4505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community

Title4505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community
Parent45. Indigenous Studies

Latest research outputs

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A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report
Young, Simon. 2010. "A climate for change? The 2009 Native Title report." Indigenous Law Bulletin. 7 (18), pp. 20-24.


Law and anthropology: the unhappy marriage?
Young, Simon. 2014. "Law and anthropology: the unhappy marriage?" Property Law Review. 2014 (3), pp. 236-246.


The trouble with tradition: native title and cultural change
Young, Simon. 2008. The trouble with tradition: native title and cultural change. Sydney, Australia. Federation Press.

Authored book

Cultural timelessness and colonial tethers: Australian native title in historical and comparative perspective
Young, Simon. 2008. "Cultural timelessness and colonial tethers: Australian native title in historical and comparative perspective." Australian Indigenous Law Review. 12, pp. 60-68.


Law and custom - 'Tradition': the assembly of a legal microscope [submitted to Australian Law Reform Commission]
Young, Simon. 2009. Law and custom - 'Tradition': the assembly of a legal microscope [submitted to Australian Law Reform Commission]. Unpublished.


Native title in Canada and Australia post Tsilhqot'in: shared thinking or ships in the night?
Young, Simon. 2009. "Native title in Canada and Australia post Tsilhqot'in: shared thinking or ships in the night?" Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title. 4 (2), pp. 1-16.


Tides of history and jurisprudential gulfs: Native title proof and the Noongar Western Australia claim
Young, Simon. 2010. "Tides of history and jurisprudential gulfs: Native title proof and the Noongar Western Australia claim." Indigenous Law Journal. 8 (1), pp. 95-120.


The stolen generations: what does this mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people today?
Williams-Mozley, John. 2013. "The stolen generations: what does this mean for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people today?" Price, Kaye (ed.) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education: an introduction for the teaching profession . Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 21-34

Textbook (chapter)

Women, children and violence in aboriginal law: some perspectives from the southeast Queensland frontier
Connors, Libby. 2012. "Women, children and violence in aboriginal law: some perspectives from the southeast Queensland frontier ." Kirkby, Diane (ed.) Past law, present histories. Canberra, Australia. Australian National University (ANU) Press. pp. 125-136

Edited book (chapter)

Distant and disinterested: oversight of northern policing as Colonial Office policy in the 1840s and 1850s
Connors, Libby. 2012. "Distant and disinterested: oversight of northern policing as Colonial Office policy in the 1840s and 1850s." Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal.


Indigenous resistance and traditional leadership: understanding and interpreting Dundalli
Connors, Libby. 2005. "Indigenous resistance and traditional leadership: understanding and interpreting Dundalli." Queensland History Journal. 19 (3), pp. 701-712.


Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855, Part II
Connors, Libby. 2006. "Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855, Part II." Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal.


Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855
Connors, Libby. 2005. "Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855." Australia and New Zealand Law and History E-Journal.


Prediction of the risk of continuing violence to women through inadequate sentencing of male offenders from Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory
Hemming, Andrew. 2011. "Prediction of the risk of continuing violence to women through inadequate sentencing of male offenders from Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory." Northern Territory Law Journal. 1 (6), pp. 305-328.


Traditional games of a timeless land: play cultures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Edwards, Ken. 2009. "Traditional games of a timeless land: play cultures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities." Australian Aboriginal Studies.


A hanging, a hostage drama and several homicides: why sovereignty in 1859 is problematic
Connors, Libby. 2009. "A hanging, a hostage drama and several homicides: why sovereignty in 1859 is problematic." Queensland History Journal. 20 (12), pp. 716-727.


Matching research methodology with Australian indigenous culture
Gorman, Don and Toombs, Maree. 2009. "Matching research methodology with Australian indigenous culture." Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal. 33 (3), pp. 4-7.


Interpreting a sacred landscape: Aboriginal religion and the law in Australia in the 1990s
Mortensen, Reid. 2001. "Interpreting a sacred landscape: Aboriginal religion and the law in Australia in the 1990s." Caparros, Ernest and Christians, Louis-Leon (ed.) 15th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law. Bristol, United Kingdom 1998 Brussells, Belgium.


Women on the South-East Queensland frontier
Connors, Libby. 2008. "Women on the South-East Queensland frontier." Queensland Review. 15 (2), pp. 19-37.


Sentencing on a colonial frontier: Judge Therry's decisions at Moreton Bay
Connors, Libby. 2008. "Sentencing on a colonial frontier: Judge Therry's decisions at Moreton Bay." Legal History. 12 (1), pp. 81-97.


One step forward and one step back: the Noongar South-West Native Title Claim
Young, Simon. 2008. "One step forward and one step back: the Noongar South-West Native Title Claim." Australian Property Law Bulletin. 23 (2), pp. 14-17.


Representing indigenous stories in the cinema: between collaboration and appropriation
Huijser, Hendrik and Collins-Gearing, Brooke. 2007. "Representing indigenous stories in the cinema: between collaboration and appropriation." International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 7 (3), pp. 1-9.


Western medicine and Australian Indigenous healing practices
Gorman, Don, Nielsen, Anne-Maree and Best, Odette. 2006. "Western medicine and Australian Indigenous healing practices." Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal. 30 (1), pp. 28-29.



450501. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander accounting

450502. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander anthropology

450503. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander architecture

450504. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commerce

450505. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and regional development

450506. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance and decision making

450507. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-based research

450508. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander criminology

450509. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law

450510. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design practice and management

450511. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economics

450512. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander finance

450513. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human geography and demography

450514. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legislation

450515. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander management

450516. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander marketing

450517. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not-for-profit social enterprises

450518. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the law

450519. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives

450520. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander political participation and representation

450521. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander politics

450522. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social impact and program evaluation

450523. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social work and social justice

450524. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociological studies

450525. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociology

450526. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism

450527. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander urban and regional planning

450599. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community not elsewhere classified