Dr Rian Roux

Dr Rian Roux
NameDr Rian Roux
Email Addressrian.roux@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleLecturer (Pathways)
QualificationsBAppSc Qld, MDiv Aust College Theology, PhD USQ
DepartmentUniSQ College (Pathways)
Academic Integrity Unit
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Aust College Theology

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
What¿s in it for me? Barriers to students participating in governance and student leadershipAssociate SupervisorMasters2025
Examining the Educational and Sociocultural Benefits for Yazidi Refugee Students in UniSQ's UniPrep English Language ProgramAssociate SupervisorMasters2025
Game theory and academic misconduct: how has generative artificial intelligence changed decision making regarding academic misconduct at Australian UniversitiesAssociate SupervisorMasters2024
Women's Leadership - The resonance between the modern and the ancient worldAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
The Form and Function of the Tertiary Preparation Program at UniSQ Examined Through a Socio-Cultural LensAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
How can we build sustainable open textbook publishing programs at Australian universities? Associate SupervisorDoctoral2020

A Teacher's Guide to Academic Integrity and GenAI

Roux, R., Bedford, A., Burke, K., Thomas, J., Chamlin, T., Hede, C., Scott, E. and Kann, E.. 2024. A Teacher's Guide to Academic Integrity and GenAI. University of Southern Queensland.

Truth and Transformation: The Test of Truth in the Development of New or Revised Ideas, and Related Values and Beliefs

Roux, Rian. 2024. "Truth and Transformation: The Test of Truth in the Development of New or Revised Ideas, and Related Values and Beliefs." Journal of Transformative Education. 23 (1), pp. 9-30. https://doi.org/10.1177/15413446241268550

A Transformative Approach to Student Leadership Development in Australian Higher Education

Roux, Rian. 2022. A Transformative Approach to Student Leadership Development in Australian Higher Education. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD). University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/w8v22

Questioning Christianity: Is there more to the story?

Paterson, Dan and Roux, Rian. 2021. Questioning Christianity: Is there more to the story? United States. Moody Publishers.

When Faith is on the Line: Exploring the Personal Risks and Rewards of Transformative Learning

Roux, Rian. 2021. "When Faith is on the Line: Exploring the Personal Risks and Rewards of Transformative Learning." Mulligan, Deborah L. and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Researchers at Risk: Precarity, Jeopardy and Uncertainty in Academia. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 71-84