Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.

Kabir, Enamul
Senior Lecturer (Statistics)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Kalyani, Nadeesha
Senior Lecturer (Physiotherapy)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Kamel, Nadine
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Kandegedara, Prabuddhika
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Kanowski, Shaun
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Karalasingham, Sagthitharan
Research Fellow
— Centre for Astrophysics (Research), Centre for Astrophysics

Karim, Md Saiful
Professor (Law)
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Karunasena, Karu
Professor (Engineering Fibre Composites)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Kassulke, Jeannette
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Kath, Jarrod
Senior Lecturer
— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs
Kauter, Kate
Associate Professor (Biomedical Science)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Kay, Emma
Lecturer (Occupational Therapy)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Kealey, Julianne
Lecturer (Psychology)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Keating, Geoff
Lecturer (Pathways)
— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College
Kelderman, Simon
Research Fellow
— Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Operations), Centre for Agricultural Engineering
Kelly, Lisa
Casual Employment
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Kelly, Sarah
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Kelly, Tricia
Senior Manager (Research and Education Liaison)
— Library Services, Library Services
Kelsey, Peter
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Kemble, Gary
Casual Employment
— School of Humanities and Communication, Academic Affairs
Kemp, Kate
Casual Employment
— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs
Kennedy, Ursula
Lecturer (Wine Science)
— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs
Kennelly, Jeanette
Casual Employment
— Centre for Heritage and Culture (Operations), Centre for Heritage and Culture
Kent, Allan
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Kerby, Martin
Associate Professor (Curriculum and Pedagogy)
— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Khanam, Rasheda
Professor (Economics)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Khoo, Sue Anne
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Kidd, Chloe
Research Fellow (Child and Adolescent Mental Health)
— Centre for Health Research (Research), Centre for Health Research

Kille, Tarryn
Associate Professor (Aviation and Logistics)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Kim, Hyo-Yeon
Casual Employment
— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College
Kimpton, Anthony
Lecturer (Urban and Regional Planning)
— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs
Kinder, Barb
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
King, Julie
Associate Professor (Social Work and Human Services)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
King, Rachel
Associate Professor (Statistics)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
King, Rebekah
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Kinnear, Melissa
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Kirby, Kate
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Kiriella, Shanika
Research Fellow (Resilient Infrastructure)
— Academic Registrar's Office, Academic Registrar
Kirvan, Carlene
Casual Employment
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Kiss, Levente
Director (Centre for Crop Health)
— Centre for Crop Health (Operations), Centre for Crop Health

Kist, Alexander
Professor (Telecommunications)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Knapp, Tyson
Research Associate (Climate Change)
— First Nations Strategy Research Alliance, Office of the PVC (First Nations Strategy)
Knight, Noel
Senior Research Fellow
— Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment (Research), Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment
Koch, Fiona
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Kochanski, Linda
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy
Professor (Sport and Exercise)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Korf, Arie
Lecturer (Aviation)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Koswatte, Saman
Casual Employment
— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs

Kotiw, Mike
Professor (Microbiology)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Kottegoda, Shyam
Associate Lecturer (Television Production)
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Krishnamoorthy, Govind
Senior Lecturer (Psychology)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Krishnamoorthy, Sadhvi
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs