Ms Nicole Delaney

Ms Nicole Delaney
NameMs Nicole Delaney
Job TitleLecturer (Early Childhood Education)
QualificationsDipGenEdSt USQ, BA USQ, GDipLrnTch USQ, MEd Edith Cowan
DepartmentSchool of Education
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Lecturer (Early Childhood Education)University of Southern Queensland2018


Early childhood education and care

Early childhood arts


Early Mathematical Thinking/Early science inquiry and mathematics

Making and responding through the Arts

Arts and technologies through play

Perspectives of early years: Curriculum, play and pedagogy

Fields of Research

  • 390101. Creative arts, media and communication curriculum and pedagogy
  • 390302. Early childhood education
  • 390307. Teacher education and professional development of educators

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Early Childhood Australia
Australian Association for Research in Education
InSEA The International Society for Education Through Art
Edith Cowan

An investigation of the use of arts-based embodied learning in Early Years classrooms

Watson, Marthy and Delaney, Nicole. 2024. "An investigation of the use of arts-based embodied learning in Early Years classrooms." Barton, Georgina and Garvis, Susanne (ed.) Kinaesthetic learning in early childhood: Exploring theory and practice for educators. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 66-82

Planning drama programs in your school: new ways of thinking about drama learning

Watson, Marthy and Delaney, Nicole. "Planning drama programs in your school: new ways of thinking about drama learning." 2023 Drama New Zealand National Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand 01 - 03 Jul 2023

Negotiating the enactment of the arts curriculum in primary school classrooms

Watson, Marthy and Delaney, Nicole. 2023. "Negotiating the enactment of the arts curriculum in primary school classrooms." 2023 Drama Australia National Conference . Newcastle, Australia 02 - 03 Jun 2023 Australia.

Understanding the transformative potential of drama: Using visual literacy to teach real-life issues in the drama class

Watson, Marthy and Delaney, Nicole. 2023. "Understanding the transformative potential of drama: Using visual literacy to teach real-life issues in the drama class." Odyssey: Drama Queensland State Conference 2023. Toowong, Australia 20 - 20 May 2023 Australia.

Utilising instantaneous feedback to promote self-regulated learning in online higher education course: the case for digital badges

Fanshawe, Melissa, Delaney, Nicole and Powell, Alwyn. 2020. "Utilising instantaneous feedback to promote self-regulated learning in online higher education course: the case for digital badges." Dann, Christopher Ewart and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Technology-enhanced formative assessment practices in higher education. United States. IGI Global. pp. 41-59

Finding Joy, Meaning and Confidence in Writing: Using Embodied Arts-Based Practices with Children in the Primary Grades

Curtis, Elizabeth, Delaney, Nicole and Watson, Marthy. 2024. "Finding Joy, Meaning and Confidence in Writing: Using Embodied Arts-Based Practices with Children in the Primary Grades." Early Childhood Education Journal.