Dr Katrina Cutcliffe

Dr Katrina Cutcliffe
NameDr Katrina Cutcliffe
Email Addresskatrina.cutcliffe@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleCasual Employment
QualificationsBA(Creative) USQ, GDipEd USQ, MEd USQ, PhD USQ
DepartmentLearning and Teaching Futures
School of Education
  • 635
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Online learning and Educational Technologies, Pedagogy in Practice, Creative Arts Education, Inclusivity, Early Modern Studies – Shakespeare Studies

Book History


Secondary 21 Years

Higher Education 6 Years

Fields of Research

  • 390101. Creative arts, media and communication curriculum and pedagogy
  • 390303. Higher education
  • 390405. Educational technology and computing
  • 390407. Inclusive education
  • 470503. Book history
  • 470504. British and Irish literature

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Queensland College of Teachers
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS)
Shakespeare Association of America (SAA)

Socially Distant Social Constructivism: Transitioning Visual Arts Pedagogies Online During COVID-19

Cutcliffe, Katrina, Batorowicz, Beata, Johnson, Rhiannan, Cantrell, Kate and McLean, Tanya. 2024. "Socially Distant Social Constructivism: Transitioning Visual Arts Pedagogies Online During COVID-19." Studies in Art Education. 65 (1), pp. 81-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/00393541.2023.2285208

Expanding Creative Communities in the Visual Arts: Using Padlet to Support Student Engagement and Belonging in Stressful Contexts

Johnson, Rhiannan, Cantrell, Kate, Cutcliffe, Katrina, Batorowicz, Beata and McLean, Tanya. 2023. "Expanding Creative Communities in the Visual Arts: Using Padlet to Support Student Engagement and Belonging in Stressful Contexts." Art Education. 76 (4), pp. 33-39. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2023.2207999

Palimpsest and Metonym: Early Modern Variants of the Leir Story

Cutcliffe, Katrina Ann. 2022. Palimpsest and Metonym: Early Modern Variants of the Leir Story. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/wq887

The clown and the king: undergraduate actor training and wellbeing

McDonald, Janet, Alderdice, Scott and Cutcliffe, Katrina. 2019. "The clown and the king: undergraduate actor training and wellbeing." Theatre, Dance and Performance Training. 10 (1), pp. 68-84. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443927.2018.1494036