.. pp. 69-92

Edited book (chapter)

Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet at 25: is this the best Shakespeare screen adaptation?
Sparkes, Daryl. 2021. "Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet at 25: is this the best Shakespeare screen adaptation?" The Conversation. 11 February 2021, p. 1.


Wanderlust or Wanderbust? Rediscovering the Lost Art of Wandering in Precarious Times
Cantrell, Kate. 2021. "Wanderlust or Wanderbust? Rediscovering the Lost Art of Wandering in Precarious Times." 2021 University of Queensland WiP Conference (25th Anniversary): Rites of Passage. University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia 26 - 27 Nov 2021


Home Alone at 30: how one case of parental neglect led to (hilariously) painful outcomes
Sparkes, Daryl. 2020. "Home Alone at 30: how one case of parental neglect led to (hilariously) painful outcomes." The Conversation. 2 December 2020, p. 1.


Poison Ivy, Wild Things and Other Erotic Teen Thrillers of the 1990s: The Class-Shamed 'Evil' Other of Hypersexualized Girl Power
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "Poison Ivy, Wild Things and Other Erotic Teen Thrillers of the 1990s: The Class-Shamed 'Evil' Other of Hypersexualized Girl Power." Patrick, Stephanie and Rajiva, Mythili (ed.) The Forgotten Victims of Sexual Violence in Film, Television and New Media: Turning to the Margins. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 25-46

Edited book (chapter)

Amateur radio clubs as regional media networks
Mason, Andrew. 2021. "Amateur radio clubs as regional media networks." 12th Australian Media Traditions Conference: Exploring the Regions. Melbourne, Australia Melbourne, Australia.
