
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.

Ra, Jee

Casual Employment

— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs

A/Pr Ciprian Radavoi

Radavoi, Ciprian

Associate Professor (Law)

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Rae, Kirsten

Casual Employment

— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Prof Mafiz Rahman

Rahman, Mafiz

Professor (Economics)

— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Raj, Nawin

Senior Lecturer (Mathematics)

— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs

Dr Saya Ramakrishnan

Ramakrishnan, Saya

Senior Lecturer

— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Ramanayaka, Chamil

Casual Employment

— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs

Ramesh, Akilesh

Research Fellow (Advanced Construction Materials)

— Centre for Future Materials (Research), Centre for Future Materials

Dr Fabiane Ramos

Ramos, Fabiane

Lecturer (Pathways)

— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College

Rana, Rajib

Professor (Computer Science)

— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs

Randall, Timothy

Casual Employment

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Raphael, Brooke

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Rasappagari, Muni Rami Reddy

Casual Employment

— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Rashid, Afzalur

Senior Lecturer (Accounting)

— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Rathmell, Jo

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Rattray, Prudence

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Ravichandran, Ranjith

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Hypersonics Flight Diagnostics)

— Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences (Research), Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences

Dr Mahdiyeh Razeghi

Razeghi, Mahdiyeh

Lecturer (Surveying and Spatial Science)

— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs

Dr Kathryn Reardon-Smith

Reardon-Smith, Kathryn

Senior Lecturer

— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs

Prof Petrea Redmond

Redmond, Petrea

Professor (Digital Pedagogies)

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Reedy, Natasha

Senior Lecturer (Nursing)

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Rees, Sharon

Senior Lecturer (Nursing)

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Reese, Christopher

Casual Employment

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Dr Kathy Reeves

Reeves, Kathy

Senior Lecturer (Law and Justice)

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Reich, Suzanne

Associate Professor (Justice Studies)

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Reilly, Bobbi

Casual Employment

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Reinke, Alissa

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Reisenleiter, Naomi

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Remy, Jenni

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Renando, Chad

Research Fellow (Innovation Ecosystems)

— Institute for Resilient Regions, Institute for Resilient Regions

Rendle-James, Mandy

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Dr Gianni Ribeiro

Ribeiro, Gianni

Lecturer (Criminology)

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Richardson, Matthew

Associate Professor (Space Program Director)

— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Richardson, Tony

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Prof Stewart Riddle

Riddle, Stewart

Professor (Curriculum and Pedagogy)

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Rigby, Alice

Casual Employment

— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs

Riley, Emma

Casual Employment

— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Roba, Hirbo Shore

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Roberts, Anita

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Roberts, Lyndell

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Robinson, Brendon

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Robinson, Dave

Lecturer (Curriculum & Pedagogy - Health & Physical Education)

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Robinson, Neil

Research Fellow (Crop Nematology)

— Centre for Crop Health (Research), Centre for Crop Health

Robinson, Rhonda

Casual Employment

— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs

Roche, Lori

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Mrs Geraldine Roderick

Roderick, Geraldine

Lecturer (Clinical Education)

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Rognoni, Bethany

Casual Employment

— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs

Roos, Daniel

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Roper, Alexander

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Dr Pierre Roscher

Roscher, Pierre

Lecturer (Physiotherapy)

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Rose, Aasha

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Rose, Karen

Casual Employment

— Academic Affairs Administration, Academic Affairs

Rose, Penelope

Casual Employment

— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Roussakis, Maria

Lecturer (Medical Laboratory Science)

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Dr Rian Roux

Roux, Rian

Lecturer (Pathways)

— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College

Dr Arlen Rowe

Rowe, Arlen

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Digital Mental Health Engagement)

— Centre for Health Research (Research), Centre for Health Research

Rowlands, Dagmar

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Ruggiero, Stephanie

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Russell, Helen

Lecturer (Contemporary Music)

— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs

Russell, Zoe

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Dr Fiona Russo

Russo, Fiona

Senior Lecturer (Business)

— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Ryan, Glenn

Casual Employment

— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Dr Lisa Ryan

Ryan, Lisa

Lecturer (Curriculum and Pedagogy - Primary Education)

— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Dr Liz Ryan

Ryan, Liz

Senior Lecturer (Nursing)

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Ryan, Madeleine

Casual Employment

— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Ryan, Regina

Casual Employment

— School of Humanities and Communication, Academic Affairs

Ryan, Sally

Casual Employment

— School of Education, Academic Affairs