5102. Atomic, molecular and optical physics

Title5102. Atomic, molecular and optical physics
Parent51. Physical Sciences

Latest research outputs

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A Bcool spectropolarimetric survey of over 150 solar-type stars
Marsden, Stephen, Petit, Pascal, Jeffers, Sandra, do Nascimento, Jose-Dias, Carter, Bradley, Brown, Carolyn, Marsden S., Petit P., Jeffers S., Do Nascimento J.D., Carter B. and Brown C.. 2014. "A Bcool spectropolarimetric survey of over 150 solar-type stars." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 9 (S302), pp. 138-141. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921314001896


A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars - I. observations and measurements
Alecian, E., Wade, G. A., Catala, C., Grunhut, J. H., Landstreet, J. D., Bagnulo, S., Bohm, T., Folsom, C. P., Marsden, S. and Waite, I.. 2013. "A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of Herbig Ae/Be stars - I. observations and measurements." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 429 (2), pp. 1001-1026. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sts383


A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of herbig Ae/Be stars - II. rotation
Alecian, E., Wade, G. A., Catala, C., Grunhut, J. H., Landstreet, J. D., Bohm, T., Folsom, C. P. and Marsden, S.. 2013. "A high-resolution spectropolarimetric survey of herbig Ae/Be stars - II. rotation." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 429 (2), pp. 1027-1038. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sts384


A portrait of the extreme solar system object 2012 DR30
Kiss, Cs., Szabo, Gy., Horner, J., Conn, B. C., Muller, T. G., Vilenius, E., Sarneczky, K., Kiss, L. L., Bannister, M., Bayliss, D., Pal, A., Gobi, S., Verebelyi, E., Lellouch, E., Santos-Sanz, P., Ortiz, J. L., Duffard, R. and Morales, N.. 2013. "A portrait of the extreme solar system object 2012 DR30 ." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 555, p. A3. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201321147


A review on the ability of smartphones to detect ultraviolet (UV) radiation and their potential to be used in UV research and for public education purposes
Turner, Joanna, Igoe, Damien, Parisi, Alfio V., McGonigle, Andrew J., Amar, Abdurazaq and Wainwright, Lisa. 2020. "A review on the ability of smartphones to detect ultraviolet (UV) radiation and their potential to be used in UV research and for public education purposes." Science of the Total Environment. 706, pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135873


A self-calibration of the Leica Scan Station C10 scanner
Abbas, Mohd Azwan, Setan, Halim, Majid, Zulkepli, Lichti, Derek D. and Chong, Albert K.. 2013. "A self-calibration of the Leica Scan Station C10 scanner." Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC 2013). Langkawi, Malaysia 07 - 09 Apr 2013 Langkawi, Malaysia. https://doi.org/10.1109/BEIAC.2013.6560128


Accuracy assessment of LiDAR elevation data using survey marks
Liu, Xiaoye. 2011. "Accuracy assessment of LiDAR elevation data using survey marks." Survey Review. 43 (319), pp. 80-93. https://doi.org/10.1179/003962611X12894696204704


An alternative speed of light measurement experiment for a senior physics laboratory
Parisi, A. V., Mottram, K., Kimlin, M. G., Wilson, M. and Wollstein, A.. 1999. "An alternative speed of light measurement experiment for a senior physics laboratory." Australian Science Teachers' Journal. 45 (4), pp. 51-53.


An Experimental Investigation of a Thermal Compression Scramjet with OH Imaging
Vanyai, Tristan, Bricalli, Mathew, Sopek, Tamara, Brieschenk, Stefan and McIntyre, Timothy J.. 2015. "An Experimental Investigation of a Thermal Compression Scramjet with OH Imaging." 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference (AIAA 2015). Glasgow, Scotland 06 - 09 Jul 2015 Reston, United States. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2015-3610


Application of visible and shortwave near infrared spectrometer to predict sugarcane quality from different sample forms
Nawi, Nazmi Mat, Chen, Guangnan and Jensen, Troy. 2013. "Application of visible and shortwave near infrared spectrometer to predict sugarcane quality from different sample forms." Kondo, Naoshi (ed.) 1st International Conference on Sensing Technologies for Biomaterial, Food and Agriculture (SeTBio 2013). Yokohama, Japan 23 - 25 Apr 2013 Bellingham, WA. United States. SPIE. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2029395


Assessment of membrane fluidity in individual yeast cells by Laurdan generalised polarisation and multi-photon scanning fluorescence microscopy
Learmonth, Robert P. and Gratton, Enrico. 2002. "Assessment of membrane fluidity in individual yeast cells by Laurdan generalised polarisation and multi-photon scanning fluorescence microscopy." Kraayenhof, R., Visser, A. J. W. G. and Gerritsen, H. C. (ed.) Fluorescence spectroscopy, imaging and probes: new tools in chemical, physical and life sciences. Germany. Springer. pp. 241-252

Edited book (chapter)

Automated vehicle classification system using advanced noise reduction technology
Xiang, Wei, Otto, Colin and Wen, Peng. 2008. "Automated vehicle classification system using advanced noise reduction technology." Wysocki, Beata J. and Wysocki, Tadeusz A. (ed.) 2007 1st International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS 2007). Gold Coast, Australia 17 - 19 Dec 2007 Wollongong, Australia.


Basics of fluorescence
Learmonth, Robert P., Kable, Scott H. and Ghiggino, Kenneth P.. 2009. "Basics of fluorescence." Goldys, Ewa M. (ed.) Fluorescence applications in biotechnology and life sciences. Hoboken, NJ, USA. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1-26

Edited book (chapter)

Clay behaviour in suspension is related to the ionicity of clay-cation bonds
Marchuk, Alla and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2011. "Clay behaviour in suspension is related to the ionicity of clay-cation bonds." Applied Clay Science. 53 (4), pp. 754-759. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2011.05.019


Code Development to Determine the Temperature from the OH* Chemiluminescence Recordings in a Supersonic Combusting Flow
Sopek, Tamara, Brieschenk, Stefan, Lorrain, Philippe, McIntyre, Timothy J. and Boyce, Russell R.. 2014. "Code Development to Determine the Temperature from the OH* Chemiluminescence Recordings in a Supersonic Combusting Flow." 45th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference (2014). Atlanta, United States 16 - 20 Jun 2014 United States. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2014-2243


Comparisons of corrected daily integrated erythemal UVR from the U.S. EPA/UGA network of Brewer spectroradiometers with model and satellite data
Sabburg, Jeff, Kimlin, Michael G., Rives, John E., Meltzer, Richard S., Taylor, Thomas E., Schmalzle, Gina, Zheng, Sherry, Huang, Nancy, Wilson, Andrew R. and Udelhofen, Petra M.. 2002. "Comparisons of corrected daily integrated erythemal UVR from the U.S. EPA/UGA network of Brewer spectroradiometers with model and satellite data." Slusser, J. R., Herman, J. R. and Gao, W. (ed.) Ultraviolet Ground and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects (2002). San Diego, United States 30 Jul - 01 Aug 2001 Bellingham, WA. United States. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.452955


Detecting delamination in a composite structure using an embedded FBG-AE hybrid system
Kahandawa, G. C., Hafizi, Z. M., Epaarachchi, J. and Lau, K. T.. 2012. "Detecting delamination in a composite structure using an embedded FBG-AE hybrid system." Kotousov, Andrei (ed.) 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 2012). Adelaide, Australia 09 - 12 Dec 2012 Canberra, Australia.


Detection of ultraviolet B radiation with internal smartphone sensors
Turner, Joanna, Parisi, Alfio V., Igoe, Damien P. and Amar, Abdurazaq. 2017. "Detection of ultraviolet B radiation with internal smartphone sensors." Instrumentation Science and Technology. 45 (6), pp. 618-638. https://doi.org/10.1080/10739149.2017.1298042


Development and characterisation of an ultra-long exposure UV dosimeter
Amar, Abdurazaq A. A.. 2014. Development and characterisation of an ultra-long exposure UV dosimeter. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Development of a 3D laser scanner for guiding a six-legged walking robot
Frost, Benjamin and Cubero, Samuel Nacion. 2005. "Development of a 3D laser scanner for guiding a six-legged walking robot." Billingsley, John (ed.) 12th Annual Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP 2005). Manila, Philippines 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2005 Hertfordshire, England.


Development of a blue light radiation dosimeter
Turnbull, David J. and Parisi, Alfio. 2005. "Development of a blue light radiation dosimeter." 5th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland. Brisbane, Queensland 03 - 04 Nov 2005 Brisbane, Queensland.


Development of a photosensitive polymer for measurement of damaging blue light exposures
Turnbull, David J.. 2006. "Development of a photosensitive polymer for measurement of damaging blue light exposures." Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) 17th National Congress 2006. Brisbane, Australia 03 - 08 Dec 2006


Development of a polymer for quantification of harmful ocular exposures
Turnbull, David J., Parisi, Alfio and van den Ancker, Tania. 2006. "Development of a polymer for quantification of harmful ocular exposures." 6th Annual Health and Medical Research Conference of Queensland. Brisbane, Queensland 23 - 24 Nov 2006 Brisbane, Queensland.


Emission spectroscopy of low density air shock tube flows above 10 km/s
Hermann, Tobias, Collen, Peter, Glenn, Alex, Sopek, Tamara, McGilvray, Matthew and di Mare, Luca. 2022. "Emission spectroscopy of low density air shock tube flows above 10 km/s." 9th International Workshop on Radiation of High Temperature Gases for Space Missions (RHTG-9 2022). Azores, Portugal Azores, Portugal.


Experimental Simulation of a Galileo Sub-Scale Model at Ice Giant Entry Conditions in the T6 Free-Piston Driven Wind Tunnel
Steer, Joseph, Collen, Peter, Glenn, Alex, Sopek, Tamara, Hambidge, Christopher, Doherty, Luke, McGilvray, Matthew, Loehle, Stefan and Walpot, Louis. 2022. "Experimental Simulation of a Galileo Sub-Scale Model at Ice Giant Entry Conditions in the T6 Free-Piston Driven Wind Tunnel." 9th International Workshop on Radiation of High Temperature Gases for Space Missions (RHTG-9 2022). Azores, Portugal


Experimental Simulation of Gas Giant Entry in the PWK1 Arcjet Facility including CH4
Loehle, S., Meindl, A., Poloni, E., Steer, J., Sopek, T., McGilvray, M. and Walpot, L.. 2022. "Experimental Simulation of Gas Giant Entry in the PWK1 Arcjet Facility including CH4." AIAA SciTech Forum 2022. San Diego, United States 03 - 07 Jan 2022 United States. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-0264


Focused Laser Differential Interferometry for Hypersonic Flow Diagnostics
Birch, Byrenn, Buttsworth, David and Zander, Fabian. 2019. "Focused Laser Differential Interferometry for Hypersonic Flow Diagnostics." Alwahabi, Z. T. and Medwell, P. R. (ed.) 9th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics (IX ACLD). Adelaide, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2019 Adelaide, Australia.


Genetic contribution to individual variation in binocular rivalry rate
Miller, Steven M., Hansell, Narelle K., Ngo, Trung T., Liu, Guang B., Pettigrew, John D., Martin, Nicholas G. and Wright, Margaret J.. 2010. "Genetic contribution to individual variation in binocular rivalry rate." University of Adelaide. 107 (6), pp. 2664-2668. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0912149107


High-resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of some late F-/early G-type sun-like stars as targets for zeeman doppler imaging
Waite, I. A., Marsden, S. C., Carter, B. D., Alecian, E., Brown, C., Burton, D., Hart, R., Waite I.A., Marsden S.C., Carter B.D., Aĺcian E., Brown C., Burton D. and Hart R.. 2011. "High-resolution spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of some late F-/early G-type sun-like stars as targets for zeeman doppler imaging." Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 28 (4), pp. 323-337. https://doi.org/10.1071/AS11025


Important considerations for craniofacial mapping using laser scanners
Majid, Zulkepli, Chong, Albert K. and Setan, Halim. 2007. "Important considerations for craniofacial mapping using laser scanners." The Photogrammetric Record. 22 (120), pp. 290-308. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9730.2007.00449.x


Improvement in accuracy for three-dimensional sensor (Faro Photon 120 scanner)
Abbas, Mohd Azwan, Setan, Halim, Majid, Zulkepli, Chong, Albert K., Luh, Lau Chong, Ariff, Mohd Farid Mohd and Idris, Khairulnizam M.. 2013. "Improvement in accuracy for three-dimensional sensor (Faro Photon 120 scanner)." International Journal of Computer Science Issues. 10 (1-3), pp. 176-182.


Improvement in measurement accuracy for hybrid scanner
Abbas, M. A., Setan, H., Majid, Z., Chong, A. K. and Lichti, D. D.. 2014. "Improvement in measurement accuracy for hybrid scanner." 8th International Symposium of the Digital Earth (ISDE8). Kuching, Malaysia 26 - 29 Aug 2013 United Kingdom. IOP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012066


Investigation of systematic errors for the hybrid and panoramic scanners
Abbas, Mohd Azwan, Luh, Lau Chong, Setan, Halim, Majid, Zulkepli, Chong, Albert K., Idris, Khairulnizam M. and Ariff, Mohd Farid Mohd. 2014. "Investigation of systematic errors for the hybrid and panoramic scanners." Jurnal Teknologi. 71 (4), pp. 65-70. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v71.3827


Iron Contamination in High-Enthalpy Test Facilities: OH PLIF Imaging Considerations
Sopek, Tamara, Brieschenk, Stefan, Vanyai, Tristan, Morgan, Richard G. and McIntyre, Timothy J.. 2020. "Iron Contamination in High-Enthalpy Test Facilities: OH PLIF Imaging Considerations." Journal of Propulsion and Power: devoted to aerospace propulsion and power. 36 (1), pp. 129-137. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B37676


Laser-based fluorescence microscopy
Learmonth, Robert P.. 2002. "Laser-based fluorescence microscopy." Microbiology Australia. 23 (1), pp. 16-17.


Localised nonlinear optical modes and the corresponding support structures: exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with external potentials
Malomed, B. A. and Stepanyants, Y. A.. 2010. "Localised nonlinear optical modes and the corresponding support structures: exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with external potentials." ICEAA 2010: International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. Sydney, Australia 20 - 24 Sep 2010 Sydney, Australia. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEAA.2010.5651681


Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence - II. The early-G star HD 141943 - coronal magnetic field, Hα emission and differential rotation
Marsden, S. C., Jardine, M. M., Ramirez Velez, J. C., Alecian, E., Brown, C. J., Carter, B. D., Donati, J.-F., Dunstone, N., Hart, R., Semel, M. and Waite, I. A.. 2011. "Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence - II. The early-G star HD 141943 - coronal magnetic field, Hα emission and differential rotation." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 413 (3), pp. 1939-1948. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18272.x


Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence -I. The early-G star HD 141943 - brightness and magnetic topologies
Marsden, S. C., Jardine, M. M., Ramirez Velez, J. C., Alecian, E., Brown, C. J., Carter, B. D., Donati, J.-F., Dunstone, N., Hart, R., Semel, M. and Waite, I. A.. 2011. "Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence -I. The early-G star HD 141943 - brightness and magnetic topologies." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 413 (3), pp. 1922-1938. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18367.x


Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the (2p)5 (3p)3 D3 state of neon
Claessens, B. J., Ashmore, J. P., Sang, R. T., MacGillivray, W. R., Beijerinck, H. C. W. and Vredenbregt, E. J. D.. 2006. "Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the (2p)5 (3p)3 D3 state of neon." Physical Review A. 73 (1), pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.73.012706


Optical properties of a long dynamic range chemical UV dosimeter based on solvent cast polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Amar, Abdurazaq and Parisi, Alfio V.. 2013. "Optical properties of a long dynamic range chemical UV dosimeter based on solvent cast polyvinyl chloride (PVC)." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology. 128, pp. 92-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2013.09.001
