Models encompassing hydraulic jumps in radial flows over a horizontal plate


Strunin, Dmitry and Roberts, Tony. 2001. "Models encompassing hydraulic jumps in radial flows over a horizontal plate." Kluev, Vitaly and Mastorakis, Nikos (ed.) 2nd WSEAS Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (WSEAS 2001). Cairns, Australia 17 - 23 Dec 2001 Greece.
Paper/Presentation Title

Models encompassing hydraulic jumps in radial flows over a horizontal plate

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsStrunin, Dmitry (Author) and Roberts, Tony (Author)
EditorsKluev, Vitaly and Mastorakis, Nikos
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 2nd WSEAS Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (WSEAS 2001)
Number of Pages6
Place of PublicationGreece
Web Address (URL) of Paper
Conference/Event2nd WSEAS Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (WSEAS 2001)
Event Details
2nd WSEAS Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (WSEAS 2001)
Event Date
17 to end of 23 Dec 2001
Event Location
Cairns, Australia

A circular jump forms in the radial flow thickness when a downwards stream hits a horizontal plate. Centre manifold theory is used to rigorously derive, from the Navier-Stokes equations, a dynamic model for slow horizontal variations of flow thickness and velocity. An advantage of this approach is the capacity to study non-stationary regimes and examine stability of the flow. Numerical solutions of the model reproduce experimentally observed recirculation under the jump and quantitatively agree with experiments of laminar flows.

Keywordsradial fluid flow; hydraulic jump; centre manifold
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020490303. Numerical solution of differential and integral equations
401299. Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering not elsewhere classified
401706. Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
Byline AffiliationsDepartment of Mathematics and Computing
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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Strunin, D. V., Melnik, R. V. N. and Roberts, A. J.. 2001. "Coupled thermomechanical waves in hyperbolic thermoelasticity." Journal of Thermal Stresses. 24 (2), pp. 121-140.
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Melnik, R. V. N., Roberts, A. J. and Thomas, K. A.. 2001. "Coupled thermomechanical dynamics of phase transitions in shape memory alloys and related hysteresis phenomena." Mechanics Research Communications. 28 (6), pp. 637-651.
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Roberts, A. J.. 2005. Computer algebra resolves a multitude of microscale interactions to model stochastic partial differential equations. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.
Resolving the multitude of microscale interactions accurately models stochastic partial differential equations
Roberts, A. J.. 2006. "Resolving the multitude of microscale interactions accurately models stochastic partial differential equations." LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 9, pp. 193-221.
An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates
Roberts, A. J. and Li, Zhenquan. 2006. "An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates." Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 553 (1), pp. 33-73.
Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to holistically discretise the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation
Roberts, A. J.. 2006. Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to holistically discretise the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.
General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling
Roberts, A. J. and Kevrekidis, I. G.. 2006. General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.
Attractors and centre manifolds in nonlinear diffusion
Strunin, Dmitry V.. 2005. "Attractors and centre manifolds in nonlinear diffusion." 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations & The First East Asian SIAM Symposium. Hong Kong, China 12 - 16 Dec 2005 Hong Kong.
Nonlinear analysis of rubber-based polymeric materials with thermal relaxation models
Melnik, R. V. N., Strunin, D. V. and Roberts, A. J.. 2005. "Nonlinear analysis of rubber-based polymeric materials with thermal relaxation models." Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications. 47 (6), pp. 549-569.
Predicting the off-site deposition of spray drift from horticultural spraying through porous barriers on soil and plant surfaces
Mercer, Geoff and Roberts, Tony. 2005. "Predicting the off-site deposition of spray drift from horticultural spraying through porous barriers on soil and plant surfaces." Wake, Graeme (ed.) MISG 2005: 22nd Mathematics-In-Industry Study Group. Auckland, New Zealand 24 - 28 Jan 2005 Auckland, New Zealand.