49. Mathematical Sciences

Title49. Mathematical Sciences
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Shrinkage estimation of the slope parameters of two parallel regression lines under uncertain prior information
Khan, Shahjahan. 2006. "Shrinkage estimation of the slope parameters of two parallel regression lines under uncertain prior information." Model Assisted Statistics and Applications: an international journal. 1 (3), pp. 193-205.


An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming
Shi, Chenggen, Lu, Jie, Zhang, Guangquan and Zhou, Hong. 2006. "An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming." Applied Mathematics and Computation. 180 (2), pp. 529-537.


Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2005
Stacey, Andrew, Blyth, Bill, Shepherd, John and Roberts, A. J. (ed.) 2006. Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2005. Australia. Australian Mathematical Society.

Edited book

Mechanical properties of vinyl ester composites cured by microwave irradiation: pilot study
Ku, H., Trada, M. and Puttgunta, V. C.. 2007. "Mechanical properties of vinyl ester composites cured by microwave irradiation: pilot study." Key Engineering Materials. 334-33, pp. 537-540. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.334-335.537


Create accurate numerical models of complex spatio-temporal dynamical systems with holistic discretisation
MacKenzie, Tony. 2005. Create accurate numerical models of complex spatio-temporal dynamical systems with holistic discretisation. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Improved estimation for linear models under different loss functions
Hoque, Zahirul. 2004. Improved estimation for linear models under different loss functions. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The application of the real-time multivariate Madden-Julian Oscillation Index to intraseasonal rainfall forecasting in the mid-latitudes
Donald, Alexis. 2004. The application of the real-time multivariate Madden-Julian Oscillation Index to intraseasonal rainfall forecasting in the mid-latitudes. Masters Thesis Master of Science. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Examining the utility of a clustering method for analysing psychological test data
Dawes, Sharron Elizabeth. 2004. Examining the utility of a clustering method for analysing psychological test data. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Computer algebra derives discretisations of the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation
Roberts, A. J.. 2006. Computer algebra derives discretisations of the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

The style files: favour the present tense
Roberts, Tony. 2006. "The style files: favour the present tense." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 33 (5), pp. 313-314.


The style files: explicitly avoid false conditionals
Roberts, Tony. 2006. "The style files: explicitly avoid false conditionals." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 33 (4), pp. 241-242.


The style files: inform with titles, abstracts and introductions
Roberts, Tony. 2006. "The style files: inform with titles, abstracts and introductions." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 33 (3), pp. 169-170.


The style files: clarify this
Roberts, Tony. 2006. "The style files: clarify this." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 33 (2), pp. 104-105.


The style files: prefer active writing to passive
Roberts, Tony. 2006. "The style files: prefer active writing to passive." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 33 (1), pp. 22-23.


Computer algebra resolves a multitude of microscale interactions to model stochastic partial differential equations
Roberts, A. J.. 2005. Computer algebra resolves a multitude of microscale interactions to model stochastic partial differential equations. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Resolving the multitude of microscale interactions accurately models stochastic partial differential equations
Roberts, A. J.. 2006. "Resolving the multitude of microscale interactions accurately models stochastic partial differential equations." LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 9, pp. 193-221. https://doi.org/10.1112/S146115700000125X


Estimation of the parameters of two parallel regression lines under uncertain prior information
Khan, Shahjahan. 2003. "Estimation of the parameters of two parallel regression lines under uncertain prior information." Biometrical Journal: journal of mathematical methods in biosciences. 45 (1), pp. 73-90. https://doi.org/10.1002/bimj.200290017


The role of the shape parameter in the estimation of the mean vector in multivariate Student-t population
Khan, Shahjahan. 2004. "The role of the shape parameter in the estimation of the mean vector in multivariate Student-t population." International Journal of Statistical Sciences. 3 (Special issue), pp. 69-89.


Improved estimation of the mean vector for Student-t model.
Khan, Shahjahan. 2000. "Improved estimation of the mean vector for Student-t model." Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 29 (3), pp. 507-527.


Distribution of sum of squares and products matrices for the generalized multilinear matrix-T model
Khan, Shahjahan. 2002. "Distribution of sum of squares and products matrices for the generalized multilinear matrix-T model." Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 83, pp. 124-140. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmva.2001.2040


Distribution of future location vector and residual sum of squares for multivariate location-scale model with spherically contoured errors
Khan, Shahjahan and Kabir, Md Enamul. 2006. "Distribution of future location vector and residual sum of squares for multivariate location-scale model with spherically contoured errors." Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications. 5 (2), pp. 91-104.


Predictive distribution of regression vector and residual sum of squares for normal multiple regression model
Khan, Shahjahan. 2004. "Predictive distribution of regression vector and residual sum of squares for normal multiple regression model." Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 33 (10), pp. 2423-2443. https://doi.org/10.1081/STA-200031471


An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates
Roberts, A. J. and Li, Zhenquan. 2006. "An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates." Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 553 (1), pp. 33-73. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022112006008640


Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to holistically discretise the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation
Roberts, A. J.. 2006. Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to holistically discretise the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling
Roberts, A. J. and Kevrekidis, I. G.. 2006. General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Attractors and centre manifolds in nonlinear diffusion
Strunin, Dmitry V.. 2005. "Attractors and centre manifolds in nonlinear diffusion." 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations & The First East Asian SIAM Symposium. Hong Kong, China 12 - 16 Dec 2005 Hong Kong.


Power-variance models for modelling rainfall
Dunn, Peter K. and White, Neil. 2005. "Power-variance models for modelling rainfall." Francis, A. R., Matawie, K. M., Oshlack, A. and Smyth, Gordon K. (ed.) 20th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Sydney, Australia 10 - 15 Jul 2005


Exit chart analysis of parallel data convolutional codes
Xiang, Wei, Pietrobon, Steven S. and Leis, John. 2005. "Exit chart analysis of parallel data convolutional codes." Ohta, Naohisa (ed.) 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2005). Hong Kong, China 13 - 16 Dec 2005 Hong Kong.


Assessing schematic knowledge of introductory probability theory
Birney, Damian P., Fogarty, Gerard J. and Plank, Ashley. 2005. "Assessing schematic knowledge of introductory probability theory." Instructional Science. 33 (4), pp. 341-366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-005-3198-7


Innovative and technology based methods of teaching statistics concepts
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2005. "Innovative and technology based methods of teaching statistics concepts." Rogerson, Alan (ed.) 8th International Conference of the Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project: Reform, Revolution and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education. Johor Bahru, Malaysia 25 Nov - 01 Dec 2005 University of Teknologi, Malaysia.


We can still learn about probability by rolling dice and tossing coins
Dunn, Peter K.. 2005. "We can still learn about probability by rolling dice and tossing coins." Teaching Statistics. 27 (2), pp. 37-41. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9639.2005.00205.x


Nonlinear analysis of rubber-based polymeric materials with thermal relaxation models
Melnik, R. V. N., Strunin, D. V. and Roberts, A. J.. 2005. "Nonlinear analysis of rubber-based polymeric materials with thermal relaxation models." Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications. 47 (6), pp. 549-569. https://doi.org/10.1080/10407780590891236


Higher order accuracy in the gap-tooth scheme for large-scale dynamics using microscopic simulators
Roberts, A. J. and Kevrekidis, I. G.. 2005. "Higher order accuracy in the gap-tooth scheme for large-scale dynamics using microscopic simulators." May, Rob and Roberts, A, J. (ed.) CTAC 2004: 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference. Melbourne, Australia Sep 2004 Cambridge, United Kingdom .


Stability of non-Boussinesq convection via the complex Ginzburg-Landau model
Suslov, Sergey A. and Paolucci, Samuel. 2004. "Stability of non-Boussinesq convection via the complex Ginzburg-Landau model." Fluid Dynamics Research. 35 (3), pp. 159-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluiddyn.2004.06.002


Z-pin bridging in composite laminates and some related problems
Liu, Hong-Yuan, Yan, Wenyi and Mai, Yiu-Wing. 2006. "Z-pin bridging in composite laminates and some related problems." Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 3 (1), pp. 11-19.


The stability of inclined plate anchors in purely cohesive soil
Merifield, Richard S., Sloan, Scott W. and Lyamin, Andrei V.. 2003. The stability of inclined plate anchors in purely cohesive soil. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Technical report

Predicting the off-site deposition of spray drift from horticultural spraying through porous barriers on soil and plant surfaces
Mercer, Geoff and Roberts, Tony. 2005. "Predicting the off-site deposition of spray drift from horticultural spraying through porous barriers on soil and plant surfaces." Wake, Graeme (ed.) MISG 2005: 22nd Mathematics-In-Industry Study Group. Auckland, New Zealand 24 - 28 Jan 2005 Auckland, New Zealand.


Numerical study on the mode I delamination toughness of z-pinned laminates
Yan, Wenyi, Liu, Hong-Yuan and Mai, Yiu-Wing. 2003. "Numerical study on the mode I delamination toughness of z-pinned laminates." Composites Science and Technology. 63 (10), pp. 1481-1493. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0266-3538(03)00167-2


Experimental study on z-pin bridging law by pullout test
Dai, Shao-Cong, Yan, Wenyi, Liu, Hong-Yuan and Mai, Yiu-Wing. 2004. "Experimental study on z-pin bridging law by pullout test." Composites Science and Technology. 64 (16), pp. 2451-2457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2004.04.005


Theoretical modelling of the effect of plasticity on reverse transformation in superelastic shape memory alloys
Yan, Wenyi, Wang, Chun Hui, Zhang, Xin Ping and Mai, Yiu-Wing. 2003. "Theoretical modelling of the effect of plasticity on reverse transformation in superelastic shape memory alloys." Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 354 (1-2), pp. 146-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-5093(02)00941-3
