300202. Agricultural land management
Title | 300202. Agricultural land management |
Parent | 3002. Agriculture, land and farm management |
Latest research outputs
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A comparative study of conventional and controlled traffic in irrigated cotton: II. Economic and physiological analysis
Bartimote, Timothy, Quigley, Richard, Bennett, John McL., Hall, Jake, Brodrick, Rose and Tan, Daniel K. Y.. 2017. "A comparative study of conventional and controlled traffic in irrigated cotton: II. Economic and physiological analysis." Soil and Tillage Research. 168, pp. 133-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2016.12.009Article
A comparison of methods assessing soil compaction on black vertosols. South-Eastern Queensland, Australia
de Vetten, Luuk. 2014. A comparison of methods assessing soil compaction on black vertosols. South-Eastern Queensland, Australia. Masters Thesis Master of Science. Wageningen University, Netherlands.Masters Thesis
A critical review of mercury speciation, bioavailability, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant environment: Ecotoxicology and health risk assessment
Tahir, Natasha, Shahid, Muhammad, Khalid, Sana, Bibi, Irshad, Bundschuh, Jochen, Niazi, Nabeel Khan and Dumat, Camille. 2020. "A critical review of mercury speciation, bioavailability, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant environment: Ecotoxicology and health risk assessment." Science of the Total Environment. 711. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134749Article
A global systematic literature review on sustainable soil management practices (1994–2022)
Sharna, Shaima Chowdhury, Maraseni, Tek and Radanielson, Ando Mariot. 2023. "A global systematic literature review on sustainable soil management practices (1994–2022)." Soil Use and Management. 39 (4), pp. 1267-1288. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12949Article
A pH-based pedotransfer function for scaling saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction: improved estimation of hydraulic dynamics in HYDRUS
Ali, Aram, Biggs, Andrew J. W., Simunek, Jirka and Bennett, John McL.. 2019. "A pH-based pedotransfer function for scaling saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction: improved estimation of hydraulic dynamics in HYDRUS." Vadose Zone Journal. 18 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2019.07.0072Article
A prospective evaluation of contingent loans as a means of financing wild dog exclusion fences
Cockfield, Geoff, Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Kelly, Simon. 2018. "A prospective evaluation of contingent loans as a means of financing wild dog exclusion fences." The Rangeland Journal. 40 (6), pp. 591-601. https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ18054Article
A review of salinity and sodicity in irrigation
Ezlit, Younes D., Smith, Rod J. and Raine, Steven R.. 2010. A review of salinity and sodicity in irrigation. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Project report
A rural agricultural-sustainable energy community model and its application to Felton Valley, Australia
Berrill, T., Reardon-Smith, K., McCreath, R., Mushtaq, S. and Bundschuh, J.. 2013. "A rural agricultural-sustainable energy community model and its application to Felton Valley, Australia ." Yan, J. (ed.) 5th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2013). Pretoria, South Africa 01 - 04 Jul 2013Paper
A simple strategy to manage furrow irrigation efficiently
Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod and Gillies, Malcolm. 2014. "A simple strategy to manage furrow irrigation efficiently." 17th Australian Cotton Conference (ACC 2014): Our Fibre, Our Focus, Our Future. Gold Coast, Australia 05 - 07 Aug 2014 Narrabri, Australia.Paper
A soil management technique to enhance lateral infiltration (subbing) in permanent raised beds
Akbar, Ghani, Raine, Steven, McHugh, Allen and Hamilton, Greg. 2012. "A soil management technique to enhance lateral infiltration (subbing) in permanent raised beds." Currey, Anne (ed.) ICID & Irrigation Australia 2012 Conference and Trade Show. Adelaide, Australia 24 - 29 Jun 2012 Sydney, Australia.Paper
A soil temperature decision support tool for agronomic research and management under climate variability: adapting to earlier and more variable planting conditions
Kath, Jarrod and Pembleton, Keith. 2019. "A soil temperature decision support tool for agronomic research and management under climate variability: adapting to earlier and more variable planting conditions." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 162, pp. 783-792. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.05.030Article
Accounting for and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions between Crop and Livestock Sectors in China
Han, Jinyu, Qu, Jiansheng, Wang, Dai and Maraseni, Tek Narayan. 2023. "Accounting for and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions between Crop and Livestock Sectors in China." Land. 12 (9). https://doi.org/10.3390/land12091787Article
Achieving SOC Conservation without Land-Use Changes between Agriculture and Forests
Pandey, Hari Prasad, Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Apan, Armando and Bhusal, Shreejana. 2024. "Achieving SOC Conservation without Land-Use Changes between Agriculture and Forests." Sustainability. 16 (16). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167207Article
Acid sulfate soils on the west coast of Sri Lanka: A review
Vithana, Chamindra L., Ulapane, Prashani A. K., Chandrajith, Rohana, Sullivan, Leigh A., Bundschuh, Jochen, Toppler, Nadia, Ward, Nicholas J. and Senaratne, Atula. 2021. "Acid sulfate soils on the west coast of Sri Lanka: A review." Geoderma Regional. 25, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00382Article
Adapting to climate variability: the views of peasant farmers in Nepal
Chalise, Sudarshan, Maraseni, Tek Narayan and Maroulis, Jerry. 2015. "Adapting to climate variability: the views of peasant farmers in Nepal." International Journal of Global Warming. 7 (3), pp. 380-394. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJGW.2015.069369Article
Adoption of soil health improvement strategies by Australian farmers: I. attitudes, management and extension implications
Bennett, J. McL. and Cattle, S. R.. 2013. "Adoption of soil health improvement strategies by Australian farmers: I. attitudes, management and extension implications ." Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: international journal on changes in agricultural knowledge and action systems. 19 (4), pp. 407-426. https://doi.org/10.1080/1389224X.2013.775954Article
Adoption of soil health improvement strategies by Australian farmers: II. impediments and incentives
Bennett, J. McL. and Cattle, S. R.. 2014. "Adoption of soil health improvement strategies by Australian farmers: II. impediments and incentives ." Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: international journal on changes in agricultural knowledge and action systems. 20 (1), pp. 107-131. https://doi.org/10.1080/1389224X.2013.783494Article
Advanced design of permanent raised bed machinery in Pakistan
Hussain, Zahid, Irfan, Muhammad and Akbar, Ghani. 2011. "Advanced design of permanent raised bed machinery in Pakistan." WCCA 2011: Resilient Food Systems for a Changing World . Brisbane, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2011 Canberra, Australia.Paper
Advances in cotton harvesting technology: a review and implications for the John Deere round baler cotton picker
Bennett, John McL., Woodhouse, Nathan P., Keller, Thomas, Jensen, Troy A. and Antille, Diogenes L.. 2015. "Advances in cotton harvesting technology: a review and implications for the John Deere round baler cotton picker." Journal of Cotton Science. 19 (2), pp. 225-249.Article
Afforestation of agricultural land with spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora)increases soil carbon and nitrogen in a Ferrosol
Mathers, Nicole, Dalal, Ram, Maraseni, Tek, Allen, Diane and Moody, Phil. 2010. "Afforestation of agricultural land with spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora)increases soil carbon and nitrogen in a Ferrosol." Gilkes, Robert J. and Prakongkep, Nattaporn (ed.) 19th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS 2010): Soil Solutions for a Changing World. Brisbane, Australia 01 - 06 Aug 2010 Warragul, Australia.Paper
Agricultural big data: utilisation to discover the unknown and instigate practice change
Bennett, John McLean. 2015. "Agricultural big data: utilisation to discover the unknown and instigate practice change." Farm Policy Journal. 12 (1), pp. 43-50.Article
An agricultural drainage channel classification system for phosphorus management
Shore, M., Jordan, P., Mellander, P.-E, Kelly-Quinn, M. and Melland, A. R.. 2015. "An agricultural drainage channel classification system for phosphorus management." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 199, pp. 207-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2014.09.003Article
An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils
Bennett, John McL., Marchuk, Alla and Marchuk, Serhiy. 2016. "An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils." Soil Research. 54 (8), pp. 949-957. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR15281Article
An analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture as a climate change mitigation activity in Australian dryland grain production
Rochecouste, Jean-Francois, Dargusch, Paul, Cameron, Donald and Smith, Carl. 2015. "An analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture as a climate change mitigation activity in Australian dryland grain production." Agricultural Systems. 135, pp. 20-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2014.12.002Article
An assessment of silvipasture potential in southeast Queensland, Australia
Maraseni, Tek N., Cockfield, Geoff and Maroulis, Jerry. 2009. "An assessment of silvipasture potential in southeast Queensland, Australia." Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 15 (3), pp. 297-310.Article
An examination of the end-over-end shaking technique for measuring soil dispersion
So, H. B., Cook, G. D. and Raine, S. R.. 1997. "An examination of the end-over-end shaking technique for measuring soil dispersion." Australian Journal of Soil Research. 35 (1), pp. 31-39. https://doi.org/10.1071/S96062Article
An impact assessment framework for harvesting technologies in cotton: management considerations for the John Deere 7760
Bennett, J. McL., Jensen, T. A., Antille, D. L. and Baillie, C.. 2016. An impact assessment framework for harvesting technologies in cotton: management considerations for the John Deere 7760. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Technical report
An integrated approach of rice hull biochar-alternative water management as a promising tool to decrease inorganic arsenic levels and to sustain essential element contents in rice
Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, Bundschuh, Jochen, Seneweera, Saman and Ok, Yong Sik. 2021. "An integrated approach of rice hull biochar-alternative water management as a promising tool to decrease inorganic arsenic levels and to sustain essential element contents in rice." Journal of Hazardous Materials. 405, pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124188Article
An online toolbox for cover crops and living mulches
Crossland, Mary, Fradgley, Nick, Creissen, Henry, Howlett, Sally, Baresel, Peter, Finckh, Maria and Girling, Robbie. 2015. "An online toolbox for cover crops and living mulches."Paper
Are evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation high?
Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Are evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation high?" 17th Australian Cotton Conference (ACC 2014): Our Fibre, Our Focus, Our Future. Gold Coast, Australia 05 - 07 Aug 2014 Narrabri, Australia.Paper
Arresting woodland bird decline in Australian agricultural landscapes: potential application of the European agri-environment model
Park, S. E., Attwood, S. J., Maron, M., Collard, S. J. and Reardon-Smith, K.. 2007. "Arresting woodland bird decline in Australian agricultural landscapes: potential application of the European agri-environment model." Jongman, Rob and Bunce, R. G. H. (ed.) IALE 2007: 25 Years Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice. Wageningen, Netherlands 08 - 12 Jul 2007 Wageningden, Netherlands.Paper
Assessing pollinator abundance and services to enhance agricultural sustainability and crop yield optimization in the Qilian Mountains
Yang, Haijiang, Gou, Xiaohua, Niu, Yibo, Shi, Wenwei, Wang, Xinyun, Wei, Yuxin and Maraseni, Tek. 2024. "Assessing pollinator abundance and services to enhance agricultural sustainability and crop yield optimization in the Qilian Mountains." Agricultural Systems. 221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104109Article
Assessing soil properties of rehabilitated grazing pastures for sustainable and economically viable beef cattle operations: progress report
Bennett, J. McL., Melland, A. R. and Eberhard, J. E.. 2014. Assessing soil properties of rehabilitated grazing pastures for sustainable and economically viable beef cattle operations: progress report. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Project report
Assessing the impact of regional natural resource management on land management and ground cover in the upper Maranoa River catchment
Webb, Paul Raymond. 2019. Assessing the impact of regional natural resource management on land management and ground cover in the upper Maranoa River catchment. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/6adn-cc43PhD Thesis
Assessing the Spatio-temporal Activity Pattern and Habitat Use of Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) Across Three Forest Management Regimes in Nepal
Maharjan, Amir, Maraseni, Tek, Allen, Benjamin L. and Apan, Armando. 2024. "Assessing the Spatio-temporal Activity Pattern and Habitat Use of Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) Across Three Forest Management Regimes in Nepal." Biodiversity and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-024-02991-xArticle
Australian agriculture - adaptations to climate change
Craig, I., Goh, S. and Mushtaq, S.. 2010. "Australian agriculture - adaptations to climate change." Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the Unavoidable Impacts of Climate Change (2010). Gold Coast, Australia 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2010 Brisbane, Australia.Poster
Australian farm business performance insights from effective farm business managers
Slaughter, Geoff, Glass, Rod, Noble, Chris and Beattie, Claire. 2015. Australian farm business performance insights from effective farm business managers. Canberra, Australia. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.Project report
Automated camera-based height and flower detection for wheat and chickpea
McCarthy, Alison and Tscharke, Matthew. 2014. "Automated camera-based height and flower detection for wheat and chickpea." 5th International Workshop on Applications of Computer Image Analysis and Spectroscopy in Agriculture (ASABE 2014). Montreal, Canada 12 - 13 Jul 2014 St. Joseph, MI. United States.Paper
Automated real time optimisation for control of furrow irrigation
Koech, Richard. 2012. Automated real time optimisation for control of furrow irrigation. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Bioenergy and bioproducts in the Australian red meat processing industry: a case study
McCabe, Bernadette K., Harris, Peter W., Schmidt, Thomas, Antille, Diogenes L., Lee, Seonmi, Hill, Andrew and Baillie, Craig P.. 2018. "Bioenergy and bioproducts in the Australian red meat processing industry: a case study." 2018 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting (ASABE 2018). Detroit, United States 29 Jul - 01 Aug 2018 St. Joseph, United States. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201800980Paper