Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.
Sahabandu, Rashini
Casual Employment
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Sahay, Akshay
Casual Employment
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Sahay, Darshna
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Sahi, Aqeel
Lecturer (Computing)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Saleh, Khalid
Senior Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Salmeron, Raquel
Lecturer (Pathways)
— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College
Salmon, Corinne
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Salmon, Sally
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Salton, Yvonne
Senior Lecturer (Education)
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sands, John
Professor (Accounting)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Sang, Robert
Head of School and Dean (Mathematics, Physics and Computing)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Sangelaji, Bahram
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Sankey, Corin
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Santin, Tony
Lecturer (Paramedicine)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Saratchandra, Minu
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Sarker, Tapan
Professor (Finance)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Sassenberg, Anne-Marie
Senior Lecturer (Marketing)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Savage-Torrens, Yaleela
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Saxton, Kate
Senior Lecturer (Social Work and Human Services)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Schaefer, Isabelle
Casual Employment
— Centre for Health Research (Research), Centre for Health Research
Schaffer, Krystal
Senior Lecturer (Social Work and Human Services)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Schimke, Dayna
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Schmidt, Erik
Casual Employment
— Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Research), Centre for Agricultural Engineering
Scholtes, Mark
Lecturer (Contemporary Music - Songwriting and Production)
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Schoville, Benjamin
Research Fellow (Cultural Asset Modelling)
— Centre for Heritage and Culture (Research), Centre for Heritage and Culture
Schroder, Melanie
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Schroeder, Bernard
Professor (Farming Systems)
— Centre for Agricultural Engineering (Operations), Centre for Agricultural Engineering
Schubel, Peter
Executive Director (Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences)
— iLAuNCH (Operations), iLAuNCH
Scobie, Michael
Lecturer (Ag Technology)
— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs

Scollen, Rebecca
Associate Professor
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Scope, Jordi
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Scott, Riley
Lecturer (Psychology)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Scully, Paul
Lecturer (Counselling)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Seligmann, Hannah
Lecturer (Municipal Services and Public Works Engineering)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Sellars, Gregory
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sellars, Kerrie
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sellwood, Daphne
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Seneviratne, Dinuki
Casual Employment
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Seo, Lenny
Casual Employment
— Academic Registrar's Office, Academic Registrar
Serisier, Michelle
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Seward, Rebecca
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sewram, Allka
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Seymour, Stephen
Coordinator (Designated Cohorts)
— Support for Learning, Students Portfolio
Shaddock, Lachlan
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Shafique, Kamran
Lecturer (Project Management)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Shah, Dhairy
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Shah, Nancy
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Shammi, Sayma
Research Fellow (Agricultural Technology)
— Institute for Resilient Regions (Research), Institute for Resilient Regions
Shams Bidhendi, Saba
Casual Employment
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Shams, Syed
Associate Professor (Accounting and Finance)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Sharifian-Barforoush, Ahmad
Senior Lecturer (Mechanical Engineering)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Sharma, Ashwini
Casual Employment
— Academic Affairs Administration, Academic Affairs

Sharma, Ekta
Lecturer (Mathematics)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Sharma, Radhika
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Sharma, Sita
Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Sharpe, Susan
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sheedy, Jason
Research Fellow (Crop Nematology)
— Centre for Crop Health (Research), Centre for Crop Health

Shelley, Tristan
Senior Research Fellow (Advanced Composites Manufacturing and Sustainable Industry Design)
— Centre for Future Materials (Operations), Centre for Future Materials
Shen, Mingkan
Research Fellow (Brain Signal Processing and Analysis)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs
Sheppard, Emma
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sheridan, Georgina
Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Sherwood, Celeste
Lecturer (Pathways)
— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College

Shiau, Jim
Associate Professor (Geotechnical Engineering)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Shobeiri Nejad, Hamid
Lecturer (Statistics)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Shooter, Gary
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs

Shrestha, Anup
Senior Lecturer (Information Systems)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Siddhpura, Jay Dhiraj
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Silver, Michele
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Simmons, Shane
Senior Lecturer (Surveying)
— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs
Sims, Rebecca
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Singh, Aman
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Singh, Niharika
Lecturer (Pathways)
— UniSQ College (Pathways), UniSQ College
Singh-Peterson, Lila
Senior Lecturer (Climate Science)
— School of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Academic Affairs

Skinner, Jazmine
Lecturer (Animal Science)
— Centre for Agricultural Engineering, Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences
Slaughter, Geoff
Dean (Academic)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Slottje, Elizabeth
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Smart, Sally
Clinic Manager (Interprofessional Education Clinic)
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Smith, Christopher
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Smith, Craig
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Smith, Jessica
Lecturer (Surveying)
— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs
Smith, Kirstie
Lecturer (First Nations and Law)
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Smith, Lauren
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Smith, Peta
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Smith, Suzanne
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Smith, Tavia
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Soar, Jeffrey
Professor and Chair in Human-Centred Technology
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Somarathna (Student), Yashoda
— Academic Registrar's Office, Academic Registrar

Somasundaraswaran, Soma
Senior Lecturer (Transport Engineering)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Son, Jeong-Bae
Professor (Applied Linguistics and TESOL)
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Song, Bo
Lecturer (Industrial Automation)
— School of Engineering, Academic Affairs

Song, Pingan
Professor (High Performance Polymers)
— Centre for Future Materials, Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences
Sotiropoulos, Alexandros Georgios
Research Fellow (Bioinformatics)
— Centre for Crop Health (Research), Centre for Crop Health

Southern, Jo
Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs

Southey, Kim
Senior Lecturer (Management)
— School of Business, Academic Affairs
Souvan, Gregory
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sparkes, Daryl
Senior Lecturer (Media Studies and Production)
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Spina, Jess
Casual Employment
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Spurrier, Stephen
Associate Lecturer (Printmaking)
— School of Creative Arts, Academic Affairs
Squire, Isaac
Casual Employment
— School of Surveying and Built Environment, Academic Affairs
Stafford, Daniel
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Stains, Pamela
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Starowicz, Ernest
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
Stedman, Teresa
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Steggall, David
Lecturer (Social Work and Human Services)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Stepanyants, Yury
Professor (Mathematics)
— School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, Academic Affairs
Stern, Linda
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs

Stewart, Kim
Lecturer (Social Work and Human Services)
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs
Stimson, Alisa
Casual Employment
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Stirling, Ashlee
Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Stockwell, Michael
IAS Tutor
— College for First Nations, Provost's Portfolios
Stodulka, Thomas
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Stokes, Shelley
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Stolic, Snezana
Senior Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Stone, Jessica
Casual Employment
— Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, Academic Affairs

Stratton-Maher, Dianne
Senior Lecturer (Nursing)
— School of Nursing and Midwifery, Academic Affairs
Stuart, Kara
Casual Employment
— School of Health and Medical Sciences, Academic Affairs
SueSee, Brendan
Senior Lecturer (Health and Physical Education)
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sullivan, Niamh
Casual Employment
— School of Psychology and Wellbeing, Academic Affairs

Sulway, Nike
Senior Lecturer (Creative Writing)
— School of Humanities and Communication, Academic Affairs
Summers, Kim
Casual Employment
— School of Education, Academic Affairs
Sun, Lili
Casual Employment
— School of Business, Academic Affairs

Sundra-Karean, Vanitha
Senior Lecturer (Law)
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Swann, Phillip
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
— Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences (Research), Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences
Sylvester, Lisa
Casual Employment
— School of Law and Justice, Academic Affairs
Sytsma, Joni
Chief Technology Officer
— iLAuNCH (Research), iLAuNCH