Centre for Astrophysics

Latest research outputs

712 results found
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Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. II. Discovery of a Failed Hot Jupiter on a 2.7 Yr, Highly Eccentric Orbit
Dalba, Paul A., Kane, Stephen R., Li, Zhexing, MacDougall, Mason G., Rosenthal, Lee J., Cherubim, Collin, Isaacson, Howard, Thorngren, Daniel P., Fulton, Benjamin, Howard, Andrew W., Petigura, Erik A., Schwieterman, Edward W., O’Conner Peluso, Dan, Esposito, Thomas M., Marchis, Franck and Payne, Matthew J.. 2021. "Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. II. Discovery of a Failed Hot Jupiter on a 2.7 Yr, Highly Eccentric Orbit." The Astronomical Journal. 162. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ac134b


Planet Hunters TESS II: findings from the first two years of TESS
Eisner, N. L., Barragan, O., Lintott, C., Aigrain, S., Nicholson, B., Boyajian, T. S., Howells, S., Johnston, C., Lakeland, B., Miller, G., McMaster, A., Parviainen, H., Safron, E. J., Schwamb, M. E., Trouille, L., Vaughan, S., Zicher, N., Allen, C., Allen, S., ..., Hoffman, T.. 2021. "Planet Hunters TESS II: findings from the first two years of TESS." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 501 (4), pp. 4669-4690. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa3739


HAT-P-68b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a K5 Dwarf Star
Lindor, Bethlee M., Hartman, Joel D, Bakos, Gáspár Á., Bhatti, Waqas, Csubry, Zoltan, Penev, Kaloyan, Bieryla, Allyson, Latham, David W., Torres, Guillermo, Buchhave, Lars A., de Val-Borro,, Howard, Andrew W., Isaacson, Howard, Fulton, Benjamin J., Boisse, Isabelle, Santerne, Alexandre, Hebrard, Guillaume, Kovács, Támás, Huang, Chelsea, ..., Sári, Pál Sári. 2021. "HAT-P-68b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a K5 Dwarf Star." The Astronomical Journal. 161, p. 64. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/abc700


HD 219134 Revisited: Planet d Transit Upper Limit and Planet f Transit Nondetection with ASTERIA and TESS
Seager, Sara, Knapp, Mary, Demory, Brice-Olivier, Krishnamurthy, Akshata, Huang, Chelsea X., Badenas Agusti, Mariona, Shporer, Avi, Weisserman, Drew, Becker, Becker, Vanderburg, Andrew, Smith, Matthew, Pong, Christopher M., Bailey, Vanessa P., Donne, Amanda, Di Pasquale, Peter, Campuzano, Brian, Smith, Colin, Luu, Jason, Babuscia, Alessandra, ..., Wohler, Bill. 2021. "HD 219134 Revisited: Planet d Transit Upper Limit and Planet f Transit Nondetection with ASTERIA and TESS." The Astronomical Journal. 161 (3), p. 117. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/abcd3d


Erratum: "TOI-2076 and TOI-1807: Two young, Comoving Planetary Systems within 50 pc Identified by TESS that are Ideal Candidates for Further Follow Up"
Hedges, Christina, Hughes, Alex, Zhou, George, David, Trevor J., Becker, Juliette C., Giacalone, Steven, Vanderburg, Andrew, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Bieryla, Allyson, Wirth, Christopher P., Atherton, Shaun, Fetherolf, Tara, Collins, Karen A., Price-Whelan, Karen A., Bedell, Megan E., Quinn, Samuel N., Gan, Tianjun, Ricker, George, Latham, David W., ..., Smith, Jeffrey C.. 2021. "Erratum: "TOI-2076 and TOI-1807: Two young, Comoving Planetary Systems within 50 pc Identified by TESS that are Ideal Candidates for Further Follow Up" ." Astronomical Journal. 162 (6), p. 1. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ac2d32

Notes or commentaries

Polarization of hot Jupiter systems: a likely detection of stellar activity and a possible detection of planetary polarization
Bailey, Jeremy, Bott, Kimberly, Cotton, Daniel V., Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna, Zhao, Jinglin, Evensberget, Dag, Marshall, Jonathan P., Wright, Duncan and Lucas, P. W.. 2021. "Polarization of hot Jupiter systems: a likely detection of stellar activity and a possible detection of planetary polarization." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 502 (2), pp. 2331-2345. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab172


Size and shape of (11351) leucus from five occultations
Buie, Marc W., Keeney, Brian A., Strauss, Ryder H., Blank, Ted E., Moore, John G., Porter, Simon B., Wasserman, Lawrence H., Weryk, Robert J., Levison, Harold F., Olkin, Catherine B., Leiva, Rodrigo, Bardecker, Jerry E., Brown, Michael E, Brown, Lilah B, Collins, Michael P., Davidson, Hugh M., Dunham, David W., Dunham, Joan B., Eaccarino, John A., ..., Zhang, Qicheng. 2021. "Size and shape of (11351) leucus from five occultations." The Planetary Science Journal. 2 (5), pp. 1-38. https://doi.org/10.3847/PSJ/ac1f9b


Effective secondary science teacher professional development and growth: a Queensland case study
Lembo, Kay Ann. 2021. Effective secondary science teacher professional development and growth: a Queensland case study. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q72qv

PhD by Publication

KELT-25 b and KELT-26 b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A Stars Observed by TESS
Martinez, Romy Rodriguez, Gaudi, B. Scott, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan, Quinn, Samuel N., Penev, Kaloyan, Tan, Thiam-Guan, Latham, David W., Paredes, Leonardo A., Kielkopf, John F., Addison, Brett, Wright, Duncan J., Teske, Johanna, Howell, Steve B., Ciardi, David, Ziegler, Carl, Stassun, Keivan G., Johnson, Marshall C., ..., Quintana, Elisa V.. 2020. "KELT-25 b and KELT-26 b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A Stars Observed by TESS." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (3), pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab9f2d


Transits of Known Planets Orbiting a Naked-eye Star
Kane, Stephen R., Yalcinkaya, Selcuk, Osborn, Hugh P., Dalba, Paul A., Nielsen, Louise D., Vanderburg, Andrew, Mocnik, Teo, Hinkel, Natalie R., Ostberg, Colby, Esmer, Ekrem Murat, Udry, Stephane, Fetherolf, Tara, Basturk, Ozgur, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland, Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., ..., Wright, Jason T.. 2020. "Transits of Known Planets Orbiting a Naked-eye Star." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (3), pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/aba835


Solar System Physics for Exoplanet Research
Horner, J., Kane, S. R., Marshall, J. P., Dalba, P. A., Holt, T. R., Wood, J., Maynard-Casely, H. E., Wittenmyer, R., Lykawka, P. S., Hill, M., Salmeron, R., Bailey, J., Lohne, T., Agnew, M., Carter, B. D. and Tylor, C. C. E.. 2020. "Solar System Physics for Exoplanet Research." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 132 (1016), pp. 1-115. https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ab8eb9


The GALAH survey: temporal chemical enrichment of the galactic disc
Lin, Jane, Asplund, Martin, Ting, Yuan-Sen, Casagrande, Luca, Buder, Sven, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Casey, Andrew R., de Silva, Gayandhi M., D'Orazi, Valentina, Freeman, Ken C., Kos, Janez, Lind, K., Martell, Sarah L., Sharma, Sanjib, Simpson, Jeffrey D., Zwitter, Tomaz, Zucker, Daniel B., Minchev, Ivan, Cotar, Klemen, ..., Zerjal, Marusa. 2020. "The GALAH survey: temporal chemical enrichment of the galactic disc." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 491 (2), pp. 2043-2056. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3048


The Pan-Pacific Planet Search - VIII. Complete results and the occurrence rate of planets around low-luminosity giants
Wittenmyer, Robert A., Butler, R. P., Horner, Jonathan, Clark, Jake, Tinney, C. G., Carter, B. D., Wang, Liang, Johnson, John Asher and Collins, Michaela. 2020. "The Pan-Pacific Planet Search - VIII. Complete results and the occurrence rate of planets around low-luminosity giants." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 491 (4), pp. 5248-5257. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3378


Cool Jupiters greatly outnumber their toasty siblings: occurrence rates from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search
Wittenmyer, Robert A., Wang, Songhu, Horner, Jonathan, Butler, R. P., Tinney, C. G., Carter, B. D., Wright, D. J., Jones, H. R. A., Bailey, J., O'Toole, S. J. and Johns, Daniel. 2020. "Cool Jupiters greatly outnumber their toasty siblings: occurrence rates from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 492 (1), pp. 377-383. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3436


Stability analysis of three exoplanet systems
Marshall, J. P., Horner, J., Wittenmyer, R. A., Clark, J. T. and Mengel, M. W.. 2020. "Stability analysis of three exoplanet systems." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494 (2), pp. 2280-2288. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa847


The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars
Gao, Xudong, Lind, Karin, Amarsi, Anish M., Buder, Sven, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Campbell, Simon W., Asplund, Martin, Casey, Andrew R., de Silva, Gayandhi M., Freeman, Ken C., Hayden, Michael R., Lewis, Geraint F., Martell, Sarah L., Simpson, Jeffrey D., Sharma, Sanjib, Zucker, Daniel B., Zwitter, Tomaz, Horner, Jonathan, Munari, Ulisse, ..., Galah Collaboration, .. 2020. "The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 497 (1), pp. L30-L34. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slaa109


TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star
Jordan, Andres, Brahm, Rafael, Espinoza, Nestor, Henning, Thomas, Jones, Matias I., Kossakowski, Diana, Sarkis, Paula, Trifonov, Trifon, Rojas, Felipe, Torres, Pascal, Drass, Holger, Nandakumar, Sangeetha, Barbieri, Mauro, Davis, Allen, Wang, Songhu, Bayliss, Daniel, Bouma, Luke, Dragomir, Diana, Eastman, Jason D., ..., Hart, Rhodes. 2020. "TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star." The Astronomical Journal. 159 (4), pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab6f67


A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
Plavchan, Peter, Barclay, Thomas, Gagne, Jonathan, Gao, Peter, Cale, Bryson, Matzko, William, Dragomir, Diana, Quinn, Sam, Feliz, Dax, Stassun, Keivan, Crossfield, Ian J.M., Berardo, David A., Latham, David W., Tieu, Ben, Anglada-Escude, Guillem, Ricker, George, Vanderspek, Roland, Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., ..., Zilberman, Perri. 2020. "A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii." Nature. 582, pp. 497-500. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2400-z


Stability of Jovian Trojans and their collisional families
Holt, Timothy R., Nesvorny, David, Horner, Jonathan, King, Rachel, Marschall, Raphael, Kamrowski, Melissa, Carter, Brad, Brookshaw, Leigh and Tylor, Christopher. 2020. "Stability of Jovian Trojans and their collisional families." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 495 (4), pp. 4085-4097. https://doi.org/10.1093/MNRAS/STAA1348


K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13
Wittenmyer, Robert A., Clark, Jake T., Sharma, Sanjib, Stello, Dennis, Horner, Jonathan, Kane, Stephen R., Stevens, Catherine P., Wright, Duncan J., Spina, Lorenzo, Cotar, Klemen, Asplund, Martin, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Buder, Sven, Casey, Andrew R., de Silva, Gayandhi M., D'Orazi, Valentina, Freeman, Ken, Kos, Janez, Lewis, Geraint, ..., Zwitter, Tomaz. 2020. "K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 496 (1), pp. 851-863. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa1528


HD 202772A b: a transiting hot Jupiter around a bright, mildly evolved star in a visual binary discovered by TESS
Wang, Songhu, Jones, Matias, Shporer, Avi, Fulton, Benjamin J., Paredes, Leonardo A., Trifonov, Trifon, Kossakowski, Diana, Eastman, Jason, Redfield, Seth, Gunther, Maximilian N., Kreidberg, Laura, Huang, Chelsea X., Millholland, Sarah, Seligman, Darryl, Fischer, Debra, Brahm, Rafael, Wang, Xian-Yu, Cruz, Bryndis, Henry, Todd, ..., Laughlin, Gregory. 2019. "HD 202772A b: a transiting hot Jupiter around a bright, mildly evolved star in a visual binary discovered by TESS." The Astronomical Journal. 157 (2), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/aaf1b7


TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS
Lendl, Monika, Bouchy, Francois, Gill, Samuel, Nielsen, Louise D., Turner, Oliver, Stassun, Keivan, Acton, Jack S., Anderson, David R., Armstrong, David J., Bayliss, Daniel, Belardi, Claudia, Bryant, Edward M., Burleigh, Matthew R., Chaushev, Alexander, Casewell, Sarah L., Cooke, Benjamin F., Eigmuller, Philipp, Gillen, Edward, Goad, Michael R., ..., Ziegler, Carl. 2019. "TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 492 (2), pp. 1761-1769. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3545


Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. IV. Dual-band Photometry of Variables Found by the CSTAR-II Commissioning Survey at the North Sky
Zhu, Jiapeng, Zhang, Hui, Liang, En-Si, Yu, Zhouyi, Yang, Ming, Zhou, Ji-lin, Cui, Xiangqun, Du, Fujia, Gong, Xuefei, Gu, Bozhong, Hu, Lei, Jiang, Peng, Liu, Huigen, Li, Xiaoyan, Li, Zhengyang, Mould, Jeremy, Sun, Tianrui, Suntzeff, Nicholas B., Tao, Charling, ..., Lu, Hongke. 2020. "Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. IV. Dual-band Photometry of Variables Found by the CSTAR-II Commissioning Survey at the North Sky." The Astronomical Journal. 159 (4). https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab7449


HATS-13b and HATS-14b: two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey
Mancini, L., Hartman, J. D., Penev, K., Bakos, G. A., Brahm, R., Ciceri, S., Henning, Th., Csubry, Z., Bayliss, D., Zhou, G., Rabus, M., de Val-Borro, M., Espinoza, N., Jordan, A., Suc, V., Bhatti, W., Schmidt, B., Sato, B., Tan, T. G., ..., Sari, P.. 2015. "HATS-13b and HATS-14b: two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 580, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201526069


A full implementation of spectro-perfectionism for precise radial velocity exoplanet detection: a test case with the MINERVA reduction pipeline
Cornachione, Matthew A., Bolton, Adam S., Eastman, Jason D., Wilson, Maurice L., Wang, Sharon X., Johnson, Samson A., Sliski, David H., McCrady, Nate, Wright, Jason T., Plavchan, Peter, Johnson, John Asher, Horner, Jonathan and Wittenmyer, Robert A.. 2019. "A full implementation of spectro-perfectionism for precise radial velocity exoplanet detection: a test case with the MINERVA reduction pipeline." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 131 (1006). https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ab4103


The HD 181433 Planetary System: Dynamics and a New Orbital Solution
Horner, Jonathan, Wittenmyer, Robert A., Wright, Duncan J., Hinse, Tobias C., Marshall, Jonathan P., Kane, Stephen R., Clark, Jake T., Mengel, Matthew, Agnew, Matthew T. and Johns, Daniel. 2019. "The HD 181433 Planetary System: Dynamics and a New Orbital Solution." The Astronomical Journal. 158 (3), pp. 100-111. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab2e78


Detection of Planetary and Stellar Companions to Neighboring Stars via a Combination of Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Techniques
Kane, Stephen R., Dalba, Paul A., Li, Zhexing, Horch, Elliott P., Hirsch, Lea A., Horner, Jonathan, Wittenmyer, Robert A., Howell, Steve B., Everett, Mark E., Butler, R. Paul, Tinney, Christopher G., Carter, Brad D., Wright, Duncan J., Jones, Hugh R. A., Bailey, Jeremy and O'Toole, Simon J.. 2019. "Detection of Planetary and Stellar Companions to Neighboring Stars via a Combination of Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Techniques." The Astronomical Journal. 157 (6), pp. 252-262. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab1ddf


The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission
Cotar, Klemen, Zwitter, Tomaz, Traven, Gregor, Kos, Janez, Asplund, Martin, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Buder, Sven, D'Orazi, Valentina, de Silva, Gayandhi M., Lin, Jane, Martell, Sarah L., Sharma, Sanjib, Simpson, Jeffrey D., Zucker, Daniel B., Horner, Jonathan, Lewis, Geraint F., Nordlander, Thomas, Ting, Yuan-Sen, Wittenmyer, Rob A. and Galah Collaboration, Galah Collaboration. 2019. "The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 487 (2), pp. 2474-2490. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz1397


The K2-HERMES Survey: age and metallicity of the thick disc
Sharma, Sanjib, Stello, Dennis, Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Hayden, Michael R., Zinn, Joel C., Kallinger, Thomas, Hon, Marc, Asplund, Martin, Buder, Sven, de Silva, Gayandhi M., D'Orazi, Valentina, Freeman, Ken, Kos, Janez, Lewis, Geraint F., Lin, Jane, Lind, Karin, Martell, Sarah, Simpson, Jeffrey D., Wittenmyer, Rob A., ..., Wyse, Rosemary F. G.. 2019. "The K2-HERMES Survey: age and metallicity of the thick disc." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 490 (4), pp. 5335-5352. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz2861


First Radial Velocity Results From the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA)
Wilson, Maurice L., Eastman, Jason D., Cornachione, Matthew A., Wang, Sharon X., Johnson, Samson A., Sliski, David H., Schap, William J., III, Morton, Timothy D., Johnson, John Asher, McCrady, Nate, Wright, Jason T., Wittenmyer, Robert A., Plavchan, Peter, Blake, Cullen H., Swift, Jonathan J., Bottom, Michael, Baker, Ashley D., Barnes, Stuart I., Berlind, Perry, ..., Sergi, Anthony. 2019. "First Radial Velocity Results From the MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array (MINERVA) ." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 131 (1005), pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ab33c5


TESS Spots a Compact System of Super-Earths around the Naked-eye Star HR 858
Vanderburg, Andrew, Huang, Chelsea X., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Becker, Juliette C., Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland K., Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., Jenkins, Jon M., Addison, Brett, Bieryla, Allyson, Briceno, Cesar, Bowler, Brendan P., Brown, Timothy M., Burke, Christopher J., Burt, Jennifer A., Caldwell, Douglas A., Clark, Jake T., ..., Ziegler, Carl A.. 2019. "TESS Spots a Compact System of Super-Earths around the Naked-eye Star HR 858." The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 881 (1), pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab322d


Near-resonance in a System of Sub-Neptunes from TESS
Quinn, Samuel N., Becker, Juliette C., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Hadden, Sam, Huang, Chelsea X., Morton, Timothy D., Adams, Fred C., Armstrong, David, Eastman, Jason D., Horner, Jonathan, Kane, Stephen R., Lissauer, Jack J., Twicken, Joseph D., Vanderburg, Andrew, Wittenmyer, Rob, Ricker, George R., Vanderspek, Roland K., Latham, David W., Seager, Sara, ..., Ziegler, Carl. 2019. "Near-resonance in a System of Sub-Neptunes from TESS." The Astronomical Journal. 158 (5), pp. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ab3f2b


Observation of a possible superflare on Proxima Centauri
Kielkopf, John F., Hart, Rhodes, Carter, Bradley D. and Marsden, Stephen C.. 2019. "Observation of a possible superflare on Proxima Centauri." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 486 (1), pp. L31-L35. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnrasl/slz054


The rotationally modulated polarization of ξ Boo A
Cotton, Daniel V., Evensberget, Dag, Marsden, Stephen C., Bailey, Jeremy, Zhao, Jinglin, Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna, Carter, Bradley D., Bott, Kimberly, Vidotto, Aline A., Petit, Pascal, Morin, Julien and Jeffers, Sandra V.. 2019. "The rotationally modulated polarization of ξ Boo A." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 483 (2), pp. 1574-1581. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty3180


MINERVA-Australis. I. Design, Commissioning, and First Photometric Results
Addison, Brett, Wright, Duncan J., Wittenmyer, Robert A., Horner, Jonathan, Mengel, Matthew W., Johns, Daniel, Marti, Connor, Nicholson, Belinda, Okumura, Jack, Bowler, Brendan, Crossfield, Ian, Kane, Stephen R., Kielkopf, John, Plavchan, Peter, Tinney, C.G., Zhang, Hui, Clark, Jake T., Clerte, Mathieu, Eastman, Jason D., ..., Carter, Bradley D.. 2019. "MINERVA-Australis. I. Design, Commissioning, and First Photometric Results." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 131 (1005), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1088/1538-3873/ab03aa


Recreating the OSIRIS-REx slingshot manoeuvre from a network of ground-based sensors
Jansen-Sturgeon, Trent, Hartig, Benjamin, Madsen, Gregory J., Bland, Philip A., Sansom, Eleanor K., Devillepoix, Hadrien A. R., Howie, Robert M., Cupak, Martin, Towner, Martin C., Cox, Morgan A., Nevill, Nicole D., Hoskins, Zacchary N. P., Bonning, Geoffrey P., Calcino, Josh, Clark, Jake T., Henson, Bryce M., Langendam, Andrew, Matthews, Samuel J., McClafferty, Terence P., ..., Tait, Alastair W.. 2020. "Recreating the OSIRIS-REx slingshot manoeuvre from a network of ground-based sensors." Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 37. https://doi.org/10.1017/pasa.2020.36


Reconstructing the Observed Ionizing Photon Production Efficiency at z ∼ 2 Using Stellar Population Models
Nanayakkara, Themiya, Brinchmann, Jarle, Glazebrook, Karl, Bouwens, Rychard, Kewley, Lisa, Tran, Kim-Vy, Cowley, Michael, Fisher, Deanne, Kacprzak, Glenn G., Labbe, Ivo and Straatman, Caroline. 2020. "Reconstructing the Observed Ionizing Photon Production Efficiency at z ∼ 2 Using Stellar Population Models." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 889 (2), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab65eb


MOSEL Survey: Tracking the Growth of Massive Galaxies at 2 < z < 4 Using Kinematics and the IllustrisTNG Simulation
Gupta, Anshu, Tran, Kim-Vy, Cohn, Jonathan, Alcorn, Leo Y., Yuan, Tiantian, Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente, Harshan, Anishya, Forrest, Ben, Kewley, Lisa J., Glazebrook, Karl, Straatman, Caroline M., Kacprzak, Glenn G., Nanayakkara, Themiya, Labbé, Ivo, Papovich, Casey and Cowley, Michael. 2020. "MOSEL Survey: Tracking the Growth of Massive Galaxies at 2 < z < 4 Using Kinematics and the IllustrisTNG Simulation." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 893 (1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab7b6d


MOSEL: Strong [OIII] 5007Å Emitting Galaxies at (3<z<4) from the ZFOURGE Survey
Tran, Kim-Vy H., Forrest, Ben, Alcorn, Leo Y., Yuan, Tiantian, Nanayakkara, Themiya, Cohn, Jonathan, Cowley, Michael, Glazebrook, Karl, Gupta, Anshu, Kacprzak, Glenn G., Kewley, Lisa, Labbé, Ivo, Papovich, Casey, Spitler, Lee, Straatman, Caroline M. S. and Tomczak, Adam. 2020. "MOSEL: Strong [OIII] 5007Å Emitting Galaxies at (3<z<4) from the ZFOURGE Survey." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 898 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab8cba


Publisher Correction: A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
Plavchan, Peter, Barclay, Thomas, Gagne, Jonathan, Gao, Peter, Cale, Bryson, Matzko, William, Dragomir, Diana, Quinn, Sam, Feliz, Dax, Stassun, Keivan, Crossfield, Ian J.M., Berardo, David A., Latham, David W., Tieu, Ben, Anglada-Escude, Guillem, Ricker, George, Vanderspek, Roland, Seager, Sara, Winn, Joshua N., ..., Zilberman, Perri. 2020. "Publisher Correction: A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii." Nature. 583 (7818), p. E31. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2516-1

Notes or commentaries