300207. Agricultural systems analysis and modelling

Title300207. Agricultural systems analysis and modelling
Parent3002. Agriculture, land and farm management

Latest research outputs

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Climate change and broadacre livestock production across southern Australia. 1. Impacts of climate change on pasture and livestock productivity, and on sustainable levels of profitability
Moore, Andrew and Ghahramani, Afshin. 2013. "Climate change and broadacre livestock production across southern Australia. 1. Impacts of climate change on pasture and livestock productivity, and on sustainable levels of profitability." Global Change Biology. 19 (5), pp. 1440-1455. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.12150


Application of aerial imagery to analyse on-farm trials
Basnet, B., Kelly, R., Jensen, T., Kane, T., Apan, A. and Butler, D.. 2002. "Application of aerial imagery to analyse on-farm trials." 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference (ARSPC2002): Images to Information. Brisbane, Australia 02 - 06 Sep 2002 Australia.


Sheep greenhouse gas emission intensities under different management practices, climate zones and enterprise types
Cottle, D. J., Harrison, M. T. and Ghahramani, A.. 2016. "Sheep greenhouse gas emission intensities under different management practices, climate zones and enterprise types." Animal Production Science. 56 (3), pp. 507-518. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN15327


Climate change impact and adaptation in temperate grassland and livestock industries
Ghahramani, Afshin and Moore, Andrew D.. 2015. "Climate change impact and adaptation in temperate grassland and livestock industries." 23rd International Grassland Congress: sustainable use of grassland resources for forage production, biodiversity and environmental protection (IGC 2015). New Delhi, India 20 - 24 Nov 2015 Jhansi, India.


Climate change and broadacre livestock production across southern Australia. 2. Adaptation options via grassland management
Ghahramani, Afshin and Moore, Andrew D.. 2013. "Climate change and broadacre livestock production across southern Australia. 2. Adaptation options via grassland management." Crop and Pasture Science. 64 (6), pp. 615-630. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13195


Systemic adaptations to climate change in southern Australian grasslands and livestock: production, profitability, methane emission and ecosystem function
Ghahramani, Afshin and Moore, Andrew D.. 2015. "Systemic adaptations to climate change in southern Australian grasslands and livestock: production, profitability, methane emission and ecosystem function." Agricultural Systems. 133, pp. 158-166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2014.11.003


The value of adapting to climate change in Australian wheat farm systems: farm to cross-regional scale
Ghahramani, Afshin, Kokic, Philip N., Moore, Andrew D., Zheng, Bangyou, Chapman, Scott C., Howden, Mark S. and Crimp, Steven J.. 2015. "The value of adapting to climate change in Australian wheat farm systems: farm to cross-regional scale." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 211, pp. 112-125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2015.05.011


Impact of climate changes on existing crop-livestock farming systems
Ghahramani, Afshin and Moore, Andrew D.. 2016. "Impact of climate changes on existing crop-livestock farming systems." Agricultural Systems. 146, pp. 142-155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2016.05.011


A review on crop losses, epidemiology and disease management of rice brown spot to identify research priorities and knowledge gaps
Barnwal, M. K., Kotasthane, A., Magculia, N., Mukherjee, P. K., Savary, S., Sharma, A. K., Singh, H. B., Singh, U. S., Sparks, A. H., Variar, M. and Zaidi, N.. 2013. "A review on crop losses, epidemiology and disease management of rice brown spot to identify research priorities and knowledge gaps." European Journal of Plant Pathology. 136 (3), pp. 443-457. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-013-0195-6


Modelling the resilience of forage crop production to future climate change in the dairy regions of southeastern Australia using APSIM
Pembleton, K. G., Cullen, B. R., Rawnsley, R. P., Harrison, M. T. and Ramilan, T.. 2016. "Modelling the resilience of forage crop production to future climate change in the dairy regions of southeastern Australia using APSIM." The Journal of Agricultural Science. 154 (7), pp. 1131-1152. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859615001185


Soil compaction and controlled traffic considerations in Australian cotton-farming systems
Antille, Diogenes L., Bennett, John McL. and Jensen, Troy A.. 2016. "Soil compaction and controlled traffic considerations in Australian cotton-farming systems." Crop and Pasture Science. 67 (1), pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15097


Evaluation of the agricultural production systems simulator simulating lucerne and annual ryegrass dry matter yield in the Argentine pampas and south-eastern Australia
Ojeda, J. J., Pembleton, K. G., Islam, M. R., Agnusdei, M. G. and Garcia, S. C.. 2016. "Evaluation of the agricultural production systems simulator simulating lucerne and annual ryegrass dry matter yield in the Argentine pampas and south-eastern Australia." Agricultural Systems. 143, pp. 61-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2015.12.005


Robusta coffee model: an integrated model for coffee production at a regional scale
Kouadio, Louis, Stone, Roger, Tixier, Philippe, Mushtaq, Shahbaz and Marcussen, Torben. 2015. "Robusta coffee model: an integrated model for coffee production at a regional scale." Tropical Agriculture Conference 2015: Meeting the Productivity Challenge in the Tropics (TropAg2015). Brisbane, Australia 16 - 18 Nov 2015


The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: a critical review
Antille, D. L., Chamen, W. C. T., Tullberg, J. N. and Lal, R.. 2015. "The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: a critical review." Transactions of the ASABE. 58 (3), pp. 707-731. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.58.11049


Potential to increase productivity and sustainability in Argentinean agriculture with controlled traffic farming: a short discussion
Antille, Diogenes L., Imhoff, Silvia C., Alesso, Carlos A., Chamen, William C. T. and Tullberg, Jeff N.. 2015. "Potential to increase productivity and sustainability in Argentinean agriculture with controlled traffic farming: a short discussion." Acta Technologica Agriculturae . 18 (3), pp. 83-87. https://doi.org/10.1515/ata-2015-0016


Quantifying the response of cotton production in eastern Australia to climate change
Williams, Allyson, White, Neil, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Cockfield, Geoff, Power, Brendan and Kouadio, Louis. 2015. "Quantifying the response of cotton production in eastern Australia to climate change." Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change. 129 (1-2), pp. 183-196. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1305-y


Managing lateral infiltration on wide beds in clay and sandy clay loam using Hydrus 2D
Akbar, Ghani, Raine, Steven, McHugh, Allen David and Hamilton, Greg. 2015. "Managing lateral infiltration on wide beds in clay and sandy clay loam using Hydrus 2D." Irrigation Science. 33 (3), pp. 177-190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-014-0458-9


Evaluation of the integrated Canadian crop yield forecaster (ICCYF) model for in-season prediction of crop yield across the Canadian agricultural landscape
Chipanshi, Aston, Zhang, Yinsuo, Kouadio, Louis, Newlands, Nathaniel, Davidson, Andrew, Hill, Harvey, Warren, Richard, Qian, Budong, Daneshfar, Bahram, Bedard, Frederic and Reichert, Gordon. 2015. "Evaluation of the integrated Canadian crop yield forecaster (ICCYF) model for in-season prediction of crop yield across the Canadian agricultural landscape." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 206, pp. 137-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.03.007


A comparison between visual estimates and image analysis measurements to determine Septoria leaf blotch severity in winter wheat
El Jarroudi, M., Kouadio, A. L., Mackels, C., Tychon, B., Delfosse, P. and Bock, C. H.. 2015. "A comparison between visual estimates and image analysis measurements to determine Septoria leaf blotch severity in winter wheat." Plant Pathology. 64 (2), pp. 355-364. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppa.12252


Economics of a decision–support system for managing the main fungal diseases of winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
El Jarroudi, Moussa, Kouadio, Louis, Beyer, Marco, Junk, Jurgen, Hoffmann, Lucien, Tychon, Bernard, Maraite, Henri, Bock, Clive H. and Delfosse, Philippe. 2015. "Economics of a decision–support system for managing the main fungal diseases of winter wheat in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg." Field Crops Research. 172, pp. 32-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2014.11.012


Virtual discussions to support climate risk decision making on farms
Reardon-Smith, Kate, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Farley, Helen S., Cliffe, Neil, Stone, Roger C., Ostini, Jenny, Doyle, Joanne, Martin, Neil, Loch, Adam, Maraseni, Tek, Marcussen, Torben and Lindesay, Janette. 2015. "Virtual discussions to support climate risk decision making on farms." Journal of Economic and Social Policy. 17 (2).


Rainfall and water requirement of rice during growing period
Aryal, Suman. 2012. "Rainfall and water requirement of rice during growing period." The Journal of Agriculture and Environment. 13, pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.3126/aej.v13i0.7576


Virtual world technologies to enhance climate risk management on Australian sugar cane farms
Reardon-Smith, Kate, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Stone, Roger, Cliffe, Neil, Farley, Helen, Ostini, Jenny, Doyle, Joanne, Martin, Neil, Maraseni, Tek, Marcussen, Torben, Loch, Adam and Lindesay, Janette. 2014. "Virtual world technologies to enhance climate risk management on Australian sugar cane farms." Climate Adaptation (NCCARF 2014): Future Challenges. Gold Coast, Australia 30 Sep - 02 Oct 2014 Gold Coast, Australia.


Automated camera-based height and flower detection for wheat and chickpea
McCarthy, Alison and Tscharke, Matthew. 2014. "Automated camera-based height and flower detection for wheat and chickpea." 5th International Workshop on Applications of Computer Image Analysis and Spectroscopy in Agriculture (ASABE 2014). Montreal, Canada 12 - 13 Jul 2014 St. Joseph, MI. United States.


Real-time irrigation decision-making and control for site-specific irrigation of cotton using a centre pivot, 2012/13
McCarthy, Alison, Smith, Rod and Hancock, Nigel. 2014. "Real-time irrigation decision-making and control for site-specific irrigation of cotton using a centre pivot, 2012/13." Irrigation Australia Conference 2014: Water for Life, Future for All. Gold Coast, Australia 02 - 06 Jun 2014 Sydney, Australia.


Autonomous site-specific irrigation control: the current state and a vision of a future system [Keynote]
McCarthy, Alison, Smith, Rod and Gillies, Malcolm. 2014. "Autonomous site-specific irrigation control: the current state and a vision of a future system [Keynote]." Keppell, Mike and Reushle, Shirley (ed.) 2nd Digital Rural Futures Conference 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Jun 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.


Real-time control approaches for site-specific irrigation and fertigation optimisation
McCarthy, Alison, Nguyen, Tai and Raine, Steven. 2014. "Real-time control approaches for site-specific irrigation and fertigation optimisation." Keppell, Mike and Reushle, Shirley (ed.) 2nd Digital Rural Futures Conference 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Jun 2014


Field-scale evaluation of furrow fertigation using liquid nitrogen
Antille, Diogenes L. and McCarthy, Alison C.. 2014. "Field-scale evaluation of furrow fertigation using liquid nitrogen." 17th Australian Cotton Conference (ACC 2014): Our Fibre, Our Focus, Our Future. Gold Coast, Australia 05 - 07 Aug 2014 Narrabri, Australia.


Effect of spatial variability on data requirements for site-specific irrigation
McCarthy, Alison. 2014. "Effect of spatial variability on data requirements for site-specific irrigation." 17th Australian Cotton Conference (ACC 2014): Our Fibre, Our Focus, Our Future. Gold Coast, Australia 05 - 07 Aug 2014 Narrabri, Australia.


Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI and EVI for Seasonal Crop Yield Forecasting at the Ecodistrict Scale
Kouadio, Louis, Newlands, Nathaniel K., Davidson, Andrew, Zhang, Yinsuo and Chipanshi, Aston. 2014. "Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI and EVI for Seasonal Crop Yield Forecasting at the Ecodistrict Scale." Remote Sensing. 6 (10), pp. 10193-10214. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs61010193


Improving energy efficiency in agriculture
Chen, Guangnan, Sandell, Gary and Baillie, Craig. 2014. "Improving energy efficiency in agriculture." 18th World Congress of the International Commission of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR 2014): Upgrading the Quality of our Life. Beijing, China 16 - 19 Sep 2014 Kyoto, Japan.


Quantifying potential yield and lodging-related yield gaps for irrigated spring wheat in sub-tropical Australia
Peake, A. S., Huth, N. I., Carberry, P. S., Raine, S. R. and Smith, R. J.. 2014. "Quantifying potential yield and lodging-related yield gaps for irrigated spring wheat in sub-tropical Australia." Field Crops Research. 158, pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2013.12.001


Brown rust disease control in winter wheat: II. Exploring the optimization of fungicide sprays through a decision support system
El Jarroudi, Moussa, Kouadio, Louis, Giraud, Frederic, Delfosse, Philippe and Tychon, Bernard. 2014. "Brown rust disease control in winter wheat: II. Exploring the optimization of fungicide sprays through a decision support system." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21 (7), pp. 4809-4818. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-014-2557-9


Brown rust disease control in winter wheat: I. Exploring an approach for disease progression based on night weather conditions
El Jarroudi, Moussa, Kouadio, Louis, Delfosse, Philippe and Tychon, Bernard. 2014. "Brown rust disease control in winter wheat: I. Exploring an approach for disease progression based on night weather conditions." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21 (7), pp. 4797-4808. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-013-2463-6


Evaluating the performance of a real-time optimisation system for furrow irrigation
Koech, R. K., Smith, R. J. and Gillies, M. H.. 2014. "Evaluating the performance of a real-time optimisation system for furrow irrigation ." Agricultural Water Management. 142, pp. 77-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2014.04.020


A real-time optimisation system for automation of furrow irrigation
Koech, R. K., Smith, R. J. and Gillies, M. H.. 2014. "A real-time optimisation system for automation of furrow irrigation." Irrigation Science. 32 (4), pp. 319-327. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-014-0432-6


Review of centre pivot and lateral move installations in the Queensland Murray Darling basin
Wigginton, David, Foley, Joseph, Schultz, Justin and Van Niekerk, Rory. 2011. Review of centre pivot and lateral move installations in the Queensland Murray Darling basin. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Project report

A computer model to estimate seepage rates from automated irrigation distribution channels during periods of shutdown
Moavenshahidi, A., Smith, R. and Gillies, M.. 2014. "A computer model to estimate seepage rates from automated irrigation distribution channels during periods of shutdown." Journal of Hydroinformatics. 16 (6), pp. 1302-1317. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2014.104


An assessment of sugarcane yield monitoring concepts and techniques from commercial yield monitoring systems
Jensen, T. A., Baillie, C., Bramley, R. G. V. and Panitz, J. H.. 2013. "An assessment of sugarcane yield monitoring concepts and techniques from commercial yield monitoring systems." International Sugar Journal: a technical and commercial periodical devoted entirely to the sugar and sweetener industry. 115 (1369), pp. 53-57.


Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and soil loss on the Loess Plateau of northern China
Wang, Xiaoyan, Gao, Huanwen, Tullberg, J. N., Li, Hongwen, Kuhn, Nikolaus, McHugh, A. D. and Li, Yuxia. 2008. "Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and soil loss on the Loess Plateau of northern China." Australian Journal of Soil Research. 46 (8), pp. 667-675. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR08063
