
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.

Idicula, Roselin

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Dr Victor Igreja

Igreja, Victor

Senior Lecturer (International Relations)

— School of Humanities and Communication, Academic Affairs

Iqbal, Muneeb

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Ireland, Michael

Associate Professor (Psychology)

— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Ireland, Renee

Senior Lecturer (Psychology/Clinical)

— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Irons, Tammie

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Irving, Peter

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Irwin, Nicole

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

A/Pr Mainul Islam

Islam, Mainul

Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering)

— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Izadikhah, Zahra

Senior Lecturer (Psychology)

— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs