Dr Alla Marchuk

Dr Alla Marchuk
NameDr Alla Marchuk
Email Addressalla.marchuk@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleLecturer (Soils/Environmental Chemistry)
QualificationsPhD Adelaide
DepartmentSchool of Agriculture and Environmental Science
AffiliationsCentre for Agricultural Engineering
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LecturerUniversity of Southern Queensland20132024


Soil chemistry

Food Chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Nutrition and health


Soil Chemistry

Food Chemistry

Food Analysis

Nutrition and Health

Fields of Research

  • 300202. Agricultural land management
  • 300602. Food chemistry and food sensory science

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Australian Soil Science Society

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
The interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobia and root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei) in mung bean (vigna radiata)Associate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Combined effects of the biochar/biochar composites and water management strategies on the phyto-availability of arsenic in paddy rice soilsAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Arsenic and fluoride removal from water using bone charAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2020
Strategic use of alkaline irrigation water: Soil structural constraints and predictive amendment managementAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2020
Development of a fast analytical protocol for speciation of arsenic and biochar mediated control of arsenic mobility in paddy soilAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2019
Sodic, alkaline and magnesic soils: First principle soil management strategies for increased productivityAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2019
Soil-specific strategic irrigation: Saline-sodic water as an irrigation resourceAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2018

Assessment and optimization of As(V) adsorption on hydrogel composite integrating chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol and Fe3O4 nanoparticles and evaluation of their regeneration and reusable capabilities in aqueous media

Weerasundara, Lakshika, Ok, Yong Sik, Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, Marchuk, Alla and Bundschuh, Jochen. 2023. "Assessment and optimization of As(V) adsorption on hydrogel composite integrating chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol and Fe3O4 nanoparticles and evaluation of their regeneration and reusable capabilities in aqueous media." Science of the Total Environment. 855, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158877

Incorporating solution alkalinity into a hydraulic reduction model to account for disaggregation and dispersion

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL., Biggs, Andrew J. W. and Marchuk, Alla. 2022. "Incorporating solution alkalinity into a hydraulic reduction model to account for disaggregation and dispersion." Geoderma. 413, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.115742

Assessing the hydraulic reduction performance of HYDRUS-1D for application of alkaline irrigation in variably-saturated soils: Validation of pH driven hydraulic reduction scaling factors

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL, Biggs, Andrew A. J., Marchuk, Alla and Ghahramani, Afshin. 2021. "Assessing the hydraulic reduction performance of HYDRUS-1D for application of alkaline irrigation in variably-saturated soils: Validation of pH driven hydraulic reduction scaling factors." Agricultural Water Management. 256, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107101

Iron modification to silicon-rich biochar and alternative water management to decrease arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, Bundschuh, Jochen, Seneweera, Saman, Marchuk, Alla and Ok, Yong Sik. 2021. "Iron modification to silicon-rich biochar and alternative water management to decrease arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.)." Environmental Pollution. 286, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117661

Impact of irrigation wastewater pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity of acidic, neutral, and alkaline Kaolinitic soils

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John McL, Marchuk, Alla and Biggs, Andrew. 2018. "Impact of irrigation wastewater pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity of acidic, neutral, and alkaline Kaolinitic soils." Hulugalle, Nilantha, Biswas, Tapas, Greene, Richard and Bacon, Peter (ed.) 2018 National Soil Science Conference. Canberra, Australia 18 - 23 Nov 2018 Bridgewater, SA, Australia.

Inorganic arsenic species removal from water using bone char: A detailed study on adsorption kinetic and isotherm models using error functions analysis

Alkurdi, Susan S. A., Al-juboori, Raed A., Bundschuh, Jochen, Bowtell, Les and Marchuk, Alla. 2021. "Inorganic arsenic species removal from water using bone char: A detailed study on adsorption kinetic and isotherm models using error functions analysis." Journal of Hazardous Materials. 405. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124112

Ionicity of clay-cation bonds in relation to dispersive behavior of Mg and K soil clays as influenced by pH

Zhu, Yingcan, Marchuk, Alla and Bennett, John McLean. 2020. "Ionicity of clay-cation bonds in relation to dispersive behavior of Mg and K soil clays as influenced by pH." Clays and Clay Minerals. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42860-020-00100-x

A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a modern advancement in liquid chromatography approaches

Herath, Indika, Kumarathilaka, Prasanna, Bundschuh, Jochen, Marchuk, Alla and Rinklebe, Jorg. 2020. "A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a modern advancement in liquid chromatography approaches." Talanta. 208, pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2019.120457

Reduction of hydraulic conductivity and loss of organic carbon in non-dispersive soils of different clay mineralogy is related to magnesium induced disaggregation

Zhu, Yingcan, Bennett, John McLean and Marchuk, Alla. 2019. "Reduction of hydraulic conductivity and loss of organic carbon in non-dispersive soils of different clay mineralogy is related to magnesium induced disaggregation." Geoderma. 349, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.04.019

Effect of irrigation water pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and electrokinetic properties of acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils

Ali, Aram, Biggs, Andrew J. W., Marchuk, Alla and Bennett, John McL.. 2019. "Effect of irrigation water pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity and electrokinetic properties of acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils." Soil Science Society of America Journal. 83 (6), pp. 1672-1682. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2019.04.0123

Towards predicting the soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration of soil as a reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity: the role of clay net negative charge

Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S. and Raine, S. R.. 2019. "Towards predicting the soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration of soil as a reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity: the role of clay net negative charge." Geoderma. 337, pp. 122-131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.08.030

Validating laboratory assessment of threshold electrolyte concentration for fields irrigated with marginal quality saline-sodic water

Dang, A., Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S., Biggs, A. J. W. and Raine, S. R.. 2018. "Validating laboratory assessment of threshold electrolyte concentration for fields irrigated with marginal quality saline-sodic water." Agricultural Water Management. 205, pp. 21-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.04.037

Quantifying the aggregation-dispersion boundary condition in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction and the threshold electrolyte concentration

Dang, A., Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, Alla, Biggs, Andrew and Raine, Steven. 2018. "Quantifying the aggregation-dispersion boundary condition in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction and the threshold electrolyte concentration." Agricultural Water Management. 203, pp. 172-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.03.005

Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration

Dang, A., Bennett, J. M., Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S., Biggs, A. J. W. and Raine, S. R.. 2018. "Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration." Soil Research. 56 (7), pp. 664-674. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR17305

Evaluating dispersive potential to identify the threshold electrolyte concentration in non-dispersive soils

Dang, A., Bennett, J., Marchuk, A., Biggs, A. and Raine, S.. 2018. "Evaluating dispersive potential to identify the threshold electrolyte concentration in non-dispersive soils." Soil Research. 56 (6), pp. 549-559. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR17304

Effect of applied potassium concentration on clay dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, pore structure and mineralogy of two contrasting Australian soils

Marchuk, Serhiy and Marchuk, Alla. 2018. "Effect of applied potassium concentration on clay dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, pore structure and mineralogy of two contrasting Australian soils." Soil and Tillage Research. 182, pp. 35-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2018.04.016

Laboratory evaluation of soil amendments to limit structural degradation under a sequential irrigation with coal seam gas and rain water

Ali, Aram, Bennett, John mcLean, Marchuk, Alla and Watson, Caitlin. 2018. "Laboratory evaluation of soil amendments to limit structural degradation under a sequential irrigation with coal seam gas and rain water." Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82 (1), pp. 214-222. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2017.07.0217

An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils

Bennett, John McL., Marchuk, Alla and Marchuk, Serhiy. 2016. "An alternative index to the exchangeable sodium percentage for an explanation of dispersion occurring in soils." Soil Research. 54 (8), pp. 949-957. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR15281

Managing land application of coal seam water: a field study of land amendment irrigation using saline-sodic and alkaline water on a Red Vertisol

Bennett, J. McL., Marchuk, A., Raine, S. R., Dalzell, S. A. and Macfarlane, D. C.. 2016. "Managing land application of coal seam water: a field study of land amendment irrigation using saline-sodic and alkaline water on a Red Vertisol." Journal of Environmental Management. 184 (2), pp. 178-185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.078

Rapid method for assessment of soil structural stability by turbidimeter

Zhu, Yingcan, Marchuk, Alla and Bennett, John McLean. 2016. "Rapid method for assessment of soil structural stability by turbidimeter." Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80 (6), pp. 1629-1637. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2016.07.0222

Potassium in winery waste waters used for irrigation and soil structural decline

Rengasamy, Pichu and Marchuk, Alla. 2011. "Potassium in winery waste waters used for irrigation and soil structural decline." 22nd Grape and Wine Science Symposium (Crush 2011). Adelaide, Australia 28 - 30 Sep 2011

An alternative index to ESP to explain dispersion occurring in Australian soils when Na content is low

Marchuk, A., Marchuk, S., Bennett, J., Eyres, M. and Scott, E.. 2014. "An alternative index to ESP to explain dispersion occurring in Australian soils when Na content is low." Patti, Antonio, Tang, Caixan and Wong, Vanessa (ed.) 2014 National Soil Science Conference. Melbourne, Australia 23 - 27 Nov 2014 Melbourne, Australia.

Threshold electrolyte concentration for dispersive soils in relation to CROSS

Marchuk, Alla, Rengasamy, Pichu and McNeill, Ann. 2012. "Threshold electrolyte concentration for dispersive soils in relation to CROSS." Birkett, L. L. and Sparrow, L. A. (ed.) 5th Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference (SSA 2012): Soil Solutions for Diverse Landscapes. Hobart, Australia 02 - 07 Dec 2012 Melbourne, Australia.

Cation ratio of soil structural stability (CROSS)

Marchuk, Alla G. and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2010. "Cation ratio of soil structural stability (CROSS)." Gilkes, Robert and Prakongkep, Nattaporn (ed.) 19th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS 2010): Soil Solutions for a Changing World. Brisbane, Australia 01 - 06 Aug 2010 Melbourne, Australia.

Effect of cation ratio on soil structural stability is related to the zeta potential of dispersed clay

McNeill, Ann, Rengasamy, Pichu and Marchuk, Alla. 2011. "Effect of cation ratio on soil structural stability is related to the zeta potential of dispersed clay." International Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA 2011): Fundamentals for Life: Soil, Crop, and Environmental Sciences. San Antonio, United States 16 - 19 Nov 2011 Madison, WI. United States.

The nature of clay-cation association dictates clay behaviour in aqueous suspensions

Marchuk, Alla and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2012. "The nature of clay-cation association dictates clay behaviour in aqueous suspensions." Churchman, G. J., Cresswell, R. and Singh, B. (ed.) 22nd Australian Regolith and Clays Conference (ACMS 2012). Mildura, Australia 07 - 10 Feb 2012 Adelaide, Australia.

Cation ratio of soil structural stability (CROSS)

Rengasamy, Pichu and Marchuk, Alla. 2011. "Cation ratio of soil structural stability (CROSS)." Soil Research. 49 (3), pp. 280-285. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR10105

Clay behaviour in suspension is related to the ionicity of clay-cation bonds

Marchuk, Alla and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2011. "Clay behaviour in suspension is related to the ionicity of clay-cation bonds." Applied Clay Science. 53 (4), pp. 754-759. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2011.05.019

Threshold electrolyte concentration and dispersive potential in relation to CROSS in dispersive soils

Marchuk, Alla and Rengasamy, Pichu. 2012. "Threshold electrolyte concentration and dispersive potential in relation to CROSS in dispersive soils." Soil Research. 50 (6), pp. 473-481. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR12135

Nature of the clay-cation bond affects soil structure as verified by X-ray computed tomography

Marchuk, Alla, Rengasamy, Pichu, McNeill, Ann and Kumar, Anupama. 2012. "Nature of the clay-cation bond affects soil structure as verified by X-ray computed tomography." Soil Research. 50 (8), pp. 638-644. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR12276

Influence of organic matter, clay mineralogy, and pH on the effects of CROSS on soil structure is related to the zeta potential of the dispersed clay

Marchuk, Alla, Rengasamy, Pichu and McNeill, Ann. 2013. "Influence of organic matter, clay mineralogy, and pH on the effects of CROSS on soil structure is related to the zeta potential of the dispersed clay." Soil Research. 51 (1), pp. 34-40. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR13012