450199. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history not elsewhere classified

Title450199. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history not elsewhere classified
Parent4501. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history

Latest research outputs

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(Re)citing the sovereign source: media representations of indigenous peoples
Little, Janine. 2005. "(Re)citing the sovereign source: media representations of indigenous peoples." Phillips, Jean and Lampert, Jo (ed.) Introductory indigenous studies in education: the importance of knowing. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia. pp. 101-116

Edited book (chapter)

A bibliography of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Edwards, Ken and Edwards, Tim. 2012. A bibliography of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Authored book

A bibliography of the traditional games of Torres Strait Islander peoples
Edwards, Ken and Edwards, Tim. 2011. A bibliography of the traditional games of Torres Strait Islander peoples. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Authored book

A report on the 'Traditional Indigenous Games within the Education Community' professional development sessions delivered for Cairns ATSIS, Department of Communities
Louth, Sharon. 2011. A report on the 'Traditional Indigenous Games within the Education Community' professional development sessions delivered for Cairns ATSIS, Department of Communities. Sharon Louth.


A typology of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Edwards, Ken. 2012. A typology of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Esk, Australia. Ram Skulls Press.

Authored book

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
Price, Kaye. 2013. "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education." Hudson, Peter (ed.) Learning to teach in the primary school. Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 225-247

Edited book (chapter)

Aboriginal interpretation in Australian wildlife tourism
Zeppel, Heather and Muloin, Sue. 2008. "Aboriginal interpretation in Australian wildlife tourism ." Journal of Ecotourism. 7 (2-3), pp. 116-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/14724040802140493


An alternative view of mixed methods research: learning with and from indigenous ways of knowing
Austin, Jon and Williams-Mozley, John. 2012. "An alternative view of mixed methods research: learning with and from indigenous ways of knowing ." Hikuroa, Daniel (ed.) 5th Biennial InternatIonal Indigenous Development Research Conference (NPM 2012): Indigenous Transformation through Research Excellence. Auckland, New Zealand 27 - 30 Jun 2012 Auckland, New Zealand.


Ask first: a guide to respecting indigenous heritage places and values: issues and gaps analysis
Collett, David and Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Ask first: a guide to respecting indigenous heritage places and values: issues and gaps analysis. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth Government of Australia.


Australia needs more Indigenous nurses
Armstrong, F. and Best, O.. 2001. "Australia needs more Indigenous nurses." Australian Nursing Journal. 8 (9), pp. 28-30.


Blood is thicker than water: stains on the land in Bra Boys
Collins-Gearing, Brooke and Huijser, Hendrik. 2012. "Blood is thicker than water: stains on the land in Bra Boys." Bennett, James E. and Beirne, Rebecca (ed.) Making film and television histories: Australia and New Zealand. London, United Kingdom. I.B.Tauris Publishers. pp. 26-30

Edited book (chapter)

Bunya pine, goanna and star clusters: using metaphor to frame Indigenous ways of doing
Heckenberg, Robyn. 2018. "Bunya pine, goanna and star clusters: using metaphor to frame Indigenous ways of doing." de Bruin, Leon R., Burnard, Pamela and Davis, Susan (ed.) Creativities in Arts education, research and practice: international perspectives for the future of learning and teaching. Leiden, Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV. pp. 67-83

Edited book (chapter)

Commentary: 'Our reflections on identity, gender and transforming action': a lesson from place
Fredericks, Bronwyn, Walker, Melissa, Peacock, Christine, Duthie, Debbie and Best, Odette. 2012. "Commentary: 'Our reflections on identity, gender and transforming action': a lesson from place." MAI Journal. 1 (1), pp. 76-85.


Community controlled health services: what they are and how they work
Ward, Raelene, Fredericks, Bronwyn and Best, Odette. 2014. "Community controlled health services: what they are and how they work." Best, Odette and Fredericks, Bronwyn (ed.) Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care. Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 87-100

Textbook (chapter)

Developing a postgraduate program in Indigenous mental health and wellbeing at University of Southern Queensland
Hampton, Ron and McCann, William. 2007. "Developing a postgraduate program in Indigenous mental health and wellbeing at University of Southern Queensland." Australasian Psychiatry. 15 (Supplement), pp. 75-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/10398560701701247


Development and indigenous knowledge in Australia: an uneasy relationship
Byrnes, Jill. 2006. "Development and indigenous knowledge in Australia: an uneasy relationship." ISAA Review. 5 (1), pp. 26-31.


Differences between values of Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students
Fogarty, Gerard J. and White, Colin. 1994. "Differences between values of Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 25 (3), pp. 394-408.


Dinawan Dreaming: pre-service teachers seeing the world with fresh eyes
Jones, Janice K. and Moodie, Donna. 2012. "Dinawan Dreaming: pre-service teachers seeing the world with fresh eyes." 9th Annual Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance International Conference: Next Steps: Community Engaged Learning (AUCEA 2012): . Brisbane, Australia 09 - 11 Jul 2012 Lismore, Australia.


Dinawan Dreaming: seeing the darkness or the stars
Jones, Janice K., Moodie, Donna and Hobson, Nicole. 2014. "Dinawan Dreaming: seeing the darkness or the stars." Jones, Janice K. (ed.) Weaving words: personal and professional transformation through writing as research. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 81-102

Edited book (chapter)

Educational implications of the values held by Australian Aboriginal students
White, Colin and Fogarty, Gerard J.. 2001. "Educational implications of the values held by Australian Aboriginal students." Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice. 2 (3), pp. 253-270.


Healthy country, healthy people: an Australian aboriginal organisation's adaptive governance to enhance its social-ecological system
Maclean, Kirsten, Ross, Helen, Cuthill, Michael and Rist, Philip. 2013. "Healthy country, healthy people: an Australian aboriginal organisation's adaptive governance to enhance its social-ecological system." Geoforum. 45, pp. 94-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.10.005


Hierarchies of knowledge and the tyranny of text: archaeology, ethnohistory and oral traditions in Australian archaeological interpretation
Barker, Bryce. 2006. "Hierarchies of knowledge and the tyranny of text: archaeology, ethnohistory and oral traditions in Australian archaeological interpretation." David, Bruno, Barker, Bryce and McNiven, Ian J. (ed.) The social archaeology of Australian indigenous societies. Canberra, Australia. Aboriginal Studies Press. pp. 72-84

Edited book (chapter)

Indigenous accounts of environmental stewardship in light of the theory and language of Maharishi Vedic Science
Fergusson, Lee, Kettle, David and Wells, Geoffrey. 2017. "Indigenous accounts of environmental stewardship in light of the theory and language of Maharishi Vedic Science." International Journal of Society, Culture & Language. 5 (1), pp. 68-81.


Indigenous gendered health perspectives
Fredericks, Bronwyn, Adams, Mick and Best, Odette. 2014. "Indigenous gendered health perspectives." Best, Odette and Fredericks, Bronwyn (ed.) Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care. Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 74-86

Textbook (chapter)

Indigenous population mobilities and school achievement: international educational research itineraries, issues and implications
Danaher, P. A.. 2012. "Indigenous population mobilities and school achievement: international educational research itineraries, issues and implications." International Journal of Educational Research. 54, pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2011.11.001


Introduction [to Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care]
Best, Odette and Fredericks, Bronwyn. 2014. "Introduction [to Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care]." Best, Odette and Fredericks, Bronwyn (ed.) Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care. Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-6

Textbook (chapter)

Introduction: Current directions in Australian anthropologies of the environment
Mulcock, Jane, Pocock, Celmara, Toussaint, Yann, Mulcock J., Pocock C. and Toussaint Y.. 2005. "Introduction: Current directions in Australian anthropologies of the environment." Australian Journal of Anthropology. 16 (3), pp. 281-293. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1835-9310.2005.tb00311.x


Is there only one measure of success? Enabling and environment
Price, Kaye and Chappell, Megan. 2009. "Is there only one measure of success? Enabling and environment." Bedford, Tas, Huijser, Henk and Muller, Sarah (ed.) Enabling Pathways: 3rd National Conference of Enabling Educators. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Nov 2009 Toowoomba, Australia.


Koey Ngurtai: the emergence of a ritual domain in Western Torres Strait
David, Bruno, McNiven, Ian J., Crouch, Joe, Hewitt, Geoffrey, Skelly, Robert, Barker, Bryce and Courtney, Kris. 2009. "Koey Ngurtai: the emergence of a ritual domain in Western Torres Strait." Archaeology in Oceania. 44 (1), pp. 1-17.


New innovative program in indigenous mental health
Hampton, Ron and McCann, William. 2007. "New innovative program in indigenous mental health." Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal. 14 (8), p. 35.


Overcoming the 'shame' factor: empowering indigenous people to share and celebrate their culture
Louth, Sharon. 2012. "Overcoming the 'shame' factor: empowering indigenous people to share and celebrate their culture." Fan, Si, Thao, Le, Quynh, Le and Yun, Yue (ed.) 2012 International Conference: Innovative Research in a Changing and Challenging World (AUAMII 2012). Phuket, Thailand 16 - 18 May 2012 Launceston, Australia.


Person-environment fit in higher education: how good is the fit for indigenous students?
Fogarty, Gerard J. and White, Colin. 2002. "Person-environment fit in higher education: how good is the fit for indigenous students?" McInerey, Dennis M. and Van Etten, Shawn (ed.) Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning . Greenwich, Connecticut, United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 129-149

Edited book (chapter)

Reclaiming identity and territory: events and indigenous culture
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Reclaiming identity and territory: events and indigenous culture." Pernecky, Tomas and Luck, Michael (ed.) Events, society and sustainability: critical and contemporary approaches. Abingdon, Oxon. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 95-114

Edited book (chapter)

Remapping country, kin and culture on the Darling Downs and Southwest Queensland: some suggestions for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal resilience and well-being
Williams, Lewis, Stuart, Lynne and Reedy, Natasha. 2015. "Remapping country, kin and culture on the Darling Downs and Southwest Queensland: some suggestions for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal resilience and well-being." Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 18 (4), pp. 21-38.


Research into traditional healing practices and health of Indigenous Australians
Gorman, Don and Best, Odette. 2005. "Research into traditional healing practices and health of Indigenous Australians." ACCNS Journal for Community Nurses. 10 (2), pp. 7-7.


Storymaking belonging
Bunda, Tracey, Heckenberg, Robyn, Snepvangers, Kim, Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, Lasczik, Alexandra and Black, Alison L.. 2019. "Storymaking belonging." Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal. 4 (1), pp. 153-179. https://doi.org/10.18432/ari29429


String figure bibliography of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Edwards, Ken. 2011. String figure bibliography of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Pasadena, CA. United States. ISFA Press.

Authored book

The research higher degree journey for Aboriginal students
Best, Odette, Ward, Raelene, Johnston, Elizabeth and Easton, Caitlin. 2020. "The research higher degree journey for Aboriginal students." Trimmer, Karen, Hoven, Deborah and Keskitalo, Pigga (ed.) Indigenous postgraduate education: intercultural perspectives. Charlotte, United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 179-189

Edited book (chapter)

The status of the Aborigine in the writing of Henry Lawson: a reconsideration
Lee, Christopher. 2002. "The status of the Aborigine in the writing of Henry Lawson: a reconsideration ." The La Trobe Journal.


The structural validity of Problem Solving Inventory – 12 item within an indigenous Australian population
Hirvonen, T. and Beccaria, G.. 2013. "The structural validity of Problem Solving Inventory – 12 item within an indigenous Australian population." 48th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2013): Psychology for a Healthy Nation. Cairns, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2013 Melbourne, Australia.

