Broad host range species in specialised pathogen groups should be treated with suspicion – a case study on Entyloma infecting Ranunculus


Kruse, J., Piatek, M., Lutz, M. and Thines, M.. 2018. "Broad host range species in specialised pathogen groups should be treated with suspicion – a case study on Entyloma infecting Ranunculus." Persoonia. 41, pp. 175-201.
Article Title

Broad host range species in specialised pathogen groups
should be treated with suspicion – a case study on Entyloma
infecting Ranunculus

ERA Journal ID44964
Article CategoryArticle
AuthorsKruse, J. (Author), Piatek, M. (Author), Lutz, M. (Author) and Thines, M. (Author)
Journal TitlePersoonia
Journal Citation41, pp. 175-201
Number of Pages27
PublisherNaturalis Biodiversity Center
Place of PublicationNetherlands
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Plant pathogenic smut fungi in the broader sense can be divided into the Ustilaginomycetes, which cause classical smut symptoms with masses of blackish spores being produced in a variety of angiosperms, and the Exobasidiomycetes, which are often less conspicuous, as many do not shed large amounts of blackish spores. The leaf-spot causing members of the genus Entyloma (Entylomatales, Exobasidiomycetes) belong to the latter group. Currently, 172 species that all infect eudicots are included in the genus. Vánky (2012) recognised five Entyloma species on species of Ranunculus Two have been reported only from Ficaria verna, while three, E. microsporum, E. ranunculi-repentis, E. verruculosum, have been reported to have a broad host range, encompassing 30, 26, and 5 species of Ranunculus, respectively. This broad host range is in contrast to the generally high host specificity assumed for species of Entyloma, indicating that they may represent complexes of specialised species. The aim of this study was to investigate Entyloma on Ranunculus using multigene phylogenies and morphological comparisons. Phylogenetic analyses on the basis of up to four loci (ITS, atp2, ssc1, and map) showed a clustering of Entyloma specimens according to host species. For some of these Entyloma lineages, names not currently in use were available and reinstated. In addition, Entyloma microsporum s.str. is neotypified. Six novel species are described in this study, namely, Entyloma jolantae on Ranunculus oreophilus, E. klenkei on R. marginatus, E. kochmanii on R. lanuginosus, E. piepenbringiae on R. polyanthemos subsp. nemorosus (type host) and R. repens, E. savchenkoi on R. paludosus, and E. thielii on R. montanus. For all species diagnostic bases and morphological characteristics are provided. The results in this study once more highlight the importance of detailed re-investigation of broad host-range pathogens of otherwise specialised plant pathogen groups.

KeywordsEntyloma microsporum complex; Entyloma ranunculi-repentis complex; host specificity; multigene analyses; new primers; six new taxa; smut fungi
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020310407. Host-parasite interactions
310705. Mycology
Byline AffiliationsSenckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Germany
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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