3108. Plant biology

Title3108. Plant biology
Parent31. Biological Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Histopathological assessment of Fusarium pseudograminearum colonization of cereal culms during crown rot infections
Knight, Noel L. and Sutherland, Mark W.. 2016. "Histopathological assessment of Fusarium pseudograminearum colonization of cereal culms during crown rot infections." Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 100 (2), pp. 252-259. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-15-0476-RE


Culm discolouration as an indicator of Fusarium pseudograminearum biomass
Knight, Noel L. and Sutherland, Mark W.. 2015. "Culm discolouration as an indicator of Fusarium pseudograminearum biomass." Australasian Plant Pathology. 44 (3), pp. 319-326. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-015-0351-x


Comparison of the penetration of primary and lateral roots of pea and different tree seedlings growing in hard soils
Azam, Gausul, Grant, Cameron D., Murray, Robert S., Nuberg, Ian K. and Misra, Rabindra K.. 2014. "Comparison of the penetration of primary and lateral roots of pea and different tree seedlings growing in hard soils." Soil Research. 52 (1), pp. 87-96. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR13201


Wheat biomass and yield increased when populations of the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) were reduced through sequential rotation of partially resistant winter and summer crops
Owen, K. J., Clewett, T. G., Bell, K. L. and Thompson, J. P.. 2014. "Wheat biomass and yield increased when populations of the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) were reduced through sequential rotation of partially resistant winter and summer crops." Crop and Pasture Science. 65 (3), pp. 227-241. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP13295


Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition
Myers, Samuel S., Zanobetti, Antonella, Kloog, Itai, Huybers, Peter, Leakey, Andrew D. B., Bloom, Arnold, Carlisle, Eli, Dietterich, Lee H., Fitzgerald, Glenn, Hasegawa, Toshihiro, Holbrook, N. Michele, Nelson, Randall L., Ottman, Michael J., Raboy, Victor, Sakai, Hidemitsu, Sartor, Karla A., Schwartz, Joel, Seneweera, Saman, Tausz, Michael and Usui, Yasuhiro. 2014. "Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition." Nature. 510 (7503), pp. 139-142. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13179


Regeneration failure threatens persistence of Persoonia elliptica (Proteaceae) in Western Australian jarrah forests
Nield, Andrew P., Monaco, Sophie, Birnbaum, Christina and Enright, Neal J.. 2015. "Regeneration failure threatens persistence of Persoonia elliptica (Proteaceae) in Western Australian jarrah forests ." Plant Ecology. 216 (2), pp. 189-198. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-014-0427-7


Does a freely tillering wheat cultivar benefit more from elevated CO2 than a restricted tillering cultivar in a water-limited environment?
Tausz-Posch, Sabine, Dempsey, Raymond W., Seneweera, Saman, Norton, Robert M., Fitzgerald, Glenn and Tausz, Michael. 2015. "Does a freely tillering wheat cultivar benefit more from elevated CO2 than a restricted tillering cultivar in a water-limited environment?" European Journal of Agronomy. 64, pp. 21-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2014.12.009


Inter-relationships between Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates involved in spot blotch, common root rot and black point in winter cereals
Horne, Maree. 2015. Inter-relationships between Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates involved in spot blotch, common root rot and black point in winter cereals. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Resistance to root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) in synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum and Aegilops tauschii parents
Thompson, J. P.. 2008. "Resistance to root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) in synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum and Aegilops tauschii parents." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 59 (5), pp. 432-446. https://doi.org/10.1071/AR07222


Effects on grape and wine quality of bunch thinning of Merlot under Queensland conditions. Final report
Kennedy, Ursula, Learmonth, Robert and Hassall, Tony. 2009. Effects on grape and wine quality of bunch thinning of Merlot under Queensland conditions. Final report. Adelaide, Australia. Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation.

Project report

Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during canopy wetting and drying
Uddin, Jasim, Smith, Rod, Hancock, Nigel and Foley, Joseph. 2014. "Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during canopy wetting and drying." Journal of Agricultural Studies. 2 (2), pp. 105-119. https://doi.org/10.5296/jas.v2i2.6134


Intraspecific variation in growth and yield response to elevated CO2 in wheat depends on the differences of leaf mass per unit area
Thilakarathne, Chamindathee L., Tausz-Posch, Sabine, Cane, Karen, Norton, Robert M., Tausz, Michael and Seneweera, Saman. 2013. "Intraspecific variation in growth and yield response to elevated CO2 in wheat depends on the differences of leaf mass per unit area ." Functional Plant Biology: an international journal of plant function. 40 (2), pp. 185-194. https://doi.org/10.1071/FP12057


Field studies on the value of organomineral fertilisers as amendments for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L)
Antille, D. L., Sakrabani, R. and Godwin, R. J.. 2013. "Field studies on the value of organomineral fertilisers as amendments for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) ." American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting (ASABE 2013). Kansas City, United States 21 - 24 Jul 2013 St. Joseph, MI. United States. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.20131620220


QTL mapping of multiple foliar disease and root-lesion nematode resistances in wheat
Zwart, R. S., Thompson, J. P., Milgate, A. W., Bansal, U. K., Williamson, P. M., Raman, H. and Bariana, H. S.. 2010. "QTL mapping of multiple foliar disease and root-lesion nematode resistances in wheat." Molecular Breeding: new strategies in plant improvement. 26 (1), pp. 107-124. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-009-9381-9


Effects of biosolids-derived organomineral fertilizers, urea, and biosolids granules on crop and soil established with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Antille, Diogenes L., Sakrabani, Ruben and Godwin, Richard J.. 2014. "Effects of biosolids-derived organomineral fertilizers, urea, and biosolids granules on crop and soil established with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) ." Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 45 (12), pp. 1605-1621. https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2013.875205


Trichothecene profiling and population genetic analysis of Gibberella zeae from barley in North Dakota and Minnesota
Burlakoti, Rishi R., Neate, Stephen M., Adhikari, Tika B., Gyawali, Sanjaya, Salas, Bacilio, Steffenson, Brian J. and Schwarz, Paul B.. 2011. "Trichothecene profiling and population genetic analysis of Gibberella zeae from barley in North Dakota and Minnesota ." Phytopathology: International Journal of the American Phytopathological Society. 101 (6), pp. 687-695. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-04-10-0101


Effect of fertilization on forage yield and quality, nutrients uptake and soil properties in the more intensive cropping system
Li, Wen Xi, Lu, Jian Wei, Seneweera, Saman P., Chen, Fang, Lu, Jun Ming and Li, Xiao Kun. 2010. "Effect of fertilization on forage yield and quality, nutrients uptake and soil properties in the more intensive cropping system ." Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 8 (2), pp. 427-434.


Effects of elevated CO2 on plant growth and nutrient partitioning of rice (Oryza sativa L.) at rapid tillering and physiological maturity
Seneweera, Saman. 2011. "Effects of elevated CO2 on plant growth and nutrient partitioning of rice (Oryza sativa L.) at rapid tillering and physiological maturity ." Journal of Plant Interactions. 6 (1), pp. 35-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2010.513483


New insight into photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2: the role of leaf nitrogen and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase content in rice leaves
Seneweera, Saman, Makino, Amane, Hirotsu, Naoki, Norton, Robert and Suzuki, Yuji. 2011. "New insight into photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2: the role of leaf nitrogen and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase content in rice leaves ." Environmental and Experimental Botany. 71 (2), pp. 128-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.11.002


Improving yield potential in crops under elevated CO2: integrating the photosynthetic and nitrogen utilization efficiencies
Kant, Surya, Seneweera, Saman, Rodin, Joakim, Materne, Michael, Burch, David, Rothstein, Steven J. and Spangenberg, German. 2012. "Improving yield potential in crops under elevated CO2: integrating the photosynthetic and nitrogen utilization efficiencies ." Frontiers in Plant Science. 3, pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2012.00162


Understanding crop physiology to select breeding targets and improve crop management under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Tausz, Michael, Tausz-Posch, Sabine, Norton, Robert M., Fitzgerald, Glenn J., Nicolas, Marc E. and Seneweera, Saman. 2013. "Understanding crop physiology to select breeding targets and improve crop management under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations ." Environmental and Experimental Botany. 88, pp. 71-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2011.12.005


The effect of elevated CO2 on photochemistry and antioxidative defence capacity in wheat depends on environmental growing conditions: a FACE study
Tausz-Posch, Sabine, Borowiak, Klaudia, Dempsey, Raymond W., Norton, Robert M., Seneweera, Saman, Fitzgerald, Glenn J. and Tausz, Michael. 2013. "The effect of elevated CO2 on photochemistry and antioxidative defence capacity in wheat depends on environmental growing conditions: a FACE study." Environmental and Experimental Botany. 88, pp. 81-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2011.12.002


Intra-specific variation of wheat grain quality in response to elevated [CO2] at two sowing times under rain-fed and irrigation treatments
Fernando, Nimesha, Panozzo, Joe, Tausz, Michael, Norton, Robert M., Fitzgerald, Glenn J., Myers, Samuel, Nicolas, Marc E. and Seneweera, Saman. 2014. "Intra-specific variation of wheat grain quality in response to elevated [CO2] at two sowing times under rain-fed and irrigation treatments." Journal of Cereal Science. 59 (2), pp. 137-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2013.12.002


Elevated CO2 alters grain quality of two bread wheat cultivars grown under different environmental conditions
Fernando, Nimesha, Panozzo, Joe, Tausz, Michael, Norton, Robert M., Neumann, Nathan, Fitzgerald, Glenn J. and Seneweera, Saman. 2014. "Elevated CO2 alters grain quality of two bread wheat cultivars grown under different environmental conditions." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 185, pp. 24-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2013.11.023


Fusarium thapsinum is the dominant species associated with sorghum stalk rot in Queensland and northern New South Wales
Kelly, L., Tan, Y. P., Ryley, M. and Aitken, E.. 2011. "Fusarium thapsinum is the dominant species associated with sorghum stalk rot in Queensland and northern New South Wales." Tran-Nguyen, Lucy (ed.) 4th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology and the 18th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference (ACPP/APPS 2011): New Frontiers in Plant Pathology for Asia and Oceania. Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Apr 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.


Management of the major foliar diseases of mungbeans and peanuts in Australia
Ryley, M. J. and Tatnell, J. R.. 2011. "Management of the major foliar diseases of mungbeans and peanuts in Australia." Tran-Nguyen, Lucy (ed.) 4th Asian Conference on Plant Pathology and the 18th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference (ACPP/APPS 2011): New Frontiers in Plant Pathology for Asia and Oceania. Darwin, Australia 26 - 29 Apr 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.


Crop rotation for the management of root-lesion nematodes in the northern grain region of Australia
Owen, K., Clewett, T. and Thompson, J.. 2008. "Crop rotation for the management of root-lesion nematodes in the northern grain region of Australia." Hodda, Mike (ed.) 5th International Congress of Nematology (5ICN 2008): Nematodes Down Under. Brisbane, Australia 13 - 18 Jul 2008 Canberra, Australia.


Survey for root-lesion and stunt nematodes in the northern Australian grain region
Thompson, J. P., Clewett, T. G., Reen, R. A., Sheedy, J. G. and O'Reilly, M. M.. 2008. "Survey for root-lesion and stunt nematodes in the northern Australian grain region." Hodda, Mike (ed.) 5th International Congress of Nematology (5ICN 2008): Nematodes Down Under. Brisbane, Australia 13 - 18 Jul 2008 Canberra, Australia.


Distribution, virulence and genetic management of root lesion nematodes in the Pacific Northwest USA
Sheedy, J. G., Smiley, R. W., Thompson, A. L., Easley, S. A. and Yan, G.. 2008. "Distribution, virulence and genetic management of root lesion nematodes in the Pacific Northwest USA." Hodda, Mike (ed.) 5th International Congress of Nematology (5ICN 2008): Nematodes Down Under. Brisbane, Australia 13 - 18 Jul 2008 Canberra, Australia.


Sorghum ergot can develop without local Claviceps africana inoculum from nearby infected plants
Chakraborty, S. and Ryley, M. J.. 2008. "Sorghum ergot can develop without local Claviceps africana inoculum from nearby infected plants." Plant Pathology. 57 (3), pp. 484-492. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.01832.x


Reduced fungicide use on a new Australian peanut cultivar, highly resistant to the late leaf spot and rust pathogens
Kelly, Lisa A., Ryley, Malcolm J., Trevorrow, Peter R., Tatnell, Jeffrey R., Nastasi, Charles and Chauhan, Yash. 2012. "Reduced fungicide use on a new Australian peanut cultivar, highly resistant to the late leaf spot and rust pathogens." Australasian Plant Pathology. 41 (4), pp. 359-373. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-012-0132-8


Detecting brown patch and dollar spot development on Kentucky bluegrass by spectrometer sensing and tissue nitrate-N monitoring
Li, Deying, Smith, Ronald, Kinzer, Kasia and Neate, Stephen. 2008. "Detecting brown patch and dollar spot development on Kentucky bluegrass by spectrometer sensing and tissue nitrate-N monitoring ." Stier, J. C., Han, L. and Li, D. (ed.) 2nd International Conference on Turfgrass Science and Management for Sports Fields (ISHS 2007). Beijing, China 24 - 29 Jun 2007 Leuven, Belgium.


A novel QTL for Septoria speckled leaf blotch resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accession PI 643302 by whole-genome QTL mapping
Yu, G. T., Franckowiak, J. D., Lee, S. H., Horsley, R. D. and Neate, S. M.. 2010. "A novel QTL for Septoria speckled leaf blotch resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accession PI 643302 by whole-genome QTL mapping." Genome. 53 (8), pp. 630-636. https://doi.org/10.1139/G10-032


A native QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance in North American barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) independent of height, maturity, and spike type loci
Yu, G. T., Franckowiak, J. D., Neate, S. M., Zhang, B. and Horsley, R. D.. 2010. "A native QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance in North American barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) independent of height, maturity, and spike type loci." Genome. 53 (2), pp. 111-118. https://doi.org/10.1139/G09-091


Genetic structure of Cochliobolus sativus populations sampled from roots and leaves of barley and wheat in North Dakota
Gyawali, Sanjaya, Neate, Stephen M., Adhikari, Tika B., Puri, Krishna D., Burlakoti, Rishi R. and Zhong, Shaobin. 2012. "Genetic structure of Cochliobolus sativus populations sampled from roots and leaves of barley and wheat in North Dakota." Journal of Phytopathology. 160 (11-12), pp. 637-646. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0434.2012.01956.x


Development of weather-based predictive models for Fusarium head blight and Deoxynivalenol accumulation for spring malting barley
Bondalapati, K. D., Stein, J. .M, Neate, S. M., Halley, S. H., Osborne, L. E. and Hollingsworth, C. R.. 2012. "Development of weather-based predictive models for Fusarium head blight and Deoxynivalenol accumulation for spring malting barley." Plant Disease: an international journal of applied plant pathology. 96 (5), pp. 673-680. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-11-0389


Fungal community structure in disease suppressive soils assessed by 28S LSU gene sequencing
Penton, C. Ryan, Gupta, V. V. S. R., Tiedje, James M., Neate, Stephen M., Ophel-Keller, Kathy, Gillings, Michael, Harvey, Paul, Pham, Amanda and Roget, David K.. 2014. "Fungal community structure in disease suppressive soils assessed by 28S LSU gene sequencing." PLoS One. 9 (4), pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0093893


Early harvest and ensilage of forage sorghum infected with ergot (Claviceps africana) reduces the risk of livestock poisoning
Blaney, B. J., Ryley, M. J. and Boucher, B. D.. 2010. "Early harvest and ensilage of forage sorghum infected with ergot (Claviceps africana) reduces the risk of livestock poisoning." Australian Veterinary Journal. 88 (8), pp. 311-312. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-0813.2010.00590.x


First report of the smut fungus Ustanciosporium appendiculatum in Australia
Shivas, R. G., McTaggart, A. R., Ryley, M. J., Scharaschkin, T. and Gambley, C. F.. 2010. "First report of the smut fungus Ustanciosporium appendiculatum in Australia." Australasian Plant Disease Notes. 5 (1), pp. 17-18. https://doi.org/10.1071/DN10007


Peronosclerospora australiensis sp. nov. and Peronosclerospora sargae sp. nov., two newly recognised downy mildews in northern Australia, and their biosecurity implications
Shivas, R. G., Ryley, M. J ., Telle, S., Liberato, J. R. and Thines, M.. 2012. "Peronosclerospora australiensis sp. nov. and Peronosclerospora sargae sp. nov., two newly recognised downy mildews in northern Australia, and their biosecurity implications." Australasian Plant Pathology. 41 (2), pp. 125-130. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13313-011-0097-z
