Dr Hadi Nourizadeh

Dr Hadi Nourizadeh
NameDr Hadi Nourizadeh
Email Addresshadi.nourizadeh@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleResearch Fellow (Novel Rock Bolt Grouts)
QualificationsBSc(MineEng) Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, MMiningEng Urmia, PhD USQ
DepartmentCentre for Future Materials (Research)
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Had Nourizadeh holds a BEng, MEng, and a PhD in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering. Following the completion of his doctoral studies, he embarked on a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Centre for Future Materials (CFM), University of Southern Queensland. Within the realm of ground support engineering projects, his primary focus has honed in on ground control systems, specifically specializing in rock bolts and cable bolts.

Dr. Nourizadeh's research revolves around a deep understanding of the axial and shear transfer mechanisms inherent in reinforcing elements, even under diverse geotechnical and thermal conditions. In addition to studying these transfer mechanisms, he actively explores and develops engineered bonding materials, such as cementitious grouts and polyester resins. The overarching objective is to optimize the performance of these bonding materials, ensuring their efficacy in real-world applications.

A highly successful, award-winning, and prolific researcher, Dr. Nourizadeh boasts a publication record of over 30 technical papers in leading and high-ranking journals, as well as international conferences. His expertise lies in the specialized fields of coal mining, resource mining, and geotechnical engineering. Prior to his current role, Dr. Nourizadeh served as a Lecturer at Sahand University of Technology from 2011 to 2018.


Research FellowUniversity of Southern Queensland2023
LecturerSahand University of Technology20112018

Fields of Research

  • 400502. Civil geotechnical engineering
  • 400505. Construction materials
  • 400508. Infrastructure engineering and asset management
  • 401902. Geomechanics and resources geotechnical engineering
  • 401905. Mining engineering
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Environmentally friendly amended shotcrete mixtures utilising tailings and fly ash for the benefit of geotechnical and mining industryAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024

Unveiling Axial Load Transfer Mechanism in Fully Encapsulated Rock Bolts

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Mitri, Hani, Craig, Peter, Rastegarmanesh, Ashakan and Aziz, Naj. 2025. "Unveiling Axial Load Transfer Mechanism in Fully Encapsulated Rock Bolts ." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-024-04347-x

Performance of Cable Bolts in Small- and Large-Scale Laboratory Pullout Tests

Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina and Nourizadeh, Hadi. 2025. "Performance of Cable Bolts in Small- and Large-Scale Laboratory Pullout Tests." Geotechnical and Geological Engineering: an international journal. 43 (67). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-024-03019-5

Data-Driven Optimised XGBoost for Predicting the Performance of Axial Load Bearing Capacity of Fully Cementitious Grouted Rock Bolting Systems

Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Karunasena, Warna, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Entezam, Shima, Hosseini, Shahab and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Data-Driven Optimised XGBoost for Predicting the Performance of Axial Load Bearing Capacity of Fully Cementitious Grouted Rock Bolting Systems ." Applied Sciences. 14. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14219925

Exploring the axial performance of protective sheathed rock bolts through large-scale testing

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin and Aziz, Naj. 2025. "Exploring the axial performance of protective sheathed rock bolts through large-scale testing." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 155 (1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2024.106157

Small scale laboratory monotonic and cyclic pull out testing on grout and resin encapsulated cable bolts

Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina, Nourizadeh, Hadi and Moosavi, Mahdi. 2024. "Small scale laboratory monotonic and cyclic pull out testing on grout and resin encapsulated cable bolts ." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2024.105914

Analysing Double Shearing Mechanism in Fiberglass Rock Bolting Systems: a Comprehensive Analytical Model and Numerical Simulation Approach

Gregor, Peter, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Nourizadeh, Hadi and Taheri, Abbas. 2024. "Analysing Double Shearing Mechanism in Fiberglass Rock Bolting Systems: a Comprehensive Analytical Model and Numerical Simulation Approach." Geotechnical and Geological Engineering: an international journal. 42 (8), pp. 7339-7370. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-024-02929-8

Predicting axial-bearing capacity of fully grouted rock bolting systems by applying an ensemble system

Hosseini, Shahab, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Entezam, Shima, Motallebiyan, Amin, Entezam, Alireza, McDougall, Kevin, Karunasena, Warna and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Predicting axial-bearing capacity of fully grouted rock bolting systems by applying an ensemble system." Soft Computing. 28, pp. 10491-10518. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-024-09828-3

Predicting grout’s uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for fully grouted rock bolting system by applying ensemble machine learning techniques

Hosseini, Shahab, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Entezam, Shima, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Motallebiyan, Amin, Entezam, Alireza, McDougall, Kevin, Karunasena, Warna and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Predicting grout’s uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for fully grouted rock bolting system by applying ensemble machine learning techniques." Neural Computing and Applications. 36, pp. 18387-18412. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10128-y

Axial Load Transfer Mechanism in Fully Grouted Rock Bolting System: A Systematic Review

Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Nourizadeh, Hadi, McDougall, Kevin, Karunasena, Warna, Aziz, Naj, Entezam, Shima and Entezam, Alireza. 2024. "Axial Load Transfer Mechanism in Fully Grouted Rock Bolting System: A Systematic Review ." Applied Sciences. 14 (12). https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125232

A look at the performance of barrel and wedge assembly in cable bolts applications

Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina, Nourizadeh, Hadi and Taheri, Abbas. 2024. "A look at the performance of barrel and wedge assembly in cable bolts applications ." Scientific Reports. 14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-54999-6

Application of waste glass powder in cemenitious grouts

Entezam, Alireza, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Burey, Polly, Shelley, Tristan and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Application of waste glass powder in cemenitious grouts." Aziz, N. and Mirzaghorbanali, A. (ed.) 2024 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2024). Wollongong, Australia 13 - 16 Feb 2024 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Finite element modelling of fully encapsulated cable bolts in laboratory large scale pull out test

Mirzaghorbanali, Ashkan, Rastegarmanesh, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina and Nourizadeh, Hadi. 2024. "Finite element modelling of fully encapsulated cable bolts in laboratory large scale pull out test." Aziz, N. and Mirzaghorbanali, A. (ed.) 2024 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2024). Wollongong, Australia 13 - 16 Feb 2024 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Investigating the axial and shear performance of fiberglass rock boltss

Entezam, Shima, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Gregor, Peter, Entezam, Alireza, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Karunasena, Karu and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Investigating the axial and shear performance of fiberglass rock boltss." Aziz, N. and Mirzaghorbanali, A. (ed.) 2024 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2024). Wollongong, Australia 13 - 16 Feb 2024 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Finite element simulation of fully grouted rock bolts behaviour across varied bore hole diameters

Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Karunasena, Waru, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Entezam, Shima, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Motallebiyan, Amin and Entezam, Alireza. 2024. "Finite element simulation of fully grouted rock bolts behaviour across varied bore hole diameters." Aziz, N. and Mirzaghorbanali, A. (ed.) 2024 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2024). Wollongong, Australia 13 - 16 Feb 2024 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Axial load transfer mechanism of rock bolts

Nourizadeh, Hadi. 2023. Axial load transfer mechanism of rock bolts. PhD by Publication Doctor of philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z4w00

Development of new eco-friendly grout products using waste materials for sustainable mining and construction

Nourizadeh, Hadi. 2023. "Development of new eco-friendly grout products using waste materials for sustainable mining and construction." Entezam, A., Mirzaghorbanali, A., Burey, P. and Shelley, T. (ed.) Climate Smart Engineering 2023. Melbourne, Australia 29 - 30 Nov 2023

Failure characterization of fully grouted rock bolts under triaxial testing

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Serati, Mehdi, Mahmoud, Mutaz El-Amin, McDougall, Kevin and Aziz, Naj. 2024. "Failure characterization of fully grouted rock bolts under triaxial testing." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 16 (3), pp. 778-789. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2023.08.013

Characterization of mechanical and bonding properties of anchoring resins under elevated temperature

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Jeewantha, L.H.J., Craig, Peter, Motallebiyan, Amin, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad Jodeiri, Rastegarmanesh, Ashakan and Aziz, Naj. 2023. "Characterization of mechanical and bonding properties of anchoring resins under elevated temperature." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2023.105506

Construction and Deconstruction: Materials and substances from 'waste'

Burey, Paulomi, Feldman, Jessica, Seligmann, Hannah, Song, Eric, Flynn, Matthew, Helwig, Andreas, Gharineiat, Zahra, Seneviratne, Dinuki, Whiteside, Eliza, Shelley, Tristan, Priesler, Nils, Manalo, Allan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Roberts, Michae, Nicol, Rose, Redmond, Petrea, Lynch, Mark, Dearnaley, John, ..., Germon, Geoff. 2023. "Construction and Deconstruction: Materials and substances from 'waste'." Chemistry in Australia. (June-August 2023), pp. 16-21.

Axial Response of Resin Encapsulated Cable Bolts in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading

Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina, Nourizadeh, Hadi and Moosavi, Mahdi. 2023. "Axial Response of Resin Encapsulated Cable Bolts in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading ." Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 60 (11). https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2022-0379

Investigation of the Effect of Using Fly Ash in the Grout Mixture on Performing the Fully Grouted Rock Bolt Systems

Entezam, Shima, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Motallebiyan, Amin, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj and Karunasena, Karu. 2023. "Investigation of the Effect of Using Fly Ash in the Grout Mixture on Performing the Fully Grouted Rock Bolt Systems." Aziz, Naj, Marston, Kevin and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2023 Resource Operators conference (ROC2023). Wollongong, Australia 09 - 10 Feb 2023 Australia. University of Wollongong.

SPT-CPT Correlation in Southeast Queensland, Australia

Faivre, Yohanne, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, McDougall, Kevin and Aziz, Naj. 2023. "SPT-CPT Correlation in Southeast Queensland, Australia." Aziz, Naj, Marston, Kevin and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2023 Resource Operators conference (ROC2023). Wollongong, Australia 09 - 10 Feb 2023 Australia. University of Wollongong.

The effect of changing confinement diameter on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts

Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad Jodeiri, Entezam, Shima, Nourizadeh, Hadi, Motallebiyan, Amin, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj and Karunasena, Karu. 2023. "The effect of changing confinement diameter on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts." Aziz, Naj, Marston, Kevin and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2023 Resource Operators conference (ROC2023). Wollongong, Australia 09 - 10 Feb 2023 University of Wollongong. University of Wollongong.

Finite Element Numerical Modelling of Rock Bolt Axial Behaviour Subject to Different Geotechnical Conditions

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Aziz, Naj, McDougall, Kevin, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Sahebi, Akbar, Motallebiyan, Amin and Entezam, Shima. 2023. "Finite Element Numerical Modelling of Rock Bolt Axial Behaviour Subject to Different Geotechnical Conditions." Aziz, Naj, Marston, Kevin and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2023 Resource Operators conference (ROC2023). Wollongong, Australia 09 - 10 Feb 2023 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Effects of rib distances on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Motallebiyan, Amin, Jodeiri Shokri, Behshad, Entezam, Shima, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Aziz, Naj and McDougall, Kevin. 2023. "Effects of rib distances on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts." Aziz, Naj, Marston, Kevin and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2023 Resource Operators conference (ROC2023). Wollongong, Australia 09 - 10 Feb 2023 Australia. University of Wollongong.

Axial Performance of Cementitious Grouted Cable Bolts Under Rotation Constraint Scenarios

Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj, Anzanpour, Sina, Nourizadeh, Hadi and Moosavi, Mahdi. 2022. "Axial Performance of Cementitious Grouted Cable Bolts Under Rotation Constraint Scenarios." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55 (9), pp. 5773-5788. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-02950-4

Shear behavior of clayey infilled rock joints having triangular and sinusoidal asperities

Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Ghimire, Basanta, Rastegarmanesh, Ashkan, Nourizadeh, Hadi, McDougall, Kevin and Aziz, Naj. 2022. "Shear behavior of clayey infilled rock joints having triangular and sinusoidal asperities." Aziz, Naj and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2022 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2022). Australia Feb 2022 Australia.

Development of a wireless system to measure the strain/deformation of rock bolts

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, Aziz, Naj, McDougall, Kevin and Sahebi, Ali Akbar. 2022. "Development of a wireless system to measure the strain/deformation of rock bolts." Aziz, Naj and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2022 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2022). Australia Feb 2022 Australia.

Axial behaviour of rock bolts - Part (B) Numerical study

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj and Serati, Mehdi. 2021. "Axial behaviour of rock bolts - Part (B) Numerical study." Aziz, Naj and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2021 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2021). Springfield, Australia 10 - 12 Feb 2021 Australia.

Axial behaviour of rock bolts - Part (A) Experimental study

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Williams, Sally, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali, McDougall, Kevin, Aziz, Naj and Serati, Mehdi. 2021. "Axial behaviour of rock bolts - Part (A) Experimental study." Aziz, Naj and Mirzaghorbanali, Ali (ed.) 2021 Resource Operators Conference (ROC2021). Springfield, Australia 10 - 12 Feb 2021 Australia.

A review of overburden fracturing and changes in hydraulic characteristics due to longwall mining

Nourizadeh, Hadi, Canbulat, Ismet, Oh, Joung, Zhang, Chengguo, Aziz, Naj, Mirzaghorbanali, Ali and McDougall, Kevin. 2020. "A review of overburden fracturing and changes in hydraulic characteristics due to longwall mining." Aziz, Naj and Kininmonth, Bob (ed.) 2020 Coal Operators' Conference. Wollongong, Australia 18 - 20 Feb 2019 Wollongong, Australia.